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Disaster Relief Project

Prepared for

Sparky Aid Designs


Kaylee Rhyne

Saturday, November 25th, 2023

With the increase in wildfire in the United States there has been an increased use of
aircraft to help fight against fires. But, these aircraft are not cost effective and some are quite
questionable on whether or not they are safe to use. In this project I determined the kinds of
payloads my aircraft would use along with its interior. Then I ran a test on different values
involving the wings of an aircraft before determining which wing design and spar were best for
the needs of the problem. This all was made to help put out wildfires in New Orleans and
automated certain functions to increase its useability.

Due to effects from climate change, the length of fire seasons has increased to over two
months leading to increased occurrences with forest fires in areas such as New Orleans. But this
is not the only issue, over time the fire suppressant budget has also increased tremendously. An
important reason for this increase is due to aircraft not being used in a cost effective manner due
to their singular use for dropping fire suppressants. Alternatively, there are other fire related jobs
these aircraft could be used for when it comes to fire suppression such as carrying supplies,
people, and performing reconnaissance operations. I plan to base my design in New Orleans and
use it to address the multiple uses of aircraft in fire suppression for carrying supplies, people,
performing reconnaissance operations, and administering fire suppressants.

My intended target customer is the US Forest Services and other organizations located in
New Orleans that are in need of more cost effective firefighting aircraft. My intended users are
the first responders, pilots, and volunteers who will use the firefighting aircraft. Based on this
information I need to know how responders, pilots, and volunteers will use the aircraft and in
what conditions the aircraft must be used in for a better idea on what the aircraft needs to be able
to withstand. With today's solutions there tends to be complications with whether or not the
aircraft can fly at more intense wind speeds.
The aircraft is designed to perform three different kinds of missions related to wildfires.
First, the aircraft is designed to perform recon missions to report the extent of the fire. Second,
the aircraft is designed to drop off cargo and supplies at a location near a wildfire. And finally, it
is designed to drop water bombs on a fire to help put it out.
The criteria and requirements of the aircraft are as follows:

Design Requirements
1. Must have the ability to carry at least 650 lbs of supplies.
2. Must have a method of delivering supplies.
3. Must have the ability to deliver at least 20 firefighters and/or first responders to the scene.
4. Must have the ability to perform reconnaissance operations such as scouting and mapping
5. Must have the ability to withstand temperatures at least 600°C.
6. Must be able to carry at least 2 tons of weight.
7. Must be an aircraft.
8. Must be a cost effective solution that takes less than 50% of the Fire Suppressant budget
to lease the necessary amount of aircraft.
9. Must have some form of fire suppression.
10. Must have the ability to fly up to heights of 400 ft to 800 ft.

Design Criteria
1. Quick response speed of the aircraft
2. High carrying capacity
3. High heat resistance
4. Low cost
5. High functionality in higher wind speeds

A quick response time is important because the longer a fire remains unresponded, the
more time it has to spread. For this criteria I plan to compare the response time of the design to
the current response time of the aircraft used. A high carrying capacity is important so that
aircraft can carry the necessary supplies, materials, or people. For this criteria I plan to compare
the design’s carrying capacity to the current carrying capacity of the aircraft used. High heat
resistance is important so that the aircraft can handle flying above and around fires. For this
criteria I plan to compare the design’s heat resistance to the current heat resistance of the aircraft
used. Low cost is very important because the intended customers have unaffordable costs
associated with their current aircraft. For this criteria I plan to compare the design’s overall cost
to the current overall cost of the aircraft in use. High functionality in higher wind speeds is
important so that the aircraft can be used in more situations. For this criteria I plan to compare
the design’s functionality in higher wind speeds to the current functionality in higher wind
speeds of the aircraft used.

