Sop - NCR

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This procedure ensures that all non‐conformances are identified and recorded, and that the
appropriate corrective action is taken to rectify all identified non‐conformances, preventing their
reoccurrence in the future

2. Scope
This procedure covers the detection of non-conforming products within procurement operations and
taking the necessary corrective or preventive action to avoid unintended use or delivery.

4. References
4.1 Non-conformance report form
4.2 Non-conformance report summary list

5. Responsibilities
5.1.1 All members of staff are responsible for notifying the Procurement Executive of any identified
5.1.2 The Procurement Executive is responsible for the completion of Non‐Conformance Reports
and for determining and implementing corrective action
5.1.3 Once the corrective action has been completed the Procurement Executive is to undertake a
verification check to ensure that corrective action has been effective.

6. Procedure
6.1 Detection of Non Conformity
6.1.1 Non-conforming products are detected through any of the following activities:-
i) Protocol and manuscript review.
ii) Inspection and testing.
iii) Customer feedback and complaints handling.
iv) Quality audits.
v) Procurement process.
vi) Service delivery.
6.1.2 Identify/label and quarantine the non-conforming products.
6.1.3 Non-conforming outputs shall deal with one or more of the following ways:
i) Correction
ii) Segregation, containment, return or suspension of provision of products and services;
iii) Informing the customer;
iv) Obtaining authorization for acceptance under concession
6.1.4 All identified non‐conformances are to be reported to the Procurement Executive
6.1.5 All identified non‐conformances are to be recorded on a Non‐Conformance Report Form
(refer attached).
6.1.6 The source or cause of the non‐conformance is be identified, allowing for the
development of appropriate and effective corrective action
6.1.7 Corrective action is to be documented, together with an agreed timeframe for implementation.
6.1.8 A review of the effectiveness of the corrective action will be undertaken by the Procurement
6.1.9 The relevant process owner shall review and investigate the non-conformance.

6.1.10 If the non‐conformance persists after the implementation of corrective action alternative
solutions are to be examined until the closure of the non‐conformance can be successfully
6.1.11 On the successful closure of the non‐conformance, the Non‐Conformance Report will be signed
off by the Procurement Executive.
6.1.12 Reoccurring non‐conformances, significant deviations from legislation, procedures or
environmental policy or non‐conformances that pose an environmental risk will be reported to
senior management for further investigation

NOTE 1: All non-conformances shall be closed out without undue delay.

Title Name Date Reviewed

Title Name Date Approved


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