Educ 310 Math Unit Plan Simplifications and Extensions

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Lesson Plan # Simplifications & Extensions:

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: allow for them to

write multiple ideas down on the K and W sticky notes.
Using the exit ticket, for number three, have them pick
one of the topics and briefly explain what they think that
topic could mean/look like on the back of the sheet.

2. Exceptional child of your choice, Hard of Hearing: Utilize

1 the MF system that the student is using, provide optimal

seating in terms of where you mainly teach from.
Frequently check on the student to make sure they are
following along. When materials are passed out and as
you walk around the classroom stop to check if the
student needs to hear the directions again.

3. English language learner: Allow for oral ‘assessment’

when doing the sticky notes and the exit ticket.

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: allow for them to pick

one problem from each of the sections to try to calculate
the amount of time passed between the rounding.

2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: Utilize the MF system

that the student is using, provide optimal seating in terms
of where you mainly teach from. Frequently check on the

2 student to make sure they are following along. When

materials are passed out and as you walk around the
classroom stop to check if the student needs to hear the
directions again/needs additional support.

3. English language learner: as they are working on the

worksheet, help them one-on-one to make sure they are
able to recognize the numbers that are being
1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: along with copying
the example for each part, have them write an example
of their own for each section.

3 2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: Utilize the MF system

that the student is using, provide optimal seating in terms
of where you mainly teach from. Frequently check on the
student to make sure they are following along. When
materials are passed out and as you walk around the
classroom stop to check if the student needs to hear the
directions again/needs additional support.

3. English language learner: give them additional time to

copy down information, help one-on-one when copying
down examples to recognize numbers and times being

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: be specific and

intentional with the group that you pair your gifted
student(s) with. Allow for differentiated instruction on
each of the centers activities, allow for multiple option
answers this way they have to take some time to read
and think through.

4 2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: also be mindful of

who you pair your exceptional students with, in this case
place the student with others that they feel comfortable
working with as this will result in the students
participation. Allow for the group members to carry
around the FM transistor so that the student can clearly
hear the group's discussions and thinking.

3. English language learner: frequently check in on the

center they are currently working at to make sure that
they are comprehending. Make it a point for every group
to read the directions and questions aloud at each

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: on the back of their

sheet, have them come up with another way to solve
elapsed time problems, other than the number line

5 discussed in the lesson. Have them write simple steps to

do so.

2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: use the FM

transmitter that the student uses. Make sure to keep it
near the area that you will be teaching from, and while
you are talking do not face the board, face the student.

3. English language learner: allow for extra time in copying

down information, ask the student if there is anything on
their sheet that they do not understand. Within this
lesson consider cognate words to use with the student.

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: Have them pick one

of the problems on the sheet and without using their
number line, have them think of a way they can solve the
problem and show their thinking

2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: utilize the FM

transmitter that the student uses and keep the

6 microphone on/ near the area you will be teaching from.

Frequently check in with the student as directions are
being given and explained.

3. English language learner: as always, when going over

concepts consider cognate words that could be included
in the lesson. Frequently check that the student is able to
understand what is being taught, allow for time

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: the further you get

into the lesson, have the gifted student(s) solve their
problems without the number line

2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: utilize the FM

Transmitter that the student used. Ensure that you are
using the microphone and that it is clipped to you/near

7 the space in which you will be teaching from. Make sure

that you are repeating the questions twice while facing
towards the class!
3. English language learner: offer assistance in repeating
the sentence and times within the problem.

1. Gifted child: be intentional about the group that you place

your gifted students in. Allow for them to complete the
activities individually if they want. On center 2, have
students pick three of the clocks and see if they can
come up with another term that we discussed that would
fit the time shown on those three clocks.

8 2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: be intentional about

the group that you place your exceptional students in.
Allow for them to be in a group with their closer friends
this way the student will be more likely to engage,
participate, and talk with group members for help when

3. English language learner: be intentional about the group

that you place ELL students in. Often check in with these
students for understanding and clarifications.

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: allow for an

extended assignment where students are able to write
you a paragraph or two about how to explicitly use their
clock creation.

2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: Utilize the FM

Transmitter that the student uses to ensure they are able

9 to clearly hear all the directions. Check in with the

student to make sure that they have a clear
understanding of what they are to do.

3. English language learner: when making and explaining

the directions, look for and consider cognate words in
their language to make understanding the task at hand
easier for them. Check in with the student to ensure that
they understand exactly what is being asked of them.
1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: encourage the
student(s) to follow along with you as you read the
questions out loud to the class, while simultaneously
allowing for the student to work ahead and take their
exam at their own pace as following along might be too
slow of a pace. At the end have the student rejoin the
class by looking over their test and asking questions if

10 needed.

2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing: for the assessment

give the accommodation of a quiet one-on-one/small
group testing area, this could be in another room with
another teacher. This way direction and the questions
are read directly to the student and they will feel more
comfortable asking questions.

3. English language learner: for the assessment give the

accommodation of a quiet one-on-one/small group
testing area, this could be in another room with another
teacher. This way direction and the questions are read
directly to the student and they will feel more comfortable
asking for clarification.

1. Gifted child who needs enrichment: allow for them to

complete additional research on clocks around the world.

2. Exceptional child, Hard of Hearing:utilize the fm

transmitter that the student uses, and ensure that they

Culminating are able to hear the videos as they are being played.
Check in with the student to make sure they fully
understand the tasks they are to complete.

Experience 3. English language learner: consider pairing them with a

partner for this lesson. This way they will be able to fully
comprehend the information that is given through the
video, as well as the questions on the sheets. For this
lesson, if the student wants to, allow for them to share
about famous clocks that are located where they are

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