21BCE11427 VITB Experiential Learning Slot-4 Report

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Student Experiential Learning

Report submitted to the

VIT Bhopal University

Bachelor of Technology


Computer Science and Engineering

Submitted by

<<Mr. Rahul Khote >>

<<Registration Number:- 21BCE11427 >>

School of Computer Science and Engineering

VIT Bhopal University, Madhya Pradesh

October, 2023

I, Rahul Khote, bearing the Registration Number 21BCE11427 hereby

declare that this report of “Experiential Learning” represents my original
work carried out as a undergraduate student at VIT Bhopal University. To
the best of my knowledge, it contains no material previously published or
written by another person, nor any material presented for the award of any
other degree of VIT Bhopal University or any other institution. Any
contribution made to this report by others, with whom I have worked at
VIT Bhopal University or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the

Date Rahul Khote

VIT Bhopal University

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I, Rahul Khote, bearing the Registration Number 21BCE11427 am deeply

grateful for the transformative experiences and invaluable insights gained
during my experiential learning trip to Bangalore and Chennai in
September and October (2023) respectively. This journey was not just a
physical exploration, but a profound intellectual and emotional odyssey
that broadened my horizons in ways I could never have anticipated. I
extend my heartfelt gratitude to the organizers for crafting an itinerary that
seamlessly blended education with adventure, allowing me to delve into the
rich cultural tapestry of these cities. My sincere appreciation goes to the
mentors whose wisdom and encouragement guided me through unfamiliar
territories, helping me connect theoretical knowledge with real-world
applications. The local communities and organizations we visited opened
their doors graciously, sharing their expertise and perspectives, enriching
my understanding of the subjects we explored. This acknowledgment
would be incomplete without mentioning my fellow participants, whose
camaraderie and shared enthusiasm made every experience more
meaningful. This journey has left an indelible mark on my intellectual and
personal growth, and for that, I am profoundly thankful.

Rahul Khote

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Summary of Your Experential Learning
In the stimulating realm of VITB's experiential learning, the journey
unfolded across diverse landscapes, fostering a holistic understanding of
our subjects. In Bangalore, the expedition commenced at the iconic HAL
Heritage, an embodiment of India's aerospace prowess. The Air Force
Museum there offered a vivid glimpse into our nation's aviation history.
Subsequently, the regal corridors of the Bangalore Palace echoed with the
footsteps of eager learners, providing a historical backdrop to our
educational quest. Museums, repositories of knowledge, became our
sanctuaries, offering deep dives into the arts and culture. CDAC, a
pioneering institution, became our haven for technology, where intricate
training sessions ignited our curiosity and honed our skills.

Chennai beckoned with its industrial marvels. The Power Plant Thermal
visit was a lesson in engineering marvels, showcasing the synergy of theory
and practical applications. Venturing into the heart of technological
innovation, the VIT Chennai Campus became our incubator of ideas. Here,
interactions with seasoned academicians and industry experts elevated our
understanding of our chosen fields. The Monolith R&D Lab was a portal to
the future, where we immersed ourselves in the world of Virtual Reality
gaming, transcending the boundaries of reality.

Throughout this enlightening odyssey, the key essence lay in the

interactions – with historical artifacts, academic luminaries, and cutting-
edge technologies. Each conversation, each experience, and each training
session contributed to our intellectual evolution. The amalgamation of
heritage, academia, and innovation painted a vivid tapestry of learning. As
we bid adieu to these enriching sites, we carried with us not just knowledge
but a profound sense of accomplishment, eagerly anticipating the continued
fusion of education and experience

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Keywords: Aerospace, Education, Experiential Learning, Technology,
Virtual Reality, Heritage.

Description Page No.

