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CPC Diamond



The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz
Roxas City
Table of Contents



Receipt/Acknowledgement of the Operations Manual

Laboratory Guidelines

Emergency Information

Front Office Procedures

Housekeeping Procedures

Maintenance of the CPC Diamond Suites

HM/TM Awards

Acceptance of Responsibility


The following pages represent the policies and procedures of CPC Diamond Suites, to be
followed in the sound operation of our College Mini – Hotel, Function Room and the Kitchen
Laboratory. These policies and procedures are intended to be minimum guidelines to affect the
most efficient standardized method of operation within the hospitality industry for the benefit of
students, faculty, and the administration. In all cases, sound business practice, good judgment
and the Mission – Vision Statement of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion – College of Hospitality
and Tourism Management will be the controlling principle adding further input to this
Operations Manual. It is our intention to standardize the guidelines under which we operate to
provide for our growth in this and future years.

This handbook shall apply to and govern all the activities and transactions of Bachelor of
Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM) and Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
(BSTM) students and their relationships with the other members of the Purisimian academic

The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz
Roxas City

Vision : A center of excellence for Catholic Education in providing hospitality and

tourism programs in the province of Capiz and in the whole region

Mission : The CPC - CHTM will attain its vision by maintaining an affordable, high quality
education; providing relevant programs of study; continuing emphasis on its
Catholic Education philosophy – the commitment to produce spiritually – oriented,
values – motivated, and collaborative professionals through quality instruction,
intensive research and significant community involvement.

Goals : 1. Christian Formation

Strong CPC Christian and Values Formation among Teachers and Students
Objective: To preserve and promote the distinctive Catholic identity of the College

2. Organization and Administration/Purposes and Objectives Transparent

and Fair Administration
Leadership, Communication, Interpersonal, and Social Skills
Objective: To demonstrate individual and professional standards for ethical
decision – making and administrative-organizational behavior.

3. Instruction
Academic Excellence
Objective: To provide quality classroom instruction supplemented with seminars,
workshops and experiences that will maximize the quality of the curriculum.

4. Faculty
Strengthened Faculty Profile
Objective: To create long – term resource plan to recruit, develop and retain
outstanding faculty that will advance the mission of CPC-CHTM Department.

5. Research
Outstanding Research Culture
Objective: To incentivize research productivity among faculty and students.

6. Library
Modernized Library References and Materials
Objective: To make CPC Library as a learning hub with the flexibility and enhanced
Information Technology necessary to support a variety of learning styles and to
meet the ever – changing research and learning needs of faculty and students.

7. Student Services
Exceptional Student Services
Objective: To enhance student enrollment, programming and servicing in order to
remain competitive in the market, increase diversity on campus, and improve the
overall student experience at CPC.

8. Social Orientation and Community Involvement

Relevant Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Service
Objective: To provide positive influence on the community by example set by the

9. Laboratories
Modernized Laboratories and Equipment
Objective: To provide students with complete and updated facilities such as
kitchen laboratory, modern mini – hotel, function room and bar facilities, mock
travel agency, and air – conditioned classrooms, library and multimedia services.

10. Physical Plant and Facilities

State – of – the – Art Physical Plant and Facilities
Objective: To provide and maintain an efficient, aesthetically pleasing and hazard –
free environment for students, faculty, staff, and the public.


I _______________________________________________, have received the CPC Diamond Suites

Operations Manual. I understand that this manual remains the property of

CPC Diamond Suites and must be returned upon request. I further understand that it is my

responsibility to religiously obey the rules and regulations as stated in this Operations



Student’s Signature




• Students are not allowed to enter the laboratory during non-laboratory hours and without
the teacher in-charge.
• Bags and personal belongings should be deposited in the students’ lockers. They are not
allowed to be brought into the hotel rooms.
• Students are not allowed to sit/lie down on the bed, sit on the couch nor use the bathroom
facilities in the hotel suite unless required for class discussions.
• Eating, drinking or chewing gum is not allowed in the hotel room.
• The hotel room is not allowed to be used other than for what it is intended.
• Students should return furniture and equipment in its proper position and condition after
using the laboratory.

