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11-25 11:11:52.777 1501 1701 I JobScheduler.

Connectivity: Connectivity unchanged

for JobStatus{7c473ed #u0a165/-136
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-4h30m35s321ms:+19h29m24s679ms NET PERIODIC
PERSISTED satisfied:0x83400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000}: usable=true satisfied=false
11-25 11:12:04.249 1501 1830 I _V_VivoLcmBrightnessManager: DisplayToken
android.os.BinderProxy@73f90b0, setLcmBacklight lcmFloat = 0.2876679, brightness =
1178, useSurfaceControl status false
11-25 11:12:04.249 1501 1830 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.2876679;
setBrightness = 1178
11-25 11:12:05.679 1501 1523 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{ u0 NavigationBar0} updateControlForTarget
Window{com.facebook.lite:e2097dc u0 SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=2922}
11-25 11:12:11.679 1501 1572 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 2; mPowerRequest: policy=BRIGHT,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=true,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-25 11:12:11.679 1501 1572 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-25 11:12:11.679 1501 1572 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target ON, displayId = 0
11-25 11:12:11.679 1501 1572 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-25 11:12:11.679 1501 1572 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = android; autoEnable = true; waitFirstLux =
false; mOldPolicy = BRIGHT; mPowerRequest.policy = BRIGHT; mExitingWindow = false;
mJustScreenOn = false; mSwitchDefaultCurve = false
11-25 11:12:11.679 1501 1572 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.49841985; animateBrightness =
0.49841985; rate = 40; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-25 11:12:25.696 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.40278405; finalBrightness =
0.39367947; cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
11-25 11:12:25.696 1501 1830 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.39367947, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
11-25 11:12:25.696 1501 1830 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.39367947 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
11-25 11:12:26.679 1501 1830 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.2989011;
setBrightness = 1224
11-25 11:12:27.761 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.3918736; finalBrightness =
0.35936794; cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
11-25 11:12:27.761 1501 1830 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.35936794, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
11-25 11:12:27.761 1501 1830 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.35936794 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
11-25 11:12:28.177 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 18.893389; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.33882618;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 298;
downLux = 16; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false;
newLuxBr = false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState
= -1; realLcmBrightness = 928; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 1;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:12:29.679 1501 1830 D LocalDisplayAdapter: LCM set backlight status true
11-25 11:12:31.679 1501 1572 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:12:39.342 1501 5455 D JobScheduler: Scheduling job:
11-25 11:12:39.343 1501 5455 D JobScheduler: SCHEDULE: b383c98 #u0a297/167975148
11-25 11:12:39.344 1501 5455 D JobStore: Added job status to store:
JobStatus{b383c98 #u0a297/167975148 u=0 s=10297
TIME=+2m29s999ms:+2m29s999ms NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x0
11-25 11:12:39.344 1501 5455 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: Connectivity unchanged
for JobStatus{b383c98 #u0a297/167975148 u=0 s=10297
TIME=+2m29s998ms:+2m29s998ms NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x0
unsatisfied:0x90000000}: usable=true satisfied=false
11-25 11:12:39.347 1501 5455 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{b383c98 #u0a297/167975148 u=0 s=10297
TIME=+2m29s996ms:+2m29s996ms NET satisfied:0x2400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would
not be ready.
11-25 11:12:41.984 1501 2198 D JobScheduler: CANCEL: b383c98 #u0a297/167975148
11-25 11:13:21.679 1501 1572 I _V_DisplayPowerState: colorfade judge brightness
brightness: 0.055079006
11-25 11:13:21.679 1501 1830 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.055079006, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
11-25 11:13:23.092 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{38746f #u0a210/111007999
.scheduled.ScheduledTaskService u=0 s=10210 TIME=-1d4h32m5s679ms:-1d4h32m5s679ms
unsatisfied:0x10000007} would not be ready.
11-25 11:13:23.096 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{4fe1581 #u0a184/1007999
led.ScheduledTaskService u=0 s=10184 TIME=-1d4h32m5s679ms:-1d4h32m5s679ms NET
unsatisfied:0x10000007} would not be ready.
11-25 11:13:23.128 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{d64c1d3 #u0a165/-88
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-1d4h32m5s679ms:-1d4h32m5s679ms NET CHARGING IDLE
PERIODIC PERSISTED satisfied:0xc3400000 unsatisfied:0x10000005} would not be ready.
11-25 11:13:23.160 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{2a3b110 #u0a46/4002
rkJobService u=0 s=10046 TIME=+1d1h42m34s679ms:+1d7h42m34s679ms NET PERSISTED
satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:14:12.679 1501 5578 D NetworkPolicy: 10046 is allowed by default
11-25 11:14:26.610 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{d3b5544 #u0a169/1573857705 u=0 s=10169 TIME=+7h28m4s679ms:
+1d19h28m4s679ms NET PERIODIC satisfied:0x2400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not
be ready.
11-25 11:14:26.976 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{f8b81f8 #u0a169/1573857707 u=0 s=10169 TIME=-4h31m55s679ms:
+19h28m4s321ms NET PERIODIC satisfied:0x82400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not
be ready.
11-25 11:14:44.466 1501 2440 D JobScheduler: Scheduling job:
11-25 11:14:44.468 1501 2440 D JobScheduler: SCHEDULE: f60bfd0 #u0a297/167975148
11-25 11:14:44.468 1501 2440 D JobStore: Added job status to store:
JobStatus{f60bfd0 #u0a297/167975148 u=0 s=10297
TIME=+2m29s999ms:+2m29s999ms NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x0
11-25 11:14:44.469 1501 2440 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: Connectivity unchanged
for JobStatus{f60bfd0 #u0a297/167975148 u=0 s=10297
TIME=+2m29s999ms:+2m29s999ms NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x0
unsatisfied:0x90000000}: usable=true satisfied=false
11-25 11:14:44.476 1501 2440 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{f60bfd0 #u0a297/167975148 u=0 s=10297
TIME=+2m29s992ms:+2m29s992ms NET satisfied:0x2400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would
not be ready.
11-25 11:14:49.388 1501 2440 D JobScheduler: CANCEL: f60bfd0 #u0a297/167975148
11-25 11:15:20.629 1501 1850 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{a1c92c8
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+10h24m54s679ms:+1d10h24m54s679ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:17:50.125 1501 4898 D JobStore: Added job status to store:
JobStatus{97e13e0 #u0a163/9191
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h57m30s679ms NET CHARGING WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x0 unsatisfied:0x10000001}
11-25 11:18:46.160 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{2a3b110 #u0a46/4002
rkJobService u=0 s=10046 TIME=+1d1h37m11s679ms:+1d7h37m11s679ms NET PERSISTED
WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:18:46.162 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{543b2cc #1000/100026 u=0 s=10203 TIME=-
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0xc1400008 unsatisfied:0x10000007} would
not be ready.
11-25 11:18:47.107 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= 0.35199398; mInvisibleBright = 0.35199398; mActualLcm = 679; mTargetLcm = 431;
mPemScale = 0.8; mApparentBrightness = 0.27456734
11-25 11:18:48.899 1501 1572 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: oldCurrent = 694; current
= 679; currentFloat = 0.3400301; target = 539; animate = 679; rate = 40; gap = 151;
step = 15; scale = 1.0
11-25 11:18:49.066 1501 1572 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: oldCurrent = 679; current
= 664; currentFloat = 0.33980435; target = 539; animate = 664; rate = 40; gap =
151; step = 15; scale = 1.0
11-25 11:18:50.951 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{3dd91a8 #u0a182/2000
UpdateJobService u=0 s=10182 TIME=-1d4h26m20s679ms:none NET CHARGING PERSISTED
satisfied:0x83400000 unsatisfied:0x10000001} would not be ready.
11-25 11:19:19.679 1501 1830 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.032722834;
setBrightness = 134
11-25 11:19:24.679 1501 1501 D NetworkManagement: Uid 10128 restricted because of
app standby mode
11-25 11:19:24.679 1501 4898 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-25 11:20:18.790 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{3db1ba4 #1000/100038 gmail-ls/ u=0 s=10184
TIME=+18h8m58s679ms:+19h20m58s679ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED
satisfied:0x2400008 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:20:20.636 1501 2138 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{267cb06
#u0a210/1573857706 u=0 s=10210 TIME=+19h23m5s679ms:
+1d19h23m5s679ms PERIODIC satisfied:0x2400000 unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay
won't make it ready.
11-25 11:21:52.679 1501 1600 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{70efd0c
u=0 s=10297 TIME=+15s6ms:+15s6ms NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:21:52.679 1501 1600 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{4ac9504
#u0a91/10078 u=0
s=10091 TIME=+6m39s273ms:+6m39s271ms NET satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.591 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{9cc5319
ce u=0 s=10182 TIME=+2h2m41s679ms:none NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.679 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{65541a4
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+10h17m24s632ms:+1d10h17m24s632ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.679 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{68e97b
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+10h17m24s633ms:+1d10h17m24s633ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.679 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{ed3b1a5
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+10h17m24s644ms:+1d10h17m24s644ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.679 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{9d57e05
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+10h17m24s652ms:+1d10h17m24s652ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.679 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{d3b5544
#u0a169/1573857705 u=0 s=10169 TIME=+7h19m40s609ms:
+1d19h19m40s609ms NET PERIODIC WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.679 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{cee347
#u0a175/1573857705 u=0 s=10175 TIME=+7h19m44s149ms:
+1d19h19m44s149ms NET PERIODIC WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:22:50.852 1501 4896 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{7197946
Service u=0 s=10162 TIME=+5d2h53m34s679ms:none NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{ea2fe5a
n.HibernationJobService u=0 s=10198 TIME=+13d3h10m28s772ms:+28d3h10m28s772ms
PERIODIC PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000000}
because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{d92b159
com.facemoji.lite/ u=0
s=10247 TIME=+59m47s235ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{129df20
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+23m11s992ms:none NET CHARGING WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000001} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{fef0e23
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+23m11s961ms:none CHARGING WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000001} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{90d5b52
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+1h5m55s846ms:none NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{bd2f3dd
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+3h12m46s922ms:none NET CHARGING WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000001} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{d42bbb4
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+48m6s465ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{38df019
#u0a286/12766 u=0
s=10286 TIME=+27m7s749ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{d162592
#u0a286/12765 u=0
s=10286 TIME=+8m30s331ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{d337f1d
#u0a286/12764 u=0
s=10286 TIME=+23m30s326ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{96d6bf4
#u0a286/12763 u=0
s=10286 TIME=+53m30s319ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{21039c7
#u0a286/12753 u=0
s=10286 TIME=+3h53m30s308ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{b06aa38
#1000/13254266 android/ u=0 s=1000
TIME=+23h45m37s772ms:none IDLE satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.679 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{b3b83f8
com.truecaller/ u=0 s=10214
TIME=+4h36m11s133ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:20.761 1501 2440 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{3885d6
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+4h6m7s679ms:+16h6m7s679ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:25:52.516 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 680; targetLcm = 616; pemLcm = 679; step = 1; gap = 64
11-25 11:25:52.516 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= 0.34439427; mInvisibleBright = 0.34439427; mActualLcm = 679; mTargetLcm = 616;
mPemScale = 0.8; mApparentBrightness = 0.34439427
11-25 11:25:52.601 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 679; targetLcm = 616; pemLcm = 678; step = 1; gap = 64
11-25 11:25:54.679 1501 1572 I _V_DisplayPowerState: colorfade judge brightness
brightness: 0.34439427
11-25 11:26:41.679 1501 2198 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:29:17.679 1501 1516 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:29:56.679 1501 5511 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:30:49.679 1501 5475 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:31:53.679 1501 5638 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:31:53.679 1501 5638 D VibrationThread: StartVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:31:53.679 1501 5638 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: old
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=0.0, duration=24}],
11-25 11:31:53.679 1501 5638 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: new
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}],
repeat=-1}, newRepeatIndex is -1
11-25 11:32:19.587 1501 5679 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:32:19.588 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: playVibration
11-25 11:32:19.588 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:32:19.588 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:32:19.588 1501 5679 D VibrationThread: StartVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: old
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=0.0, duration=24}],
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: new
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}],
repeat=-1}, newRepeatIndex is -1
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: DeviceEffectMap(Mono),
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: No need to prepare and trigger
sync effects on a single vibrator
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D VibrationThread: Running amplitude step with 0ms
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread:
stepSegmentStep{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D VibrationThread: Turning on vibrator 1 for 24ms
11-25 11:32:19.589 1501 5679 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator on for 24
s, vibrationId:3627
11-25 11:32:19.591 1501 5679 D VibrationThread: Amplitude changed on vibrator 1
to 0.77877814
11-25 11:32:19.592 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: AmplitudeStep duration=24
amplitude=0.77877814 effectId=-1
11-25 11:32:19.592 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn begin, duration
is 24
11-25 11:32:19.592 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn end
11-25 11:32:19.592 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: a FinishVibrateStep add to
11-25 11:32:19.592 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:32:19.592 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 21ms
11-25 11:32:19.593 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:32:19.593 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:32:19.614 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:32:19.614 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:32:19.614 1501 5679 D VibrationThread: Running complete vibration step
on vibrator 1
11-25 11:32:19.614 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: StepQueue add OffStep
11-25 11:32:19.614 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: status = FINISHED, call
11-25 11:32:19.614 1501 5679 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3627 finished
with status FINISHED
11-25 11:32:19.615 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:32:19.615 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 998ms
11-25 11:32:19.615 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:32:19.615 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:32:19.616 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:32:19.616 1501 5679 D VibrationThread: Turning off vibrator 1
11-25 11:32:19.616 1501 5679 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator off
11-25 11:32:19.617 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:32:19.617 1501 5679 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:32:19.617 1501 5679 D VibrationThread: FinishVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:32:19.617 1501 5679 D VibratorManagerService: Vibrators released after
finished vibration
11-25 11:32:19.618 1501 5679 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:32:29.029 1501 2440 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{f3cf78a com.facemoji.lite/10247 BTopFgs #116791} whose proc state 2 is
better than process ProcessState{f1da1fb} proc state 3 (1 skipped)
11-25 11:32:55.804 1501 5582 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{f3cf78a com.facemoji.lite/10247 BTopFgs #116799} whose proc state 2 is
better than process ProcessState{f1da1fb} proc state 3 (1 skipped)
11-25 11:33:38.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{1b171a5 #u0a177/605010999
ts.scheduled.ScheduledTaskService u=0 s=10177 NET PERSISTED satisfied:0x2400000
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:33:38.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{c07dc3d #u0a175/11007999
nts.scheduled.ScheduledTaskService u=0 s=10175 TIME=-4h52m21s253ms:+19h7m38s747ms
NET PERIODIC PERSISTED satisfied:0x82400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be
11-25 11:34:08.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{5fa6e26 #u0a163/9931
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+9d20h12m48s468ms NET satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:34:08.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{3623008 #u0a163/9533
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+2h58m55s83ms NET satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:34:08.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{600cf4 #u0a163/9373
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h48m42s439ms NET IDLE satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000004} would not be ready.
11-25 11:34:08.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{7197946 #u0a162/3268
Service u=0 s=10162 TIME=+5d2h42m16s852ms:none NET satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:34:08.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{bd1bc35 #u0a128/-1440509951
cheduler.JobSchedulerImpl$TaskRunnerJobService u=0 s=10128 NET CHARGING PERSISTED
satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x10000001} would not be ready.
