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First Term Examination

Subject; Mathematics
Class;J.S.S 1
Instruction; Answer all objective questions and three theory questions.
1. The cost of radio and television set is N25,000 altogether, if radio cost N12,500,
what is the cost of the television set? [a] N20,000 [b] 14,500 [c] N12,500 [d]
2. A boy has 27 pencils, if he gives out 11 pencils to his friend, how many as he left?
[a] 10 [b] 17 [c] 21 [d] 16
Find the value of the following =5
3. +2= [a] 5 [b] 7 [c] 10 [d] 25
4. 15- = 5 [a] 10 [b]0 [c] 13 [d] 12
5. Find the LCM of 13 and 17 [a] 13 [b] 17 [c] 221 [d] 117
6. Find the HCF of 22 x 32x5 and 22x3 [a] 23 x32x5 [b] 22x3x5 [c] 22x32x5 [d] 22x3
7. Write this numbers in figures, one billion five hundred and sixty four million,
seven hundred and fourteen thousand, three hundred and twenty-two [a]
1564714322 [b] 1645714322 [c] 1714322 [d] 15674322
8. What is the value of 5 in 20.145 [a] tenth [b] unit [c] thousand [d] hundred
9. State the value of 0 in 37.012 [a] hundredth [b] tenth [c] unit [d] thousand
10. What is the value of 7 in1567890 [a] billion [b] thousand [c] million [d] unit
11. Sum of 187, 890 and 687 [a] 1674 [b] 1764 [c] 1746 [d] 1647
12. Difference between 78 and 37 [a] 42 [b] 46 [c] 74 [d] 40
13. Product of 89 and 8 [a] 712 [b] 714 [c] 612 [d] 512
14. Quotient of 40 and 8 [a] 7 [b] 5 [c] 3 [d] 4
15. Change 0.8 to fraction [a] 0.25 [b] 0.025 [c] 0.08 [d] 00.05
16. in decimal is _____________ [a] 0.4 [b] 0.6 [c] 0.5 [d] 0.2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1111
17. Arrange , , , in ascending order [a] , , , [b] [c] [d]
2 4 3 5 5 3 4 2 4325 3245
18. A _________ describes a part of portions of a whole quantity [a] decimal
[b] point [c] fraction [d] percentage
19. In a fraction the number at the top is called _________ [a] number [b]
numerator [c] denominator [d] numeral
20. what are the common factors of 8 and 28 [a] 1,2 and 4 [b] 3,6,7 [c]
21. Add 123 and 240
22. Subtract 134from 1240
23. What is the different between 725 and 4 25 [a] 3 [b] 4 [c] 7 [d] 11
24. Tayo and aliyah are to share 24 sweet if aliyah take 30% of the street tayo get?
4 1
Leave your answer in fraction [A]75 [ b ] 165 [ c ] [ d ]
1 4
5 5
25. The prime factorization of 360 is _________ [a] 23 x32x5 [b] 32 x23 x5
[c] 24x32x52 [d] 23 x31 x52
26. The H C F of 40 and 36 is [a] 8 [b] 6 [c] 4 [d] 2
27. Find the product of 15 and 20 [a] 35 [b] 300 [c] 350 [d] 5
Represent the shaded portions as a fraction


30. In a fraction when the down number is smaller than the up number is known as
_______ fraction [a] mixed fraction [b] improper[c] proper [d] pepper

1) Write the following numbers in words
i.) 1234567 (ii) 8501642327042
2a. Find the factors of these numbers i) 28 ii) 27 iii) 84
b. Write the factors of i) 18 ii) 54
3) Arrange the following factors in ascending order & descending order
23 3 4 2153 7
i) (ii)
3 4 11 5 5 3 7 4 12
Arrange the fraction in descending order
4) Express the following as improper fraction
1 2
i) 3 ii) 7
3 3
Express the following as mixed number
11 15 6
iii) iv) v)
3 2 5
5i) Convert 92ten to base two
ii) Convert 205ten to base two
First Term Examination
Subject; Basic Technology
Instruction; Answer all objective questions and three theory questions.
1. Openings on the walls for natural lighting and ventilation made in a are in
the form of _______ (a)tiles and switches (B). windows and doors (C). holes
and punches (D). curtains and drapes
2. Which of the following is NOT a component of the plan of a simple
domestic building? (A). Bedroom (B). Sitting room (C). Kitchen (D).
3. The use of _______ is a developed alternative for grinding with mortar and
(A). iron (B). blenders (C). microwave (D). cars
4. Which of the following is a technologically available item for moving across
the continent? (A). Bicycle (B). Tractor (C). Aero plane (D). Caramels
5. ________ Process are methods of doing things by hand and common to the
under developed countries (a) artificial (b) -physical (c) manual (d)
potential (e) mechanism
6. _________ are the methods of doing and making things by using machines
(a) manual processes (b) mechanized processes (c) physical processes (d)
artificial processes (e) local processes
7. A country that is developed make use of the following in education EXCEPT
(a) marker board (b) magnetic board (c) projector (d) computer (e) chalk
8. Technology makes work and life easier for us. True / False
9. ____________ is basically about how we can prevent accidents. (a)Safety B.
Accident C. Technology D. Vehicle
10.Two groups of things that can cause accidents are _______ (a) safe actions
and unsafe conditions (b) unsafe conditions and unsafe actions (c) safe
conditions and safe actions (d) safe conditions and unsafe actions.
11.___________ floor is an example of unsafe conditions which can cause
accident. (a) slippery (b) action (c) machine (d) class
12.Technology make work ____ for us. (a) more difficult (b) easier (c) boring
(d) tedious
13.Accidents can cause injury to people or damage to property. (a)True (b)
14._________ are set rules and regulations put in place to ensure that a person
or products is free from accident or danger (a)Safety B. Safety guidelines C.
Community D. Workshop
15._______ is the device that protect from dust and fumes in the workshop
(a)Nose mask B. Cap C. Helmet D. Overall
16.____________ are metals that contain iron (a)Ferrous Metals B. Non-ferrous
metals C. Paracetamol D. Metals
17.Ceramics can break easily when they are dropped this means they ______
(a)Brittle B. Durable C. Malleable D. Thermoplastic
18. Always assume that a driver has seen you. True/False

