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ca ou Ryfr Avoay l*i; Toy;

Adapted from
the animated series:

Joceline Sanschagrin

CINAR Animation

ekeOette cinap.

Caillou had made up a very funny game.
He put his dinosaurs, his boat, and his

octopus in a pile all around him. On top of

that he put his stuffed dog, his woolly lamb,

and his blocks. Caillou had made a big
mountain out of his toys and he was hiding
underneath. He knew no one could see
him under his mountain.

"Caillou, where are you?"

his mommy called out, coming
into the room. Caillou didn't
move. He wanted to surprise

"Too bad Caillou has

disappeared," she said.

"He won't get any chocolate
pudding." And she left the

Caillou loved chocolate pudding. He scrambled out of his

hiding place. "Wait for me Mommy, I want some pudding!"

Caillou and Mommy went down to the kitchen. Caillou had

left all sorts of toys on the stairs.

"Look at this mess!" exclaimed Mommy. "What did I tell you,

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He thought for a moment. "I'm not supposed to leave my toys

on the stairs," he replied.

Mommy smiled. She was glad that Caillou had remembered

what she said.

She picked up the

teddy bear and the

clown and handed
them to Caillou.

"Go and put them

in your room now,

With his arms full of toys, Caillou went back upstairs,

pouting. He was thinking about the chocolate

pudding that was waiting for him in the kitchen.

Caillou went into the

r ^ kitchen. Rosie was

already there eating
chocolate pudding.
9 9
Caillou sat down in
front of a big bowl of
pudding that smelled

"I love chocolate

pudding!" he said.
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"Caillou!" called Daddy.
"Come here, please."

Caillou didn't answer. He was

^/Vi' ^^ 1
too 3US y dipping
his spoon

Q ^H^ into the chocolate pudding.

"You'd better go and see what

Daddy wants/' said Mommy.
sounds important."
§ "It

Reluctantly, Caillou put

down his spoon. He

didn't want to go and
see Daddy. He wanted
to eat his chocolate
pudding right away.
Dragging his feet, Caillou

joined Daddy outside.

"Caillou, what have I told

you about leaving your toys

all over the driveway?"

Caillou looked at the ball,

plane, doll, and sword that

he had left lying around.

"I'm supposed to put

away my toys," he replied.

"That's right! So I would like

you to pick them up," said

"But I haven't had my chocolate pudding yet!"

Caillou complained.

"Your chocolate pudding can wait/' Daddy


Unhappily, Caillou picked up

his toys. Daddy helped.

Caillou ran back to the kitchen. He was in such a hurry to eat

his chocolate pudding! But Daddy called him again:

"Caillou, I'd like a word with you. Come up to the bathroom."

"Uh-oh!" Caillou said to himself. He thought he knew why

Daddy had called him.

He put his spoon

down on the

table and sighed.

He didn't want
Rosie to eat all the

chocolate pudding
Caillou had left his spinning top and his teddy bears on the

bathroom floor. His polka-dot dinosaur was in the sink.

"Caillou, you have to clean up your toys. Then you can have

some chocolate pudding/' said Daddy.

Caillou picked up his toys.

Daddy helped him a little.

It was faster that way.

"Phew!" said Caillou when
he had finished.
"Are you sure you picked up

all your toys?" Daddy asked.

Caillou looked around the

bathroom. "I put everything

away, Daddy."
"Come and see what
found here/' said

Daddy, smiling.

Caillou came closer

and saw his rubber

duck floating in the

toilet. Caillou and

Daddy looked at

each other and burst

out laughing.

o — J

At last! Caillou was
eating his chocolate

pudding. It was
creamy and sweet
and melted in his

mouth. While he

was eating, Mommy

said, "Caillou,

I think you have a

lot of toys. And they

take up so much

Caillou was glad he

had so many toys.
"There are a lot of toys you don't even play with any more,
Caillou. What should we do with them?" Daddy asked.

Caillou didn't know.

"You could give some toys to your sister/' Mommy suggested

Caillou felt like crying.

He loved all his toys and

f > wanted to keep them.

He thought about it. Then
he had a good idea.
Q one toy to Rosie
"HI give

now and maybe some

more later!"

Mommy and Daddy

were proud of Caillou's idea


Now Daddy had an idea. "Caillou, you need a big box for all

your toys. I'll make one. Would you like to help me?"
"Oh, yes!" Caillou replied. "As soon as I finish my chocolate pudding."
Caillou was thrilled to be working with Daddy. Both
of them worked very hard. Daddy sawed wood and
hammered. Caillou held the nails and handed them to

Daddy when he needed them. Daddy painted the box

with a big brush. Caillou was proud that he and

Daddy had built the box. It was nicely decorated and

easy for Caillou to open and close. It looked like a
treasure chest.

Caillou kissed Daddy.

"Thank you, Daddy!

Now my toys have a
beautiful home."
All rights reserved. The translation or reproduction of any excerpt of this book in any manner whatsoever, either electronically
or mechanically and more specifically by photocopy and/or microfilm, is forbidden.

CAILLOU is a registered trademark of Chouette Publishing (1987) Inc.

Text adapted byjoceline Sanschagrin from the scenario taken from the CAILLOU animated film series produced by CINAR
Corporation (© 1997 Caillou Productions Inc., a subsidiary of CINAR Corporation). All rights reserved.
Original scenario written by Matthew Cope.
Illustrations taken from the television series CAILLOU.
Graphic design: Monique Dupras
Computer graphics: Les Studios de la Souris Mecanique

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Sanschagrin, Joceline, 1950-

Caillou puts away his toys

Translation of: Caillou range ses jouets
For children aged 3 and up.
Co-published by Chouette Publishing (1987) Inc. and CINAR Corporation.

ISBN 2-89450-099-8

1 . Storage in the home -Juvenile literature. 2. Toys -Juvenile literature.

3. Discipline of children -Juvenile literature.

I. CINAR (Firm). II. Title III. Series: Sanschagrin, Joceline, 1 950- Backpack.

TX309.S2613 1999 j648',8 C99-940061-4

Legal deposit: 1 999

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of BPIDP, SODEC, and the Canada Council for the Arts

for our publishing activities.

Printed in Canada
In this s^

Caillov; a*d tUe Bi<j ftide

CaiLLov^ a*d Gilbert

Caillo^ P*tf Auoay l*i; Toy;
Caillov; Rider o* a Pla*e
CaiLLo^ Pla*; a Sprite
Ca/LLo^ fe*dr a Letter
Ca/Llo^ Make; a ko^r>a*
CaiLLo^ a*d fWieV Poll


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