11-25 11:34:20.194 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{682ba1a
cheduler.JobSchedulerImpl$TaskRunnerJobService u=0 s=10128 TIME=+5h44m32s679ms:
+11h44m32s679ms IDLE PERIODIC satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:34:26.679 1501 1648 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: playVibration
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D VibrationThread: StartVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: old
Composed{segments=[Prebaked{effect=CLICK, strength=MEDIUM, fallback=true}],
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: new
Composed{segments=[Prebaked{effect=CLICK, strength=MEDIUM, fallback=true}],
repeat=-1}, newRepeatIndex is -1
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: DeviceEffectMap(Mono),
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: No need to prepare and trigger
sync effects on a single vibrator
11-25 11:34:35.146 1501 6679 D VibrationThread: Perform CLICK on vibrator 1
11-25 11:34:35.148 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn begin, duration
is 64
11-25 11:34:35.148 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn end
11-25 11:34:35.148 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: a FinishVibrateStep add to
11-25 11:34:35.148 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:34:35.148 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 64ms
11-25 11:34:35.148 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:34:35.148 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:34:35.212 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:34:35.212 1501 6679 D VibrationThread: Running complete vibration step
on vibrator 1
11-25 11:34:35.212 1501 6679 D VibrationThread: Turning off vibrator 1
11-25 11:34:35.212 1501 6679 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator off
11-25 11:34:35.213 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: status = FINISHED, call
11-25 11:34:35.213 1501 6679 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3669 finished
with status FINISHED
11-25 11:34:35.213 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:34:35.213 1501 6679 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:34:35.213 1501 6679 D VibrationThread: FinishVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:34:35.213 1501 6679 D VibratorManagerService: Vibrators released after
finished vibration
11-25 11:34:35.214 1501 6679 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:01.174 1501 6781 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator on for 24
s, vibrationId:3679
11-25 11:35:01.199 1501 4206 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3679 on vibrator
1 complete, notifying thread
11-25 11:35:01.199 1501 6781 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3679 finished
with status FINISHED
11-25 11:35:03.679 1501 1555 D _V_quickfrozen: onStateChanged 3: uid 10247
model:audio state:on count= 1 app:com.facemoji.lite
11-25 11:35:04.138 1501 6791 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:04.138 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: playVibration
11-25 11:35:04.138 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.138 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.138 1501 6791 D VibrationThread: StartVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:04.138 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: old
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=0.0, duration=24}],
11-25 11:35:04.139 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: new
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}],
repeat=-1}, newRepeatIndex is -1
11-25 11:35:04.139 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: DeviceEffectMap(Mono),
11-25 11:35:04.139 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: No need to prepare and trigger
sync effects on a single vibrator
11-25 11:35:04.139 1501 6791 D VibrationThread: Running amplitude step with 0ms
11-25 11:35:04.139 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread:
stepSegmentStep{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}
11-25 11:35:04.139 1501 6791 D VibrationThread: Turning on vibrator 1 for 24ms
11-25 11:35:04.139 1501 6791 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator on for 24
s, vibrationId:3684
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D VibrationThread: Amplitude changed on vibrator 1
to 0.77877814
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: AmplitudeStep duration=24
amplitude=0.77877814 effectId=-1
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn begin, duration
is 24
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn end
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: a FinishVibrateStep add to
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 23ms
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:04.140 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:04.164 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.164 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.164 1501 6791 D VibrationThread: Running complete vibration step
on vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:04.164 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: StepQueue add OffStep
11-25 11:35:04.164 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: status = FINISHED, call
11-25 11:35:04.164 1501 6791 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3684 finished
with status FINISHED
11-25 11:35:04.165 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.165 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 998ms
11-25 11:35:04.165 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:04.165 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:04.166 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.166 1501 6791 D VibrationThread: Turning off vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:04.166 1501 6791 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator off
11-25 11:35:04.167 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.167 1501 6791 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.167 1501 6791 D VibrationThread: FinishVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:04.168 1501 6791 D VibratorManagerService: Vibrators released after
finished vibration
11-25 11:35:04.169 1501 6791 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:04.449 1501 6793 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:04.449 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: playVibration
11-25 11:35:04.450 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.450 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.450 1501 6793 D VibrationThread: StartVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:04.450 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: old
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=0.0, duration=24}],
11-25 11:35:04.450 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: new
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}],
repeat=-1}, newRepeatIndex is -1
11-25 11:35:04.450 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: DeviceEffectMap(Mono),
11-25 11:35:04.450 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: No need to prepare and trigger
sync effects on a single vibrator
11-25 11:35:04.451 1501 6793 D VibrationThread: Running amplitude step with 1ms
11-25 11:35:04.451 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread:
stepSegmentStep{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}
11-25 11:35:04.451 1501 6793 D VibrationThread: Turning on vibrator 1 for 24ms
11-25 11:35:04.451 1501 6793 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator on for 24
s, vibrationId:3685
11-25 11:35:04.454 1501 6793 D VibrationThread: Amplitude changed on vibrator 1
to 0.77877814
11-25 11:35:04.454 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: AmplitudeStep duration=24
amplitude=0.77877814 effectId=-1
11-25 11:35:04.454 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn begin, duration
is 24
11-25 11:35:04.455 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn end
11-25 11:35:04.456 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: a FinishVibrateStep add to
11-25 11:35:04.456 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.458 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 18ms
11-25 11:35:04.458 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:04.458 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:04.476 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.476 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.476 1501 6793 D VibrationThread: Running complete vibration step
on vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:04.477 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: StepQueue add OffStep
11-25 11:35:04.477 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: status = FINISHED, call
11-25 11:35:04.477 1501 6793 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3685 finished
with status FINISHED
11-25 11:35:04.478 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.478 1501 6793 D VibrationThread: Turning off vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:04.478 1501 6793 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator off
11-25 11:35:04.479 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:04.479 1501 6793 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:04.479 1501 6793 D VibrationThread: FinishVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:04.479 1501 6793 D VibratorManagerService: Vibrators released after
finished vibration
11-25 11:35:04.480 1501 6793 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:07.267 1501 6794 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: playVibration
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D VibrationThread: StartVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: old
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=0.0, duration=24}],
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: new
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}],
repeat=-1}, newRepeatIndex is -1
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: DeviceEffectMap(Mono),
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: No need to prepare and trigger
sync effects on a single vibrator
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D VibrationThread: Running amplitude step with 0ms
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread:
stepSegmentStep{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D VibrationThread: Turning on vibrator 1 for 24ms
11-25 11:35:07.268 1501 6794 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator on for 24
s, vibrationId:3686
11-25 11:35:07.270 1501 6794 D VibrationThread: Amplitude changed on vibrator 1
to 0.77877814
11-25 11:35:07.270 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: AmplitudeStep duration=24
amplitude=0.77877814 effectId=-1
11-25 11:35:07.270 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn begin, duration
is 24
11-25 11:35:07.270 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn end
11-25 11:35:07.270 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: a FinishVibrateStep add to
11-25 11:35:07.270 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.271 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 21ms
11-25 11:35:07.271 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.271 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.292 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.292 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.292 1501 6794 D VibrationThread: Running complete vibration step
on vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:07.292 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: StepQueue add OffStep
11-25 11:35:07.293 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: status = FINISHED, call
11-25 11:35:07.293 1501 6794 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3686 finished
with status FINISHED
11-25 11:35:07.294 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.295 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 998ms
11-25 11:35:07.295 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.295 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.295 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.295 1501 6794 D VibrationThread: Turning off vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:07.295 1501 6794 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator off
11-25 11:35:07.296 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.296 1501 6794 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.296 1501 6794 D VibrationThread: FinishVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:07.297 1501 6794 D VibratorManagerService: Vibrators released after
finished vibration
11-25 11:35:07.298 1501 6794 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:07.489 1501 6797 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:35:07.489 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: playVibration
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D VibrationThread: StartVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: old
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=0.0, duration=24}],
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread_VibrationEffectAdapters: new
Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}],
repeat=-1}, newRepeatIndex is -1
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: DeviceEffectMap(Mono),
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: No need to prepare and trigger
sync effects on a single vibrator
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D VibrationThread: Running amplitude step with 0ms
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread:
stepSegmentStep{amplitude=0.77877814, frequency=NaN, duration=24}
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D VibrationThread: Turning on vibrator 1 for 24ms
11-25 11:35:07.490 1501 6797 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator on for 24
s, vibrationId:3687
11-25 11:35:07.491 1501 6797 D VibrationThread: Amplitude changed on vibrator 1
to 0.77877814
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: AmplitudeStep duration=24
amplitude=0.77877814 effectId=-1
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn begin, duration
is 24
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: noteVibratorOn end
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: a FinishVibrateStep add to
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 22ms
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.492 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.515 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.515 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.515 1501 6797 D VibrationThread: Running complete vibration step
on vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:07.515 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: StepQueue add OffStep
11-25 11:35:07.515 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: status = FINISHED, call
11-25 11:35:07.515 1501 6797 D VibratorManagerService: Vibration 3687 finished
with status FINISHED
11-25 11:35:07.516 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.516 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: need to delay 998ms
11-25 11:35:07.516 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.516 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread:
11-25 11:35:07.516 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.517 1501 6797 D VibrationThread: Turning off vibrator 1
11-25 11:35:07.517 1501 6797 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator off
11-25 11:35:07.517 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: nextStep.calculateWaitTime is
11-25 11:35:07.517 1501 6797 D _V_VibrationThread: consume step
11-25 11:35:07.518 1501 6797 D VibrationThread: FinishVibrateStep for effect #0
11-25 11:35:07.518 1501 6797 D VibratorManagerService: Vibrators released after
finished vibration
11-25 11:35:07.519 1501 6797 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:36:03.679 1501 1648 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:36:05.679 6557 14090 D _V_VivoEffectIDSegment: opPkg=com.facemoji.lite,
effect=Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=-1.0, frequency=0.0, duration=24}],
11-25 11:36:05.679 1501 2440 D _V_VibratorManagerService: vibrate for uid:10247,
pid:6557, pkg:com.facemoji.lite,
effect:Mono{mEffect=Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=-1.0, frequency=0.0,
duration=24}], repeat=-1}}, attrs:VibrationAttributes: Usage=TOUCH Audio Usage=
USAGE_MEDIA Flags=0, reason:null
11-25 11:36:45.429 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{4c194b
rkJobService u=0 s=10046 TIME=+16h20m30s679ms:+22h20m30s679ms CHARGING PERSISTED
satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x80000001} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:36:57.646 1501 2441 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused,
ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@8a812c3
attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@17b1679, token =
android.os.BinderProxy@f2fb9ee, startInputReason=CHECK_FOCUS
11-25 11:37:05.662 1501 5475 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{a08aeea
#1000/100028 u=0 s=10164
TIME=+5d17h5m40s679ms:+6d1h29m40s679ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED
satisfied:0x3400008 unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:37:22.679 1501 1572 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: oldCurrent = 764; current
= 756; currentFloat = 0.34303987; target = 610; animate = 756; rate = 40; gap = 80;
step = 8; scale = 1.0
11-25 11:37:38.679 1501 2204 D _V_RichTapVibratorService:
11-25 11:38:14.679 1501 5475 D _V_InputMethodManagerService:
startInputOrWindowGainedFocusInternalLocked$Stub$Proxy@4245bb5 ,windowToken
=android.os.BinderProxy@f2fb9ee ,isPassword=false ,mIsSecImms=false
11-25 11:38:14.679 1501 5475 D _V_InputMethodManagerService: setCurClientLocked--
set mCurClient to ClientState{de1238 uid=10201 pid=30098 displayId=0}
11-25 11:38:23.679 26163 26194 D _V_DisplayManager: Lock :android.os.Binder@c68e079
tag : keyguard-blur has already been released !
11-25 11:39:44.679 1501 1648 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:40:16.419 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 656.5452; finalLux = 591.7679; brightness = 0.4165538;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 1409;
downLux = 383; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false;
newLuxBr = false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState
= -1; realLcmBrightness = 1111; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:40:25.422 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 679.4872; finalLux = 699.05536; brightness = 0.4165538;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 1409;
downLux = 383; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false;
newLuxBr = false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState
= -1; realLcmBrightness = 1111; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:40:29.919 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 591.7679; finalLux = 597.84076; brightness = 0.4165538;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 1409;
downLux = 383; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false;
newLuxBr = false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState
= -1; realLcmBrightness = 1111; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:40:34.679 1501 1572 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.34499624; animateBrightness =
0.34499624; rate = 40; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-25 11:40:34.982 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.3918736; finalBrightness =
0.35936794; cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
11-25 11:40:34.982 1501 1830 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.35936794, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
11-25 11:40:34.983 1501 1830 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.35936794 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
11-25 11:40:53.679 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.34303987; finalBrightness =
0.33905193; cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
11-25 11:41:37.679 1501 1830 D LocalDisplayAdapter: LCM set backlight status true
11-25 11:41:37.679 1501 1519 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:729 pkg:android userId:0
11-25 11:41:40.953 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 680; targetLcm = 616; pemLcm = 679; step = 1; gap = 64
11-25 11:41:40.954 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= 0.34439427; mInvisibleBright = 0.34439427; mActualLcm = 679; mTargetLcm = 616;
mPemScale = 0.8; mApparentBrightness = 0.34439427
11-25 11:41:41.019 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 679; targetLcm = 616; pemLcm = 678; step = 1; gap = 64
11-25 11:41:43.679 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 0.34439427; finalBrightness =
0.33950338; cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
11-25 11:42:02.193 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{682ba1a
cheduler.JobSchedulerImpl$TaskRunnerJobService u=0 s=10128 TIME=+5h36m50s679ms:
+11h36m50s679ms IDLE PERIODIC satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:42:03.984 1501 1572 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: oldCurrent = 694; current
= 679; currentFloat = 0.3400301; target = 461; animate = 679; rate = 40; gap = 151;
step = 15; scale = 1.0
11-25 11:42:04.151 1501 1572 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: oldCurrent = 679; current
= 664; currentFloat = 0.33980435; target = 461; animate = 664; rate = 40; gap =
151; step = 15; scale = 1.0
11-25 11:42:29.679 1501 4897 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-25 11:42:31.867 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{4e33869
#u0a59/500004 u=0
s=10059 TIME=+5d18h59m30s58ms:+5d18h59m33s679ms BATNOTLOW satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x80000002} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:42:42.679 1501 5579 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-25 11:42:47.679 1501 1501 D BiometricService: Sensor ID(1), oemStrength: 4095,
updatedStrength: 4095, modality 8, state: 0, cookie: 0, props: ID: 1, Strength: 0,
Type: 0, SupportsFaceDetection: false, sensorId 1, hasEnrollments: false cannot
participate in Keystore operations
11-25 11:45:49.198 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{3f4c3f9 #u0a174/1573857705 u=0 s=10174 TIME=-5h3m11s321ms:
+18h56m48s679ms NET PERIODIC WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x81400000
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:45:51.610 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{d3b5544 #u0a169/1573857705 u=0 s=10169 TIME=+6h56m39s679ms:
+1d18h56m39s679ms NET PERIODIC satisfied:0x2400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would
not be ready.
11-25 11:46:03.679 1501 1519 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:576 pkg:android userId:0
11-25 11:46:12.679 1501 1501 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:screen_brightness_write_by value:int pkg:android
11-25 11:46:14.745 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 21.592443; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:15.645 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:18.345 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:19.245 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:21.945 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 21.592443; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:22.846 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:23.745 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:24.646 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:25.546 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:26.445 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:27.352 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 21.592443; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:28.245 1501 1766 I _V_Sensor_AutomaticBrightnessController:
handleNewLux origin = 20.917679; finalLux = 20.917679; brightness = 0.23348382;
mReadyOn = false; mWaitingFirstLux = false; lightCover = false; upLux = 78; downLux
= 6; motion = 0; gameMode = false; cameraMode = false; childMode = false; newLuxBr
= false; curveName = auto_default; isUseVicoBrightness = false; foldState = -1;
realLcmBrightness = 412; mHBMState = false; mAnimatingStatus = 0;
mCalcNewBrightness = false; userSetting = true; lockBrightness = false
11-25 11:46:31.679 1501 1830 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= 0.18419865; mInvisibleBright = 0.18419865; mActualLcm = 335; mTargetLcm = 124;
mPemScale = 0.8; mApparentBrightness = 0.05
11-25 11:47:37.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{7aa4e0c #u0a165/24292
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-16h21m49s669ms:none NET satisfied:0x83400000
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 11:47:37.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{7118080 #u0a165/-234
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-5h6m20s239ms:+18h53m39s761ms NET IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED satisfied:0x83400000 unsatisfied:0x10000004} would not be ready.
11-25 11:47:37.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{6a53396 #u0a165/12969
temJobService u=0 s=10165 NET CHARGING IDLE satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000005} would not be ready.
11-25 11:47:52.234 1501 2442 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{231c106
vice u=0 s=10177 TIME=+2d10h3m23s679ms:none BATNOTLOW satisfied:0x2400000
unsatisfied:0x80000002} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:47:52.652 1501 2442 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{9d57e05
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+9h52m22s679ms:+1d9h52m22s679ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because delay won't make it
11-25 11:47:52.679 1501 2442 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{df3297e #u0a163/9438
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h37m28s687ms NET CHARGING satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000001} would not be ready.
11-25 11:49:27.096 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{4fe1581 #u0a184/1007999
led.ScheduledTaskService u=0 s=10184 TIME=-1d5h8m9s679ms:-1d5h8m9s679ms NET
unsatisfied:0x10000007} would not be ready.
11-25 11:49:27.127 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{a9ae6b9 #u0a165/-478
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-5h8m9s679ms:+18h51m50s321ms NET IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED satisfied:0x83400000 unsatisfied:0x10000004} would not be ready.
