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IELTS writing tasks attempts with

Revised Version

are what we are constantly seeking
剑桥雅思十三 CaravanIsland

TEST 1 are what we are constantly seeking

Task 1
The provided two maps indicate how pedestrians can approach a city
hospital in 2007 and in 2010 separately.

In general, we can see that the city hospital is surrounded by a ring road.
There are number of changes happened on the south and the east side of the
hospital in this period of time.

The most noticeable change from 2007 to 2010 is that he bus stops
alongside the Hospital Road was replaced by a bus station. This was
achieved by constructing two roundabouts at the intersection of Hospital
Road with City Road and the Hospital Road with the Ring Road in order to
connect with the new bus station on the west of the Hospital Road.

Another significant reform is the parking lot. In 2007, there was only one car
park which was available for everyone on the south of the RIng Road.
However it was only for staff usage in 2010 and the the public cars could be
parked in the new parking lot on the east of the Ring Road.



The provided two maps illustrate the pedestrian access to a city

hospital in 2007 and 2010, respectively.
In general, it is evident that the city hospital is surrounded by a
ring road. Notably, several changes took place on the south and
east sides of the hospital during this time period.
The most prominent change from 2007 to 2010 is the
transformation of the bus stops along Hospital Road into a bus
station. This transformation involved the construction of two
roundabouts at the intersections of Hospital Road with City Road
and the Ring Road. These roundabouts were created to facilitate
access to the new bus station located west of Hospital Road.
Another significant modification is related to the parking
facilities. In 2007, there was a single car park available for
public use located to the south of the Ring Road. However, by
2010, this parking area was exclusively designated for staff use.
Instead, a new parking lot was established on the east side of
the Ring Road to accommodate public vehicles.
剑桥雅思十三 CaravanIsland

TEST 2 are what we are constantly seeking

The provided bar chart depicts the comparison and variations of owning and
renting accommodation rates of household in England and Wales in the time
period from 1918 to 2011.

In general, the amounts of households in rented accommodation and owned

accommodations were same in 1971. However, back to 1918, there were
nearly 80% of households rented their home with a significantly lower house
owning rate no more than 25%.

Upon closer comparison, the renting rate and the owing rate indicate a trend
of convergence and intersect together in 1971. After that, there were more
families possessing their own home rather then finding a place to rent.

When examine them respectively, the renting rate for households in England
and Wales’s never lower than 30% and continually declined till 2011.
Notably, there was a fluctuation that the renting rate slightly grew up for
around 5%. The accommodation occupying rate is basically the contradict.



The provided bar chart depicts a comparison of the rates of

owning and renting accommodation among households in
England and Wales from 1918 to 2011.
In general, the number of households in rented and owned
accommodations was the same in 1971. However, going back to
1918, nearly 80% of households rented their homes, while the
rate of homeownership was significantly lower, at no more than
Upon closer examination, it is evident that the rates of renting
and owning accommodation showed a trend of convergence and
intersected in 1971. After that, an increasing number of families
owned their own homes rather than renting.
When examined separately, the renting rate for households in
England and Wales never dropped below 30% and continued to
decline until 2011. However, there was a slight fluctuation, with
the renting rate increasing by approximately 5% at one point.
The rates of accommodation occupation contradict each other.
Overall, your writing provides a clear overview of the bar chart
and the trends observed in the rates of renting and owning
accommodation over time. Make sure to proofread your work for
any spelling or grammatical errors.
剑桥雅思十三 CaravanIsland

TEST 3 are what we are constantly seeking

The ranking for the top ten electricity production and consumption nations in
2014 is depicted in the horizontal bar chart. The production and consumption
of each country are illustrated in bars with different colors, respectively.

In general, it is evident that China’s contribution is the highest, accounting

for 5398 billion kWh in production and 5322 billion kWh in consumption. At
the same time, China consistently surpasses United States, the first runner-
up, in both respects, with deviations of 1299 billion kWh in production and
1456 billion kWh in consumption.

Upon closer examination, it is notable that among the top 10 nations, only
Germany consumes more electricity than its domestic production, with deficit
of 55.9 billion kWh needs to be imported. Conversely, other nine countries
all produce more than their own usage.

The bar chart also exhibits the most balanced country in electricity structure
is the second runner-up, Russia, with the mildest production surplus of 19
billion kWh.



