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12/24/22, 7:08 PM Succession Planning: What is a 9-box grid?

Succession Planning: What is a 9-box

The 9-box grid is an individual assessment tool that evaluates an employee's current and potential level of contribution to the
organization. The vertical columns of the grid indicate growth potential, and the horizontal rows identify whether the employee is
currently below, meeting or exceeding performance expectations. The intersection of the two determines the employee's current
standing and where development may be needed.

The 9-box grid is most commonly used in succession planning as a method of evaluating an organization's current talent and
identifying potential leaders. When leadership performance and potential are assessed and plotted on the graph, individuals in the
upper right quadrant (Box 1) are identified as high-potential candidates for succession, while those in the lower left quadrant (Box 9)
may need to be reassigned or removed from the organization.

The boxes on the grid indicate where investment needs to be made to develop future leaders. Those people in box 1 should be ready
for top leadership within 6 months to a year; those in boxes 2, 3, or 6 have a longer timeline but can be groomed for eventual
movement to box 1.

A sample 9-box grid might look something like this:

​Under Performance ​Effective Performance ​Outstanding Performance

High Potential Box 5: Box 2: Box 1:

Seasoned professional Does extremely well at current Consistently performs well in a
capable of expanded role, but
job with potential to do variety of assignments; superstar
may be experiencing
problems that require more; give stretch assignments employee. Big picture thinker;
coaching and mentoring.
to help prepare for next level. problem solver; self motivated.

Medium Potential Box 8: Box 6: Box 3:

With coaching, could May be considered for job Current role may still provide
progress within level; focus enlargement at the same level, opportunity for
on stretch goals for this but may need coaching in growth/development; focused on
employee. several areas, including people tactical; focus should be on
management. helping improve strategic
thinking. 1/2
12/24/22, 7:08 PM Succession Planning: What is a 9-box grid?

​Under Performance ​Effective Performance ​Outstanding Performance

​Low Potential Box 9: Box 7: Box 4:

May be a candidate for Effective performer, but may Experienced high performer but
reassignment, reclassification have reached career potential; has reached limit of career
to a lower level or to exit the try to coach employee on potential. Still a valuable
organization. becoming more innovative, employee and can be
focus on lateral thinking. encouraged to develop
communications and delegation

The remaining boxes can be used to identify when coaching or a change in job or responsibilities may be needed. It may not be
valuable to the organization to spend time and effort attempting to salvage an individual with low potential and poor performance;
however, an individual with low potential but effective performance may need to be engaged or motivated in his or her current job.

When used correctly, the 9-box grid can be both a versatile and a valuable tool for an organization, but HR professionals are advised
to become thoroughly familiar it before attempting to use it. Like any tool, it can be damaging to the organization if used incorrectly.



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