11-25 11:50:22.133 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{b3b83f8
com.truecaller/ u=0 s=10214
TIME=+4h11m9s679ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:50:22.322 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{962e598
#1000/666 android/ u=0 s=1000
TIME=+15h9m37s679ms:none BATNOTLOW IDLE satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x80000006}
because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:50:22.322 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{f27e375
#1000/808 android/ u=0 s=1000
TIME=+15h9m37s679ms:none BATNOTLOW IDLE satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x80000006}
because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:50:22.405 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{b796e2a
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+6h26m49s679ms:+1d6h26m49s679ms PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000000} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:50:22.534 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{58d6920
com.facemoji.lite/ u=0
s=10247 TIME=+34m42s679ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:51:11.199 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18530944 ms
11-25 11:51:14.203 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18533930 ms
11-25 11:51:17.214 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18536960 ms
11-25 11:51:20.219 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18539946 ms
11-25 11:51:23.231 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18542976 ms
11-25 11:51:25.679 1007 9088 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 76.58 secs
11-25 11:51:26.239 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18545962 ms
11-25 11:51:29.247 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18548992 ms
11-25 11:51:32.253 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18551978 ms
11-25 11:51:35.262 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18555008 ms
11-25 11:51:38.272 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18557994 ms
11-25 11:51:41.278 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18561024 ms
11-25 11:51:44.288 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18564010 ms
11-25 11:51:47.296 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18567040 ms
11-25 11:51:50.301 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18570026 ms
11-25 11:51:53.310 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18573056 ms
11-25 11:51:56.316 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18576042 ms
11-25 11:51:59.324 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18579072 ms
11-25 11:52:02.332 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18582058 ms
11-25 11:52:05.342 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18585088 ms
11-25 11:52:08.351 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18588074 ms
11-25 11:52:11.357 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18591104 ms
11-25 11:52:14.366 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18594090 ms
11-25 11:52:17.374 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18597120 ms
11-25 11:52:20.383 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18600106 ms
11-25 11:52:23.389 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18603136 ms
11-25 11:52:26.396 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18606122 ms
11-25 11:52:29.402 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18609109 ms
11-25 11:52:32.413 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18612138 ms
11-25 11:52:35.422 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18615168 ms
11-25 11:52:38.428 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18618154 ms
11-25 11:52:41.437 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18621184 ms
11-25 11:52:44.447 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18624170 ms
11-25 11:52:47.455 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18627200 ms
11-25 11:52:50.458 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18630186 ms
11-25 11:52:53.469 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18633216 ms
11-25 11:52:56.476 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18636202 ms
11-25 11:52:59.484 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18639189 ms
11-25 11:53:02.493 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18642218 ms
11-25 11:53:05.501 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18645248 ms
11-25 11:53:08.507 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18648234 ms
11-25 11:53:11.516 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18651221 ms
11-25 11:53:14.526 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18654250 ms
11-25 11:53:17.536 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18657280 ms
11-25 11:53:20.544 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18660266 ms
11-25 11:53:23.551 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18663296 ms
11-25 11:53:26.557 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18666282 ms
11-25 11:53:29.566 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18669312 ms
11-25 11:53:32.576 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18672298 ms
11-25 11:53:35.580 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18675328 ms
11-25 11:53:38.589 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18678314 ms
11-25 11:53:41.595 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18681301 ms
11-25 11:53:44.608 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18684330 ms
11-25 11:53:47.616 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18687360 ms
11-25 11:53:50.622 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18690346 ms
11-25 11:53:53.628 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 255104 ms, normalFrame 18693376 ms
11-25 11:53:55.637 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 1066 ms, totalMuteFrame 256170 ms, normalFrame 18694314 ms
11-25 11:53:56.131 679 776 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf31baab8
11-25 11:53:57.008 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 11:53:57.008 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 11:53:57.008 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 11:53:57.008 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 11:53:57.008 679 776 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 11:53:57.008 679 776 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 11:53:57.009 679 776 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3584380) 0x0 0x0
11-25 11:53:57.009 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 11:53:57.009 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 11:53:57.013 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 11:53:57.013 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 11:53:57.013 679 776 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 11:53:57.013 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 11:53:57.013 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 11:53:57.013 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 11:53:57.014 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 11:53:57.015 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 11:53:57.015 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 11:53:57.015 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 11:53:57.015 679 776 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 11:53:57.015 679 776 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e41010
11-25 11:53:57.015 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3584380, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 11:53:57.016 679 776 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 11:53:57.017 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 11:53:57.235 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 11:53:57.235 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 11:53:57.244 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 11:53:57.245 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 11:53:57.264 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 11:53:57.264 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 11:53:57.264 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 11:53:57.280 679 776 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf31baab8
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 11:53:57.281 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 11:53:57.284 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 11:53:57.284 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 11:53:57.285 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 11:53:57.285 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 11:53:57.285 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 11:53:57.285 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 11:53:57.285 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 11:53:57.286 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 11:53:57.286 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 11:53:57.286 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 11:53:57.287 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:53:57.288 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3584380 Init lib v125
11-25 11:53:57.289 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 11:53:57.289 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 11:53:57.289 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 11:53:57.289 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 11:53:57.289 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 11:53:57.289 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 11:53:57.289 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 11:53:57.290 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:53:57.290 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 11:53:57.290 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:53:57.290 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 11:53:57.291 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 11:53:57.291 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 11:53:57.298 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b885f0
11-25 11:53:57.298 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:53:57.298 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 11:53:57.299 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 11:53:57.300 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 11:53:57.301 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 11:53:57.301 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 11:53:57.301 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 11:53:57.301 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec21a0
11-25 11:53:57.302 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 11:53:57.302 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 11:53:57.302 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 11:53:57.302 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 11:53:57.302 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 11:53:57.303 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 11:53:57.347 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 11:53:57.348 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 11:53:57.348 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 11:53:57.348 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:53:57.348 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 11:53:57.348 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 11:53:57.348 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 11:53:57.348 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 11:53:57.359 679 776 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf31baab8
11-25 11:53:57.641 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 2730 ms, totalMuteFrame 257834 ms, normalFrame 18694314 ms
11-25 11:53:57.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 0.67 secs
11-25 11:53:57.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 0.69 secs
11-25 11:54:00.655 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18696106 ms
11-25 11:54:03.698 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18699136 ms
11-25 11:54:06.704 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18702165 ms
11-25 11:54:09.714 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18705152 ms
11-25 11:54:12.720 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18708181 ms
11-25 11:54:15.732 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18711168 ms
11-25 11:54:18.738 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18714197 ms
11-25 11:54:21.744 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18717184 ms
11-25 11:54:24.754 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18720213 ms
11-25 11:54:27.761 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18723200 ms
11-25 11:54:30.769 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18726229 ms
11-25 11:54:33.777 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18729216 ms
11-25 11:54:36.782 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18732202 ms
11-25 11:54:39.794 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18735232 ms
11-25 11:54:42.803 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18738261 ms
11-25 11:54:45.811 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18741248 ms
11-25 11:54:47.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 50.82 secs
11-25 11:54:48.817 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18744277 ms
11-25 11:54:51.823 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18747264 ms
11-25 11:54:54.832 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18750293 ms
11-25 11:54:57.843 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18753280 ms
11-25 11:55:00.850 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18756309 ms
11-25 11:55:03.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 66.86 secs
11-25 11:55:03.858 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18759296 ms
11-25 11:55:06.865 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18762325 ms
11-25 11:55:09.872 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18765312 ms
11-25 11:55:11.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 74.72 secs
11-25 11:55:11.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 74.75 secs
11-25 11:55:12.880 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18768341 ms
11-25 11:55:14.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 77.81 secs
11-25 11:55:15.887 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18771328 ms
11-25 11:55:18.898 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18774357 ms
11-25 11:55:21.679 1501 2442 D NetworkManagement: Uid 10247 restricted because of
device idle mode
11-25 11:55:21.679 1501 2442 D NetworkManagement: Uid 10128 restricted because of
app standby mode
11-25 11:55:21.904 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18777344 ms
11-25 11:55:22.791 1501 2442 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{50cf3ba
vice u=0 s=10177 TIME=+31m59s679ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:55:23.001 1501 2442 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{19d1e3f
com.truecaller/ u=0 s=10214
TIME=+6h29m43s679ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:55:24.912 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18780330 ms
11-25 11:55:26.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 89.72 secs
11-25 11:55:26.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 89.74 secs
11-25 11:55:26.679 1007 9568 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 89.77 secs
11-25 11:55:27.920 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18783360 ms
11-25 11:55:30.928 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18786389 ms
11-25 11:55:33.938 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18789376 ms
11-25 11:55:36.942 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18792362 ms
11-25 11:55:39.951 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18795392 ms
11-25 11:55:42.962 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18798421 ms
11-25 11:55:45.970 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18801408 ms
11-25 11:55:48.978 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18804437 ms
11-25 11:55:51.986 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18807424 ms
11-25 11:55:54.994 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18810453 ms
11-25 11:55:56.277 30565 30587 D SharedPreferencesImpl: Time required to fsync
: [<1: 0, <2: 0, <4: 10, <8: 132, <16: 679, <32: 140, <64: 2, <128: 2, <256: 9,
<512: 50, <1024: 0, <2048: 0, <4096: 0, <8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
11-25 11:55:58.002 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18813440 ms
11-25 11:56:01.008 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18816469 ms
11-25 11:56:04.017 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18819456 ms
11-25 11:56:05.679 661 937 I netd : querySockNetidForUid not bind uid:10286
11-25 11:56:07.026 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18822485 ms
11-25 11:56:10.035 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18825472 ms
11-25 11:56:13.040 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18828501 ms
11-25 11:56:16.051 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18831488 ms
11-25 11:56:19.058 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18834517 ms
11-25 11:56:22.064 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18837504 ms
11-25 11:56:25.070 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18840490 ms
11-25 11:56:28.082 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18843520 ms
11-25 11:56:31.090 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18846549 ms
11-25 11:56:34.099 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18849536 ms
11-25 11:56:37.102 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18852522 ms
11-25 11:56:40.115 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18855552 ms
11-25 11:56:43.121 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18858581 ms
11-25 11:56:46.130 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18861568 ms
11-25 11:56:49.137 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18864597 ms
11-25 11:56:52.145 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18867584 ms
11-25 11:56:55.152 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 259072 ms, normalFrame 18870613 ms
11-25 11:56:57.202 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 1834 ms, totalMuteFrame 260906 ms, normalFrame 18870784 ms
11-25 11:56:58.421 679 776 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf31baab8
11-25 11:56:59.225 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 3797 ms, totalMuteFrame 262869 ms, normalFrame 18870784 ms
11-25 11:56:59.307 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 11:56:59.307 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 11:56:59.307 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 11:56:59.307 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 11:56:59.308 679 776 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 11:56:59.308 679 776 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 11:56:59.308 679 776 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3584380) 0x0 0x0
11-25 11:56:59.308 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 11:56:59.308 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 11:56:59.312 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 11:56:59.313 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 11:56:59.313 679 776 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 11:56:59.313 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 11:56:59.313 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 11:56:59.313 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 11:56:59.313 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 11:56:59.314 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 11:56:59.314 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 11:56:59.314 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 11:56:59.315 679 776 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 11:56:59.315 679 776 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e41010
11-25 11:56:59.315 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3584380, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 11:56:59.316 679 776 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 11:56:59.317 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 11:56:59.536 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 11:56:59.536 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 11:56:59.546 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 11:56:59.547 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 11:56:59.566 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 11:56:59.566 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 11:56:59.567 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 11:56:59.584 679 776 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf31baab8
11-25 11:56:59.588 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 11:56:59.588 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 11:56:59.588 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 11:56:59.588 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 11:56:59.588 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 11:56:59.589 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 11:56:59.589 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 11:56:59.589 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 11:56:59.589 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 11:56:59.589 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 11:56:59.591 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 11:56:59.592 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:56:59.594 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3584380 Init lib v125
11-25 11:56:59.595 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 11:56:59.595 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 11:56:59.595 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 11:56:59.595 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 11:56:59.595 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 11:56:59.595 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 11:56:59.595 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 11:56:59.596 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:56:59.596 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 11:56:59.597 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:56:59.597 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 11:56:59.597 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 11:56:59.597 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 11:56:59.604 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b885f0
11-25 11:56:59.604 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:56:59.604 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 11:56:59.604 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 11:56:59.604 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 11:56:59.604 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 11:56:59.604 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 11:56:59.605 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec21a0
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 11:56:59.606 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 11:56:59.607 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 11:56:59.654 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 11:56:59.654 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 11:56:59.655 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 11:56:59.655 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 11:56:59.655 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 11:56:59.655 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 11:56:59.655 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 11:56:59.655 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 11:56:59.666 679 776 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf31baab8
11-25 11:56:59.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 0.56 secs
11-25 11:56:59.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 0.59 secs
11-25 11:56:59.679 30565 9807 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels -
11-25 11:57:02.255 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18873344 ms
11-25 11:57:03.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 4.55 secs
11-25 11:57:05.258 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18876373 ms
11-25 11:57:08.265 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18879360 ms
11-25 11:57:11.316 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18882389 ms
11-25 11:57:14.388 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18885461 ms
11-25 11:57:17.458 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18888533 ms
11-25 11:57:20.460 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18891562 ms
11-25 11:57:23.474 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18894592 ms
11-25 11:57:26.482 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18897578 ms
11-25 11:57:29.490 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18900608 ms
11-25 11:57:32.498 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18903594 ms
11-25 11:57:35.506 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18906581 ms
11-25 11:57:38.513 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18909610 ms
11-25 11:57:41.521 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18912597 ms
11-25 11:57:44.522 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18915626 ms
11-25 11:57:47.537 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18918656 ms
11-25 11:57:50.612 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18921685 ms
11-25 11:57:51.679 9855 9889 I Finsky : [62] toc.t(14): Starting libraries load
for 2139658003
11-25 11:57:51.679 9855 9885 D Finsky : [58] hxq.j(9): Beginning load of
11-25 11:57:52.983 9855 9900 I Finsky : [72] aalk.d(263): SCH: Scheduling system
job Id: 9679, L: 0, D: 86250334, C: false, I: true, N: 2
11-25 11:57:52.986 1501 4898 D JobScheduler: Scheduling job:
11-25 11:57:52.991 1501 4898 D JobScheduler: SCHEDULE: bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
11-25 11:57:52.992 1501 4898 D JobStore: Added job status to store:
JobStatus{bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h57m30s333ms NET IDLE WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x0 unsatisfied:0x10000004}
11-25 11:57:52.992 1501 4898 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: Connectivity unchanged
for JobStatus{bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h57m30s333ms NET IDLE WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x0 unsatisfied:0x10000004}: usable=true satisfied=false
11-25 11:57:52.995 1501 4898 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h57m30s330ms NET IDLE satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000004} would not be ready.
11-25 11:57:53.168 1501 2442 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{a1146f6
u=0 s=10169 TIME=+3d1h2m7s679ms:+3d3h2m7s679ms PERSISTED satisfied:0x2400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 11:57:53.684 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18924757 ms
11-25 11:57:56.685 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18927786 ms
11-25 11:57:57.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 58.52 secs
11-25 11:57:59.701 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18930816 ms
11-25 11:58:02.709 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18933802 ms
11-25 11:58:03.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 64.50 secs
11-25 11:58:05.715 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18936789 ms
11-25 11:58:08.724 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18939818 ms
11-25 11:58:11.729 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18942848 ms
11-25 11:58:14.740 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18945834 ms
11-25 11:58:17.745 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18948864 ms
11-25 11:58:20.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 81.56 secs
11-25 11:58:20.754 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18951850 ms
11-25 11:58:23.762 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18954837 ms
11-25 11:58:26.770 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18957866 ms
11-25 11:58:29.777 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18960896 ms
11-25 11:58:32.849 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18963925 ms
11-25 11:58:35.856 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18966954 ms
11-25 11:58:38.868 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18969941 ms
11-25 11:58:41.876 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18972970 ms
11-25 11:58:42.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 103.52 secs
11-25 11:58:44.881 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18975957 ms
11-25 11:58:47.884 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18978986 ms
11-25 11:58:50.897 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18981973 ms
11-25 11:58:53.906 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18985002 ms
11-25 11:58:56.916 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18988032 ms
11-25 11:58:59.922 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18991018 ms
11-25 11:59:00.222 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h56m23s103ms NET IDLE satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000004} would not be ready.
11-25 11:59:02.932 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18994048 ms
11-25 11:59:05.939 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 18997034 ms
11-25 11:59:08.946 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19000064 ms
11-25 11:59:11.956 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19003050 ms
11-25 11:59:14.962 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19006080 ms
11-25 11:59:18.033 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19009109 ms
11-25 11:59:21.042 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19012138 ms
11-25 11:59:23.061 17895 22021 E AuthPII : Caused by:
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Waited 30 seconds (plus 246848 nanoseconds
delay) for ebuh@5d36420[status=PENDING,
info=[tag=[GmsUrlRequestImpl.startWithFuture()]]]], function=[xnf@6a1727f]]]],
11-25 11:59:23.063 17895 22021 E AuthPII : Caused by:
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Waited 30 seconds (plus 246848 nanoseconds
delay) for ebuh@5d36420[status=PENDING,
info=[tag=[GmsUrlRequestImpl.startWithFuture()]]]], function=[xnf@6a1727f]]]],
11-25 11:59:24.050 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19015168 ms
11-25 11:59:27.051 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19018154 ms
11-25 11:59:30.066 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19021184 ms
11-25 11:59:33.074 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19024170 ms
11-25 11:59:36.082 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19027157 ms
11-25 11:59:39.154 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19030229 ms
11-25 11:59:42.225 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19033301 ms
11-25 11:59:42.466 1007 9811 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe94471c8 :
8(524288 size) total buffers - 5(327680 size) used buffers - 6795/6803
(recycle/alloc) - 8/13602 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 11:59:42.471 691 9812 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe82c0028 :
4(18432 size) total buffers - 1(4608 size) used buffers - 6798/6802 (recycle/alloc)
- 37/6801 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 11:59:45.234 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19036330 ms
11-25 11:59:48.244 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19039317 ms
11-25 11:59:51.252 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19042346 ms
11-25 11:59:54.260 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19045376 ms
11-25 11:59:57.330 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19048405 ms
11-25 11:59:57.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 178.31 secs
11-25 11:59:57.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 178.33 secs
11-25 12:00:00.341 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19051434 ms
11-25 12:00:03.348 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19054421 ms
11-25 12:00:06.357 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19057450 ms
11-25 12:00:07.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 188.36 secs
11-25 12:00:07.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 188.39 secs
11-25 12:00:09.364 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19060437 ms
11-25 12:00:12.436 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19063509 ms
11-25 12:00:13.652 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get Total pss for pid:679 newGot
cached:false took 4725 us, result=21288KB
11-25 12:00:13.653 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get GPU for pid:679 cached,
cached:true took 23 us, result=0KB
11-25 12:00:13.653 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get ION for pid:679 cached,
cached:true took 11 us, result=0KB
11-25 12:00:13.653 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get PSS for pid:679 cached,
cached:true took 13 us, result=21288KB
11-25 12:00:13.653 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-PhyMem: doScan for ProcRecord(Native)
[ adj=-1000] result: total=21288
11-25 12:00:13.679 1007 9809 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 194.51 secs
11-25 12:00:15.444 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19066538 ms
11-25 12:00:18.452 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19069568 ms
11-25 12:00:20.300 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h55m3s25ms NET IDLE satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000004} would not be ready.
11-25 12:00:21.447 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h55m1s878ms NET IDLE satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x10000004} would not be ready.
