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1. The advantages of successful teamwork

A. Groupthink, the tendency to let peer pressure overcome one’s better judgment
B. Improved productivity, creativity, and employee involvement;
increased information and knowledge
C. The pursuit of hidden agendas
D. The cost (in money and time) of planning and conducting team activities.
2. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of working in teams?
A. Teams always stamp out creativity by forcing people to conform to existing
ideas and practices.
B. Teams increase a company’s clerical workload because of the additional
government paperwork required for administering workplace insurance.
C. Team members are never held accountable for their individual
D. Social pressure within the group can lead to group- think, in which people
go along with a bad idea or poor decision even though they may not really
believe in it.
3. Which of the following steps should be completed before anyone from the team does
any planning, researching, or writing?
A. The team should agree on the project’s goals.
B. The team should agree on the report’s title.
C. To avoid compatibility problems, the team should agree on which word
processor or other software will be used.
D. The team should always step away from the work environment and
enjoy some social time in order to bond effectively before starting work.

4. One of the listening process is remembering, which means :

A)Physically hear the message and recognize it as incoming information.
B)Assign meaning to sounds, according to your own values, beliefs, ideas,
expectations, roles, needs, and personal history.
C) Store the information for future processing.
D)Analyze the quality of the information.
5. Which of the following is true about nonverbal signals?
A) They can strengthen a spoken message.
B) They can weaken a spoken message.
C) They can replace spoken messages.
D) All of the above are true.
6. Which of the following is the best characterization of etiquette in today’s business
A) Business etiquette is impossible to generalize because every company has its
own culture; you have to make it up as you go along.
B)With ferocious international competition and constant financial pressure,
etiquette is an old-fashioned luxury that businesses simply can’t afford
C) Ethical businesspeople don’t need to worry directly about etiquette
because ethical behavior automatically leads to good etiquette.
D)Etiquette plays an important part in the process of forming and maintaining
successful business relationships.
7. The primary difference between constructive feedback and destructive feedback is
A) constructive feedback is focused on the people involved.
B) destructive feedback is focused on the process and outcomes of communication.
C) constructive feedback can hurt people's feelings.
D) destructive feedback delivers criticism with no guidance for improvement.

8. If you are listening mainly to understand the speaker's message, you are engaging in
A) content listening.
B) critical listening.
C) empathic listening.
D) active listening.

9. If you are engaging in critical listening, your goal is to

A) understand and retain information.
B) understand the speaker's feelings, needs, and wants.
C) evaluate the logic and validity of the message.
D) appreciate the speaker's point of view.

10. The first step in the basic listening process is

A) physically receiving the message.
B) interpreting the message.
C) evaluating the message.
D) encoding the message.

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