Declaration of originality…………………………………1
Summary …………………………………………………4

City Choice – 1 Day – 1 report

1.1.1. Industry Name………………………………………….9
1.1.2. Objectives ……………………………………………..9
1.1.3. Learning outcome………………………………………9
1.1.4. Photographs…………………………………………….9
1.1.5. Feedback of the day -1………………………………….10

Day – 2 report
1.2.1 Industry Name………………………………………….10
1.2.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..10
1.2.3 Learning outcome………………………………………10
1.2.4 Photographs…………………………………………….10
1.2.5 Feedback of the day -2………………………………….11

Day – 3 report
1.3.1 Industry Name………………………………………….11
1.3.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..11

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1.3.3 Learning outcome………………………………………11
1.3.4 Photographs…………………………………………….11
1.3.5 Feedback of the day -3………………………………….12

Day – 4 report
1.4.1 Industry Name………………………………………….13
1.4.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..13
1.4.3 Learning outcome………………………………………13
1.4.4 Photographs…………………………………………….13
1.4.5 Feedback of the day -4………………………………….15

Day – 5 report
1.5.1 Event/Industry Name………………………………….15
1.5.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..15
1.5.3 Learning outcome………………………………………15
1.5.4 Photographs…………………………………………….15
1.5.5 Feedback of the day -5………………………………….16

City Choice – 2 Day – 1 report

2.1.1 Industry Name………………………………………….18
2.1.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..18
2.1.3 Learning outcome………………………………………18
2.1.4 Photographs…………………………………………….18
2.1.5 Feedback of the day -1………………………………….19

Day – 2 report
2.2.1 Industry Name………………………………………….20
2.2.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..20
2.2.3 Learning outcome………………………………………20
2.2.4 Photographs…………………………………………….21
2.2.5 Feedback of the day -2………………………………….22

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Day – 3 report
2.3.1 Industry Name………………………………………….23
2.3.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..23
2.3.3 Learning outcome………………………………………23
2.3.4 Photographs…………………………………………….23
2.3.5 Feedback of the day -3………………………………….24

Day – 4 report
2.4.1 Industry Name………………………………………….25
2.4.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..25
2.4.3 Learning outcome………………………………………25
2.4.4 Photographs…………………………………………….25
2.4.5 Feedback of the day -4………………………………….26

Day – 5 report
2.5.1 Event/Industry Name………………………………….27
2.5.2 Objectives ……………………………………………..27
2.5.3 Learning outcome………………………………………27
2.5.4 Photographs…………………………………………….27
2.5.5 Feedback of the day -5………………………………….28

Conclusions :- 29

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City Choice – 1

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Day – 1 report

25-09-2023 (Monday)

1.1.1 Industry Name – HAL Heritage Centre and Aerospace Museum

1.1.2 Objectives:- Explore India's aviation legacy, understand the evolution of aerospace
technology, and gain insights into historical milestones in aviation.

1.1.3 Learning outcome:- I delved into the rich history of aerospace, witnessing firsthand the
evolution of aircraft and the technological advancements that shaped the industry.
Understanding the nuances of aviation history provided a foundational knowledge base.

1.1.4 Photographs :-

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1.1.5 Feedback of the day – I expressed enthusiasm for the immersive experience, appreciating
the museum's detailed exhibits and the opportunity to interact with aerospace artifacts.

Day – 2 report

26-09-2023 (Tuesday)

1.2.1 Industry Name – Online Session by Dr. Ramakrishnan Raman and Dr. G. Ramesh ( Online
Mode )

1.2.2 Objectives - To learn about Artificial Intelligence and its application for Aerospace
Projectsand brief knowledge on UAVs.

1.2.3 Learning outcome - A Brief introduction to artificial intelligence and later its applications in
and aeronautics.

1.2.4 Photographs :-

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1.2.5 Feedback of the day – I expressed appreciation and it was very helpful since we went a
little deep on topics of AI in Aeronautics and UAVs.

Day – 3 report

27-09-2023 (Wednesday)

1.3.1 Industry Name – Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)

1.3.2 Objectives - Gain insights into advanced computing technologies, understand the
applications of computational research, and explore innovations in the field of
information technology.

1.3.3 Learning outcome - I engaged with cutting-edge computing technologies, witnessing real-
world applications and understanding the role of computational research in shaping the
future. Interactions with experts deepened their understanding of IT innovations.

1.3.4 Photographs :-

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1.3.5 Feedback of the day – I expressed appreciation for the in-depth sessions, commending
the expertise of the presenters and the relevance of the topics covered.