11-25 12:00:21.458 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19072554 ms
11-25 12:00:23.262 1501 2197 D JobScheduler: CANCEL: bfc4c7a #u0a163/9679
11-25 12:00:23.281 1501 2197 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{f87dee7
u=0 s=10178 TIME=+2d15h56m33s679ms:none NET satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:00:24.466 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19075584 ms
11-25 12:00:27.473 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 263040 ms, normalFrame 19078570 ms
11-25 12:00:28.800 679 776 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf31baab8
11-25 12:00:29.488 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 853 ms, totalMuteFrame 263893 ms, normalFrame 19079722 ms
11-25 12:00:29.693 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:00:29.693 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:00:29.693 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:00:29.693 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:00:29.693 679 776 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:00:29.693 679 776 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:00:29.694 679 776 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3584380) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:00:29.694 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:00:29.694 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:00:29.697 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:00:29.698 679 776 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:00:29.698 679 776 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:00:29.698 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:00:29.698 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:00:29.698 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:00:29.698 679 776 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:00:29.698 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e41010
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3584380, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:00:29.699 679 776 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:00:29.700 679 776 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:00:29.875 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:00:29.876 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:00:29.884 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:00:29.884 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:00:29.902 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:00:29.902 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:00:29.903 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:00:29.918 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:00:29.919 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:00:29.921 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:00:29.921 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:00:29.921 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:00:29.922 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3584380 Init lib v125
11-25 12:00:29.923 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:00:29.924 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:00:29.924 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:00:29.924 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:00:29.924 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:00:29.924 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:00:29.924 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:00:29.925 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:00:29.925 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:00:29.925 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:00:29.925 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:00:29.925 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:00:29.925 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:00:29.932 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b885f0
11-25 12:00:29.932 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:00:29.932 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:00:29.932 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:00:29.932 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:00:29.933 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:00:29.934 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:00:29.935 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:00:29.935 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:00:29.935 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:00:29.935 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:00:29.936 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:00:29.936 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:00:29.936 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec21a0
11-25 12:00:29.936 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:00:29.937 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:00:29.937 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:00:29.937 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:00:29.937 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:00:29.939 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:00:29.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:00:29.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:00:29.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:00:29.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:00:29.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:00:29.985 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:00:29.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:00:29.986 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:00:30.000 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:00:32.563 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19082026 ms
11-25 12:00:35.565 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19085056 ms
11-25 12:00:38.580 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19088085 ms
11-25 12:00:41.588 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19091072 ms
11-25 12:00:44.594 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19094101 ms
11-25 12:00:47.602 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19097088 ms
11-25 12:00:50.610 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19100117 ms
11-25 12:00:53.684 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19103146 ms
11-25 12:00:56.690 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19106176 ms
11-25 12:00:59.702 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19109205 ms
11-25 12:01:02.711 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19112192 ms
11-25 12:01:05.717 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19115221 ms
11-25 12:01:08.725 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19118208 ms
11-25 12:01:11.730 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19121237 ms
11-25 12:01:14.739 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19124224 ms
11-25 12:01:17.746 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19127253 ms
11-25 12:01:20.754 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19130240 ms
11-25 12:01:23.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 54.15 secs
11-25 12:01:23.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 54.17 secs
11-25 12:01:23.763 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19133269 ms
11-25 12:01:26.773 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19136256 ms
11-25 12:01:29.780 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19139285 ms
11-25 12:01:32.789 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19142272 ms
11-25 12:01:35.793 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19145301 ms
11-25 12:01:38.804 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19148288 ms
11-25 12:01:41.810 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19151317 ms
11-25 12:01:44.738 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-VirtMem: doScan for ProcRecord(Native)
[ adj=-1000] result: free=4103332
11-25 12:01:44.817 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19154304 ms
11-25 12:01:47.829 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19157333 ms
11-25 12:01:50.835 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19160320 ms
11-25 12:01:53.841 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19163306 ms
11-25 12:01:56.849 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19166336 ms
11-25 12:01:59.859 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19169365 ms
11-25 12:02:02.930 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19172394 ms
11-25 12:02:05.938 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19175424 ms
11-25 12:02:08.946 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19178453 ms
11-25 12:02:11.955 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19181440 ms
11-25 12:02:14.962 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19184469 ms
11-25 12:02:17.970 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19187456 ms
11-25 12:02:20.980 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19190485 ms
11-25 12:02:24.050 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19193514 ms
11-25 12:02:27.061 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19196544 ms
11-25 12:02:28.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 119.16 secs
11-25 12:02:30.068 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19199573 ms
11-25 12:02:33.074 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19202560 ms
11-25 12:02:33.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 124.16 secs
11-25 12:02:33.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 124.18 secs
11-25 12:02:36.082 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19205589 ms
11-25 12:02:39.093 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19208576 ms
11-25 12:02:42.097 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19211605 ms
11-25 12:02:45.109 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19214592 ms
11-25 12:02:48.116 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19217621 ms
11-25 12:02:51.124 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19220608 ms
11-25 12:02:51.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{38ee799 #u0a214/28745
com.truecaller/ u=0 s=10214
NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be
11-25 12:02:51.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{337873c #u0a214/28767
com.truecaller/ u=0 s=10214
NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING URIS=[$TriggerContentUri@bcadf4d8]
satisfied:0x5400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:02:51.679 10308 10308 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10163; state: ENABLED
11-25 12:02:51.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{2534235 #u0a214/-1231147094
bInfoSchedulerService u=0 s=10214 TIME=-16h12m24s252ms:none NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x81400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:02:51.697 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{ec1c3ca #1000/100018 u=0 s=10164 TIME=-11m2s679ms:
+1h0m57s321ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED satisfied:0x83400008
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:02:54.131 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19223637 ms
11-25 12:02:57.139 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19226624 ms
11-25 12:03:00.146 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19229653 ms
11-25 12:03:03.154 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19232640 ms
11-25 12:03:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 156.13 secs
11-25 12:03:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 156.15 secs
11-25 12:03:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 156.18 secs
11-25 12:03:06.161 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19235669 ms
11-25 12:03:09.170 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19238656 ms
11-25 12:03:10.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 161.17 secs
11-25 12:03:12.181 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19241685 ms
11-25 12:03:15.187 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19244672 ms
11-25 12:03:18.197 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19247701 ms
11-25 12:03:21.204 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264405 ms, normalFrame 19250688 ms
11-25 12:03:24.209 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19253504 ms
11-25 12:03:27.218 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19256533 ms
11-25 12:03:30.228 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19259562 ms
11-25 12:03:33.237 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19262549 ms
11-25 12:03:36.240 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19265536 ms
11-25 12:03:39.253 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19268565 ms
11-25 12:03:42.258 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19271594 ms
11-25 12:03:42.586 19821 20031 D DurationCollector: updateRecord. beginDate = 2023-
11-25, isSameDay = true, infos =
11-25 12:03:42.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 192.98 secs
11-25 12:03:45.268 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19274581 ms
11-25 12:03:48.275 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19277610 ms
11-25 12:03:50.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 201.18 secs
11-25 12:03:51.282 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19280597 ms
11-25 12:03:54.293 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19283626 ms
11-25 12:03:57.300 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19286613 ms
11-25 12:04:00.309 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19289642 ms
11-25 12:04:03.317 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19292629 ms
11-25 12:04:06.320 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19295658 ms
11-25 12:04:09.330 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19298645 ms
11-25 12:04:12.340 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19301674 ms
11-25 12:04:15.347 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19304661 ms
11-25 12:04:18.356 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19307690 ms
11-25 12:04:21.362 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19310677 ms
11-25 12:04:24.372 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19313664 ms
11-25 12:04:27.381 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19316693 ms
11-25 12:04:30.388 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19319722 ms
11-25 12:04:33.394 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19322709 ms
11-25 12:04:36.400 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19325738 ms
11-25 12:04:39.412 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19328725 ms
11-25 12:04:40.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 251.03 secs
11-25 12:04:40.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 251.05 secs
11-25 12:04:40.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 251.08 secs
11-25 12:04:42.420 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19331754 ms
11-25 12:04:45.427 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19334741 ms
11-25 12:04:48.433 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19337770 ms
11-25 12:04:51.442 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19340757 ms
11-25 12:04:54.453 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19343744 ms
11-25 12:04:57.461 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19346773 ms
11-25 12:04:57.972 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1673,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 684 ms, normalFrame 267956 ms
11-25 12:05:00.468 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19349802 ms
11-25 12:05:03.475 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19352789 ms
11-25 12:05:06.481 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19355818 ms
11-25 12:05:09.493 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19358805 ms
11-25 12:05:11.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 282.01 secs
11-25 12:05:11.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 282.03 secs
11-25 12:05:12.500 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19361834 ms
11-25 12:05:15.509 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19364821 ms
11-25 12:05:18.513 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19367850 ms
11-25 12:05:19.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 290.23 secs
11-25 12:05:21.521 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19370837 ms
11-25 12:05:24.528 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19373824 ms
11-25 12:05:27.540 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19376853 ms
11-25 12:05:30.546 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19379840 ms
11-25 12:05:33.553 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19382869 ms
11-25 12:05:36.561 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19385856 ms
11-25 12:05:39.571 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19388885 ms
11-25 12:05:39.679 1047 1497 D storaged: getDiskStats is not supported on health
11-25 12:05:42.580 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19391914 ms
11-25 12:05:45.587 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19394901 ms
11-25 12:05:45.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 316.12 secs
11-25 12:05:48.595 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19397930 ms
11-25 12:05:51.602 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19400917 ms
11-25 12:05:54.610 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19403904 ms
11-25 12:05:55.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 326.15 secs
11-25 12:05:57.618 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19406933 ms
11-25 12:06:00.626 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19409962 ms
11-25 12:06:03.633 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19412949 ms
11-25 12:06:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 336.13 secs
11-25 12:06:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 336.16 secs
11-25 12:06:06.645 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19415978 ms
11-25 12:06:09.652 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19418965 ms
11-25 12:06:12.658 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19421994 ms
11-25 12:06:15.666 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19424981 ms
11-25 12:06:18.676 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19428010 ms
11-25 12:06:21.686 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19430997 ms
11-25 12:06:24.692 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19434026 ms
11-25 12:06:27.700 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19437013 ms
11-25 12:06:30.706 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19440042 ms
11-25 12:06:33.716 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19443029 ms
11-25 12:06:36.721 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19446016 ms
11-25 12:06:39.732 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19449045 ms
11-25 12:06:42.740 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19452074 ms
11-25 12:06:45.809 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19455104 ms
11-25 12:06:48.820 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19458133 ms
11-25 12:06:51.828 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19461162 ms
11-25 12:06:54.897 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19464192 ms
11-25 12:06:57.909 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19467221 ms
11-25 12:07:00.916 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19470250 ms
11-25 12:07:03.925 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19473237 ms
11-25 12:07:06.930 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19476266 ms
11-25 12:07:09.937 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19479253 ms
11-25 12:07:12.949 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19482282 ms
11-25 12:07:15.957 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19485269 ms
11-25 12:07:18.964 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19488298 ms
11-25 12:07:21.969 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264576 ms, normalFrame 19491285 ms
11-25 12:07:24.980 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19494229 ms
11-25 12:07:27.987 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19497216 ms
11-25 12:07:30.996 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19500245 ms
11-25 12:07:34.001 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19503232 ms
11-25 12:07:37.008 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19506218 ms
11-25 12:07:40.020 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19509248 ms
11-25 12:07:43.028 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19512277 ms
11-25 12:07:46.035 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19515264 ms
11-25 12:07:49.042 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19518293 ms
11-25 12:07:52.048 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19521280 ms
11-25 12:07:52.679 1501 5456 D NetworkPolicy: 10163 is allowed by default
11-25 12:07:53.679 10693 10693 D Finsky : [2] ski.onCreate(84): IPC-SERVER:
Loading gRPC service:
11-25 12:07:53.761 1501 2606 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{3885d6
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+3h23m34s679ms:+15h23m34s679ms IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000004} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:07:53.846 1501 2606 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{90d5b52
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+23m22s679ms:none NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:07:55.058 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19524309 ms
11-25 12:07:58.066 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19527296 ms
11-25 12:08:01.074 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19530325 ms
11-25 12:08:04.145 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19533354 ms
11-25 12:08:07.157 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19536384 ms
11-25 12:08:10.165 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19539413 ms
11-25 12:08:13.172 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19542400 ms
11-25 12:08:16.179 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19545429 ms
11-25 12:08:19.187 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19548416 ms
11-25 12:08:22.196 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19551445 ms
11-25 12:08:25.198 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19554432 ms
11-25 12:08:28.210 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19557461 ms
11-25 12:08:31.218 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19560448 ms
11-25 12:08:34.229 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19563477 ms
11-25 12:08:37.235 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19566464 ms
11-25 12:08:40.242 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19569493 ms
11-25 12:08:43.252 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19572480 ms
11-25 12:08:46.261 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19575509 ms
11-25 12:08:49.267 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19578496 ms
11-25 12:08:52.276 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19581525 ms
11-25 12:08:55.282 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1673,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 812 ms, normalFrame 505679 ms
11-25 12:08:55.283 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19584512 ms
11-25 12:08:58.292 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19587498 ms
11-25 12:09:01.298 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19590528 ms
11-25 12:09:04.308 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19593557 ms
11-25 12:09:07.380 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19596586 ms
11-25 12:09:10.389 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19599616 ms
11-25 12:09:11.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 522.22 secs
11-25 12:09:13.397 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19602645 ms
11-25 12:09:16.402 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19605632 ms
11-25 12:09:19.409 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19608661 ms
11-25 12:09:21.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 532.15 secs
11-25 12:09:22.418 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19611648 ms
11-25 12:09:25.428 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19614677 ms
11-25 12:09:28.434 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19617664 ms
11-25 12:09:31.442 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19620693 ms
11-25 12:09:34.513 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19623722 ms
11-25 12:09:34.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 545.18 secs
11-25 12:09:37.525 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19626752 ms
11-25 12:09:40.530 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19629781 ms
11-25 12:09:43.538 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19632768 ms
11-25 12:09:46.547 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19635797 ms
11-25 12:09:49.552 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19638784 ms
11-25 12:09:52.562 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 264661 ms, normalFrame 19641813 ms
11-25 12:09:55.146 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 42 ms, totalMuteFrame 264704 ms, normalFrame 19644330 ms
11-25 12:09:58.129 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1673,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1582 ms, normalFrame 567901 ms
11-25 12:09:58.154 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19646720 ms
11-25 12:10:01.204 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19649749 ms
11-25 12:10:03.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 574.18 secs
11-25 12:10:04.213 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19652778 ms
11-25 12:10:07.217 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19655765 ms
11-25 12:10:10.228 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19658794 ms
11-25 12:10:13.237 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19661781 ms
11-25 12:10:16.243 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19664810 ms
11-25 12:10:19.250 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19667797 ms
11-25 12:10:22.256 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19670784 ms
11-25 12:10:25.330 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19673856 ms
11-25 12:10:28.334 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19676885 ms
11-25 12:10:28.679 1501 1525 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-25 12:10:28.679 1501 1525 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-25 12:10:31.346 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19679914 ms
11-25 12:10:34.352 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19682901 ms
11-25 12:10:37.360 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19685888 ms
11-25 12:10:37.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 608.25 secs
11-25 12:10:40.369 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19688917 ms
11-25 12:10:43.379 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19691946 ms
11-25 12:10:46.386 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19694933 ms
11-25 12:10:49.394 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19697962 ms
11-25 12:10:52.404 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19700949 ms
11-25 12:10:55.411 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19703978 ms
11-25 12:10:57.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 628.22 secs
11-25 12:10:58.420 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19706965 ms
11-25 12:11:01.427 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19709994 ms
11-25 12:11:04.434 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19712981 ms
11-25 12:11:07.444 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19716010 ms
11-25 12:11:10.450 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19718997 ms
11-25 12:11:13.460 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19722026 ms
11-25 12:11:16.468 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19725013 ms
11-25 12:11:19.474 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19728042 ms
11-25 12:11:22.484 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19731029 ms
11-25 12:11:25.492 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19734058 ms
11-25 12:11:28.499 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19737045 ms
11-25 12:11:31.245 783 793 D ccci_mdinit: (1):monitor_time_update_thread
round:6679 ########
11-25 12:11:31.507 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19740074 ms
11-25 12:11:34.513 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19743061 ms
11-25 12:11:37.525 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19746090 ms
11-25 12:11:40.593 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19749120 ms
11-25 12:11:43.602 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19752149 ms
11-25 12:11:46.612 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19755136 ms
11-25 12:11:48.552 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.00 secs
11-25 12:11:48.552 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.02 secs
11-25 12:11:48.552 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.04 secs
11-25 12:11:48.552 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.07 secs
11-25 12:11:48.565 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.09 secs
11-25 12:11:48.565 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.11 secs
11-25 12:11:48.824 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.14 secs
11-25 12:11:48.824 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.16 secs
11-25 12:11:48.824 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.18 secs
11-25 12:11:48.824 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.21 secs
11-25 12:11:48.824 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.23 secs
11-25 12:11:48.832 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.25 secs
11-25 12:11:48.832 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.28 secs
11-25 12:11:48.832 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.30 secs
11-25 12:11:48.844 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.32 secs
11-25 12:11:48.851 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.35 secs
11-25 12:11:48.860 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.37 secs
11-25 12:11:48.860 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.39 secs
11-25 12:11:48.864 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.42 secs
11-25 12:11:49.121 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.44 secs
11-25 12:11:49.121 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.46 secs
11-25 12:11:49.122 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.49 secs
11-25 12:11:49.122 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.51 secs
11-25 12:11:49.122 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.53 secs
11-25 12:11:49.127 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.56 secs
11-25 12:11:49.128 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.58 secs
11-25 12:11:49.128 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.60 secs
11-25 12:11:49.145 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.62 secs
11-25 12:11:49.148 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.65 secs
11-25 12:11:49.151 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.67 secs
11-25 12:11:49.156 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.69 secs
11-25 12:11:49.162 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.72 secs
11-25 12:11:49.418 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.74 secs
11-25 12:11:49.419 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.76 secs
11-25 12:11:49.419 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.79 secs
11-25 12:11:49.420 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.81 secs
11-25 12:11:49.420 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.83 secs
11-25 12:11:49.425 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.86 secs
11-25 12:11:49.425 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1673,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1582 ms, normalFrame 679471 ms
11-25 12:11:49.426 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.88 secs
11-25 12:11:49.426 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.90 secs
11-25 12:11:49.426 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.93 secs
11-25 12:11:49.441 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.95 secs
11-25 12:11:49.444 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 679.97 secs
11-25 12:11:49.618 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19758165 ms
11-25 12:11:52.628 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19761194 ms
11-25 12:11:52.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 683.13 secs
11-25 12:11:52.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 683.15 secs
11-25 12:11:55.635 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19764181 ms
11-25 12:11:58.642 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19767210 ms
11-25 12:12:01.653 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19770197 ms
11-25 12:12:04.658 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19773226 ms
11-25 12:12:07.668 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19776213 ms
11-25 12:12:10.674 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19779242 ms
11-25 12:12:13.684 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19782229 ms
11-25 12:12:15.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 706.07 secs
11-25 12:12:15.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 706.10 secs
11-25 12:12:15.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 706.12 secs
11-25 12:12:16.694 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19785258 ms
11-25 12:12:19.702 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19788245 ms
11-25 12:12:22.706 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19791274 ms
11-25 12:12:25.716 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19794261 ms
11-25 12:12:28.722 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19797290 ms
11-25 12:12:31.536 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1673,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1582 ms, normalFrame 721679 ms
11-25 12:12:31.734 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19800277 ms
11-25 12:12:34.737 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19803306 ms
11-25 12:12:36.679 30565 30587 D SharedPreferencesImpl: Time required to fsync
: [<1: 0, <2: 0, <4: 10, <8: 138, <16: 745, <32: 150, <64: 3, <128: 2, <256: 10,
<512: 66, <1024: 0, <2048: 0, <4096: 0, <8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
11-25 12:12:37.748 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19806293 ms
11-25 12:12:40.755 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19809322 ms
11-25 12:12:43.762 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19812309 ms
11-25 12:12:46.772 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19815338 ms
11-25 12:12:49.780 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265344 ms, normalFrame 19818325 ms
11-25 12:12:52.239 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 42 ms, totalMuteFrame 265386 ms, normalFrame 19820757 ms
11-25 12:12:54.578 1501 2198 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{ef50048
#u0a59/500003 u=0
s=10059 TIME=+17h26m49s679ms:+17h26m56s667ms BATNOTLOW satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x80000002} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:12:54.679 1501 2198 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{f2631d3
rkJobService u=0 s=10046 TIME=+18h42m3s155ms:+1d0h42m3s155ms NET PERSISTED
WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't
make it ready.