19. The following are types of workshop accident except _______(a)Slipping (b).
Falling Object (c). Overexertion (d). Dancing

20. __________ is an unfortunate and unexpected events that occurs that can
lead to injury or death.
A. Fire B. Accident C. Water D. Safety
21.The temperature at which water boils is ________ A. Melting point B.
Cooking point C. Boiling point D. Sleeping point.
22.These are careers in technology except _________ (a)Mechanical Engineering
(b). Computer Engineering (c). Physical Engineering (d). Automotive
23.Safety guidelines for pedestrian are ________ except (a)Be smart and alert
(b). Wear bright or reflective clothing (c). Wear helmet (d). Use Zebra
24.Always assume that a driver has seen you. True/False
25.Who is your Basic Technology teacher (a) Mrs. Olatunji (b) Mr. Sodiq (c) Mr.

1a. Define Safety guidelines
b. Mention five safety guidelines for a pedestrian
c. Mention four Traffic rules and regulations.
2a. Define Technology
b. Mention five career prospect in technology
c. Discuss career prospect.
3a. Define Ceramics
b. Mention five properties of ceramics
c. Mention four uses of ceramics
4 Define the following
a. Motorcyclist b. Plastic c. Pedestrian d. Metals e. Wood
5 What are the aspect of safety guidelines
b. Discuss one of the above.
First Term Examination
Subject; Agriculture Science
Class; J.S.S.1
Instruction; Answer all objective questions and three theory questions.
1. The rubber tree supplies the raw materials for making the following
products except _______(a)tyres of bicycles (b)tyres of motorcycles
2. During the stone age man was ____ (a)an engineer 9b0a hunter and a
collector of fruits and nut (c)a trader
3. Farmers who engage in horticultural practices are called _______
(a)agricultural students (b)horticulturists (c)hunters
4. The act of supplementing rain water during the dry season is called _______
(a)irrigation (b)manuring (c)harrowing
5. The movement of crops and animals from one country to another could help
to improve _______ (a)moral production (b)agricultural production
(c)structural production
6. The following includes forms of agriculture except _______(a)architect
(b)horticulture (c)apiculture
7. Fishery can be practiced in the following sites except _____ (a)ponds
(b)lakes (c)mountains
8. One of the following crops is not a permanent crop (a)maize (b)cocoa
9. Which of the following trees is not a forest tree (a)mahogany (b)pawpaw
10.Snails feed on the following except _____ (a)waterleaf (b)salty sweet potato
11.The part of the flower that later forms the seed is _____ (a)ovule (b)stigma
12.An example of monocotyledon crop is _____ (a)cassava (b) maize (c)kola
13.An example of dicotyledonous crop is ______ (a)guinea corn (b)rice (c)yam
14.The fruit are produced from the ____ (a)flower (b)ovaries (c)leaves
15.__________ is the art of growing flowers ornamental lants, fruits and
vegetables (a)siviculture (b)horticulture (c)floriculture
16.Agriculture means ________________ (a)production of animals only
(b)production of fruits and vegetables (c)production of crops and animals
17.The traditional method of farming involves the use of ____ (a)cutlass and
hoe (b)builder (c)tractor
18.Which of the following soil is the best for agriculture (a)clay soil (b) loamy
soil (c) sandy soil
19.______ is an employment opportunity in agriculture (a)farming (b)road
construction (c)aeronautic engineering
20.In an ornamental garden we grow mainly ____ (a)yam (b)maize (c)flowers

1a. What is Agriculture
b. Write 4 importance of agriculture
2a. What is crop farming
b. Mention 2 examples of annual crop and 2 examples of
permanent/perennial crops
3a. What is horticulture
b. Mention 4 fruits that can be raised by an horticulture
4a. What part of the plant is normally seen above the ground
4b. List 3 functions of the roots to the plants
5a. What are monocotyledons crops
b. What are dicotyledons crops

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