HM/TM Laboratory Safety Procedures - Safety in the Kitchen

• The keys to preventing kitchen accidents are careful kitchen management and safe work
• Falls, electric shock, cuts, burns and poisoning are all kitchen hazards.
• Stay calm and never hesitate to call for help.
• Place books, purses and other personal items in an area of the classroom not used for food
• The CPC kitchen laboratory uniform should be worn during laboratory hours only. This
includes the CPC chef jacket, chef pants, non-skid shoes/clogs, CPC apron, hairnet and
• Pull hair back and secure it so that it stays away from your face and shoulders. Wear
• Avoid working with food if you have an open wound on your hands.
• Wash your hands with soap before beginning any laboratory work. Dry your hands with
paper towels or on cloth towels not used for drying dishes. While working with food,
avoid touching your hair, skin, face, or other unclean objects. Repeat hand washing when
necessary especially after coughing, sneezing or using the restroom.
• Be sure you have clean dishtowels, dishcloths, potholders and oven mitts before beginning
any laboratory work. Obtain additional clean items as they are needed but not in excess.
• Wipe all counter tops and tablets at the beginning and end of each laboratory work.
• Use hot, soapy water for washing dishes.
• Practice cleanliness as you go on with your laboratory works.
• When tasting food, use spoon other than the one used for stirring. Use a clean spoon for
each person tasting and each time food is tasted.
• After working with raw animal food, scrub all areas and utensils used with hot soapy
• When possible, use a kitchen tool, not your hands, to complete tasks.
• Thoroughly cook food to be served hot. Keep them hot until they are served.
• Food to be served cold should be kept cold until serving time.
• Cover leftover food and store them in the refrigerator immediately.
• If you smell gas, turn-off all range and oven controls and tell your instructor about it.
Common Causes of Laboratory Accidents


• Keep floors clean and free of clutter. Wipe up spills and spatters immediately.
• Eliminate other hazards, slippery throw rugs and damaged or worn flooring. Tie shoes;
avoid long clothes, floppy slippers.
• Use firm step tool or ladder instead of a chair when reaching for something on a high shelf.

First Aid for Falls

• Call the Nurse.

• Don’t move a person with broken bones unless necessary.
• Assess and call medical help if headaches, dizziness, vomiting or speech impairment
results from head injury.
• Mild bruises/sprains need ice bag or cold water/cloths and elevation.
Sharp Objects

• Keep knives sharp and use and carry properly.

• Use a drawer divider or knife rack for sharp cutting tools.
• Never try to catch a falling knife.
• Don’t soak knives in the sink or dishpan with water.
• Sweep up broken glass from the floor using a broom and dustpan.
First Aid for Cuts

• Stop bleeding with the pressure of a thick cloth; get medical help.
• For minor cuts, wash with soap and water, blot dry and bandage.
• Consult with the Clinic.

Electrical Shock

Appliances save both time and work in the kitchen. But they are a source of shock burns
and other injuries.

• Read owner’s manual.

• Don’t mix electricity and water.
• Avoid damage to electrical cords: tugging on cord, stapling, or burning them.
• Use outlets properly. Overloading polarized plugs one blade wider than the other.
• Use care with any plugged-in appliance.
First Aid for Electrical Shock
• Don’t touch a person connected to electricity.
• Turn off power, pull plug or pull the person away with dry loop.
• Administer CPR if qualified and immediately call for medical help.
Hazardous Chemicals

• Cause burns, breathing difficulties and poisoning.

• Read labels.
• Never transfer hazardous products to another container.
• Never mix different chemical products.
• Never mix compounds such as bleach/ammonia.
• Use charcoal/hibachi outside only because it gives off carbon monoxide.
• Follow antidote directions in well ventilated area if poisoning occurs.
First Aid for Poisons

• Call for medical help and if possible, use antidote on label.

• If fumes exist, get the person to a well ventilated area.
• Flush eyes with water if irritated.