11-25 12:12:54.679 1501 2198 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{95956ae
.service.PermissionEventCleanupJobService u=0 s=10198 TIME=+3h28m32s901ms:
+1d3h28m32s901ms PERIODIC PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:12:54.679 1501 2198 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{4768e1e
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+6h4m17s381ms:+1d6h4m17s381ms PERIODIC PERSISTED
WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't
make it ready.
11-25 12:12:55.250 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19823658 ms
11-25 12:12:58.292 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19826730 ms
11-25 12:13:01.296 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19829717 ms
11-25 12:13:04.306 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19832704 ms
11-25 12:13:07.313 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19835733 ms
11-25 12:13:10.320 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19838720 ms
11-25 12:13:13.328 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19841749 ms
11-25 12:13:13.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 764.12 secs
11-25 12:13:16.339 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19844778 ms
11-25 12:13:19.348 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19847765 ms
11-25 12:13:22.356 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19850794 ms
11-25 12:13:25.365 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19853781 ms
11-25 12:13:27.123 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: Connectivity unchanged
for JobStatus{e9caf8 #u0a165/-358
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-1d5h32m9s679ms:-1d5h32m9s679ms NET CHARGING
unsatisfied:0x10000001}: usable=true satisfied=false
11-25 12:13:27.129 26163 26307 D RecurrenceRule: Resolving using anchor 2023-11-
11-25 12:13:28.370 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19856810 ms
11-25 12:13:31.154 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{f2631d3 #u0a46/4001
rkJobService u=0 s=10046 TIME=+18h41m26s679ms:+1d0h41m26s679ms NET PERSISTED
satisfied:0x3400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:13:31.380 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19859797 ms
11-25 12:13:34.384 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19862784 ms
11-25 12:13:37.394 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19865813 ms
11-25 12:13:40.404 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19868842 ms
11-25 12:13:43.412 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19871829 ms
11-25 12:13:46.417 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19874816 ms
11-25 12:13:49.421 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19877845 ms
11-25 12:13:52.435 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19880832 ms
11-25 12:13:55.451 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19883861 ms
11-25 12:13:58.452 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19886890 ms
11-25 12:14:01.460 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19889877 ms
11-25 12:14:04.466 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19892864 ms
11-25 12:14:07.476 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19895893 ms
11-25 12:14:07.679 1007 10256 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe9446328 :
8(65536 size) total buffers - 5(40960 size) used buffers - 35235/35243
(recycle/alloc) - 8/35242 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:14:10.485 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19898922 ms
11-25 12:14:13.493 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19901909 ms
11-25 12:14:16.499 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19904896 ms
11-25 12:14:19.507 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19907925 ms
11-25 12:14:22.516 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19910954 ms
11-25 12:14:25.522 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19913941 ms
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 1000
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10144
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 1073
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10068
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10188
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10124
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10074
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 1000
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10152
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 1000
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10180
11-25 12:14:25.679 1501 1614 D NetworkPolicy: no need to update restrict power
rules for uid 10123
11-25 12:14:28.532 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19916928 ms
11-25 12:14:31.541 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19919957 ms
11-25 12:14:34.545 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19922944 ms
11-25 12:14:37.619 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19926016 ms
11-25 12:14:40.629 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19929045 ms
11-25 12:14:40.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 851.10 secs
11-25 12:14:43.634 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19932074 ms
11-25 12:14:46.638 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19935061 ms
11-25 12:14:49.652 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19938090 ms
11-25 12:14:52.661 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19941077 ms
11-25 12:14:55.666 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19944106 ms
11-25 12:14:55.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 866.01 secs
11-25 12:14:58.675 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19947093 ms
11-25 12:15:00.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 871.00 secs
11-25 12:15:00.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 871.03 secs
11-25 12:15:00.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 871.05 secs
11-25 12:15:00.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 871.07 secs
11-25 12:15:00.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 871.10 secs
11-25 12:15:01.685 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19950122 ms
11-25 12:15:04.692 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19953109 ms
11-25 12:15:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 876.00 secs
11-25 12:15:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 876.02 secs
11-25 12:15:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 876.04 secs
11-25 12:15:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 876.07 secs
11-25 12:15:05.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 876.09 secs
11-25 12:15:07.701 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19956138 ms
11-25 12:15:10.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 881.22 secs
11-25 12:15:10.707 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19959125 ms
11-25 12:15:13.718 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19962112 ms
11-25 12:15:16.726 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19965141 ms
11-25 12:15:19.732 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19968170 ms
11-25 12:15:20.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 891.14 secs
11-25 12:15:20.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 891.16 secs
11-25 12:15:22.736 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19971157 ms
11-25 12:15:24.679 1007 10254 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 895.15 secs
11-25 12:15:25.749 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19974144 ms
11-25 12:15:28.753 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19977173 ms
11-25 12:15:31.765 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19980160 ms
11-25 12:15:34.833 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19983232 ms
11-25 12:15:37.844 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19986261 ms
11-25 12:15:40.852 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19989290 ms
11-25 12:15:43.858 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19992277 ms
11-25 12:15:46.866 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19995306 ms
11-25 12:15:47.679 1007 10256 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe9446328 :
8(65536 size) total buffers - 5(40960 size) used buffers - 39539/39547
(recycle/alloc) - 8/39546 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:15:49.874 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 19998293 ms
11-25 12:15:52.884 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 265472 ms, normalFrame 20001322 ms
11-25 12:15:54.896 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 1706 ms, totalMuteFrame 267178 ms, normalFrame 20001621 ms
11-25 12:15:55.378 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:15:56.264 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:15:56.264 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:15:56.264 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:15:56.264 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:15:56.264 679 775 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:15:56.264 679 775 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:15:56.265 679 775 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3584380) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:15:56.266 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:15:56.266 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:15:56.269 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:15:56.270 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:15:56.270 679 775 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:15:56.270 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:15:56.270 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:15:56.270 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:15:56.270 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:15:56.271 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:15:56.271 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:15:56.271 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:15:56.271 679 775 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00fd0,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:15:56.272 679 775 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e41010
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3584380, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:15:56.273 679 775 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:15:56.274 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:15:56.477 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:15:56.478 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:15:56.485 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:15:56.486 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:15:56.506 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:15:56.506 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:15:56.506 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:15:56.524 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:15:56.525 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:15:56.530 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:15:56.530 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:15:56.530 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:15:56.530 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:15:56.530 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:15:56.530 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:15:56.530 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:15:56.531 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:15:56.531 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:15:56.533 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:15:56.534 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:15:56.534 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:15:56.534 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:15:56.534 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:15:56.534 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:15:56.534 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:15:56.535 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:15:56.535 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:15:56.535 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:15:56.535 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:15:56.536 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:15:56.536 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3585840 Init lib v125
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:15:56.537 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:15:56.538 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:15:56.538 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:15:56.538 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:15:56.538 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:15:56.539 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:15:56.539 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:15:56.539 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:15:56.539 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:15:56.539 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:15:56.540 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:15:56.547 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b862e0
11-25 12:15:56.548 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:15:56.548 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:15:56.548 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:15:56.548 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:15:56.548 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:15:56.548 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:15:56.549 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:15:56.550 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:15:56.550 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b069d0, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:15:56.550 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:15:56.550 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b069d0, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:15:56.550 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:15:56.551 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:15:56.551 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:15:56.551 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:15:56.552 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec64c0
11-25 12:15:56.552 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:15:56.552 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:15:56.552 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:15:56.552 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:15:56.552 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:15:56.553 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:15:56.598 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:15:56.598 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:15:56.598 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:15:56.598 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:15:56.598 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:15:56.598 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:15:56.599 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:15:56.599 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:15:56.611 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:15:57.959 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20002816 ms
11-25 12:16:00.965 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20005845 ms
11-25 12:16:01.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 5.55 secs
11-25 12:16:03.976 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20008832 ms
11-25 12:16:06.983 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20011861 ms
11-25 12:16:09.989 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20014848 ms
11-25 12:16:12.997 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20017877 ms
11-25 12:16:16.005 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20020864 ms
11-25 12:16:19.014 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20023893 ms
11-25 12:16:22.023 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20026880 ms
11-25 12:16:22.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 26.40 secs
11-25 12:16:22.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 26.42 secs
11-25 12:16:25.030 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20029909 ms
11-25 12:16:28.038 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20032896 ms
11-25 12:16:31.047 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20035925 ms
11-25 12:16:34.052 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20038912 ms
11-25 12:16:37.059 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20041898 ms
11-25 12:16:40.072 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20044928 ms
11-25 12:16:43.080 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20047957 ms
11-25 12:16:46.086 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20050944 ms
11-25 12:16:49.095 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20053973 ms
11-25 12:16:52.100 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20056960 ms
11-25 12:16:55.109 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20059989 ms
11-25 12:16:58.181 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20063018 ms
11-25 12:17:01.192 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20066048 ms
11-25 12:17:04.199 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20069077 ms
11-25 12:17:07.208 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20072064 ms
11-25 12:17:10.214 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20075093 ms
11-25 12:17:13.221 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20078080 ms
11-25 12:17:16.229 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20081109 ms
11-25 12:17:19.236 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20084096 ms
11-25 12:17:22.244 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20087125 ms
11-25 12:17:25.253 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20090112 ms
11-25 12:17:28.261 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20093141 ms
11-25 12:17:31.270 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20096128 ms
11-25 12:17:34.276 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20099157 ms
11-25 12:17:37.285 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20102144 ms
11-25 12:17:40.292 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20105173 ms
11-25 12:17:43.301 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20108160 ms
11-25 12:17:46.309 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20111189 ms
11-25 12:17:49.317 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20114176 ms
11-25 12:17:52.325 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20117162 ms
11-25 12:17:54.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{60a5872 #u0a165/2000007999
entrypoints.scheduled.ScheduledTaskService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-5h36m37s221ms:
+18h23m22s779ms NET PERIODIC PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x81400000
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:17:54.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{4d97955 #u0a165/2000100001
entrypoints.scheduled.ScheduledTaskService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-18h36m22s164ms:none
NET PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x81400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000}
would not be ready.
11-25 12:17:54.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{465c526 #u0a165/24368
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+21m40s210ms:none NET CHARGING WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING
satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000001} would not be ready.
11-25 12:17:54.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{3d20bc6 #u0a165/-184
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-21h6m37s238ms:-13h36m37s238ms NET IDLE PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0xc1400004 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would
not be ready.
11-25 12:17:55.330 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20120192 ms
11-25 12:17:58.342 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20123221 ms
11-25 12:17:58.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 122.45 secs
11-25 12:17:58.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 122.48 secs
11-25 12:18:01.349 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20126208 ms
11-25 12:18:04.359 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20129194 ms
11-25 12:18:07.367 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20132224 ms
11-25 12:18:10.373 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20135253 ms
11-25 12:18:13.380 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20138240 ms
11-25 12:18:13.679 11678 11722 D Finsky : [72] ret.accept(28): [Counters Flush]
Successfully updated counters - 1727
11-25 12:18:15.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 139.51 secs
11-25 12:18:15.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 139.53 secs
11-25 12:18:16.388 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20141226 ms
11-25 12:18:19.398 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20144256 ms
11-25 12:18:22.405 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20147285 ms
11-25 12:18:23.679 1501 2606 D NetworkManagement: Uid 10128 restricted because of
app standby mode
11-25 12:18:25.414 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20150272 ms
11-25 12:18:28.420 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20153301 ms
11-25 12:18:31.429 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20156288 ms
11-25 12:18:34.436 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20159274 ms
11-25 12:18:37.441 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20162304 ms
11-25 12:18:40.454 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20165333 ms
11-25 12:18:43.463 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20168320 ms
11-25 12:18:46.471 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20171349 ms
11-25 12:18:49.477 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20174336 ms
11-25 12:18:52.485 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20177365 ms
11-25 12:18:55.493 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20180352 ms
11-25 12:18:58.500 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20183381 ms
11-25 12:19:01.512 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20186368 ms
11-25 12:19:03.111 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1681,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 213 ms, normalFrame 186791 ms
11-25 12:19:04.518 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20189397 ms
11-25 12:19:07.525 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20192384 ms
11-25 12:19:07.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 191.44 secs
11-25 12:19:10.533 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20195413 ms
11-25 12:19:10.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 194.60 secs
11-25 12:19:13.544 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20198400 ms
11-25 12:19:16.551 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20201429 ms
11-25 12:19:19.559 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20204416 ms
11-25 12:19:22.564 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20207445 ms
11-25 12:19:25.573 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20210432 ms
11-25 12:19:26.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 210.40 secs
11-25 12:19:28.584 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20213461 ms
11-25 12:19:31.588 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20216448 ms
11-25 12:19:34.596 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20219477 ms
11-25 12:19:37.597 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20222464 ms
11-25 12:19:40.613 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20225493 ms
11-25 12:19:43.618 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20228480 ms
11-25 12:19:46.629 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20231509 ms
11-25 12:19:49.633 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20234496 ms
11-25 12:19:52.645 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20237525 ms
11-25 12:19:55.653 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20240512 ms
11-25 12:19:58.663 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20243541 ms
11-25 12:20:01.668 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20246528 ms
11-25 12:20:04.681 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20249557 ms
11-25 12:20:07.689 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20252544 ms
11-25 12:20:10.694 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20255573 ms
11-25 12:20:13.704 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20258560 ms
11-25 12:20:16.709 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20261589 ms
11-25 12:20:19.721 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 268714 ms, normalFrame 20264576 ms
11-25 12:20:20.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 264.45 secs
11-25 12:20:20.679 1007 11643 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 264.48 secs
11-25 12:20:21.765 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 512 ms, totalMuteFrame 269226 ms, normalFrame 20266112 ms
11-25 12:20:22.837 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:20:23.663 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:20:23.663 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:20:23.663 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:20:23.663 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:20:23.663 679 775 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:20:23.663 679 775 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:20:23.664 679 775 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3585840) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:20:23.664 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:20:23.664 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:20:23.667 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:20:23.668 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:20:23.668 679 775 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:20:23.668 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:20:23.668 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:20:23.668 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:20:23.668 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:20:23.669 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:20:23.669 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:20:23.669 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:20:23.669 679 775 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b069d0,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:20:23.669 679 775 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e40190
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3585840, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:20:23.670 679 775 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:20:23.672 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:20:23.926 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:20:23.927 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:20:23.937 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:20:23.938 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:20:23.961 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:20:23.961 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:20:23.961 679 776 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:20:23.976 679 679 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffbb7d10
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 2389 ms, totalMuteFrame 271104 ms, normalFrame 20266112 ms
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:20:23.979 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:20:23.980 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:20:23.980 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:20:23.984 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:20:23.985 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:20:23.988 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:20:23.989 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3581f30 Init lib v125
11-25 12:20:23.990 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:20:23.990 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:20:23.990 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:20:23.990 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:20:23.990 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:20:23.990 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:20:23.990 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:20:23.992 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:20:23.992 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:20:23.993 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:20:23.993 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:20:23.993 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:20:23.993 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:20:24.003 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b809a0
11-25 12:20:24.003 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:20:24.003 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:20:24.003 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:20:24.003 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:20:24.004 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:20:24.005 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b06e50, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:20:24.005 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:20:24.005 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b06e50, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:20:24.005 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:20:24.005 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:20:24.005 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:20:24.005 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:20:24.006 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec0010
11-25 12:20:24.006 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:20:24.006 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:20:24.006 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:20:24.006 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:20:24.006 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:20:24.009 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:20:24.068 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:20:24.079 679 679 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffbb7d10
11-25 12:20:27.023 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20268714 ms
11-25 12:20:30.034 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20271744 ms
11-25 12:20:31.679 1007 11966 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 7.98 secs
11-25 12:20:31.679 1007 11966 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 8.01 secs
11-25 12:20:31.679 1007 11966 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 8.03 secs
11-25 12:20:33.041 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20274773 ms
11-25 12:20:36.048 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20277760 ms
11-25 12:20:39.054 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20280789 ms
11-25 12:20:42.064 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20283776 ms
11-25 12:20:45.072 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20286805 ms
11-25 12:20:48.081 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20289792 ms
11-25 12:20:51.090 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20292821 ms
11-25 12:20:54.099 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20295808 ms
11-25 12:20:57.106 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20298837 ms
11-25 12:21:00.111 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20301824 ms
11-25 12:21:03.119 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20304853 ms
11-25 12:21:06.131 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20307840 ms
11-25 12:21:09.137 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20310869 ms
11-25 12:21:12.145 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20313856 ms
11-25 12:21:15.153 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20316885 ms
11-25 12:21:18.161 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20319872 ms
11-25 12:21:21.168 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20322901 ms
11-25 12:21:24.176 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20325888 ms
11-25 12:21:27.184 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20328917 ms
11-25 12:21:30.192 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20331904 ms
11-25 12:21:33.198 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20334933 ms
11-25 12:21:36.206 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20337920 ms
11-25 12:21:39.218 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20340949 ms
11-25 12:21:42.227 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20343936 ms
11-25 12:21:45.233 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20346965 ms
11-25 12:21:48.241 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20349952 ms
11-25 12:21:51.249 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20352981 ms
11-25 12:21:54.256 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20355968 ms
11-25 12:21:57.265 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20358997 ms
11-25 12:21:59.692 1007 11969 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe9444948 :
8(524288 size) total buffers - 5(327680 size) used buffers - 3671/3679
(recycle/alloc) - 8/7354 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:22:00.274 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20361984 ms
11-25 12:22:03.281 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20365013 ms
11-25 12:22:06.288 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20368000 ms
11-25 12:22:09.297 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20371029 ms
11-25 12:22:12.305 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20374016 ms
11-25 12:22:15.312 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20377045 ms
11-25 12:22:18.320 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20380032 ms
11-25 12:22:21.329 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20383061 ms
11-25 12:22:24.337 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20386048 ms
11-25 12:22:27.345 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20389077 ms
11-25 12:22:30.352 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20392064 ms
11-25 12:22:33.360 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20395093 ms
11-25 12:22:36.365 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20398080 ms
11-25 12:22:39.377 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20401066 ms
11-25 12:22:42.384 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20404096 ms
