Houle George Liam Zambia

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Peace Corps Description of Service

Name: George Liam Houle Country of Service: Zambia (September 2019 – March 2020)

After a competitive application process stressing the applicant’s skills, adaptability and
willingness to immerse himself in another culture and language, cross-cultural sensitivity and the
desire to serve in underprivileged communities, Mr. George Liam Houle began his Peace Corps
training on August 20, 2019. He then completed the 11-week training program in a rural
community outside of the capital city. During this time, Liam met each day with his fellow
trainees to participate in formal training session and informal activities conducted in the
community. As part of the training, he lived with a host family, designed to give his first-hand
experience with Zambian culture and family life and to immerse his among speakers of the
language most dominant in his eventual site for two years.

During the Pre-Service Training period, the following was accomplished:

Technical Training: In preparation for his primary assignment of teaching English as a foreign
language, Liam participated in a technical training program that included 137.15 hours of
pedagogic instruction addressing teaching methodology, learning styles, and ability levels in the
Zambian classroom.
Cross-Cultural Training: Included more than 14.30 hours of classroom time dedicated to
familiarizing Volunteers with social and cultural norms in Zambia, as well as the perception of
foreigners in the country.
Language Training: Consisted of 90.45 hours of classroom instruction and language application
activities in written and spoken local language (Chitonga). Liam achieved an Intermediate Low
level of proficiency by the end of training and effectively used Chitonga to communicate in his
work at school, with his colleagues, Zambian counterparts, and in daily life.

On November 7, 2019, George Liam Houle swore in as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Lusaka,
Zambia. Liam’s primary assignment was to work as an English teacher at Gonhwe Primary
School, in a rural community located in the Monze district of Southern Province in Zambia. During
his time there, Mr. Houle reported directly to the Head Teacher, Mr. Tenson Mizinga.

Primary Assignment:
● The Volunteer taught English (literacy, grammar, communication, listening, speaking, &
writing skills) to students in grades 5, 6 and 8. He taught at least 12 hours per week for 1/2
school term (total of 120 hours of classroom instruction). Classroom size ranged from 30
to 60 students.
George Liam Houle’s service with the Peace Corps in Zambia ended March 19, 2020 due to the
worldwide evacuation of Peace Corps volunteers during the Covid-19 crisis.

Pursuant to section 5 (f) of the Peace Corps Act 22 U.S.C 2504 (f) as amended, any former
volunteer employed by the United States Government following their Peace Corps Volunteer
service is entitled to have any period of satisfactory Peace Corps Volunteer service credited for
purposes of retirement, seniority, reduction in force, leave and other privileges based on length
of federal government service. Peace Corps service shall not be credited toward completion of
the probationary or trial period or completion of any service requirement for career

This is to certify in accordance with Executive Order 11103 of April 10, 1963 that George Liam
Houle served successfully as a Peace Corps Volunteer. His service ended on March 19, 2020.
He is therefore eligible to be appointed as a career-conditional employee in the competitive civil
service on a non-competitive basis. This benefit under the Executive Order extends for a period
of one year after the termination of Volunteer service, except that the employing agency may
extend the period for up to three years for a former Volunteer who enters military service,
pursues studies at a recognized institution of higher learning, or engages in other activities that,
in the view of the appointing agency, warrant extension of that period.

George Liam Houle has earned lifetime eligibility for the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows graduate
school fellowship program.

Date: March 19, 2020

Digitally signed by Favor,
Favor, Bradford Bradford
Date: 2020.05.11 11:31:22 -07'00'

Bradford Favor, Country Director

Peace Corps Zambia

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