Quick High High heat Low cost in High Total Weight

response carrying resistance relation to functionality
speed of the capacity current in higher wind
aircraft budget speeds

Quick response 1 1/5 1/4 1/3 2 3.78 0.091

speed of the

High carrying 5 1 2 3 5 16 0.387


High heat 4 1/2 1 2 4 11.5 0.278


Low cost in 3 1/3 1/2 1 3 7.83 0.189

relation to current

High 1/2 1/5 1/4 1/3 1 2.28 0.055

functionality in
higher wind
Figure 1. APA Diagram
Firefighting with aircraft today has many issues. One of those issues is the improper use
of firefighting aircraft by politicians (Cart). This can prevent the aircraft from being set to the
areas in the most need of arial support. There is also the financial situation that using aircraft for
firefighting leads to. For example, in “2017, U.S. Forest Service fire suppression costs exceeded
$2.4 billion,” (Current). This is a major issue seeing as a large portion of this was due to the use
of aircraft. Thirdly, most aircraft used for fighting wildfires are usually only used to either drop
off supplies, perform reconnaissance missions, or drop fire repellent or water (Firefighting). This
could be performed in a more beneficial manner by having one aircraft that can perform all of
these missions. Fourthly, “Aerial firefighting pilots must fly at low altitudes to accurately deliver
water or fire retardants” (Ryan). This makes it difficult for pilots to fly and can lead to their lives
being put in danger. Finally, “By the time firefighters can become mobilized, the blaze could
already be massive” (Why). This means there needs to be a quick and effective manner of
reaching, and putting out forest fires with the aircraft.
Aircraft Purpose and Capabilities:
Mission profile One: Fire Suppression
In these kinds of missions the goal of the mission is to provide some kind of support in putting
out fires, or possibly setting up a fire barrier. In these missions, while speed would be beneficial,
it is most important that there is enough room to store a fire suppressant, a way to store a fire
suppressant, along with some method of dropping a fire suppressant.

Mission profile Two: Reconnaissance

In these kinds of missions the goal is to gather data on the affected area. This would include
flying over the affected areas and collecting data. For these missions we are looking at a minimal
payload, with an emphasis on long range and endurance to gather the most info on the fire.

Mission profile Three: Supply/People Drop

In these kinds of missions the goal is to deliver supplies and people to a location near the fire.
These missions require lots of room for supplies and people, the capability to carry a heavy load,
along with some form of delivery method.