• Every kitchen should have a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket. Use these contain and
control fires.
• Turn off heat, cover pan or pour pan with salt or baking soda on flames.
• Do not use water to put out fire.
• Never attempt to carry a pan with burning contents.
What to Do in Case of Fire

• Turn off all appliances.

• Use baking soda instead of water if possible.
• Use a fire extinguisher or fire blanket.
• If clothing catches fire, drop to the ground and roll.
• Crawl on the ground to get out of the smoke-filled room.

First Aid for Burns

• Cool it with cold water. Prolonged ice will freeze tissue.

• Avoid ointments, grease and oil (contributes to the burning process of the skin).


• Perform CPR (if qualified) if the person has stopped breathing and the heartbeat has
• Immediately seek medical attention. Call the School Nurse or rush to the nearest hospital.
First Aid for Choking

• If the person can speak, cough or breathe, do nothing.

• Do the Heimlich Maneuver (if qualified) procedure.
Laboratory Safety Procedures

To Prevent Fires and Burns

• Use salt or baking soda, not water, to put out a grease fire.
• Use a dry potholder to remove pans from the range.
• Store flammable substances such as aerosol sprays away from heat sources.
• Use a metal trashcan when disposing hot or smoldering items.
• Keep the range exhaust hood and ducts clean.
• Keep pan handles turned inward on the range.
• When removing a pan lid, tilt the lid away from you and do not hold your face directly
over the pan.
• When removing a pan from the oven, pull the rack out. Don’t reach into a hot oven.
• Wear an oven mitt on each hand and use both hands to remove pans from the oven.
• Check to be sure that all appliances are turned off when you are finished with them.
• Use a spoon or tong, not your fingers, to remove food from hot liquid.
• When lighting gas burners with a match, strike the match first, and then turn the burner
• If you smell gas, turn off all range and oven controls and immediately tell your instructor
about it.

To Prevent Microwave Accidents

• Never use a microwave if the door appears damaged.

• Never turn on the microwave if there is no food inside.
• Do not heat-sealed jars, cans or bottles in the microwave.
• Do not heat home-canned food items in a microwave. Use a conventional range.
• Use potholders to remove food containers from the microwave.
• Remove lids and plastic wraps carefully to avoid steam burns.
• Distribute the heat by stirring microwaved food items before serving them.


The fire extinguisher in our laboratory is located at


The fire blanket in our laboratory is located at _____________________________.

I have read the safety and sanitation procedures for working in the mini – hotel, function
room, travel central and kitchen laboratory.

I, the student, agree to follow these procedures.

Student’s Signature: ________________________________________________________

Date: ______________

Rules and Regulations in the Kitchen Laboratory

On the day of the activity, the following safety and sanitary rules should be observed:
• Wear clean and complete laboratory uniform at all times.
• Clean hands and nails before handling foods. Don’t wear nail polish.
• Always wash your hands with soap and water before starting to work, after wiping spilled
foods or sweeping up.
• Always wear hairnets or caps to avoid hair going to food.
• Remove rings, earrings or watches that can be possible sources of food contamination.
• Keep personal belongings out of the working area.
• Do not smoke or chew gum in the laboratory.
• Do not sit on working tables. Stand while performing your job.
• Avoid handling food when you have colds, coughs, infectious wounds or diseases.
• Observe proper behavior and refrain from making unnecessary noise while working.
• Hotel and Function Room Coordinator, Kitchen Laboratory Coordinator, student
assistants and/or faculty in-charge should turn on and off gas lines/pilot lights before and
after laboratory class.
• Horse playing, practical jokes and pranks will not be tolerated during laboratory activity.
• Claim your equipment and utensils from the Hotel and Function Room Coordinator,
Kitchen Laboratory Coordinator, student assistants and/or faculty in-charge before the
start of your class.
• Ingredients should be ready and complete before the start of the laboratory activity.
No/incomplete ingredients mean no laboratory.
• Observe good housekeeping/environmental practices while working in the laboratory.
Segregate your trash. Make sure the laboratory is clean before you leave.
• Conduct yourself in an adult, responsible, thoughtful manner at all times in the laboratory.
• Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction
or part of a procedure, ask the instructor before proceeding.
• Students must treat the school as their own home and should always therefore be kept
clean and presentable.
• Comfort room must be kept tidy and left ready for the next user.
• Energy conservation should be the concern of everybody. Air-conditioning units, electric
fans and electric lights must be turned off (if not being used) by the last person who leaves
the classroom.

