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Building a business is more often nowadays due to continuous rising of

unemployment rate – not to mention that only few get rich of being an employee
especially if you’re rank and file employee. Although, some enters their
businesses via online – it cannot change the fact that regardless of your target
market, business is a risk because we capitalized money, time and effort into it.
Some of the business-owners do not know of what has to be done or on how to
run a Business. Many businesses were turned to bankruptcy due to lack of
knowledge on how to manage their businesses properly.

The beneficiary of this study will be the new and current business-owners
because we are targeting them to be knowledgeable on how the business works
– and accounting is one of the important to know. Even if you really know the
product and on how to market, you might become bankrupt if you don’t know on
how to manage it properly.

The respondents of this study will also be the aspiring business-owners and
current business-owners because we can rely on them and from their

Some of the readers might learn on how to run their businesses properly in order
for them to reach their goal; successful or profitable business and it has a big
impact if you learn on how to manage the business properly prior entering into it.
Although, experience is the best knowledge, it is also essential to learn even
basic knowledge because there are so many trials to be experienced while on
the process of being successful business-owner.
In this rrl show us every decision you make in planning in business is important
because business is not joke or anything that you can do what ever you wnat to
business is high risk because you need to sacrifice your money and also your time and
you need to focus on your business if you have and before you do not you need to know
kn how business work because if you dont have business work your business will
turned bankruptcy and your money and the time and effort that you give on your
business wil be lost and this rrl show us or help us some tips on how business run or
work a business so they can achieve the goal or successful of the business and this rrl
will help the aspiring business owner because if gives the idea on how business work
because this is important specially if you are planning for an business because you give
some knowledge to do what ever you want in your business or what you plan on your

According to Thomas Zimmerer and Scrabourough some common business plan details that can
be upgraded when needed, as a title page and table of contents, managerial summary,
company history, trade and industry profile, business policy, description of company’s product
or service, upgrade scheme, opponent analysis, explanation of the administration team, plan of
procedure, pro forma economic statements, idea and duty statement and the loan or
investment proposal. (Scarborough & Zimmerer 2008, 138-146)

A person setting up a new business will usually create a document known as a business plan.
This outlines the structure of the business and how it intends to operate over a specific
timeframe (Sellars 2009). Think of it like using a map to get to a destination.
From the mid seventies we can note that scholars makes the distinction between small and
large businesses in terms of needs, level of sophistication and range of strategic planning.
Bracker and Pearson (1986), Rue and Ibrahim (1998), Perry (2001) and Wijewardena, Zoysa,
Fonseka and Perera (2004) all formulate definitions of strategic planning which take the
uniqueness of small businesses into account and allow for the fact that small businesses cannot
draw on management and material resources in a manner similar to that of large organizations

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