The horizontal bar chart illustrates the ranking of the top ten
nations in terms of electricity production and consumption in
2014. Each country's production and consumption are
represented by bars of different colors.
Overall, it is evident that China had the highest contribution,
with 5398 billion kWh in production and 5322 billion kWh in
consumption. China consistently surpassed the United States, the
second-ranked country, in both production and consumption,
with deviations of 1299 billion kWh and 1456 billion kWh,
Upon closer examination, it is notable that among the top 10
nations, only Germany consumed more electricity than it
produced, resulting in a deficit of 55.9 billion kWh that needed
to be imported. Conversely, the other nine countries all produced
more electricity than they consumed.
The bar chart also reveals that the second runner-up, Russia, had
the most balanced electricity structure, with a mild production
surplus of 19 billion kWh.
剑桥雅思十四 CaravanIsland

TEST 1 are what we are constantly seeking

Task 1

The given pie charts illustrate the ratios of sodium, saturated fats and added
sugars in typical meals had by Americans on an average level. All the
nutrients listed may harm health if been over-taken in.

In summary, citizens in the USA normally divide the food they eat into four
categories on the time basis, which are breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
Among them, breakfast contributes the least on all three nutrients.

When we look into details, the average percentages of sodium and saturated
fat in dinner are the highest, which are 43% and 37%. However, snacks is
the top contributor of added sugar with a distinct proportion of 42%.

When comparing breakfast with snacks, both contribution to sodium is 14%,

but their scales of saturate fat varies from 16% to 21%. When regarding to
dinner and lunch, the previous one always dominates the last one in all the

stated nutrients, with deviations of 14% 11% and 4%.



The provided pie charts depict the proportions of sodium,

saturated fats, and added sugars in typical meals consumed by
Americans on an average basis. It is important to note that
excessive intake of these nutrients can be detrimental to health.
In general, American citizens categorize their food into four
main mealtimes: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Among
these, breakfast contributes the least to all three nutrients.
Upon closer examination, dinner exhibits the highest average
percentages of sodium and saturated fat, accounting for 43% and
37% respectively. On the other hand, snacks significantly
contribute to added sugars, constituting 42% of the total.
When comparing breakfast and snacks, both meals contribute
14% of the sodium intake. However, their respective proportions
of saturated fat differ, with breakfast ranging from 16% to 21%.
When considering dinner and lunch, the former consistently
surpasses the latter in all three nutrients, with deviations of
14%, 11%, and 4% respectively.
are what we are constantly seeking



For the individuals who are living in the places where they have to speak
foreign languages, they might engage with severe social issues or practical
issues under certain circumstances. Although I agree with these issues are
possible to take place, my opinion is the frequency and the degree of such
conflicts depend on both the individuals and the local culture.

From the individuals’ perspective, their ability of using the language in daily
life and workplace along with their attitude towards the local culture really
matters. If you are good at using the language to elaborate yourself and
understand others, it won’t be a great deal for you to make friends and enjoy
the local public services. If the situation is vice versa, the risk of engaging
misunderstanding or even conflicts will be much higher. For example, you
might be in trouble when communicating with police officers to deal with
some mild traffic fines. At the same time, the situation largely depends on
your attitude towards foreign culture and the ability to adapt to a novel

On the other hand, one’s state quo also relates to the local culture as well as
the economy. If the community is multicultural and the demographic is
diverse. An immigrant will find himself joining the new society easily.
Because their feeling of being the minority could be relate and their culture
brought from their original community could be respected. If the current
society has very identical culture and being exclusionary, the situation could
be much worse.

In conclusion, the statement of individuals living in a country where they are

invincible to speak a foreign on a daily basis can lead to severe social
conflicts and practical issues is depend on both the individuals and the local
R E V ISE D V E R S I O N B Y are what we are constantly seeking


Living in a foreign country where one must speak a different

language can potentially give rise to significant social and
practical difficulties. While I acknowledge that such issues can
occur, I believe that the frequency and severity of these conflicts
depend on both the individuals themselves and the local culture.

From an individual's perspective, their proficiency in the local

language and their attitude towards the host culture play crucial
roles. If a person possesses good language skills and can
effectively express themselves and understand others, they are
likely to have no trouble making friends and accessing local
services. However, if language proficiency is lacking,
misunderstandings and conflicts may arise. For instance,
difficulties may be encountered when interacting with police
officers for minor traffic infractions. Additionally, one's ability to
adapt to a novel environment and embrace foreign cultures can
significantly impact their overall experience.

Furthermore, the prevailing local culture and economic conditions

also contribute to an individual's situation. In multicultural
communities with diverse demographics, immigrants tend to
integrate more easily, as they may find common ground with
fellow minority groups and have their cultural backgrounds
respected. Conversely, in societies with a homogeneous culture
that emphasizes exclusion, the challenges faced by individuals
are likely to be more pronounced.

