Tugas Tuton 2 PBIS4216 (Structure III)

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Nama :

Sebagaimana pada Tugas-1, Tugas-2 kali ini pun akan melatih Anda semua dalam
mengaplikasikan penguasaan English Structure yang dibahas dalam modul PBIS4216 sampai
dengan minggu ke-5 ini. (skor maksimal = 100)

1. Pilih dan Tulis kembali kalimat yang mengandung conditional clause pada wacana-wacana
berikut ini pada tempat yang telah disediakan (skor maksimal = 30)

Text 1

It probably came from Great Aunt Mary – she wasn’t that big but she had acquired the title
“great” because she’d been alive for so long. Anyhow she used to say: “If you really do your
national service, you’ll probably be a pilot. I can just see you sitting in a nice aero plane.” Of
course if you objected to any type of violence against your fellow man, you could always object
— officially I mean. If you thought along those lines, you were called a “conscientious objector”
and you had to appear before a special tribunal and explain your reasons. Again you would
probably be exempt from military service if you came from a long line of conscientious

Text 2

If I had taken the trouble to think about the practical side of the matter, I could have chosen a
different service. There were after all the navy and the airforce. The navy wasn’t very likely
unless you had had dozens of uncles and grandparents in the service before you. In my case, this
didn’t apply at all. The airforce somehow appealed. I liked the idea of tearing through the skies
away from it all. If I think about it now, I just can’t imagine why I liked the idea especially since
flying for me today is a total nightmare.

Teks 1 :




Teks 2:





2. Garis bawahi kalimat yang mengandung parallel structure pada wacana berikut ini, lalu
berikan formula yang digunakan! (skor maksimal = 30)

My Cat

I have a pet cat. Its name is Winkie. It’s white and grey in color (parallel structure of
noun). It has lovely green eyes and soft skin (parallel structure of noun). It eats fish and
drinks milk (parallel structure of verb). It plays with me when I come back from school.
It likes to play with the ball in the garden. It loves me and shows its love by licking me
when I come back from school (parallel structure of noun). It sleeps in a small basket
near my bed. I love my pet very much.

3. Identifikasi word atau phrase yang salah pada wacana berikut. Ubah menjadi paragraf yang
benar! (skor maksimal = 30)

My Older Sister

I have an older sister. Her name is Anisa Rahayu. I call her ‘Kak Nisa’ and she is seven
years older. Although we are siblings, we have some different characteristics and
personality. My sister has black wavy hair, small face, round eyes and a point nose.
People like to see her smile and laughing because she has gummy smile. She is 160 cm
tall and has long legs. Her skin is tanned because she likes to travel. She also has nice
facial features. My sister is pretty and kindness to everyone. She likes to buy me food
and asking me to the cinema. Yet sometimes she can annoy my mother. She rarely
cleans her room because she is quite busy. She often sleeps a lot on weekend due to her
working schedule which is from Monday to Saturday. My sister is a hard-working
person who I adore so much. She is the type of older sister who can be relied on.

My Older Sister






4. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan menggunakan word order yang benar!
(skor maksimal = 10)
a) In front of my house _________________________ big avocado tree.
b) Under the tree ________________ a young woman with her two children

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