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Active Speaking for Kids 3

A. Read and choose the best answer below

1. This is the last month of the year …

a. January c. March
b. October d. December

2. The day before Thursday is ….

a. Saturday c. Wednesday
b. Friday d. Monday

3. There are twelve … in the class

a. person c. people
b. persons d. peoples

4. There are ……. Fruits in the fridge.

a. some c. any
b. few d. little

5. The most popular way to say 7 o’clock in the evening is….

a. Sunset c. 7 p.m.
b. 7 a.m. d. 19.00

6. Another way to say 9:15 is….

a. Nine past nine c. Nine to fifteen
b. A quarter past nine d. Fifteen to nine

7. I don’t like these blouses. Please show me another ……

a. one c. ones
b. which one d. which ones

8. My parents live in ……. House over there.

a. That c. This
b. Those d. These

9. Saya mempunyai lima jeruk

a. I have five oranges
b. I has five oranges
c. I have fives orange
d. I have five orange

10. Where will you go if you want to buy bread?

a. Florist
b. Bakery
c. Butchery
d. Stationary

B. Write the time in English

1. 05:45 2. 06:15

_____________________ _____________________

3. 10:50


4. , 5.

_____________________ _____________________

C. Write the numbers in English

1. 105 =

2. 420 =

3. 1.995 =

4. 4.777 =

5. 2050 =
D. Fill in the blanks by using this, that, these and those

1. _____ is my ball in my hand and _____ is your ball over there.

2. _____ books are mine and _____ books are him.

3. _____ is my handphone and ____ is my sister’s handphone over there.

4. _____ are Icha’s friends and ____ are Michele’s friends over there.

5. _____ apples are hers and _____ strawberries are ours over there.

Good Luck!

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