Design Overview:
Figure 2. Side view of outer aircraft

Figure 3. Front View of Outer Aircraft

Figure 4. Top View of Outer Aircraft

There are three types of missions this aircraft is designed to execute; Fire suppression,
reconnaissance, and supply/people drops. For fire suppression the aircraft has a designated area
to store and easily drop up to 35 water suppressant bombs. It also has an automatic door opening
system and an automatic bomb drop system based around user input to make it easier on the pilot
and copilot to drop water suppressant bombs. For reconnaissance missions the aircraft’s spar is
made of the durable material of steel with a melting point of 2500°F to 2800°F. This is important
so that the spar does not melt during flight risking the possibility of a crash. The aircraft also has
a range of 22,252 km, and a cruise speed of 1596.36 m/s. Each of these values or improvements
from the aircraft I based the design off of,a Embraer E Jet ERJ 170. Finally, for the supply and
people drops the aircraft is designed with a communication system for the people in the back to
communicate with the pilot and automatically opening cargo bay doors. All of these missions
would be performed in a long radius revolving around New Orleans and each year the aircrafts
would be expected to deal with 25 wildfires. These scenarios are my main focus as these are
many different scenarios that aircraft are needed for when fighting wildfires. These were also
scenarios that were brought up by the stakeholders.
The aircraft has the capability to carry up to 20 jumpers and 4313 pounds of cargo. The
communication system is important so that the pilot and jumpers can communicate when
necessary. The doors are necessary so that it is possible to drop off people and cargo. Some other
values of the aircraft's performance are an endurance of 4 hours, a rate of climb of 235.29 m/s, an
empty weight of 227.449 kN, and a max take-off weight of 979.449 kN.
In my design I decided to automate a temperature sensing system, and the door opening
system. The temperature sensing system will be very important for informing the pilot of
conditions outside the aircraft so that the pilot can make decisions accordingly. The door opening
system is important so that the water bombs, people, and supplies the aircraft is designed to carry
can be dropped below.
One of the trade offs I made in the design process was when choosing the material of
steel for the support beam of the wings. Steel was the cheapest of the material options, but also
the heaviest. Also, there were other material options that had a higher melting point and would
have provided more support, such as titanium. But, for the sake of cost and safety concerns I
decided to go with steel for the support beam.
Another trade off that was prioritizing a low cost over the amount of cargo the aircraft
could carry. To conserve cost I decided to go for a smaller aircraft that would be able to carry
less. This would mean the aircraft would have to make more trips to get more supplies, but it
would cut down on the total cost of the aircraft.
Subsystem Descriptions:
Please reference Figures 2, 3, and 4 for a look at the external features placement on the
Within this design tradeoffs were made with the aircraft performance. For example, I
prioritized the speed of the aircraft over its range as a quick response time is very important in
stopping a fire before it can spread. I quick response time can also help with reconnaissance
missions. But, another trade off I made was to prioritize safely over speed, range and endurance.
This is because if the aircraft was dangerous to fly around fire then it would ultimately be useless
due to the danger it would pose to those inside.
Interior Design:
For the interior design of the aircraft It was important to consider the different kinds of
missions the aircraft would be dealing with. As mentioned before, these missions would involve
carrying people, supplies, and water bombs.

Figure 5. Design 1 Interior Design of Aircraft

For supply missions design one would carry 20 people, not counting the pilot and
co-pilot. The aircraft would also carry 30 lbs of water, a firshelter, 110 pounds of miscellaneous
gear, and a parachute for each person, along with 567 food rations. On the other hand, for fire
suppressant missions the aircraft would have a holding area that can hold up to 35 fire
extinguisher bombs. Finally, for reconnaissance missions the aircraft would only have to carry
the pilot and co-pilot. See Figure 6 in the Interior Design Appendix for a more detailed look at
the supplies for each mission profile of interior design 1.
Figure 21. Design 2 Interior Design of Aircraft
For supply missions design two would carry 12 people, not counting the pilot and
co-pilot. The aircraft would also carry 30 lbs of water, a firshelter, 110 pounds of miscellaneous
gear, and a parachute for each person, along with 567 food rations. On the other hand, for fire
suppressant missions the aircraft would hold up to 9825 gallons of water. Finally, for
reconnaissance missions the aircraft would only have to carry the pilot and co-pilot. See Figure
22 in the appendix for a more detailed look at the supplies for each mission profile of interior
design 2.
Figure 23. Design 4 Interior Design of Aircraft
For supply missions design three would carry 20 people, not counting the pilot and
co-pilot. The aircraft would also carry 30 lbs of water, a firshelter, 110 pounds of miscellaneous
gear, and a parachute for each person, along with 567 food rations. On the other hand, for fire
suppressant missions the aircraft would hold up to 6450 gallons of fire retardant. Finally, for
reconnaissance missions the aircraft would only have to carry the pilot and co-pilot. See Figure
24 in the Interior Design Appendix for a more detailed look at the supplies for each mission
profile of interior design 3.

When designing the areas where humans would frequent in these designs there were a
few things I considered, such as how much space each person would need, considering they
would each be wearing, and carrying supplies, and also the purpose of why the fighter fighters
would be in the aircraft. In this case the purpose of the area would be a place for firefighters to
wait until reaching the destination at which they would jump. Considering the place that may be
needed for this, I chose to go for strap handles instead of seats.

