Software Engg

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Mark My Plot

Group Information:-
1) Rudra patel (210303105303)
2) Het patel (210303105290)
3) Srushti patel(210303105306)
4) Vidhi joshi (210303105261)
Aim:- Project definition and objective of the specified module and
perform requirement Engineering Process.

Definition: -
 It’s a special kind of buy or rent a plot/house/hostel/paying
guest/hotels/villa/shops/factory. It will be the ideal location
for all types of Users.
 It’ll give wide range of options as per user requirement such
as budget, sharing capacity, size of the accommodation,
locality of house, different brokerage rates as per area

Working: -
 User can sign up in the website as well as app.

1) Meeting the user requirement: User should be able to
use the application (web/app) very efficiently without getting
trouble. In such a case, if user is getting trouble, it must be
solved with the helpful effort by having a chatbot or extra
Mark My Plot

from the customer care service team. It must fulfil the user
expectations as per individual need.

2) Reliability and quality:- Software should reliable and free

from error and defects. It should consistently produce
accurate results, handle exceptions gracefully, and recover
from failures. Quality assurance and testing processes are
implemented to identify and fix bugs, ensuring the software
works as intended.
3) Usability:-Software should be user-friendly and easy to use.
It should have an intuitive user interface, clear navigation,
and provide a positive user experience. Usability
considerations include factors like accessibility,
responsiveness, and the overall user interaction with the

Functions: -
 Requirement analysis: Understanding of software requirement
 Design: Create a friendly architecture, appropriate design for
the software, including software components, modules and
their interactions
 Programming: Select a programming language based on specific
requirement and build logic as per desired design to create
functional software
 Testing: Apply various testing to ensure the software is free
from bugs/defects or error
 Debug: Identify and resolve the bugs so that the software can
function properly
Mark My Plot

 Documentation: Creating comprehensive documentation,

including user manuals, technical specifications, API
documentation, and release notes, to aid in understanding and
using the software.
 Deployment: Preparing the software for deployment by
configuring the necessary environments, infrastructure, and
dependencies. This may involve packaging, installation, and
configuration of the software on target systems.
 Maintenance: Providing ongoing support and maintenance for
the software, including bug fixes, updates, and enhancements,
to ensure its continued functionality and performance.
 Collaboration/Teamwork: Working collaboratively with other
team members, such as project managers, designers, testers,
and stakeholders, to ensure effective communication,
coordination, and timely delivery of the software.
 Security: Implementing security measures and best practices to
protect the software from vulnerabilities, data breaches, and
unauthorized access.

Features :-
Availability: User can have the plot/house/hostel/paying
guest/hotels/villa/shops/factory as per budget, student number
size, locality, facilities.
Minimal brokerage charges (plot/house/hostel/paying
guest/hotels/villa/shops/factory) rates in range between 10 to
Feedback: Best feedback facility in case student found any
trouble, such as image/reality expectations, location fraud,
rental yield measurements.
Mark My Plot

Direct communication to the owner of the house, no third party

involves for dealing the house.
Early notification, special treatment for premium students
Mark My Plot

Software engineering practical 2

Aim: Identify Suitable Design and Implementation model from the
different software engineering model.

Model used in the development:-

Agile model :-

 The Agile model is an iterative and incremental approach to

software development that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration,
and customer satisfaction.
 It emphasizes adaptive planning, frequent feedback, and the
ability to respond to change.
 Iterative and incremental development: Agile projects are
divided into small iterations or timeboxes, typically referred to
as sprints. Each sprint produces a potentially shippable
increment of the software.
Mark My Plot

Customer collaboration: Agile promotes close collaboration and

interaction with customers, stakeholders, and end-users. Their
feedback is actively sought throughout the development
process to ensure the product meets their needs and
 Embracing change: Agile embraces change as a natural
and valuable part of the development process.
Requirements are expected to evolve, and Agile teams
are prepared to adapt their plans and priorities
 Self-organizing teams: Agile encourages self-organizing,
cross-functional teams that collectively take
responsibility for planning, executing, and delivering the
software. The team members collaborate closely and
share knowledge and skills to achieve project goals.
 Customer satisfaction through continuous delivery of
valuable software.
 Embracing changing requirements, even in later stages
of development.
 Delivering working software frequently, with a
preference for shorter timescales.
 Collaboration between business stakeholders and
development teams.
 Building projects around motivated individuals and
giving them the environment and support they need.
 Face-to-face communication as the most effective means
of conveying information.
Mark My Plot