In conclusion, the likelihood of severe social conflicts and

practical issues faced by individuals living in a foreign country
and having limited proficiency in the local language depends on
a combination of factors, including the individual's language
skills, attitude towards the host culture, and the inclusiveness of
the local community. By emphasizing language learning and
cultural integration, societies can strive to create a more
inclusive and harmonious environment for both residents and
are what we are constantly seeking



It is believed by some individuals that there are too many alternatives for us
in this era. While I acknowledge we may feel tangled to make the final
decision under some circumstances, I firmly believe that as long as we build
our own competency in making decisions, it will never be detrimental to have
more choices.

There are several reasons why I agree with that for choices more is better.
Firstly, not all options are mutually exclusive. For instance, in order to create
an efficient investment portfolio to avoid unsystematic risk, investors will do
their best in finding and selecting as more options as they can to enhance
the diversity of their portfolio. Secondly, one more choice means one more
chance. Upon a psychological examination, you will feel more confident and
less stressful to seek the current goal if you prepare multiple back up plans
in advance. Finally, it’s mathematically proven that more options under your
selection, higher possibility you can encounter one that can fit your most.

On the other hand, it is crucial for every individuals receive enough training
for strategically inspections and executions in the modern society. Only
every participant of the economy can make the best decisions for themselves
and the society can provide sufficient choices for them, the production
factors can be allocated to the one who have the highest demand.
Consequently, the economy can function most effectively and avoid
deadweight loss.

In conclusion, more options will benefit both the individuals and the society
as a whole.
R E V ISE D V E R S I O N B Y are what we are constantly seeking


It is believed by some individuals that there are too many

alternatives available to us in this era. While I acknowledge that
decision-making can sometimes be challenging due to the
abundance of choices, I firmly believe that, with the
development of decision-making skills, having more options can
be advantageous rather than detrimental.

There are several reasons why I agree that having more choices
is beneficial. Firstly, not all options are mutually exclusive. For
instance, when investors aim to create an efficient investment
portfolio and mitigate unsystematic risk, they strive to explore
and select numerous options to enhance the diversity of their
portfolio. Secondly, an additional choice implies an extra
opportunity. Psychological studies indicate that preparing
multiple backup plans in advance instills confidence and reduces
stress when pursuing a particular goal. Finally, it has been
mathematically proven that a greater number of options
increases the likelihood of finding one that best suits your

On the other hand, it is crucial for individuals to receive

sufficient training in strategic analysis and execution in modern
society. Only when every participant in the economy can make
informed decisions and be provided with an adequate range of
choices, can production factors be allocated to those with the
highest demand. Consequently, the economy can operate most
effectively and minimize deadweight loss.

In conclusion, having more options benefits both individuals and

society as a whole. Despite the potential challenges in decision-
making, acquiring competency in making choices empowers
individuals to make the best decisions for themselves, leading to
optimal allocation of resources and overall societal well-being.
are what we are constantly seeking



While, in some people’s mind, history is of undoubtingly the highest

importance among all school curriculums, some individuals suggest that
STEM type subjects play a more crucial role in this era. However, by
acknowledging the importance of both types of courses, I firmly believe that
schools today ought to provide whole-person education, combining both
types of courses together to ensure their students can possess outstanding

Both types of courses have its own advantageous and unique beneficials for
students. In term of learning history, it can assist students organizing their
words to have better communications with others as well as learning how to
do self-examination by learning from historical characters. In addition, it’s
evident that students must learn subjects like Science and Technology
carefully regarding to the boosting productivity revolution based on the
attempts by scientists and engineers.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why there is rising demand for
talents with composite background. Firstly, to cooperate with others well
within an organization, participants are not only required for competency
using modern office system, but also proficiency in language using to
conduct strategic communication and maintain appropriate interaction
atmosphere. Moreover, in the era of artificial intelligence, the success of
ChatGPT is the strongest evidence that we need to be good at both types of
subjects. Finally, possessing sufficient range of knowledge in multiple fields
is the key to be innovative. And it is evident that innovation is the most
crucial source of development, regardless of individuals or enterprises.

In conclusion, by emphasizing the importance of liberal arts education,

students can have a brighter future and the society can accelerate in
R E V ISE D V E R S I O N B Y are what we are constantly seeking


While history is undeniably considered of highest importance by

some people, others argue that STEM subjects play a more
crucial role in today's era. However, by acknowledging the
significance of both types of courses, I firmly believe that
schools should provide a comprehensive education that combines
both disciplines, ensuring that students possess outstanding

Both types of courses have their own advantages and unique

benefits for students. Learning history, for example, helps
students improve their communication skills and self-reflection
by studying historical characters. Furthermore, it is evident that
students must carefully study subjects like Science and
Technology to keep up with the productivity revolution driven by
scientists and engineers.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why there is a

rising demand for individuals with a well-rounded background.
Firstly, in order to collaborate effectively within an organization,
individuals need not only competency in using modern office
systems, but also proficiency in language to engage in strategic
communication and maintain an appropriate interaction
atmosphere. Moreover, in the era of artificial intelligence, the
success of ChatGPT stands as strong evidence that proficiency in
both types of subjects is essential. Finally, possessing a broad
range of knowledge in multiple fields is the key to innovation,
which is crucial for individual and enterprise development.