Decision Matrix:
Criteria Weight Design 1 Design 2 Design 3

Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score

Human 0.055 5 0.275 4 0.22 5 0.275


Total weight 0.176 5 0.88 5 0.88 5 0.88


Necessary 0.229 5 1.145 3 0.687 4 0.916

room for

Room for Fire 0.196 5 0.98 3 0.588 5 0.98


Safety and 0.344 4 1.376 2 0.688 4 1.376

practicality of

Total 1.00 4.656 3.063 4.427

Figure 20. Decision Matrix for Payload and Interior Design

Overall, I determined the best designed internal layout to be Design one. First of all,
design two was the worst out of the three designs due to many issues I identified with the layout.
For example, it is concerning that there is no clear way for the crew and people on board to
access the cockpit. Also, it would be a major concern if the water tank started to leak and flooded
the cockpit or the waiting area for firefighters. Design two and design four were both pretty good
design with the main concerns coming in with the possibility a fire extinguisher bomb coming
off the holding rack for design one, and in design two less space being designated for the
supplies crate along with the possibility of fire retardant tank not being able to stand the weight
of the people and cargo above and collapsing. Based on these issues, and the modern day issue of
fire retardants decreased ability to put out forest fires, I came to the conclusion that design one
was the best interior design.
Wing Design:
For the wing design there were many factors to consider. Such as how the chord, camber,
and angle of attack affect the lift to drag ratio. These relationships can be seen in Figures 7, 8,
and 9 respectively.
Figure 7. Chord vs. Lift to Drag Ratio Dot Plot

Figure 8. Camber vs. Lift to Drag Ratio Dot Plot

Figure 9. Angle of Attack vs. Lift to Drag Ratio Dot Plot

The chosen wing design has a spat with an I beam cross sectional geometry and the
material for the spar is steel. The aircraft’s wing also has a chord of 2 meters, camber of 0.03,
max thickness 0f 0.16, angle of attack of 0, and span of 20 meters. The wing shape that was
chosen can be seen in figure 10.
This wing was chosen by first examining how different parameters of the wing, such as
its angle of attack, or its chord length affected its lift to drag ratio. Then, the design was
compared with a few other designs that were made before being examined in a decision matrix.
Overall, this design was chosen because it had the lowest score when it came to the spars weight,
and it was the best in terms of cost and volume. The wing for this design also had a better tip
displacement and deflection angle than the other designs, see figure for tip displacement and
deflection angle. This means the design would in theory be safer to fly, another major concern
for the consumer.

Figure 10. Diagram of wing shape and defection

Design 3

Tip displacement 0.522 m

Deflection angle 3.76 degrees

Figure 11.

The automations I intend to include are as follows:
1. opening of cargo bay doors
2. releasing of fire extinguishing bombs
3. Informing pilot to outside conditions
For opening the cargo bay doors I intend to have the pilot, or co-pilot, push the relevant
button to cause the motors on the corresponding door(s) to turn and open the door(s). During this
procedure I want the button to cause flashing lights to inform anyone in the corresponding area
to be aware that the doors are opening. An unwanted abuse of this automation would be the
opening of multiple cargo bay doors at once, or just having multiple doors open at one point in
time. This could lead to unwanted collisions during drops so there would need to be a way to
prevent this from occurring.
For releasing the fire extinguishing bombs I intend to use a total of 5 dip switch SPST x
7’s. Each switch would trigger a motor that would cause the drop of the corresponding fire
extinguishing bomb. It would also trigger a light located above the switch to turn off to indicate
the fire extinguishing bomb was dropped. An unwanted abuse of this system would be dropping
a fire extinguisher bomb when the corresponding doors were not open.
Finally, I want to be able to inform the pilot of the outside conditions such as heat and
airspeed. To accomplish this a temperature sensor and a pressure sensor outside the aircraft
would gather information that would display on LCD displays to the pilot.
Use Case Diagram:
Figure 12. Case Diagram of Aircraft System
Starting with the user of pilot, it is necessary for the pilot to be able to use the basic
controls involved in flying an aircraft. It would also be beneficial for the ilot to automatically be
able to drop fire extinguishing bombs. For this it would be important for the pilot to be informed
of the number of remaining fire extinguishing bombs. On top of this it is important that the pilot
is informed on outside conditions so that they are aware of these factors to determine their next
move. Finally, it is important that the pilot can open all cargo bay doors and communicate with
others on the aircraft to inform others of the running situation. On the other hand, users who are
jumpers need to be able to open the cargo bay doors during an emergency, be able to go through
their jump procedure, and communicate with the pilots. Another user would be the different
elements invaded with the weather. Finally, maintenance would need to be able to clean the
aircraft, replace parts on the aircraft, and safely secure any components that should not be
touched by others.