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Day – 4 report

28-09-2023 (Thursday)

1.4.1 Industry Name – – BMTC/KSRTC Bengaluru Darshini

1.4.2 Objectives - Explore the rich cultural heritage of Bangalore, delve into the artistry of the
region, and understand the historical significance of Bangalore Palace.

1.4.3 Learning outcome – I was immersed in the vibrant artistic legacy of Bangalore,
appreciating the diverse forms of local art and gaining insights into the city's historical
evolution. Guided tours deepened their understanding of the cultural tapestry of
Bangalore and the architectural marvel that is Bangalore Palace.

1.4.4 Photographs –

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1.4.5 Feedback of the day – I was captivated by the artistic treasures showcased in the museum
and palace. The guided tours were praised for their informative content, providing a
profound understanding of Bangalore's cultural and historical significance. The day was
considered an enriching experience, enhancing their appreciation for the city's heritage.

Day – 5 report


1.5.1 Event/Industry Name – Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd , Tech Talk at Vijay Kiran Convention

1.5.2 Objectives - To learn about possibilities of application of AI and development in

accounting software like Tally.

1.5.3 Learning outcome – I got to know about how data analytics tool can be used in
accounting software and help the software be a bit more user friendly.

1.5.4 Photographs –

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1.5.5 Feedback of the day – As the day drew to a close, I found myself at the midpoint of our
Experiential Learning journey, having delved deeply into the intricate world of
Aeronautics in the bustling city of Bengaluru. The wealth of knowledge and insights
gained during these initial days has been immeasurable, shaping our understanding of the
aerospace industry in profound ways.

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Choice – 2

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Day – 1 report

03-10-2023 (Tuesday)

2.1.1 Industry Name:

Hands-on Session at VIT Chennai: Blockchain Technologies and Generative AI

using OpenAI API

2.1.2 Objectives:

The primary objectives of the hands-on session at VIT Chennai were twofold:
firstly, to explore and gain a comprehensive understanding of Blockchain
Technologies, focusing on their decentralized nature and the myriad opportunities
they present. Secondly, the session aimed to equip participants with the skills to
create a generative AI bot for summarizing resumes using the OpenAI API,
delving into the practical applications of artificial intelligence in real-world

2.1.3 Learning Outcome:

Participants gained a brief yet profound understanding of the decentralized nature of

blockchain technology, comprehending its potential applications across various
industries. Additionally, attendees acquired practical knowledge on utilizing the
OpenAI API, learning how to make API calls through Python and harness the
power of generative AI. This practical experience laid the foundation for future
endeavors in the realm of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.

2.1.4 Photographs:

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2.1.5 Feedback of the Day – 1:

Day 1 proved to be exceptionally informative and engaging. The session provided

valuable insights into the intricate world of blockchain technologies, shedding
light on their decentralized framework and diverse opportunities for innovation.
Furthermore, the hands-on experience with the OpenAI API was particularly
enlightening, allowing us to grasp the practical aspects of generative AI. The day
was not only educational but also inspiring, igniting our curiosity to explore
further in the realms of blockchain and artificial intelligence.

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Day – 2 report

04-10-2023 (Wednesday)

2.2.1 Industry Name: RGMTTC BSNL

2.2.2 Objectives: The primary objectives of our industrial visit to RGMTTC BSNL were to gain a
profound understanding of telecommunication and electrical systems. Specifically, our goals
included comprehending the intricacies of optical fiber cable communications, exploring
antenna technologies, understanding power supply systems, and delving into wired and wireless
broadband technologies.

2.2.3 Learning Outcomes:

1. Understanding Optical Fiber Communications:

Familiarized participants with the construction and components of optical fiber cables.

Provided insights into the working principles of optical fiber cables.

Introduced participants to various network protocols, emphasizing the IP protocol.

Elucidated the seven layers of communication within the OSI model.

Enabled participants to differentiate between logical and physical IP addresses.

2. Exploring Antenna Technologies:

Educated participants about the evolution of mobile communication technologies from 0G to 5G.

Explored operating frequencies of various mobile technologies.

Familiarized participants with dipole antennas and their arrangements.

Raised awareness about radiation hazards and potential health implications.

