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Krizzia Mariel A.


Insight Paper: The First and Second Language Acquisition

Language acquisition is a fascinating process that individuals undergo to learn and use language.
It can occur in two distinct ways: second language acquisition (SLA) and first language acquisition
(FLA). While FLA is the natural process of acquiring one's native language, SLA involves learning
a second or additional language. In this insight paper, we will explore the main differences,
similarities, and factors influencing both SLA and FLA processes.

FLA or First Language Acquisition refers to the process by which children learn their native
language. It begins at birth, where infants gradually develop the ability to comprehend and
produce language. FLA occurs naturally, without formal instruction, as children are exposed to
language in their environment. They acquire language through interactions with caregivers,
observing and imitating language patterns, and through exposure to meaningful contexts.
One of the key factors that the language acquisition influence is Innate Language Acquisition
Device (LAD): According to the Linguistic Relativity Theory, humans have an innate capacity for
language acquisition, known as the LAD. It suggests that children possess an inherent ability to
acquire language effortlessly.
Second Language Acquisition or SLA, on the other hand, refers to the process of learning a non-
native language. It occurs when individuals acquire a second language beyond their native
language. SLA can happen through formal education, immersion programs, or living in a foreign

Both SLA and FLA are complex processes influenced by various internal and external factors.
While FLA occurs naturally during childhood, SLA often requires intentional efforts in a structured
learning environment. Understanding the distinctions and similarities between these processes
can help educators and learners develop effective strategies and approaches to language

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