Keeping the Laboratory Clean

• Do not chew, eat, smoke or spit in the laboratory.

• Do not comb hair or make yourself up in the laboratory. This should be done in the
• Always return tools and equipment to their proper places.
• Keep cabinet doors closed to prevent accidents and rodents from entering the cabinet.
• Keep on hand a regular-sized notebook for notes and diagrams.
• Do not lean or sit on equipment and work tables.
• Keep the dishwashing and storage areas clean.
• Do not stand dish rack on the floor.
• Floors should be swept after each laboratory session. Keep food, papers and clutter off the
• Mop floors once a day or as often as necessary.
• Provide waste containers in convenient places.
• Leave the room clean for the next user. Storage facilities for cleaning tools may be racks,
cabinets, or shelves. They must be placed strategically in the laboratory so that the
necessary cleaning tools for one area are readily available.

Standard Operating Procedures for the Requisition of Kitchen Tools and Equipment

• Borrowing and using of CPC Diamond Suites, the Function Room, the HM Kitchen
Laboratory, tools and equipment is made possible only for the students, faculty, staff and
administrators of the College provided that they would undergo proper request.
• Two copies of requisition form available at the Coordinators shall be duly accomplished
and submitted to the Hotel and Function Room Coordinator, Kitchen Laboratory
Coordinator, student assistants a day before use. The borrower’s ID must be presented.
• The borrowed tools and equipment shall be issued only to the person who made the
requisition and shall be the same person responsible for returning them on the date stated
on the requisition form.
• The borrower shall be responsible for double checking the borrowed kitchen tools and
equipment. Complaints must be done 10 minutes after it has been issued in case of
missing, damaged or broken items.
• In case of loss, damage or breakage of borrowed material, the borrower should replace it
with two (2) pieces of the same item or pay it with the current market price.
• The borrowed materials shall be returned to the Coordinators or student assistants the
very same manner as it was borrowed and will not be accepted by the Coordinators unless
it is free from grease, clean and wiped dry.
• Failure to return the complete set of borrowed tools and/or payment/replacement of it
would mean nonclearance at the end of the semester.


Incoming calls should be answered immediately or within three (3) rings, maximum. Some
institutions have standards on telephone etiquette.


All students should use the following remarks when answering the telephone:

“CPC Diamond Suites, Good morning/afternoon/evening, May I help you?”


“Thank you for calling CPC Diamond Suites, have a nice day/evening!” “

All housekeeping supplies must conform to standard. The only deviation from this would be in
support of the program amenity upgrade.

Unwanted Pests/Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are resurfacing. Their flattened bodies allow them to fit into tiny crevices (mattresses,
box springs, bed frames, headboards). Bed bugs do not have nests like ants or bees, but tend to
gather together. Bed bugs do not transmit diseases. Bed bugs are small, brownish, ¼ inch long
with oval flattened bodies. Bed bugs are often mistaken for ticks or small roaches. The immature
nymphs resemble the adults but are smaller and lighter in color. Bed bugs do not fly. Bed bugs
are known as “hitchhikers” and can move quickly over floors, ceilings, walls and other surfaces.
The eggs are tiny, whitish and hard to detect (size of a dust spec). Bed bugs are very resilient.
Nymphs can go for months without feeding and adults for one (1) year. Bed bugs feed on humans
and warm-blooded animals including pets.

Training housekeeping students to make daily checks when cleaning rooms is the best defense
available. The listed items below will aid students in making daily checks for these pests while

• Before stripping or remaking the bed, housekeepers need to check the bed linen for small
blood spots and/or small black fecal matter around the head of the bed.
• Look around the headboard for crawling bed bugs and/or black excrement.
• Check the folds and creases of the linen.
• Never yank the bedding off the bed. Slowly pull it up from the corners and fold it together.
• Report any pest activity to the student assistant, instructor and coordinator.

