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Kyung Myung Ko

405-696-8240 | | LinkedIn | Github | Website

Purdue University, West Lafayette IN Aug 2019 - Present
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science GPA: 3.72/4.00
Coursework: Data Mine (Python, R), Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming (Java), Programming in C,
Data structures, Computer Architecture, Systems Programming, Linear Algebra
Austin Community College, Austin TX Aug 2018 - May 2019
Part-time enrollment GPA: 4.00/4.00
- Simultaneously enrolled with Austin Coding Academy, spent gap year after high school to learn practical skills.
Coursework: Programming Fundamentals I (Python), Programming Fundamentals II (C++)
Project Solver
ExpaEdu, Seoul (Remote), South Korea Jan 2021 - Present
• Building a Python-based data pipeline using multi-threading web crawling method with Pandas and Numpy.

• Developing parsing logics that extract relevant information from more than 5000+ web pages with varying forms.

• Organizing and tokenizing regex items with NLTK, cleaning/normalizing the parsed data.

Hello World Hackathon - Mentor

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Sep 2020 - Oct 2020
• Led a presentation in using practical tools for deploying a web project, such as Github and Firebase.

• Instructed mentees with web application deployment, answered technical questions related to programming

languages/frameworks, and guided through functional testing and algorithm/runtime analysis.

• Devoted 21 hours, helping out 20+ mentees, rated as #1 mentor on the leader board among 15+ mentors.

Caterpillar Inc. - Mining truck missing sensors Imputation | Team Project Aug 2020 – Present
• Developing machine learning solutions to detect future equipment failures on a mining truck.
• Developing a recurrent neural network model (RNN), to perform time-series data imputations.
• Identifying specific timestamps of large data loss, visualizing necessary portions with Seaborn, Matplotlib.

Discord Bot - ARAM Tier Bot, TFT Bot | Personal, Team Project Aug 2020 – Oct 2020
• Developed a Python-based Discord Bot that provides statistical data for the user in unique game modes.
• Retrieved the relevant data from the 3rd party website, used the web crawling method with BeautifulSoup.
• Executed queries to retrieve the relevant data from the Riot Games API, then organized into sequential lists.
• Tested with varying calculation formulas to give the most accurate representation for the user’s proficiency level.
• Applied multiprocessing method in order to supplement the slower data processing in Python.
• Designed a solution to provide the relevant data to the user beyond the limitations of the Discord Embed, modified
the embedded output image with Pillow and sent the processed image to the Discord server with io.

ReviewMyProduct | Personal Project (From the Austin Coding Academy) Jan 2019 – Mar 2019
• Built an interactive web app based on ASP.NET with incorporated knowledge from Austin Coding Academy.
• Established Entity Relationship with key properties using SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS).
• Enabled data seeding and migration methods with SSMS to preserve meaningful data in the DB.
• Established authentication/authorization system and assigned different roles to the user and the administrator.
• Rated as the top 5 project among the 20+ of graduating colleagues, by the industry-related audiences.
Progamming Languages: Python, Java, C#, C/C++, SQL, R, HTML/CSS, JavaScript
Developer Tools/Technology: Vim, Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Azure, AWS, Anaconda,
Scikit-learn, NumPy, Pandas, Scipy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Tensorflow, Keras, PIL, BeautifulSoup, ASP.NET
Certificates: LinkedIn Learning- Applied Machine Learning: Algorithms, Applied Machine Learning: Foundations,
Deep Learning: Face Recognition, Image Recognition, Building Deep Learning Applications with Keras 2.0, NLP with
Python for Machine Learning Essential Training, Advanced NLP with Python for Machine Learning

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