11-25 12:22:45.393 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20407125 ms
11-25 12:22:48.400 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20410112 ms
11-25 12:22:51.410 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20413141 ms
11-25 12:22:54.478 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20416170 ms
11-25 12:22:54.679 12088 12149 I Finsky : [77] zbr.accept(335): SCH: Scheduling
phonesky job Id: 3-39526, CT: 1700886025784, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 86400000, C:
2, I: 2, N: 2 }]
11-25 12:22:57.552 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20419242 ms
11-25 12:23:00.560 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20422272 ms
11-25 12:23:00.679 1501 5456 D NetworkManagement: Uid 10128 restricted because of
app standby mode
11-25 12:23:03.569 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20425301 ms
11-25 12:23:04.679 1501 1850 D NetworkManagement: Uid 10128 restricted because of
app standby mode
11-25 12:23:06.578 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20428288 ms
11-25 12:23:09.585 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20431317 ms
11-25 12:23:12.594 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20434304 ms
11-25 12:23:15.601 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20437333 ms
11-25 12:23:18.610 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20440320 ms
11-25 12:23:21.618 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20443306 ms
11-25 12:23:24.623 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20446336 ms
11-25 12:23:27.633 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20449365 ms
11-25 12:23:30.068 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get Total pss for pid:679 newGot
cached:false took 4785 us, result=21516KB
11-25 12:23:30.068 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get GPU for pid:679 cached,
cached:true took 20 us, result=0KB
11-25 12:23:30.068 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get ION for pid:679 cached,
cached:true took 12 us, result=0KB
11-25 12:23:30.068 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-Fetcher: get PSS for pid:679 cached,
cached:true took 12 us, result=21516KB
11-25 12:23:30.068 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-PhyMem: doScan for ProcRecord(Native)
[ adj=-1000] result: total=21516
11-25 12:23:30.636 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20452352 ms
11-25 12:23:31.679 1007 11966 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 188.12 secs
11-25 12:23:33.649 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20455381 ms
11-25 12:23:36.655 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20458368 ms
11-25 12:23:39.664 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20461354 ms
11-25 12:23:42.674 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1689,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 427 ms, normalFrame 198679 ms
11-25 12:23:42.675 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20464384 ms
11-25 12:23:45.682 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20467413 ms
11-25 12:23:48.690 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20470400 ms
11-25 12:23:51.698 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20473429 ms
11-25 12:23:54.706 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20476416 ms
11-25 12:23:57.714 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20479445 ms
11-25 12:24:00.679 1007 11966 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 217.07 secs
11-25 12:24:00.721 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20482432 ms
11-25 12:24:03.730 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20485461 ms
11-25 12:24:06.741 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20488448 ms
11-25 12:24:09.743 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20491477 ms
11-25 12:24:10.679 1007 11966 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 227.02 secs
11-25 12:24:12.751 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20494464 ms
11-25 12:24:15.760 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20497493 ms
11-25 12:24:18.768 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20500480 ms
11-25 12:24:21.776 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20503509 ms
11-25 12:24:24.786 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20506496 ms
11-25 12:24:27.793 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20509525 ms
11-25 12:24:30.801 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20512512 ms
11-25 12:24:33.809 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20515541 ms
11-25 12:24:35.679 1007 11966 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 252.12 secs
11-25 12:24:36.814 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20518528 ms
11-25 12:24:39.826 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20521557 ms
11-25 12:24:42.834 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20524544 ms
11-25 12:24:45.843 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 271488 ms, normalFrame 20527573 ms
11-25 12:24:47.855 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 1962 ms, totalMuteFrame 273450 ms, normalFrame 20527616 ms
11-25 12:24:48.350 1007 11919 I _V_NuPlayer: kWhatMediaClockNotify media-us
264232487 RealUs 45540679687 rate 0.000000
11-25 12:24:48.378 679 679 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffbb7d10
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3581f30) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:24:49.250 679 679 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:24:49.254 679 679 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:24:49.254 679 679 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:24:49.254 679 679 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:24:49.254 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:24:49.255 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:24:49.255 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:24:49.255 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:24:49.256 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:24:49.256 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:24:49.256 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:24:49.256 679 679 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b06e50,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:24:49.256 679 679 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e40110
11-25 12:24:49.256 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3581f30, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:24:49.257 679 679 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:24:49.258 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:24:49.415 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:24:49.415 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:24:49.424 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:24:49.425 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:24:49.442 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:24:49.443 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:24:49.443 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:24:49.455 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:24:49.456 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:24:49.457 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:24:49.457 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:24:49.457 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:24:49.458 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:24:49.458 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:24:49.458 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:24:49.458 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:24:49.458 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:24:49.458 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:24:49.460 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:24:49.460 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:24:49.460 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:24:49.461 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:24:49.462 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3581f30 Init lib v125
11-25 12:24:49.463 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:24:49.463 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:24:49.463 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:24:49.463 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:24:49.463 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:24:49.463 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:24:49.463 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:24:49.464 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:24:49.465 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:24:49.465 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:24:49.465 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:24:49.465 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:24:49.465 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:24:49.472 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b809a0
11-25 12:24:49.472 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:24:49.472 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:24:49.472 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:24:49.472 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:24:49.472 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:24:49.473 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b06e50, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b06e50, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:24:49.474 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:24:49.475 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:24:49.475 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:24:49.475 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:24:49.475 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec0010
11-25 12:24:49.475 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:24:49.476 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:24:49.476 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:24:49.476 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:24:49.476 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:24:49.477 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:24:49.517 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:24:49.517 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:24:49.517 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:24:49.518 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:24:49.518 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:24:49.518 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:24:49.518 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:24:49.518 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:24:49.536 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:24:49.917 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 3754 ms, totalMuteFrame 275242 ms, normalFrame 20527616 ms
11-25 12:24:51.966 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 5802 ms, totalMuteFrame 277290 ms, normalFrame 20527616 ms
11-25 12:24:54.974 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20529706 ms
11-25 12:24:57.982 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20532736 ms
11-25 12:25:00.989 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20535722 ms
11-25 12:25:04.000 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20538709 ms
11-25 12:25:07.007 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20541738 ms
11-25 12:25:10.016 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20544768 ms
11-25 12:25:13.021 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20547754 ms
11-25 12:25:16.030 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20550784 ms
11-25 12:25:19.032 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20553770 ms
11-25 12:25:22.049 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20556800 ms
11-25 12:25:23.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 34.56 secs
11-25 12:25:24.679 1501 1706 D ValidateNoPeople: using cached lookupResult
11-25 12:25:24.679 12519 12541 D Finsky:background: [50] hxq.j(9): Beginning load
of mappedcountercacheversionjni...
11-25 12:25:25.053 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20559786 ms
11-25 12:25:25.160 1501 5455 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{2a3b110
rkJobService u=0 s=10046 TIME=+1d0h30m32s679ms:+1d6h30m32s679ms NET PERSISTED
WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't
make it ready.
11-25 12:25:27.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 38.69 secs
11-25 12:25:28.062 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20562816 ms
11-25 12:25:31.136 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20565845 ms
11-25 12:25:34.140 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20568874 ms
11-25 12:25:37.150 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20571904 ms
11-25 12:25:40.161 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20574890 ms
11-25 12:25:43.166 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20577920 ms
11-25 12:25:46.173 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20580906 ms
11-25 12:25:49.182 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20583936 ms
11-25 12:25:52.193 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20586922 ms
11-25 12:25:55.199 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20589952 ms
11-25 12:25:56.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 67.71 secs
11-25 12:25:58.208 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20592938 ms
11-25 12:26:01.216 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20595968 ms
11-25 12:26:04.223 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20598954 ms
11-25 12:26:07.229 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20601984 ms
11-25 12:26:10.239 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20604970 ms
11-25 12:26:13.248 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20608000 ms
11-25 12:26:16.254 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20610986 ms
11-25 12:26:19.263 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20614016 ms
11-25 12:26:22.270 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20617002 ms
11-25 12:26:25.278 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20619989 ms
11-25 12:26:28.281 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20623018 ms
11-25 12:26:31.294 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20626048 ms
11-25 12:26:34.300 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20629034 ms
11-25 12:26:37.310 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20632064 ms
11-25 12:26:38.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 109.56 secs
11-25 12:26:40.318 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20635050 ms
11-25 12:26:43.326 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20638080 ms
11-25 12:26:46.334 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20641066 ms
11-25 12:26:49.343 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20644096 ms
11-25 12:26:52.353 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20647082 ms
11-25 12:26:55.360 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20650112 ms
11-25 12:26:55.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 126.59 secs
11-25 12:26:58.366 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20653098 ms
11-25 12:27:01.376 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20656128 ms
11-25 12:27:04.385 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20659114 ms
11-25 12:27:07.392 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20662144 ms
11-25 12:27:10.399 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20665130 ms
11-25 12:27:13.408 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20668160 ms
11-25 12:27:15.679 2236 2551 D Settings/BW: ReadCodeTask:mNotifyCode: 0
11-25 12:27:16.416 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20671146 ms
11-25 12:27:17.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 148.69 secs
11-25 12:27:19.232 762 1349 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: OutputTrack session 1697,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 3421 ms, normalFrame 146679 ms
11-25 12:27:19.424 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20674176 ms
11-25 12:27:22.431 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20677162 ms
11-25 12:27:24.679 1501 5582 D _V_VivoNetworkWatchlistServiceImpl:
VivoNetworkFuseTracker not init yet
11-25 12:27:25.439 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20680192 ms
11-25 12:27:28.446 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20683178 ms
11-25 12:27:31.454 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20686208 ms
11-25 12:27:32.679 12519 12544 D Finsky:background: [53] ret.accept(28): [Counters
Flush] Successfully updated counters - 411
11-25 12:27:34.461 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20689194 ms
11-25 12:27:37.472 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20692224 ms
11-25 12:27:40.478 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20695210 ms
11-25 12:27:40.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 171.60 secs
11-25 12:27:43.487 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20698197 ms
11-25 12:27:46.497 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20701226 ms
11-25 12:27:49.502 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20704256 ms
11-25 12:27:52.510 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20707242 ms
11-25 12:27:52.618 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{f8b81f8 #u0a169/1573857707 u=0 s=10169 TIME=-5h45m21s321ms:
+18h14m38s679ms NET PERIODIC WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x80400000
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:27:52.622 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{e111782 #u0a163/9355
bServiceMain u=0 s=10163 TIME=none:+23h55m2s679ms NET CHARGING IDLE
WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400004 unsatisfied:0x10000001} would not be ready.
11-25 12:27:55.517 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20710272 ms
11-25 12:27:56.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 187.56 secs
11-25 12:27:58.527 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20713258 ms
11-25 12:28:01.537 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20716288 ms
11-25 12:28:04.605 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20719317 ms
11-25 12:28:07.616 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20722346 ms
11-25 12:28:10.624 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20725376 ms
11-25 12:28:13.633 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20728362 ms
11-25 12:28:16.638 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20731392 ms
11-25 12:28:19.646 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20734378 ms
11-25 12:28:22.656 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20737408 ms
11-25 12:28:25.661 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20740394 ms
11-25 12:28:28.670 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20743424 ms
11-25 12:28:31.681 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20746410 ms
11-25 12:28:34.689 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20749397 ms
11-25 12:28:37.698 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20752426 ms
11-25 12:28:40.706 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20755456 ms
11-25 12:28:43.712 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20758442 ms
11-25 12:28:46.718 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20761472 ms
11-25 12:28:49.728 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20764458 ms
11-25 12:28:52.733 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20767488 ms
11-25 12:28:55.744 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20770474 ms
11-25 12:28:58.752 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20773504 ms
11-25 12:29:01.760 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20776490 ms
11-25 12:29:04.768 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20779520 ms
11-25 12:29:07.776 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20782506 ms
11-25 12:29:10.781 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20785536 ms
11-25 12:29:13.790 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20788522 ms
11-25 12:29:16.799 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20791552 ms
11-25 12:29:19.807 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20794538 ms
11-25 12:29:22.814 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20797568 ms
11-25 12:29:25.887 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20800597 ms
11-25 12:29:27.961 691 12293 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe82c0c88 :
4(18432 size) total buffers - 1(4608 size) used buffers - 10675/10679
(recycle/alloc) - 71/10678 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:29:28.892 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20803626 ms
11-25 12:29:29.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 280.53 secs
11-25 12:29:29.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 280.56 secs
11-25 12:29:31.904 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20806656 ms
11-25 12:29:34.908 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20809642 ms
11-25 12:29:37.920 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20812629 ms
11-25 12:29:40.927 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20815658 ms
11-25 12:29:43.679 691 12293 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe82c0c88 :
4(18432 size) total buffers - 1(4608 size) used buffers - 11276/11280
(recycle/alloc) - 77/11279 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:29:43.937 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20818688 ms
11-25 12:29:46.942 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20821674 ms
11-25 12:29:49.952 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20824704 ms
11-25 12:29:52.960 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20827690 ms
11-25 12:29:53.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 304.67 secs
11-25 12:29:53.679 1007 12290 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 304.69 secs
11-25 12:29:54.233 691 12293 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe82c0c88 :
4(18432 size) total buffers - 1(4608 size) used buffers - 11679/11683
(recycle/alloc) - 80/11682 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:29:55.966 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20830677 ms
11-25 12:29:58.975 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20833706 ms
11-25 12:30:01.984 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20836736 ms
11-25 12:30:04.991 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20839722 ms
11-25 12:30:07.997 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20842752 ms
11-25 12:30:11.009 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20845738 ms
11-25 12:30:14.014 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20848768 ms
11-25 12:30:17.024 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20851754 ms
11-25 12:30:20.032 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20854784 ms
11-25 12:30:23.039 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20857770 ms
11-25 12:30:25.360 1501 5485 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{961a81
com.truecaller/ u=0 s=10214
TIME=+55m8s679ms:none NET WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:30:26.045 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20860757 ms
11-25 12:30:29.117 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20863829 ms
11-25 12:30:32.126 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20866858 ms
11-25 12:30:35.136 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20869845 ms
11-25 12:30:38.144 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20872874 ms
11-25 12:30:41.148 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20875904 ms
11-25 12:30:44.159 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20878890 ms
11-25 12:30:47.168 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20881920 ms
11-25 12:30:50.174 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20884906 ms
11-25 12:30:53.182 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 278229 ms, normalFrame 20887936 ms
11-25 12:30:55.194 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 42 ms, totalMuteFrame 278272 ms, normalFrame 20889898 ms
11-25 12:30:55.337 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:30:56.198 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3581f30) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:30:56.199 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:30:56.202 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:30:56.203 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:30:56.203 679 775 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:30:56.203 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:30:56.203 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:30:56.203 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:30:56.203 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:30:56.204 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:30:56.204 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:30:56.204 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b06e50,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e40110
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3581f30, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:30:56.205 679 775 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:30:56.206 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:30:56.359 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:30:56.359 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:30:56.367 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:30:56.367 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:30:56.383 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:30:56.384 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:30:56.384 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:30:56.397 679 679 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffbb7d10
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:30:56.398 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:30:56.399 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:30:56.399 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:30:56.401 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:30:56.402 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:30:56.402 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:30:56.404 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:30:56.404 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:30:56.404 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:30:56.404 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf35833f0 Init lib v125
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:30:56.405 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:30:56.406 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:30:56.406 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:30:56.407 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:30:56.407 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:30:56.407 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:30:56.407 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:30:56.407 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:30:56.407 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:30:56.415 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b88920
11-25 12:30:56.415 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:30:56.415 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:30:56.415 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:30:56.415 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:30:56.415 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:30:56.415 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:30:56.416 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:30:56.417 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:30:56.417 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:30:56.417 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:30:56.417 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00910, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:30:56.417 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:30:56.417 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00910, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:30:56.417 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:30:56.418 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:30:56.418 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:30:56.418 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:30:56.419 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec21a0
11-25 12:30:56.419 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:30:56.419 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:30:56.419 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:30:56.419 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:30:56.419 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:30:56.420 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:30:56.462 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:30:56.476 679 679 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffbb7d10
11-25 12:30:57.209 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 1792 ms, totalMuteFrame 280021 ms, normalFrame 20889898 ms
11-25 12:30:57.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 1.58 secs
11-25 12:30:59.230 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 3797 ms, totalMuteFrame 282026 ms, normalFrame 20889898 ms
11-25 12:31:01.277 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 5845 ms, totalMuteFrame 284074 ms, normalFrame 20889898 ms
11-25 12:31:04.288 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20892672 ms
11-25 12:31:07.289 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20895658 ms
11-25 12:31:10.303 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20898688 ms
11-25 12:31:13.313 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20901674 ms
11-25 12:31:16.317 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20904661 ms
11-25 12:31:19.326 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20907690 ms
11-25 12:31:21.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 25.61 secs
11-25 12:31:22.336 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20910720 ms
11-25 12:31:25.341 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20913706 ms
11-25 12:31:28.352 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20916736 ms
11-25 12:31:31.359 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20919722 ms
11-25 12:31:34.364 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20922709 ms
11-25 12:31:37.368 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20925738 ms
11-25 12:31:40.382 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20928768 ms
11-25 12:31:43.389 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20931754 ms
11-25 12:31:44.740 2389 5826 D _V_NRMS-VirtMem: doScan for ProcRecord(Native)
[ adj=-1000] result: free=4103332
11-25 12:31:46.397 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20934741 ms
11-25 12:31:49.406 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20937770 ms
11-25 12:31:52.416 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20940800 ms
11-25 12:31:55.423 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20943786 ms
11-25 12:31:58.432 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20946816 ms
11-25 12:32:01.438 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20949802 ms
11-25 12:32:04.448 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20952832 ms
11-25 12:32:07.456 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20955818 ms
11-25 12:32:10.462 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20958848 ms
11-25 12:32:13.472 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20961834 ms
11-25 12:32:13.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 77.73 secs
11-25 12:32:16.479 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20964864 ms
11-25 12:32:19.486 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20967850 ms
11-25 12:32:22.497 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20970880 ms
11-25 12:32:25.499 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20973866 ms
11-25 12:32:28.509 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20976896 ms
11-25 12:32:31.519 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20979882 ms
11-25 12:32:34.525 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20982912 ms
11-25 12:32:37.530 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20985898 ms
11-25 12:32:40.544 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20988928 ms
11-25 12:32:43.550 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20991914 ms
11-25 12:32:46.561 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20994944 ms
11-25 12:32:48.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 112.68 secs
11-25 12:32:49.566 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 20997930 ms
11-25 12:32:52.573 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21000960 ms
11-25 12:32:53.124 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: Connectivity unchanged
for JobStatus{e9caf8 #u0a165/-358
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-1d5h51m35s679ms:-1d5h51m35s679ms NET CHARGING
unsatisfied:0x10000001}: usable=true satisfied=false
11-25 12:32:53.154 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{f2631d3 #u0a46/4001
rkJobService u=0 s=10046 TIME=+18h22m4s679ms:+1d0h22m4s679ms NET PERSISTED
WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:32:53.679 661 937 I netd : QUERY_NETCOEXIST_SOCK_NETID
command.uid:10164, netid:0
11-25 12:32:54.168 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{d514669 #1000/100035
com.facemoji.lite.sync.provider/com.facemoji.lite.sync.account:android u=0 s=10247
TIME=-12h9m36s679ms:-11h51m36s679ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED
satisfied:0xc3400008 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:32:54.679 1501 5579 D NetworkPolicy: 10164 is allowlisted on metered
11-25 12:32:54.679 13081 13139 I Finsky:background: [56] zor.a(351): SCH: Satisfied
jobs for 10350 are: 47-15
11-25 12:32:55.580 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21003946 ms
11-25 12:32:55.679 13063 13132 I Finsky : [66] zbr.accept(335): SCH: Scheduling
phonesky job Id: 3-39566, CT: 1700886625921, Constraints: [{ L: 0, D: 86400000, C:
2, I: 1, N: 2 }]
11-25 12:32:56.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{ee4c299 #u0a165/-352
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-1d5h51m39s238ms:-1d5h51m39s238ms NET PERIODIC
PERSISTED satisfied:0xc3400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:32:56.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{e9fcfc2 #u0a165/-484
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-1d5h51m39s231ms:-1d5h51m39s231ms NET CHARGING
PERIODIC PERSISTED satisfied:0xc3400000 unsatisfied:0x10000001} would not be ready.
