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The biggest turning point in my country was sube card .

Time before , we used coins to pay the

transport public .Because of that Buses had coins machines they were next to bus driver . First
you said where did you go then the driver put your destination in a keyboard and you could
put your money.

There was a problem with the coin machine because it didn`t accep some coins and you had
to put them again and it spendt a lot of time . imaginary that if one coin hadn`t passed , the
machine would have returned all the money you put before. However there were people who
used false coins so that was an inconvenient too.

Now you have to load your sube and you can do that in subway station , train station with you
phone too. In the bus you put near a Little machine you sube and automatic it discount your
passage .

In the future I would like to know what new sistema will rempleace sube

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