Housekeeping Equipment

Upkeep of the equipment is of extreme importance to the operation of the housekeeping

department and the warranty and life of the equipment. Items to consider for the preventative
maintenance program are:


• Check condition of all belts

• Check all bearings
• Check all filters
• Check all hoses
• Check all seals
• Check drain valve
• Check controls
• Perform all other maintenance as suggested by manufacturer.


• Check belts and chains

• Check drum and lint build up
• If electric – check and clean coils
• Check timer controls
• Check filters (also done by housekeeping)
• Verify temperature controls are not set above 160 degrees
• Perform all other maintenance as suggested by manufacturer


• Check belts
• Clean and check rollers
• Check and tighten screws
• Empty vacuum cleaner bag (weekly or ½ full mark)


It is the responsibility of the coordinators to maintain all smoke detectors, emergency lighting
and exit signs in a current operating state at all times.

Smoke Detectors:

• Smoke detectors should be tested every quarter by Maintenance during routine room
inspections. Smoke detectors found deficient must be repaired immediately.
• The room preventative maintenance program should include a regular documented test of
smoke detector efficiency and operation.

Emergency Lighting:

• Emergency lighting should be tested monthly by maintenance. Emergency lighting that is

found deficient must be repaired immediately.
• Documentation of testing is required.

Exit Signs:

• Exit signs should be properly lit.

• Verify directional arrows are pointing the correct way to an exit. Directional arrows that
are not correct need to be repaired immediately.

Property Signage and Lighting:

• Review of exterior lighting and signage. This can be done at the time the monthly utility
readings are conducted.
• Repair or replace any outages.

In order to maintain CPC Diamond Suites in appropriate state of quality, all maintenance
deficiencies should be acted upon and corrected immediately.

All tools and equipment must be properly labeled as per Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA) and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) requirement.


Bartender/Flair Tender of the Year

This is awarded to a Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) graduating student who has
achieved the highest grade point average on the related subjects in bartending among HRM
candidates for graduation and has demonstrated exceptional skills in those subjects.

Food Service Attendant of the Year

This is awarded to a Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) graduating student who has
achieved the highest grade point average on the related subjects in Food and Beverage Service
among the HRM candidates for graduation and has demonstrated exceptional skills in those

HM/TM Intern of the Year

This is awarded to a graduating student who has achieved the highest commendation from the
Human Resource Manager or Training Manager of their place of OJT.

Table Setting Expert of the Year

This is awarded to a Hotel and Restaurant Management graduating student who has achieved the
highest Grade Point Average (GPA) in the subjects in Food and Beverage Services Procedures and
Banquet and Catering Procedures has demonstrated exceptional skills in those subjects, or the
candidate has won a prize in any competition in Table Set-up or Table Setting.

Tour Guiding Award

This is awarded to a Travel Management graduating student who has achieved the highest grade
point average on the related subjects in Tour Guiding Operations among the TM candidates for
graduation and has demonstrated exceptional skills in those subjects.

I, _________________________, a bonafide student of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion, recognize,
understand, and accept the responsibilities of following the provisions, rules and
regulations set forth in this Handbook. I will carry out the duties of a CPC – HM/TM
student in the best of my abilities.

I also understand that any violations made against the rules and regulations of this
Institution, proper action shall be given.

Signed this _____ th day of __________, ______.


Student’s Signature above Printed Name

(Student’s Copy)


I, _________________________, a bonafide student of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion, recognize,
understand, and accept the responsibilities of following the provisions, rules and
regulations set forth in this Handbook. I will carry out the duties of a CPC – HRM/TrM
student in the best of my abilities.

I also understand that any violations made against the rules and regulations of this
Institution, proper action shall be given.

Signed this _____ th day of __________, ______.


Student’s Signature above Printed Name

(Dean’s Copy)




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