11-25 12:32:56.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{e7d6929 #u0a165/24291
temJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=+52m37s315ms:none NET satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:32:56.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{d64c1d3 #u0a165/-88
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-1d5h51m39s230ms:-1d5h51m39s230ms NET CHARGING
IDLE PERIODIC PERSISTED satisfied:0xc3400004 unsatisfied:0x10000001} would not be
11-25 12:32:57.679 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{267cb06
#u0a210/1573857706 u=0 s=10210 TIME=+18h10m28s636ms:
+1d18h10m28s636ms PERIODIC satisfied:0x2400000 unsatisfied:0x80000000} because
delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:32:57.679 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{a1146f6
u=0 s=10169 TIME=+3d0h27m3s168ms:+3d2h27m3s168ms PERSISTED satisfied:0x2400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:32:57.679 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{4e33869
#u0a59/500004 u=0
s=10059 TIME=+5d18h9m4s245ms:+5d18h9m7s866ms BATNOTLOW satisfied:0x3400000
unsatisfied:0x80000002} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:32:57.679 1501 5579 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{a08aeea
#1000/100028 u=0 s=10164
TIME=+5d16h9m48s662ms:+6d0h33m48s662ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED
satisfied:0x3400008 unsatisfied:0x90000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:32:58.588 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21006933 ms
11-25 12:32:58.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 122.58 secs
11-25 12:33:01.600 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21009962 ms
11-25 12:33:04.605 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21012992 ms
11-25 12:33:07.613 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21015978 ms
11-25 12:33:10.622 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21019008 ms
11-25 12:33:13.629 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21021994 ms
11-25 12:33:16.638 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21025024 ms
11-25 12:33:19.646 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21028010 ms
11-25 12:33:20.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 144.76 secs
11-25 12:33:22.654 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21031040 ms
11-25 12:33:25.660 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21034026 ms
11-25 12:33:25.968 11289 13274 E chromium:
[1125/] handshake failed;
returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -103
11-25 12:33:28.669 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21037056 ms
11-25 12:33:31.677 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21040042 ms
11-25 12:33:32.001 13081 13153 I Finsky:background: [59] zbr.accept(335): SCH:
Scheduling phonesky job Id: 47-15, CT: 1700886793551, Constraints: [{ L: 21600000,
D: 21600000, C: 1, I: 1, N: 0 }]
11-25 12:33:34.687 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21043072 ms
11-25 12:33:37.695 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21046058 ms
11-25 12:33:40.703 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21049088 ms
11-25 12:33:43.714 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21052074 ms
11-25 12:33:46.720 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21055104 ms
11-25 12:33:49.729 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21058090 ms
11-25 12:33:52.734 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21061120 ms
11-25 12:33:55.740 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21064106 ms
11-25 12:33:58.749 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21067136 ms
11-25 12:34:01.757 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21070122 ms
11-25 12:34:04.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 188.51 secs
11-25 12:34:04.766 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21073152 ms
11-25 12:34:07.776 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21076138 ms
11-25 12:34:10.781 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21079168 ms
11-25 12:34:13.789 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21082154 ms
11-25 12:34:16.798 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21085184 ms
11-25 12:34:19.808 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21088170 ms
11-25 12:34:22.815 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21091200 ms
11-25 12:34:25.824 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21094186 ms
11-25 12:34:28.832 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21097173 ms
11-25 12:34:31.840 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21100202 ms
11-25 12:34:34.846 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21103232 ms
11-25 12:34:37.853 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21106218 ms
11-25 12:34:40.864 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21109248 ms
11-25 12:34:43.870 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21112234 ms
11-25 12:34:46.877 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21115264 ms
11-25 12:34:49.888 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21118250 ms
11-25 12:34:50.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 234.67 secs
11-25 12:34:52.895 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21121280 ms
11-25 12:34:55.900 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21124266 ms
11-25 12:34:58.912 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21127296 ms
11-25 12:35:01.918 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21130282 ms
11-25 12:35:04.929 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21133312 ms
11-25 12:35:05.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 249.64 secs
11-25 12:35:05.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 249.67 secs
11-25 12:35:07.936 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21136298 ms
11-25 12:35:10.943 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21139328 ms
11-25 12:35:13.950 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21142314 ms
11-25 12:35:16.958 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21145344 ms
11-25 12:35:19.967 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21148330 ms
11-25 12:35:22.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 266.52 secs
11-25 12:35:22.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 266.54 secs
11-25 12:35:22.976 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21151360 ms
11-25 12:35:24.442 1501 1511 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 62685(6462KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(160KB) LOS objects, 7% free,
73MB/80MB, paused 982us,471us total 115.679ms
11-25 12:35:24.679 13468 13487 D CronetEngine.Builder: Using
'[, name=App-Packaged-Cronet-
Provider, version=120.0.6057.2, enabled=true]' provider for creating
11-25 12:35:25.585 13572 13606 I Finsky:background: [59] zbr.accept(335): SCH:
Scheduling phonesky job Id: 47-15, CT: 1700886793551, Constraints: [{ L: 21600000,
D: 21600000, C: 1, I: 1, N: 0 }]
11-25 12:35:25.981 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21154346 ms
11-25 12:35:28.990 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21157376 ms
11-25 12:35:32.001 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21160362 ms
11-25 12:35:35.004 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21163349 ms
11-25 12:35:38.014 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21166378 ms
11-25 12:35:41.024 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21169408 ms
11-25 12:35:44.032 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21172394 ms
11-25 12:35:47.040 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21175424 ms
11-25 12:35:50.046 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21178410 ms
11-25 12:35:53.053 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21181440 ms
11-25 12:35:56.062 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21184426 ms
11-25 12:35:59.070 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21187456 ms
11-25 12:36:02.077 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21190442 ms
11-25 12:36:05.087 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21193472 ms
11-25 12:36:08.097 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21196458 ms
11-25 12:36:11.102 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21199488 ms
11-25 12:36:11.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 315.68 secs
11-25 12:36:14.112 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21202474 ms
11-25 12:36:17.120 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21205504 ms
11-25 12:36:20.128 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21208490 ms
11-25 12:36:23.133 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21211520 ms
11-25 12:36:23.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 327.72 secs
11-25 12:36:25.679 1007 13035 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 329.63 secs
11-25 12:36:26.144 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21214506 ms
11-25 12:36:29.152 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21217536 ms
11-25 12:36:32.158 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 284330 ms, normalFrame 21220522 ms
11-25 12:36:34.175 679 679 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffbb7d10
11-25 12:36:34.199 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 469 ms, totalMuteFrame 284800 ms, normalFrame 21222058 ms
11-25 12:36:35.040 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:36:35.040 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:36:35.040 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:36:35.040 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:36:35.041 679 679 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:36:35.041 679 679 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:36:35.041 679 679 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf35833f0) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:36:35.041 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:36:35.041 679 679 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:36:35.044 679 679 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:36:35.045 679 679 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:36:35.045 679 679 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:36:35.045 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:36:35.045 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:36:35.045 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:36:35.045 679 679 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00910,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e40a90
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf35833f0, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:36:35.046 679 679 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:36:35.048 679 679 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:36:35.175 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:36:35.175 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:36:35.183 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:36:35.183 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:36:35.201 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:36:35.201 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:36:35.202 679 679 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:36:35.218 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:36:35.218 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:36:35.218 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:36:35.218 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:36:35.218 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:36:35.218 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:36:35.219 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:36:35.219 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:36:35.219 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:36:35.219 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:36:35.219 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:36:35.221 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:36:35.221 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:36:35.222 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:36:35.223 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:36:35.223 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:36:35.223 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:36:35.223 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:36:35.223 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf35833f0 Init lib v125
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:36:35.224 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:36:35.225 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:36:35.225 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:36:35.225 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:36:35.225 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:36:35.226 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:36:35.226 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:36:35.232 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b88920
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:36:35.233 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00910, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:36:35.234 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:36:35.235 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00910, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:36:35.235 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:36:35.235 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:36:35.235 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:36:35.235 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:36:35.236 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec21a0
11-25 12:36:35.236 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:36:35.236 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:36:35.236 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:36:35.236 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:36:35.236 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:36:35.238 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:36:35.277 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:36:35.287 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:36:35.289 1007 13654 D AudioTrack: getTimestamp_l(230): device stall time
corrected using current time 46247618240679
11-25 12:36:37.210 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21223808 ms
11-25 12:36:40.214 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21226837 ms
11-25 12:36:43.226 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21229866 ms
11-25 12:36:46.234 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21232853 ms
11-25 12:36:49.244 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21235882 ms
11-25 12:36:52.249 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21238869 ms
11-25 12:36:55.256 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21241856 ms
11-25 12:36:58.267 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21244885 ms
11-25 12:37:01.276 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21247914 ms
11-25 12:37:04.284 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21250901 ms
11-25 12:37:07.290 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21253930 ms
11-25 12:37:10.361 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21256960 ms
11-25 12:37:13.367 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21259989 ms
11-25 12:37:16.379 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21263018 ms
11-25 12:37:19.387 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21266005 ms
11-25 12:37:22.395 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21269034 ms
11-25 12:37:25.400 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21272021 ms
11-25 12:37:28.411 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21275008 ms
11-25 12:37:31.420 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21278037 ms
11-25 12:37:34.425 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21281024 ms
11-25 12:37:37.434 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21284053 ms
11-25 12:37:40.443 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21287082 ms
11-25 12:37:43.450 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21290069 ms
11-25 12:37:46.457 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21293098 ms
11-25 12:37:49.465 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21296085 ms
11-25 12:37:50.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 75.90 secs
11-25 12:37:52.472 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21299114 ms
11-25 12:37:53.679 2389 5848 D _V_NRMS-IDLE: compute reclaim ratio for
target=PkgRecord[name=com.lenovo.anyshare.gps(10215)] final ratio=[anon=72%,
zram=22%] target ratio=[anon=72%, zram=22%] cur reclaimed=[anon=76%, zram=37%]
11-25 12:37:55.480 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21302101 ms
11-25 12:37:55.737 13781 13826 I Finsky:background: [59] zbr.accept(335): SCH:
Scheduling phonesky job Id: 47-15, CT: 1700886793551, Constraints: [{ L: 21600000,
D: 21600000, C: 1, I: 1, N: 0 }]
11-25 12:37:58.490 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21305130 ms
11-25 12:37:58.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 83.79 secs
11-25 12:38:01.498 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21308117 ms
11-25 12:38:04.506 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21311146 ms
11-25 12:38:07.513 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21314133 ms
11-25 12:38:10.522 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21317162 ms
11-25 12:38:13.593 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21320192 ms
11-25 12:38:16.666 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21323264 ms
11-25 12:38:19.677 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21326293 ms
11-25 12:38:20.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 105.97 secs
11-25 12:38:22.685 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21329322 ms
11-25 12:38:25.692 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21332309 ms
11-25 12:38:28.700 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21335338 ms
11-25 12:38:31.710 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21338325 ms
11-25 12:38:34.714 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21341354 ms
11-25 12:38:37.725 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21344341 ms
11-25 12:38:40.730 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21347370 ms
11-25 12:38:43.738 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21350357 ms
11-25 12:38:46.745 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21353386 ms
11-25 12:38:49.753 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21356373 ms
11-25 12:38:52.762 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21359402 ms
11-25 12:38:55.833 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21362432 ms
11-25 12:38:56.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 141.73 secs
11-25 12:38:58.843 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21365461 ms
11-25 12:39:01.851 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21368490 ms
11-25 12:39:04.858 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21371477 ms
11-25 12:39:06.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 151.79 secs
11-25 12:39:06.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 151.81 secs
11-25 12:39:07.867 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21374506 ms
11-25 12:39:10.873 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21377493 ms
11-25 12:39:13.884 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21380522 ms
11-25 12:39:16.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 161.87 secs
11-25 12:39:16.886 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21383509 ms
11-25 12:39:19.900 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21386538 ms
11-25 12:39:21.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 166.81 secs
11-25 12:39:22.906 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21389525 ms
11-25 12:39:25.916 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21392554 ms
11-25 12:39:28.923 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21395541 ms
11-25 12:39:31.929 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21398570 ms
11-25 12:39:35.003 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21401600 ms
11-25 12:39:38.009 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21404629 ms
11-25 12:39:41.018 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21407658 ms
11-25 12:39:44.026 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21410645 ms
11-25 12:39:47.036 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21413674 ms
11-25 12:39:50.042 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21416661 ms
11-25 12:39:53.052 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21419690 ms
11-25 12:39:56.060 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21422677 ms
11-25 12:39:59.068 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21425706 ms
11-25 12:40:02.073 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21428693 ms
11-25 12:40:04.679 1007 13654 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 209.88 secs
11-25 12:40:05.083 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21431722 ms
11-25 12:40:08.090 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21434709 ms
11-25 12:40:11.100 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21437738 ms
11-25 12:40:14.106 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21440725 ms
11-25 12:40:17.113 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21443754 ms
11-25 12:40:20.122 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 285866 ms, normalFrame 21446741 ms
11-25 12:40:21.792 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:40:22.125 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 1792 ms, totalMuteFrame 287658 ms, normalFrame 21446869 ms
11-25 12:40:22.669 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:40:22.669 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:40:22.669 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:40:22.669 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:40:22.669 679 775 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:40:22.669 679 775 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:40:22.670 679 775 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf35833f0) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:40:22.670 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:40:22.670 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:40:22.673 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:40:22.674 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:40:22.674 679 775 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:40:22.674 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:40:22.674 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:40:22.674 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:40:22.674 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:40:22.675 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:40:22.675 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b00910,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e40a90
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf35833f0, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:40:22.676 679 775 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:40:22.677 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:40:22.679 30565 30637 W MediaPlayer: See the documentation of
setAudioStreamType() for what to use instead with to
qualify your playback use case
11-25 12:40:22.866 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:40:22.866 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:40:22.874 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:40:22.874 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:40:22.894 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:40:22.895 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:40:22.896 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:40:22.913 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:40:22.913 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:40:22.914 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:40:22.915 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:40:22.917 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:40:22.919 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:40:22.920 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:40:22.921 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:40:22.921 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:40:22.921 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:40:22.921 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:40:22.921 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:40:22.921 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:40:22.921 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3581a00 Init lib v125
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:40:22.922 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:40:22.923 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:40:22.923 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:40:22.924 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:40:22.924 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:40:22.924 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:40:22.924 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:40:22.924 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:40:22.924 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:40:22.932 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b8ad40
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:40:22.933 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:40:22.935 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:40:22.935 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:40:22.935 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:40:22.935 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:40:22.935 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b006d0, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:40:22.936 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:40:22.937 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b006d0, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:40:22.937 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:40:22.939 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:40:22.939 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:40:22.939 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:40:22.940 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec64c0
11-25 12:40:22.940 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:40:22.940 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:40:22.940 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:40:22.940 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:40:22.941 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:40:22.942 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:40:22.983 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:40:22.984 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:40:22.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:40:22.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:40:22.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:40:22.985 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:40:22.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:40:22.985 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:40:22.995 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{ec1c3ca #1000/100018 u=0 s=10164 TIME=-48m34s661ms:
+23m25s339ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED satisfied:0x83400008
unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{e3387c7 #1000/100020 u=0 s=10164
TIME=+16h48m53s808ms:+18h0m53s808ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED
satisfied:0x3400008 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{d514669 #1000/100035
com.facemoji.lite.sync.provider/com.facemoji.lite.sync.account:android u=0 s=10247
WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0xc1400008 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{ce5535f #1000/52418896
android/ u=0 s=1000 NET CHARGING IDLE
satisfied:0x3400004 unsatisfied:0x10000001} would not be ready.