 Progress measured by working software rather than

comprehensive documentation.
 Maintaining a sustainable pace, enabling teams to
maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
 Continuous attention to technical excellence and good
 Simplicity in maximizing the work not done.
 Product backlog: Maintaining a prioritized list of features
and requirements called the product backlog.
 Sprints: Conducting short iterations or sprints, typically
lasting 1-4 weeks, where the team works on a defined
set of tasks from the product backlog.
 Daily stand-up meetings: Brief daily meetings to provide
status updates, identify challenges, and coordinate work
within the team.
 User stories: Writing user-centric requirements in the
form of user stories to capture the desired functionality
from the end-user's perspective.
 Continuous integration and testing: Regularly integrating
code changes and performing automated testing to
ensure the stability and quality of the software.
Retrospectives: Conducting regular retrospectives at the
end of each sprint to reflect on what went well, identify
areas for improvement, and adjust processes for future
Mark My Plot

 Why not Waterfall:-

 Lack of flexibility
 Lack of money(investment)
 Late detection
 Long delivery
 Outdated solutions
 Limited collaboration and communication

 Why not RAD:-

Mark My Plot

 Not good for large scale project

 Lack of well-defined requirement
 limited user availability
 limited documentation

 Why not V-shaped:-

Mark My Plot

 Limited flexibility
 Late user involvement
 Longer development cycle
 limited visibility of product
 risk of requirement misunderstood
Mark My Plot

 Why not spiral:-

 Complexity
 Time and cost implications
 resource intensive
 potential for scope creep (product confusion)
 Dependency on risk management
Mark My Plot

 Why not iterative:-

 increased complexity in project management

 potential for scope creep (product confusion)
 time and resource allocations
 dependency on user involvement
 potential for regression in software quality

Software engineering practical 3

Mark My Plot

Aim:- Study Software Requirement engineering. Student should include SRS

document for current semester project. SRS (Software requirement

SRS: Software Requirement Specification

1. Functions:
 Requirement analysis: Understanding of software requirement
 Design: Create a friendly architecture, appropriate design for
the software, including software components, modules and
their interactions.
 Programming: Select a programming language based on specific
requirement and build logic as per desired design to create
functional software.
 Testing: Apply various testing to ensure the software is free
from bugs/defects or error.
Mark My Plot

 Debug: Identify and resolve the bugs so that the software can
function properly.
 Documentation: Creating comprehensive documentation,
including user manuals, technical specifications, API
documentation, and release notes, to aid in understanding and
using the software.
 Deployment: Preparing the software for deployment by
configuring the necessary environments, infrastructure, and
dependencies. This may involve packaging, installation, and
configuration of the software on target systems.
 Maintenance: Providing ongoing support and maintenance for
the software, including bug fixes, updates, and enhancements,
to ensure its continued functionality and performance.
 Collaboration/Teamwork: Working collaboratively with other
team members, such as project managers, designers, testers,
and stakeholders, to ensure effective communication,
coordination, and timely delivery of the software.

 Features:
 Availability: User/Student can have the houses, PGs, hostels as
per budget, student number size, locality, facilities.
 Minimal brokerage charges (depends on house/hostel) rates in
range between 10 to 30%.
 Feedback: Best feedback facility in case student found any
trouble, such as image/reality expectations, location fraud,
rental yield measurements.
 Direct communication to the owner of the house, no third party
involves for dealing the house.
 Early notification, special treatment for premium students.
Mark My Plot

Security:-Implementing security measures and best practices to

protect the software from vulnerabilities, data breaches, and
unauthorized access.

Functional Requirements: Specifies the detailed functionalities

and operations that the software should perform. These
requirements typically consist of use cases, scenarios, and user

Non-Functional Requirements: Describes the quality

attributes of the software, such as performance, security, reliability,
usability, and scalability.

UI & UX Requirements: Outlines the design and layout of the

user interface and the overall user experience.

System Architecture: Provides an overview of the software's

high-level architecture, including components, modules, and their

Data Requirements: Defines the data that the software will use,
store, and manipulate, including data formats and database
Mark My Plot

Assumptions and Constraints: Lists any assumptions made

during the requirement gathering process and the constraints that
may impact the development.

Dependencies: Identifies any external systems or components

that the software will depend on for proper functioning.

Use Cases:
 Help to find appropriate property plot/house/hostel/paying
guest/hotels/villa/shops/factory as per requirement.
 Give flexibility in pricing as per different ranges and tenure.
 Secure contract for rental to get authentication.
 Easy feedback available, and solve students’ problems/issues.

Testability: Includes requirements related to testing the software

to ensure its quality and correctness.

Maintenance and Support: Describes the post-development

support and maintenance requirements for the software.
Mark My Plot

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