Introduced participants to GPS antennas and various types, including monopole and parabolic

3. Power Supply and Electrical Systems:

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Provided participants with a fundamental understanding of current and voltage in electrical

Explained the cost structure of electric bills, including the latest pricing models.

Differentiated between AC and DC power systems and identified use cases for each.

Introduced participants to transformers, including step-up and step-down transformers, and their

Familiarized participants with Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) systems.

Explored alternate sources of power, including battery types and their lifetimes.

Understood the lifespan of batteries and their replacement requirements.

Introduced participants to generators and their role in ensuring reliable power supply.

4. Broadband Connectivity Insights:

Educated participants about various wired and wireless broadband technologies.

Provided hands-on experience in connecting devices through twisted pair and copper cables.

Explained the role of modems, line ports, and adapter ports in broadband connectivity.

Introduced participants to the Line Jack Unit (LJU) and its importance in splitting telephone lines
for broadband and telephony services.

2.2.4 Photographs:

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2.2.5 Feedback of the Day -2: Participants expressed deep appreciation for the detailed insights
provided during the visit. The practical demonstrations and hands-on experiences were
particularly enlightening, enhancing their understanding of telecommunication and electrical
systems. The visit to RGMTTC BSNL was widely regarded as a valuable learning experience,
fostering a profound interest in the complexities of modern communication and power supply

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Day – 3 report

05-10-2023 (Thursday)

2.3.1 Industry Name:

Northern Chennai Thermal Power Plant, Ennore

2.3.2 Objectives:

The visit to the Northern Chennai Thermal Power Plant in Ennore aimed to provide
participants with a comprehensive understanding of the plant's operations,
objectives, and applications. The primary objectives included gaining insights into
the working mechanisms of the power plant, understanding its functions and
applications, and exploring the sophisticated control room where operations were
monitored through advanced computer-based systems.

2.3.3 Learning Outcome:

Participants gained invaluable insights into the inner workings of the thermal power
plant, comprehending the intricate processes involved in power generation.
Understanding the plant's objectives and applications provided a holistic
perspective on its role in the energy sector. Moreover, witnessing the advanced
technology utilized in the control room, where every aspect was monitored
through computer-based mechanisms, offered a glimpse into the future of efficient
and precise power plant management.

2.3.4 Photographs:

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2.3.5 Feedback of the Day – 3:

Day 3 proved to be a remarkable learning experience. The visit to the Northern

Chennai Thermal Power Plant not only deepened our understanding of power
generation processes but also provided a firsthand look at the sophisticated
technology employed in modern power plants. Witnessing the operations in the
control room, where every detail was meticulously monitored using computer-
based systems, was particularly enlightening. This visit not only broadened our
knowledge but also instilled a profound appreciation for the complexities and
advancements in the field of thermal power generation.

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Day – 4 report

06-10-2023 (Friday)

2.4.1 Industry Name:

Monolith R&D Lab

2.4.2 Objectives:

The visit to Monolith R&D Lab in Chennai aimed to provide participants with an
immersive experience in the world of Virtual Reality (VR) and Computer-Generated
Imagery (CGI). The primary objectives included understanding the applications of
VR and CGI in the entertainment industry, particularly in movies and games.
Participants were given hands-on experiences, exploring various VR environments
and playing games using VR headsets.

2.4.3 Learning Outcome:

Participants were introduced to the cutting-edge technology of Virtual Reality and

Computer-Generated Imagery, gaining a profound understanding of their
applications in movies and games. The experience involved immersive sessions
where attendees explored diverse VR environments, from thrilling roller coaster
simulations to heart-pounding shooter games. Participants also had the opportunity
to experience racing in virtual cars and scaling skyscrapers, providing a real-time
understanding of the immersive possibilities VR technology offers.

2.4.4 Photographs:

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2.4.5 Feedback of the Day – 4:

Day 4 at the Monolith R&D Lab was nothing short of extraordinary. The firsthand
experience with Virtual Reality and Computer-Generated Imagery opened our eyes
to the limitless possibilities of these technologies. The lab not only provided insights
into the CGI techniques used in movies but also allowed us to step into virtual
worlds through VR headsets. Playing games in VR, from thrilling coasters to intense
shooters, was an exhilarating adventure. The attention to detail and the level of
immersion in the virtual environments were awe-inspiring. This visit was not just
educational; it was a journey into the future of entertainment technology, leaving us
inspired and eager to explore the boundless horizons of VR and CGI further.