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{ba3b620 #1000/100008 u=0 s=10210 TIME=+6d13h12m53s796ms:
satisfied:0x1400008 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{b843659 #1000/100001 subscribedfeeds/ u=0
s=10164 TIME=-46m1s365ms:+25m58s635ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC PERSISTED
satisfied:0x83400008 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{a6543ed #1000/994 u=0 s=1000 TIME=+4h39m36s537ms:
+2h39m36s537ms NET IDLE satisfied:0x3400004 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be
11-25 12:40:23.679 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{a08aeea #1000/100028
u=0 s=10164 TIME=+5d16h2m22s662ms:+6d0h26m22s662ms NET STORENOTLOW PERIODIC
PERSISTED satisfied:0x3400008 unsatisfied:0x90000000} would not be ready.
11-25 12:40:24.150 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 3541 ms, totalMuteFrame 289408 ms, normalFrame 21446869 ms
11-25 12:40:26.006 14017 14059 I Finsky:background: [59] zbr.accept(335): SCH:
Scheduling phonesky job Id: 47-15, CT: 1700886793551, Constraints: [{ L: 21600000,
D: 21600000, C: 1, I: 1, N: 0 }]
11-25 12:40:27.222 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21449557 ms
11-25 12:40:30.231 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21452586 ms
11-25 12:40:33.238 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21455616 ms
11-25 12:40:36.243 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21458602 ms
11-25 12:40:39.253 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21461632 ms
11-25 12:40:42.261 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21464618 ms
11-25 12:40:45.269 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21467648 ms
11-25 12:40:48.278 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21470634 ms
11-25 12:40:51.285 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21473664 ms
11-25 12:40:54.359 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21476693 ms
11-25 12:40:57.368 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21479722 ms
11-25 12:41:00.374 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21482752 ms
11-25 12:41:03.381 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21485738 ms
11-25 12:41:06.392 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21488768 ms
11-25 12:41:09.399 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21491754 ms
11-25 12:41:12.406 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21494784 ms
11-25 12:41:15.413 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21497770 ms
11-25 12:41:18.421 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21500800 ms
11-25 12:41:21.431 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21503786 ms
11-25 12:41:24.438 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21506816 ms
11-25 12:41:27.448 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21509802 ms
11-25 12:41:30.454 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21512832 ms
11-25 12:41:33.461 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21515818 ms
11-25 12:41:36.466 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21518805 ms
11-25 12:41:39.479 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21521834 ms
11-25 12:41:42.485 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21524864 ms
11-25 12:41:45.495 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21527850 ms
11-25 12:41:48.501 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21530880 ms
11-25 12:41:51.512 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21533866 ms
11-25 12:41:54.518 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21536896 ms
11-25 12:41:57.525 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21539882 ms
11-25 12:42:00.534 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21542912 ms
11-25 12:42:03.541 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21545898 ms
11-25 12:42:06.549 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21548928 ms
11-25 12:42:09.557 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21551914 ms
11-25 12:42:12.567 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21554901 ms
11-25 12:42:15.573 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21557930 ms
11-25 12:42:18.581 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21560960 ms
11-25 12:42:21.589 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21563946 ms
11-25 12:42:24.597 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21566976 ms
11-25 12:42:27.605 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21569962 ms
11-25 12:42:30.613 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21572949 ms
11-25 12:42:33.621 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21575978 ms
11-25 12:42:36.628 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21578965 ms
11-25 12:42:39.637 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21581994 ms
11-25 12:42:42.646 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21585024 ms
11-25 12:42:45.718 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21588053 ms
11-25 12:42:47.679 1007 13906 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 145.12 secs
11-25 12:42:48.729 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21591082 ms
11-25 12:42:51.734 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21594112 ms
11-25 12:42:54.743 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21597098 ms
11-25 12:42:56.208 14286 14320 I Finsky:background: [60] zbr.accept(335): SCH:
Scheduling phonesky job Id: 47-15, CT: 1700886793551, Constraints: [{ L: 21600000,
D: 21600000, C: 1, I: 1, N: 0 }]
11-25 12:42:57.749 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21600128 ms
11-25 12:42:58.679 1007 13906 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 156.20 secs
11-25 12:43:00.822 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21603157 ms
11-25 12:43:03.829 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21606186 ms
11-25 12:43:06.836 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21609216 ms
11-25 12:43:09.847 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21612202 ms
11-25 12:43:12.855 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21615232 ms
11-25 12:43:15.925 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21618261 ms
11-25 12:43:17.053 691 13909 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe82c0028 :
4(18432 size) total buffers - 1(4608 size) used buffers - 6679/6683 (recycle/alloc)
- 43/6682 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:43:18.935 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 289792 ms, normalFrame 21621290 ms
11-25 12:43:21.010 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 42 ms, totalMuteFrame 289834 ms, normalFrame 21623338 ms
11-25 12:43:23.029 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 2048 ms, totalMuteFrame 291840 ms, normalFrame 21623338 ms
11-25 12:43:24.047 679 775 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf32bbab8
11-25 12:43:24.934 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:43:24.934 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:43:24.934 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:43:24.934 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:43:24.934 679 775 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:43:24.934 679 775 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:43:24.935 679 775 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3581a00) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:43:24.935 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:43:24.935 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:43:24.938 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:43:24.938 679 775 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:43:24.938 679 775 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:43:24.939 679 775 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b006d0,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e41b90
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3581a00, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:43:24.940 679 775 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:43:24.941 679 775 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:43:25.094 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:43:25.094 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:43:25.101 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:43:25.101 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:43:25.118 679 778 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:43:25.118 679 778 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:43:25.119 679 778 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
11-25 12:43:25.133 679 778 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf303bab8
11-25 12:43:25.133 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 0 -> 1, device 0x2
11-25 12:43:25.133 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 3925 ms, totalMuteFrame 293717 ms, normalFrame 21623338 ms
11-25 12:43:25.133 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getOutputPoolLatestPolicyDevice(), output flag 8, device 0x2.
11-25 12:43:25.134 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x8,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> latest policyDevice 0x2 (ori
policyDevice 0x2)
11-25 12:43:25.134 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
11-25 12:43:25.134 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 8
11-25 12:43:25.134 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
8, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
11-25 12:43:25.134 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x8, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1000e, enable: 0
11-25 12:43:25.134 679 8990 W AudioCustParam: getNumMicSupport(), numMicString 1
11-25 12:43:25.136 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
[enableForceToBigCore_forAW1] Binding 8990 to big cores succeed! mode[1]
11-25 12:43:25.136 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
11-25 12:43:25.140 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
11-25 12:43:25.140 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
11-25 12:43:25.140 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 382344 bytes
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 I [Awinic]: SKTune_v5.3.0
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_out_deg_num = 10
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->mute_in_num = 2400
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 I [Awinic]: local_cfg->fade_in_deg_num = 20
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_init init done!
11-25 12:43:25.141 679 8990 D [Awinic]: spin init done!
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D [Awinic]: set parameter done!
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D [Awinic]: init Done !
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -createPlaybackHandler(),
mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 1
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 8,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 16384, sample_rate =
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
BBK_AUDIO is defined
11-25 12:43:25.142 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xf3580010 Init lib v125
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetPcmIndexByString()
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 8,
stringpair = Deep_Buffer_PLayback
11-25 12:43:25.143 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceParser: --GetPcmIndexByString()
11-25 12:43:25.144 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:43:25.144 679 8990 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
11-25 12:43:25.144 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:43:25.144 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x1)
11-25 12:43:25.145 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 8,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 2048,
period_count = 2, format = 1, avail_min = 2048, start_threshold = 0
11-25 12:43:25.145 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 1, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:43:25.151 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 8 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xf3b85620
11-25 12:43:25.151 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:43:25.151 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 10, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 0
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x8,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xef5fbe90, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:43:25.152 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6765,device=V2204,model=V2204", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b07090, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xf4f26450, retval 0x0
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 4096, retval
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xf2b07090, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
11-25 12:43:25.153 679 8990 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
11-25 12:43:25.154 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:43:25.154 679 8990 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[1] Unsupport handler
11-25 12:43:25.154 679 8990 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 10 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 32768
11-25 12:43:25.154 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xf1ec0010
11-25 12:43:25.154 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
11-25 12:43:25.155 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
11-25 12:43:25.155 679 8990 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
11-25 12:43:25.155 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:43:25.155 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:43:25.156 679 8990 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
startOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: BSP.Audio
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D [Awinic]: Set Media info Done !
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
11-25 12:43:25.199 679 8990 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
11-25 12:43:25.211 679 778 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf303bab8
11-25 12:43:28.154 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21626282 ms
11-25 12:43:29.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 4.96 secs
11-25 12:43:31.163 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21629269 ms
11-25 12:43:34.171 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21632298 ms
11-25 12:43:37.242 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21635328 ms
11-25 12:43:39.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 14.94 secs
11-25 12:43:40.244 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21638357 ms
11-25 12:43:43.259 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21641386 ms
11-25 12:43:46.267 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21644373 ms
11-25 12:43:49.275 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21647402 ms
11-25 12:43:50.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 25.81 secs
11-25 12:43:52.346 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21650432 ms
11-25 12:43:55.354 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21653461 ms
11-25 12:43:58.365 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21656490 ms
11-25 12:44:01.373 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21659477 ms
11-25 12:44:04.379 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21662464 ms
11-25 12:44:07.381 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21665493 ms
11-25 12:44:10.394 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21668480 ms
11-25 12:44:13.403 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21671509 ms
11-25 12:44:16.412 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21674538 ms
11-25 12:44:19.421 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21677525 ms
11-25 12:44:22.429 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21680554 ms
11-25 12:44:25.499 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21683584 ms
11-25 12:44:28.507 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21686613 ms
11-25 12:44:31.516 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21689642 ms
11-25 12:44:34.586 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21692672 ms
11-25 12:44:37.596 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21695701 ms
11-25 12:44:40.605 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21698688 ms
11-25 12:44:43.677 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21701760 ms
11-25 12:44:46.684 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21704789 ms
11-25 12:44:49.695 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21707818 ms
11-25 12:44:50.679 1007 14373 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xe9441468 :
8(524288 size) total buffers - 5(327680 size) used buffers - 3574/3582
(recycle/alloc) - 8/7160 (fetch/transfer)
11-25 12:44:52.703 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21710805 ms
11-25 12:44:55.710 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21713834 ms
11-25 12:44:58.779 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21716864 ms
11-25 12:45:01.787 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21719893 ms
11-25 12:45:04.795 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21722922 ms
11-25 12:45:07.803 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21725909 ms
11-25 12:45:09.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 104.99 secs
11-25 12:45:10.811 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21728896 ms
11-25 12:45:13.819 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21731925 ms
11-25 12:45:16.827 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21734912 ms
11-25 12:45:19.901 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21737984 ms
11-25 12:45:22.910 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21741013 ms
11-25 12:45:24.125 1501 1501 I JobScheduler.Connectivity: evaluateStateLocked
finds job JobStatus{876c937 #u0a165/-148
dTasksJobService u=0 s=10165 TIME=-1d6h4m6s679ms:-1d6h4m6s679ms NET PERIODIC
PERSISTED WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0xc1400000 unsatisfied:0x10000000} would
not be ready.
11-25 12:45:25.679 1501 5466 D NetworkManagement: Uid 10128 restricted because of
app standby mode
11-25 12:45:25.679 1501 5456 D NetworkPolicy: 10163 is allowed by default
11-25 12:45:25.913 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21744000 ms
11-25 12:45:26.445 14527 14562 I Finsky:background: [59] zbr.accept(335): SCH:
Scheduling phonesky job Id: 47-15, CT: 1700886793551, Constraints: [{ L: 21600000,
D: 21600000, C: 1, I: 1, N: 0 }]
11-25 12:45:27.035 1501 5466 I JobScheduler.Time: Skipping JobStatus{3cadd99
#u0a286/12772 u=0
s=10286 TIME=+5m1s679ms:none WAIT:DEV_NOT_DOZING satisfied:0x1400000
unsatisfied:0x80000000} because delay won't make it ready.
11-25 12:45:28.926 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21747029 ms
11-25 12:45:31.933 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21750058 ms
11-25 12:45:32.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 127.91 secs
11-25 12:45:35.005 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21753088 ms
11-25 12:45:38.011 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21756117 ms
11-25 12:45:40.679 496 502 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup23: Permission denied
11-25 12:45:41.019 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21759146 ms
11-25 12:45:44.027 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21762133 ms
11-25 12:45:47.038 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21765162 ms
11-25 12:45:50.043 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21768149 ms
11-25 12:45:53.052 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21771136 ms
11-25 12:45:56.062 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21774165 ms
11-25 12:45:59.067 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21777194 ms
11-25 12:45:59.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 154.96 secs
11-25 12:46:02.076 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21780181 ms
11-25 12:46:05.083 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21783210 ms
11-25 12:46:08.155 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21786240 ms
11-25 12:46:11.229 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21789312 ms
11-25 12:46:13.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 169.00 secs
11-25 12:46:14.235 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21792341 ms
11-25 12:46:17.243 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21795370 ms
11-25 12:46:20.251 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21798357 ms
11-25 12:46:23.260 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21801386 ms
11-25 12:46:24.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 179.94 secs
11-25 12:46:24.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 179.96 secs
11-25 12:46:26.269 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21804373 ms
11-25 12:46:29.277 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21807360 ms
11-25 12:46:32.347 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21810432 ms
11-25 12:46:35.419 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21813504 ms
11-25 12:46:37.679 1007 14371 I _V_NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 193.02 secs
11-25 12:46:38.493 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21816576 ms
11-25 12:46:41.499 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21819605 ms
11-25 12:46:44.507 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21822592 ms
11-25 12:46:47.514 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21825621 ms
11-25 12:46:50.522 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21828608 ms
11-25 12:46:53.530 679 8990 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 293802 ms, normalFrame 21831637 ms
11-25 12:46:54.336 679 778 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xf303bab8
11-25 12:46:55.251 679 778 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
11-25 12:46:55.251 679 778 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
11-25 12:46:55.251 679 778 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 8
11-25 12:46:55.251 679 778 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
8, mDevice = 0x2
11-25 12:46:55.251 679 778 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 10
11-25 12:46:55.251 679 778 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
11-25 12:46:55.252 679 778 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xf3580010) 0x0 0x0
11-25 12:46:55.252 679 778 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
11-25 12:46:55.252 679 778 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:46:55.255 679 778 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
11-25 12:46:55.255 679 778 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
11-25 12:46:55.255 679 778 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
11-25 12:46:55.255 679 778 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: -
stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
SetLowJitterMode(), bypass low jitter mode, bEnable = 0, device = 0x2, SampleRate =
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xf2b07090,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xf4f26450, retval = 0
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xf2e40910
11-25 12:46:55.256 679 778 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 I [Awinic]: reset done !
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D [Awinic]: fade_in_out_reset done!
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D [Awinic]: spin reset done!
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D [Awinic]: Reset Done !
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags: 8
output_devices: 2 is replaced back to policyDevice: 2, usePolicyDevice: 1->1
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D AudioALSAStreamManager: -destroyPlaybackHandler(),
mode = 0, pPlaybackHandler = 0xf3580010, mPlaybackHandlerVector.size() = 0
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D [Awinic]: End Done !
11-25 12:46:55.257 679 778 D AudioALSAStreamManager: updateOutputPoolActive(),
output flag 8, active 1 -> 0, device 0x2
11-25 12:46:55.373 679 778 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:46:55.374 679 778 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:46:55.382 679 778 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:46:55.382 679 778 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
11-25 12:46:55.397 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: +getParameters(), key =
11-25 12:46:55.397 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
11-25 12:46:55.398 679 775 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return

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