Sequence Diagram:
Figure 13. Sequence Diagram of Aircraft System
In the sequence diagram there are two main information flows shown. The first is the
opening of the cargo bay doors. This includes the pilot signifying that they want to open the
cargo bay doors, the doors opening, and a light turning on to signal they are open to the pilot.
The other information flow described is the dropping of the fire extinguisher bombs. This
includes the pilot signaling they want to drop a bomb, a bomb dropping, and a light turning off to
signal the drop.
Activity Diagram(s):
Figure 14. First Activity Diagram of Aircraft System
The first Activity Diagram goes over the choices involved in opening the cargo bay
doors. For example, if the user dies to open the cargo bay doors when another set is already open,
then the process is stopped and the pilot is informed of the issue. Alternatively, the doors the
pilot is trying to open are already open then the doors are instead closed.
Figure 15. Second Activity Diagram of Aircraft System
The other activity diagram goes over the choices involved in dropping a fire
extinguishing bomb. For example, If the corresponding doors are not open then the pilot is
informed. Alternatively, if the extinguishing bomb has already been dropped then the pilot is
informed of the issue.

The first arduino circuit developed to implement automation on the aircraft records the
temperature with a temperature sensor and then displays the temperature in celsius on a LCD.
The purpose of this feature is to inform the pilot of the conditions outside the aircraft. In this
system the temperature sensor is recording the temperature outside the aircraft which is then
translated to degrees celsius and displayed on the LCD display.
The second circuit uses a button to turn a motor to open the cargo bay doors of the
aircraft and uses a open the cargo bay doors light to inform the pilot. The purpose of the system
is to open the cargo bay doors and inform the pilot that the doors are open. In this system the
button informs the system of whether or not the user wants to open the cargo bay doors. This
then turns the motor and turns on the light to inform the pilot the doors have been opened.
Circuit Diagram 1:

Figure 16. First Circuit Diagram

The temperature sensor is the input of this system and records the outside temperature of
the aircraft. The LCD display is the output and displays the temperature recorded by the
temperature sensor. For code reference figure 17 in the appendix.
I used ziadayoub123’s tinkercad circuit, as an example for this circuit.
Circuit Diagram 2:
Figure 18. Second Circuit Diagram
The button is the input and informs the system that the pilot wants to open the doors of
the aircraft. The motor is an output which turns to open the cargo bay doors. The led is an output
which lights up to inform the pilot that the cargo bay doors are open. For code reference Figure
19 in the Interior Design Appendix.
Results of Automation:
The first circuit works as expected. It properly takes the temperature of the aircrafts
outside conditions and reports it to the pilot with the use of an LCD display. But, the second
circuit does not work as originally intended with the UML models. The second circuit was
intended to be able to open and close the cargo bay doors, but the code is only able to open the
doors. ALso, for the second circuit I did try using a switch, but this led to the code repeating over
and over as long as the switch was high. Another issue I ran into was when I tried having both
systems being run by the same arduino. This led to long delays and mix ups with where certain
wires belonged. Based on this I split the two systems up to be run by different arduino’s and
different lines of code.

