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University Autonomous of Tlaxcala

Faculty of Philosophy and Literature

Language Teaching
Pedagogical Grammar

Teacher´s name: Date: 17th November, 2022.
 Juan Carlos Meza Hernandez.
 César Augusto Lobato Montiel. Level:Intermediate
Age group: 20-26
 María Fernanda Montes de Jesús. Advanced

School information: University Autonomous of Tlaxcala Number of Ss: 28 students Time: 40 minutes
Educational level: University Turn: Morning School zone:
Location: State of Tlaxcala. Grade / Group: 5 A CCT:
Main aim:
 Students will be able to talk about something that someone else did for us or for another person.

Subsidiary aim:
 To provide practice of the causative through multiple activities.
 To provide a speaking and writing practice of the causative form.
 To recognize different uses of HAVE, GET, MAKE & WANT in causative form.

Personal aim:
 To give clearer examples.
Topic: Causative Verbs (Have, Get, Make & Want) Active & Passive. Language focus: Speaking & Writing.

Anticipated problems:
Previous knowledge:
 Students may have problems with get
 Students have already know the basic tenses (Present, Past, Future, Past Perfect,
confused with the meaning of Have, Get,
Past Perfect, etc.)
Make & Want.
 Game: Guess the
Resources (materials):  Flashcards  Whiteboard  Markers


To give an
introduction to
students by
The teacher divides the group into 2 parts, each team is
teaching them
given papers with the lyrics of a song, the teams must
Songs one of the most
listen carefully to the song and a representative from
Warm up Sentences of pieces  Team Work common verbs in 5”
each team goes to the blackboard to paste the
of paper their causative
sentences in order, the team that completes the song
form, attracting
correctly will be the winner.
their attention and
indirectly teaching
new vocabulary.
Activity: Dictogloss
In this part the teacher tells students aloud some
sentences, they have to pay attention without writing
anything in their notebook, after listening to all the
sentences, they are going to write what they remember. Notebook To identify how
Before Afterwards a volunteer writes on the whiteboard what Whiteboard
 Group
causative verbs 15”
his/her classmates tell him/her, together they will try to Markers activity are used.
write the sentences correctly.
This activity allows students through examples to
identify how causative verbs are used, if they have
doubts the teacher explains more detailed.

The teacher forms teams, then, the teacher provides

some flashcards to each team, the students have to
shuffle the flashcards and one of the members is going To formulate
During to take one without the other seeing it, the one who took Flashcards  Team work sentences using 10”
the card is going to give clues about what his image is causative verbs.
about, and his partner is going to guess some of the
sentences that the teacher wrote on the whiteboard.
In this section the teacher is going to tell the students
they will have to write a story with some contexts that
we are going to give.
First: Write a story of how someone prepared for an
event, like a party:
For example: “Emma had the baker make a special
To consolidate
cake. Then, she had her secretary email the Notebook
After  Team work the topic learned 10”
invitations.” Whiteboard
in class
Second: You must plan a party, or a road trip anything
that requires a great deal of preparation and errands.
For example: I will take the car to the mechanic’s and
have the oil and the tires checked. I might have the oil
changed. I will also have the engine and the brakes



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