Introduction To Translation

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Section: English Module: Translation Teacher: Hadjer Bouznad

Level: 2nd year Groups: 4, 5, 6 and 7

Introduction to translation
*Etymology is the science which studies the origin of words.

*Etymology of “translation” means the origin of the word “translation”.

The word "translation” derives from the Latin word “transferre” which means
"carry across" or "bring across": Trans=across + ferre= carry or bring.

So; the first definition we can give to translation according to its etymology is
the following: “Translation is considered as a bridge across which words, ideas,
concepts, cultures, thoughts are transferred from one side (the original
language) to the other side (the language into which we translate)”.


Here are some different definitions of translation, each one gives an

idea about what translation is from a different point of view:

• Translation is the process of rendering or transferring words or texts from

one language into another, whether the languages are in written or oral form.
• Translation is a bilingual process which aims at the production of a text
that is equivalent to an original text, first in terms of meaning and secondly
in terms of style.
• Translation is an act of communication which attempts to go across cultural
and linguistic boundaries. It is an understanding to people in their own
language before trying to create the same impact as the original text. Its
objective is to import the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader.
• Translation is an intelligent activity, requiring creative problem-solving

From the previous definitions, we can deduce the following points:

*Notice that, in all the definitions, it is mentioned that translation is a process (process,
act, activity…).

*Translation deals always with two languages, it is a bilingual process.

*Translation can be written or even oral. Here are two kinds of translation we will
talk about in details later on.
*In the process of translation, we always talk about a change: shift, transfer,
rendering, production of a new text… So there is always a transfer from one
language into another.

*The process of translation aims always at producing a new text that is equivalent to
the original one, BUT, we do not translate only words; we translate words, meaning,
ideas, thoughts, cultures, and even style.

*The most important feature of translation is to create the same impact as the original
text, i.e. it is vital to produce a text that lets the reader feels the same emotions as the
reader of the original text felt when he read the text in his language.

*It is said that translation requires creative problem-solving skills, so when we talk
about creativity we mean that translation can belong to arts since arts require
creativity, and when we talk about solving problems we feel like we are dealing with a
scientific problem (the text) that needs to be solved (translated) like mathematics.
Thus, we can say that translation can be considered as an art and a science at the
same time.

Here are some synonyms of the word “translation”:
Rendering, rendition, conversion, transcription, transliteration, adaptation,
paraphrasing, rewording, decoding, simplification, explanation, clarification.

:‫مفهوم الترجمة باللغة العربية‬

.‫ وترجم كالمه إذا فسره بلسان آخر‬،‫ ترجم الكالم أي فسره‬:‫لغة‬

،‫ الترجمة هي عملية تحويل نص أصلي من لغته األصلية إلى نص آخر مكتوب بلغة أخرى‬:‫اصطالحا‬
.‫وتعد الترجمة نقال للحضارة والثقافة والفكر ال نقال للغة فحسب‬

Terminology of translation
I suggest a list of important terms you should understand and memorize
since they are really important in this module:
➢ Translation: *The process of rendering ‫عملية الترجمة أو النقل‬
*The product of the translating process ‫النص المترجم أو الترجمة‬
*The written form of translation ‫الترجمة الكتابية أو التحريرية‬
➢ The translator: *The person who accomplishes a task of translation ‫المترجم‬
*The translator of written texts ‫المترجم الكتابي أو التحريري‬

➢ Interpreting: The verbal or oral form of translation ‫الترجمة الشفهية‬
➢ Interpreter: The person who translates orally ‫المترجم الشفهي أو الترجمان‬
➢ The source language (SL): It is the language being translated from, the
language in which the original text is written. ‫اللغة األصل‬
➢ The source text (ST): It is the original text written in a given Source
Language. It is the text to be translated into another language (the original text
or the text you start with). ‫النص األصل‬
➢ The target language (TL): It is the language being translated into. It is the
antonym of "source language". ‫اللغة الهدف‬
➢ The target text (TT): It is a translated text written in the Target Language,
which is the result of a translation from a given Source Text. It is the translation
of the source text. ‫النص الهدف‬
➢ Theme and version: These are terms of translation in French (theme et
version), but we can find and use them in the other languages. They always refer
to “into and out of the native language” of the speaker.
*Theme: from the native language into a foreign language.
*Version: From a foreign language into the native language.
Example: In our case, our native language is Arabic, so when we translate from
Arabic into English this is “Theme” and when we translate from English into
Arabic, this is “Version”.
Is translation an art or a science?

Theoretically, one can consider translation a science; practically, it seems

rational to consider it an art. We will discuss both of the two views and then
deduce w conclusion.

1- Why is translation an art?