In conclusion, by emphasizing the importance of a liberal arts

education, students can have a brighter future, and society can
accelerate its development.
G R A DIN G C O N D U C T E D B Y are what we are constantly seeking


Your essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and

effectively presents both sides of the argument. You have
provided supporting points and examples for your claims.
However, there are some areas for improvement.

Firstly, be cautious of word choices and make sure to use

accurate terminology. For example, instead of "beneficials," use
"benefits" or "advantages." Additionally, some sentences could
be rephrased to improve clarity.

Secondly, pay attention to sentence structure and grammar.

There are a few instances where the sentences are awkward or
lack clarity. For instance, the phrase "to the boosting
productivity revolution based on the attempts by scientists and
engineers" could be rewritten to enhance understanding.

Lastly, consider expanding on your points by providing more

specific examples or evidence to support your arguments. This
will strengthen your essay and make it more persuasive.

Overall, I would grade your essay as a solid Band 6.5 to 7 in

terms of IELTS Writing Task 2. With some refinements to your
language use, clarity, and supporting details, you can further
improve your essay. Keep practicing and reviewing your work to
enhance your writing skills.
剑桥雅思十四 CaravanIsland

TEST 1 are what we are constantly seeking


People have different attitudes when facing negative current state like an
unfit job position or a weak personal cash flow. While some individuals
choose to compromise and accept it, I completely agree the idea that we
need to be more active and take steps to ameliorate such situations.

There are several reasons why I would argue against accepting a bad
solution. Firstly, this attitude of life it’s harmful for our commitment of the
ultimate goal. As the old saying goes, "Seek the top to get the middle, seek
the middle to get the bottom.” If the current state is already recognized as
bad situation for us, we need to forgo a certain extent of expectation for our
living standard or goal requirement to seek a balance. Consequently, we are
more likely to be lost fulfilling our dream. Secondly, such behavior would
lead to a more aggressive offense to our personal interest in an organization
under some circumstances. For example, if our unsatisfied emotions are
triggered by unfair competition in the workplace and we decide to let it be,
our image as a weak victim in others mind will be reinforced. Finally, I
believe holding a passive attitude towards a negative situation will make it
even worse.

On the other hand, I believe we should be our own manager and have
confidence for ourselves instead of forgoing the control of our life. As the
saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.” Every attempt for an
improvement will be a precious and unique lesson for our personal
development, no matter the outcome is good or bad. By accumulating
experience and knowledge, we can avoid more mistakes and build our
competency. And most importantly, we can be committed to our ultimate goal
and go for it.

All in all, we should take actions to improve the bad situation we are facing.
R E V ISE D V E R S I O N B Y are what we are constantly seeking


People have different attitudes when facing negative

circumstances such as being in an unfit job position or
experiencing weak personal cash flow. While some individuals
choose to compromise and accept their situation, I completely
agree with the idea that we need to be more proactive and take
steps to ameliorate such situations.

There are several reasons why I argue against accepting a

negative solution. Firstly, this passive approach to life can be
detrimental to our commitment to achieving our ultimate goals.
As the old saying goes, "Aim for the top to reach the middle,
aim for the middle to reach the bottom." If we acknowledge that
our current state is unfavorable, we must relinquish certain
expectations regarding our living standards or goal requirements
in order to seek balance. Consequently, we are more likely to
lose sight of our dreams. Secondly, such behavior may result in a
more aggressive infringement upon our personal interests within
an organization under certain circumstances. For example, if we
choose to passively accept unfair competition in the workplace, it
reinforces the perception of us as weak victims in the minds of
others. Finally, I believe that adopting a passive attitude
towards a negative situation will only exacerbate it further.

On the other hand, I firmly believe that we should take charge

of our own lives and have confidence in ourselves, rather than
relinquishing control. As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother
of success." Every attempt at improvement serves as a valuable
and unique lesson for our personal development, regardless of
the outcome. By accumulating experience and knowledge, we can
avoid making more mistakes and enhance our competency. Most
importantly, we can remain committed to our ultimate goals and
strive to achieve them.

In conclusion, it is crucial that we take action to improve the

adverse situations we face.

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