Testing and Evaluation:

In this project I tested how the chord, camber, angle of attack, span, and max thickness to
to chord ratio affected the lift to drag ratio. These tests were done through the Zhukovsky
Aerofoil Wing Simulator. From these tests I was able to determine how each of these variables
are related to an aircraft's lift to drag ratio. For example, as the chord, angle of attack, and max
thickness to chord ratio increase the lift to drag decreases. On the other hand, as the span
increases the lift to drag ratio increases. Finally, the camber and lift to drag ratio are quadratically
Upon conducting an analysis using FAT procedures on the aircraft's performance
variables using the Aircraft Simulator I was able to determine that the aircrafts current cruise
speed was too high. I also ran a FAT test to see if the temperature sensor was working correctly
and displayed the correct value. With this test I was able to determine that the code for the
temperature sensor was working properly.

The final aircraft design that I ended up with for this project has an empty operating
weight of 227.449 kN and can carry 500 kN. The design had the capability of carrying and
dropping water bombs, carrying people and supplies, and relaying important environmental data
to the pilot. All of these features are to accomplish the aircraft’s goal of completing fire
suppression, reconnaissance, and supply/people drop missions.
This aircraft meets most of the requirements set for it. It meets the first and sixth
requirements as it is able to carry over 500 kN of weight. Also, the design has the ability of
opening and dropping of supplies from the cargo bay doors, fulfilling the second requirement.
The third requirement is fulfilled by the aircraft’s capability to carry 20 people, aside from the
pilot and co-pilot, and the fourth requirement is fulfilled by the aircraft's ability to convey
outside temperatures to the pilot. The fifth and seventh requirements are fulfilled seeing as the
spar the the aircraft can sustain such temperatures, and due to the fact that the design is an
aircraft. Finally, the ninth requirements are fulfilled by this design because of the aircrafts ability
to carry fire suppressant bombs. The two requirements that are not met is the cost effectiveness
of the plane, and the aircrafts ability to fly to heights between 400 ft and 800 ft. Both of these
requirements are not met due to issues with the cruise speed and rate of climb. This aircraft is set
apart from other fire fighting designs because it is designed not only to suppress fires, but also to
deliver people and supplies to the location of a wildfire.
Some work that still needs to be done is programming the bomb dropping system as this
has not been created. Something else that needs to be finished is the cargo bay door opening
system. Currently the cargo bay door opening system can only open the doors and not close
them, so a closing door function needs to be added. An area I would still like to improve is the
endurance of the aircraft. To improve the endurance I could increase the amount of fuel the
aircraft is carrying, but this will lead to a trade off with a lower cruise speed, rate of climb, and
range. A major issue that also needs improvement is the cost of the design, which could be
improved by getting the cruise speed down to a more reasonable rate. If I had more time I would
redesign the wings to get a better lift to drag ratio better suit for the aircrafts needs.
From this project I learned the different steps in the design process, as well as how to
conduct a FAT evaluation. I also gained skills in using CAD, as well as in using an
Arduino.From this project I also learned about different kinds of diagrams that can be used to
represent a system, and most importantly, I learned the complexity of designing and executing a
Work Cited:
Cart, Julie, and Bettina Boxall. “Air Tanker Drops in Wildfires Are Often Just for Show.”
Los Angeles Times, 29 July 2008,

M n mmm m m ,m “Current Issues.” US Forest Service, 2017,

“Firefighting Planes: An in-Depth Guide.” WFCA, 8 Nov. 2023,

Ryan, Patrick. “Exploring Current Trends and Critical Issues in Aerial Firefighting.”
AvBuyer, 31 Aug. 2023,

“Why Is It so Hard for Firefighters to Put out Wildfires?” Capstone, 5 Apr. 2023,

ziadayoub123. “Circuit Design Arduino with LCD and Temperature Sensor.” Tinkercad, 24
Feb. 2021,
Interior Design Appendix