✓ Translation is an art form because, unlike sciences, there is no firm set of
rules and algorithms you can follow. It cannot be systematized by laws.
✓ Art requires creativity and creative thinking. And that’s why translation
falls under that category.
✓ Like composers and painters, the translator brings his own experience and
personality to his job and often finds his own moods and personalities
reflected in their work. Thus translation is subjective.
✓ There are no universally accepted principles of translation, because the
only people qualified to formulate them have never agreed among themselves;
therefore, translation is not considered as a science.

✓ The most important features of a field of science are precision and
predictability, some sciences, principally those dealing with the humanities;
do not attain 100% predictability level.
✓ Translators have intuition about what is beautiful, pleasant and esthetical like
rhythm, rhyme, diction, tone, movements, style and other factors.
2- Why is translation a science?
✓ Translation being a science is based on language theories. Scientists are in
the process of searching the “theory of everything”.
✓ It is teachable. It is mainly a skill, a technology that can be acquired.
✓ Every language follows certain logic and rules that control articulation,
relationship between the elements, the way words connect and “vibrate”
✓ It has theories, strategies, techniques and approaches like any other field
of science.
✓ Translators have to solve a range of different problems.
✓ It has a practical nature.

Translation is regarded as both a science and an art:
By mapping words and grammar systems to each other, you can create
algorithms that produce translations that are basically accurate and useful
(scientific aspect). But these translations are far from high-quality. They lack soul
and rhythm (art features), they sound unnatural, and would never have the same
impact of the source text on the readers of the target text.
Thus, both scientific and artistic items should be present in a translation.
Features of a good translation

Various scholars have recommended an assortment of factors that a fine translation

should take into consideration:

o A translator should avoid the tendency to translate word for word, since word
for word translation misinterprets the original content and spoils the beauty of its
-Word for word translation consists of translating the single words keeping the
same order of elements without taking into consideration the structure of sentences
in the target language.
*P.S. Do not confound “word for word” translation with “literal translation”.
-Literal translation is translating the single words taking into consideration the
order of elements in the target language. Literal translation is the first step in

translation, and a good translator abandons a literal version only when it is plainly
inexact or badly written.
o Our ideal in translation is to produce on the minds of our readers as nearly as
possible the same effect as was produced by the original on its readers.
o A good translation must possess the potential of being evaluated "like a first-class
native thing".
o The good translation fulfils the same purpose in the new language as the original
did in the source language.
o A good translation must use the same register. The style and way of the
exposition should be the same as in the original.

‫شروط المترجم الجيد‬

.‫يحبذ أن يكون المترجم مختصا في الترجمة‬ -

‫ "وال بد للترجمان من أن يكون بيانه في نفس‬:‫ يقول الجاحظ‬.‫التحكم التام باللغتين األصل والهدف‬ -
‫ وينبغي أن يكون أعلم الناس باللغة المنقولة والمنقول‬،‫ في وزن علمه في نفس المعرفة‬،‫الترجمة‬
"‫ حتى يكون فيهما سواء وغاية‬،‫إليها‬
.‫الوعي التام بالخلفية الثقافية للغة المنقول منها واللغة المنقول إليها‬ -
.‫ واسع االطالع والثقافة وعلى علم وافٍ بالموضوع الذي يترجم فيه‬،‫أن يكون موسوعيا‬ -
.‫أن يكون متمرسا في البحث والتوثيق قادرا على عبور مجاالت التخصص وفهم المصطلحات‬ -
.‫أن يكون أمينا وموضوعيا في النقل‬ -
.‫أن يحترم ثقافته ولغته ويحترم لغة اآلخر وثقافته‬ -
.‫أن يمتلك األدوات الالزمة للمترجم وأن يكون متمكنا منها عارفا بطرائق استخدامها‬ -

‫أدوات المترجم‬

Dictionaries and glossaries .‫ الورقية وااللكترونية‬،‫المعاجم والقواميس العامة والمتخصصة‬ -

References and encyclopedies .‫الموسوعات الموضوعاتية والعامة ومراجع الترجمة‬ -
Computer and internet .‫الحاسوب والشبكة العنكبوتية‬ -
Web sites and computer software .‫برمجيات ومواقع الترجمة المختلفة‬ -

The importance of translation

▪ Translation paves the way forward for global interaction and allows nations to
forge interactive relationships.
▪ Translation is important because people prefer their native language.
▪ Translation Connects the Global Economy and helps in the growth of
multinational companies.
▪ Music, literature, films and other art forms transcend global boundaries because of
the way they are effectively translated to reflect local languages and cultures.

▪ Translation spreads ideas, information, technology and different achievements.
▪ Translation permits an accurate transfer of world news.
▪ Translation can effectively help in tourism.
▪ Translation bridges the cultural gap between nations and permits interaction
between cultures and civilizations.

"Nothing moves without translation… No change in thought or in technology

spreads without the help of translation."

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