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Bismillah’hi rahman nir raheem - Ramadan Planner

Early in the morning 3am onwards At Sunrise This column is a compulsory daily-routine for all Muslims even after Ramadan month This whole column is done in the night (the time starts from sunset i.e. at Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast 1
or 3-4hours before Fajr adhaan Magrib timing)
‫ضا َن‬ َ ‫ص ْوم ِ غ ٍَد َّن َويْتُ ِم ْن‬
َ ‫ش ْه ِر َر َم‬ َ ‫َو ِب‬
Witr Tahajjud - Fasting Morning Tasbih, Istigfar - Zikr (write down how many Quran- how many Dua (for deceased, 5-times Fard Iftar Evening Taraweeh, how Sleeping Dua? Fasting Niyyat? Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan
prayer? how many today? Adhkaar Tahmid, Tahlil, how many times? And what are the zikr?) pages read? ancestors, parents, Salah Niyyat? Adhkaar? many rakats? Ayatul kursi, 3-Qul (Say niyyat before
husband, children,
rakats? Takbeer (after times? (This is said (Best to pray Surahs? sleep)
siblings, relatives and
entire ummah)
after every I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month
every prayers) Magrib prayers) 20-rakats) of Ramadan
Day before Ramadan starts Say the 1st dua
Or you can also recite the following:
Day 1 From this day onwards
say the 2nd dua
Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast 2
Day 2
‫السـنـ َِة لِلـ ِّه‬
َّ ‫َضا َن هـ َِذ ِه‬ ِ ‫ص ْو َم غـ ٍَد عَـ ْن اَد‬
ِ ‫َاء فـ َْر‬
َ ‫ض شـَ ْه ِر َرمـ‬ َ ُ‫نـَ َويْت‬
Day 3 َ‫تـَعَالى‬
Day 4 Nawaitu sauma ghadin anadai fardu shahri
ramadhana hazihissanati lillahitaala
Day 5
I intend to do obligatory fast tomorrow in the
Day 6 month of Ramadan this year because of Allah
Day 6
Dua (Prayer) at the End of the Fast
Day 7
ُ‫ص ْمتُ َو ِب َك امن ْتُ َوعَلي َْك تَ َو ّكلتُ َو عَلى ِرز ِْق َك اَفْط َْرت‬
ُ ‫ال َّل ُه َّم ِانِّى َل َك‬
Day 8
Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa
Day 9 alayka tawakkaltu wa ala rizq-ika-aftartu

Day 10 O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You and I

put my trust in You and I break my fast with Your
Day 11 sustenance
Day 12

Day 13 Some Zkir to recite:

Day 14 1. Rabbigh rli warhamni wajburni warfa'kni
Day 15
warzuqni wahdini wa'a ni wa'kfu 'anni.
Meaning : 'O Lord, Forgive me, Bless me,
Day 16 Rectify me, Raise my status, Give me my
Sustenance, Guide me, Strengthen me and
Day 17 Pardon me’.
2. Dua for Lailat-ul-Qadr:
Day 18 ِ ‫عفُوٌّ ت‬
‫عفُ َعنِّي‬ ْ ‫ُحبُّ ا ْل َعفْوَ فَا‬ َ ‫ك‬َ َّ‫ال ْل ُه َّم إِن‬
Day 19 Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul
`afwa fa`fu `annee - Meaning: “O Allah,
Day 20** - Laylatul Qadr You are Pardoning and you love pardon, so
night of 10 days starts
pardon me.”‘” (Tirmidhi)
Day 21 3. Sayyiduna Zayd (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports
that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said,
Day 22** “Whoever says Astagh rullahal ‘Azim
Alladi La Ilaha illa Huwal Hayyul
Day 23
Qayyumu wa atubu ilayhi [once], his sins
Day 24** will be forgiven even if he had ed from
battle” (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3577,
Day 25 Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith: 1512)
4. ،ُ‫ َو َل ُه ا ْلحَ مْ د‬،‫ك‬ ْ ‫ َل ُه‬،ُ‫ك َله‬
ُ ‫امل ُ ْل‬ َ ‫شرِي‬ َ َ‫الَ إِ َل َه إِالَّ ال َّل ُه وَحْ َدهُ ال‬
Day 26**
‫شى ٍْء َق ِدي ٌر‬ َ ‫ع َلى ُك ِّل‬ َ َ‫هو‬ ُ ‫ َو‬- La ilaha illallahu
Day 27 wahdahu la sharika lahu lahul mulku wa
Day 28** lahul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shay in
qadeer. The meaning of this dua from
Day 29 hadith of Sahih Muslim: There is no god but
Allah, the One, having no partner with Him.
Day 30 Sovereignty belongs to Him and all the
Eid-ul Fitr Prayed Eid prayer? praise is due to Him, and He is Potent over
Day 1 - Shawal 5. Always Recite Salawat upon our beloved
Prophet Muhammad sallahu alaihiwa salam:
Day 2 - Shawal
Day 4 - Shawal
Day 5 - Shawal 6. ِّٰ‫(سبْحَ ا َن اهلل‬tasbīḥ)Subahanallah,
Day 6 - Shawal 7. ِِّٰ‫( ا َ ْلحَ ْم ُد هلل‬taḥmīd)Alhamdullilah,
8. and ‫( اَهللُّٰ أ َ ْكب َُر‬takbīr)Allahu Akbar - are
More information: 1. Taraweeh starts after Isha prayers in the last day of Shaban at Magrib. Because Day 1 of Ramadan will start at Magrib of the last day of Shaban.
amongst the most beloved statements to
2. Witr prayer is prayed at Isha after all the Fard and Sunnah Isha prayers. It is prayed usually in odd rakats e.g.1,3,5 but if you are intending to pray Tahajjud prayers, you have to make niyyat before sleeping to wake up for Tahajjud to pray Tahajjud and Witr Allah. And Tahlil is ‫( َال إِ ٰلَ َه إِ َّال ٱل ٰلَّ ُه‬La ilaha illalah)
prayers together. also the most beloved statements to Allah
which should be said more.
3. Tahajjud is prayed in 2 rakats each to as many as one desires to pray (mostly prayed till 8 rakats), it is recommended to read Quran at this timing too or if you are memorising Quran - this is the best timing to memorise or re-cap any Surahs. @Remember: always recite Zikr with the
4. Morning & Evening Adhkaar is important in every Muslim’s daily routine as it is like requesting Allah s.w.t to make your day the best day in terms of easing any di culty in that day or keeping us away from any negative mindset or negative emotions and keep remembrance of Allah s.w.t and do it wherever
us safe from Shaytan. The best Adhkaar would be: Recite 1x Ayatul Kursi 3x Surah Ikhlaas 3x Surah Falaq 3x Surah An Nas and make a dua to ease your a airs or problems for that day/night to Allah s.w.t. you are regardless of whatever job you are doing, driving, walking, working,
5. - ** -The asterisk represents the odd nights of Laylatul Qadr. Laylatul Qadr happens every odd “nights” so during those odd “nights” its best to be awake for Quran recitation or Zikr and Sunnah prayers like Tahajjud or (Qyamul-layl) prayers. exercising, etc.

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