Design 1

Supply and People Drop

Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall

Adult Man (fire 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 20

fighter) feet tall

30 lbs gallons 20
3.75 gallons of water
per person

567 food rations 900 lbs 4 feet wide by 4 feet
long by 4 feet tall

Fire shelter 4.4 lbs 5.24 inches by 3.75
inches by 8.25 inches

110 pounds of 110 lbs variable
miscellaneous gear
and supplies per

Parachute 25 lbs 3 feet by 3 feet by 1

Fire Suppression Drop

Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall

2000 lbs 35
Fire extinguisher 2.5 ft by 7 inches by
bomb 7 inches


Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall
Figure 6. Table going over supplies for missions

Design 2

Supply and People Drop

Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall

Adult Man (fire 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 12

fighter) feet tall

30 lbs gallons 12
3.75 gallons of water
per person

567 food rations 900 lbs 4 feet wide by 4 feet
long by 4 feet tall

Fire shelter 4.4 lbs 5.24 inches by 3.75
inches by 8.25 inches

110 pounds of 110 lbs variable
miscellaneous gear
and supplies per

Parachute 25 lbs 3 feet by 3 feet by 1

Fire Suppression Drop

Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall

Measured in gallons 9825 gallons

water measured in 8 lbs/gallon


Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall

Figure 22. Table going over supplies for missions

Design 3

Supply and People Drop

Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall

Adult Man (fire 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 20

fighter) feet tall

30 lbs gallons 20
3.75 gallons of water
per person
567 food rations 900 lbs 4 feet wide by 4 feet
long by 4 feet tall

Fire shelter 4.4 lbs 5.24 inches by 3.75
inches by 8.25 inches

110 pounds of 110 lbs variable
miscellaneous gear
and supplies per

Parachute 25 lbs 3 feet by 3 feet by 1

Fire Suppression Drop

Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall

12 lbs/gallon 6450 gallons

Fire retardant measured in gallons


Object Weight Sized Number

Adult Man (pilot and 200 lbs 2.5 feet wide by 6 2
co pilot) feet tall
Figure 24. Table going over supplies for missions
Automation Appendix

Figure 17. Arduino Code for Circuit Diagram 1

I used ziadayoub123’s tinkercad code, as an example for this code.
Figure 19. Arduino Code for Circuit Diagram 2
FAT Procedures
FAT Test One
Scope: This test verifies if the aircraft has an appropriate cruise speed.
The following requirements are included in this procedure:
1. The aircraft has a cruise speed of 310 m/s or less.

Name of Tester: Kaylee Rhyne Date of Test:


● Must have access to Aircraft Simulator
● Must have necessary design parameters

Test Procedure:
Step Instructions Expected Outcome Requirement Pass/Fai

1 Open Aircraft Simulator The screen should light up and pass

show the phone's lock screen.

2 Enter design parameters for Aircraft performance values pass

lift coefficient, drag change as design parameters are
coefficient, payload weight, entered.
fuel weight, chord length,
span, fuselage cross
sectional area, fuselage
length, and the number and
type of engines used.

3 Look over Aircraft Verify that cruise speed is 310 Requirement #1: fail
Performance variables. m/s or less cruise speed = or <
310 m/s

FAT Test One

Scope: This test verifies if the automation for the temperature sensor and display is working properly.
The following requirements are included in this procedure:
2. The display displays the temperature in degrees celsius.
Name of Tester: Kaylee Rhyne Date of Test:

● Must have access to arduino circuit design one
● Must have necessary code to run the design

Test Procedure:
Step Instructions Expected Outcome Requirement Pass/Fai

1 Open circuit design one in Circuit design one shows up on pass

tinkercad. the screen.

2 Press start code. A temperature reading should pass

appear on the display.

3 Check over the reading Verify that the display reads Requirement #1: pass
over the temperature Temp: 24.71C Display shows:
Temp: 24.71C

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