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Day – 5 report

07-10-2023 (Saturday)

2.5.1 Event/Industry Name:

TechnoVIT - Fun-based and Cultural Activities Event

Duration: 3rd October to 7th October

Activity Participated: Block and Tackle (Debate-based Activity)

Venue: VIT Chennai Campus

2.5.2 Objectives:

The final day of our experiential learning journey culminated in TechnoVIT, a

vibrant event held on the VIT Chennai campus. The primary objective of
TechnoVIT was to engage students in a range of fun-based and cultural activities,
fostering a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition. As participants, our
specific objective was to enhance our speaking skills through the debate-based
activity, "Block and Tackle."

2.5.3 Learning Outcome:

Participating in the "Block and Tackle" debate activity provided an excellent

platform for honing our speaking abilities. The event, lasting for one and a half
hours, allowed us to engage in lively discussions, articulate our thoughts
coherently, and respond dynamically to counterarguments. Through this
experience, we refined our debating skills, bolstered our confidence in public
speaking, and learned the art of persuasive communication.

2.5.4 Photographs:

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2.5.5 Feedback of the Day – 5:

The final day at TechnoVIT was a delightful and enriching experience. Engaging in
the "Block and Tackle" debate activity provided us with an opportunity to
showcase our speaking prowess and enhance our communication skills. The event
was meticulously organized, fostering a competitive yet friendly atmosphere. It
was heartening to see students from different campuses coming together and
participating in various activities. TechnoVIT not only served as a perfect finale
for our experiential learning trip but also emphasized the importance of teamwork,
communication, and healthy competition in our personal and academic growth.
The event left us with fond memories, reinforcing the valuable lessons learned
throughout the entire learning journey.


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Reflecting on our transformative journey from Bangalore to Chennai, I am
compelled to express the profound impact this experiential learning trip has had on
our intellectual and personal growth. From the awe-inspiring halls of the HAL
Heritage Centre in Bangalore to the advanced realms of virtual reality at the
Monolith R&D Lab in Chennai, each day was a stepping stone towards broader
horizons of knowledge.

In Bangalore, the aerospace marvels at HAL Heritage Centre unveiled the historical
tapestry of aviation, grounding us in the foundations of aerospace technology. The
cultural expedition through Bangalore's museums and art galleries provided insights
into the city's vibrant heritage, while our interactions with experts at C-DAC
broadened our understanding of advanced computing.

Chennai, on the other hand, immersed us in the dynamic worlds of

telecommunication, power generation, and virtual reality. The visits to RGMTTC
BSNL and the Northern Chennai Thermal Power Plant elucidated the complexities
of modern technology, emphasizing the vital role these sectors play in our daily
lives. The Monolith R&D Lab, with its virtual reality experiences, offered us a
glimpse into the future of entertainment and technology.

TechnoVIT, our grand finale, encapsulated the spirit of learning, camaraderie, and
healthy competition. Engaging in the Block and Tackle debate activity was not just
a contest but a testament to our enhanced communication skills and confidence.

This journey has been more than just a series of visits; it has been a transformative
odyssey, where we embraced the complexities of real-world applications, nurtured
our passions, and forged lasting connections. We depart with a profound
appreciation for the blend of tradition and innovation that defines Bangalore and
Chennai. Our gratitude extends to the organizers, mentors, and fellow participants
whose collective efforts made this experiential learning trip an unforgettable chapter
in our academic pursuits.

As we carry the knowledge gained and memories cherished, we embark on our

future endeavors armed with a newfound enthusiasm, a broader perspective, and a
deepened understanding of the world that awaits us. This journey has not just been a
chapter; it has become an integral part of our educational narrative, shaping us into
more informed, insightful, and inspired individuals.

With heartfelt gratitude and a sense of accomplishment, I bid adieu to this enriching
experience, knowing that its impact will resonate in our lives for years to come.

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