Portfolio Evidence PLC

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“Programable Logic Controllers”

Portfolio Unit 2

Canche Haas Karla Alejandra - 2109023

José Rodriguez Torres


July 2023

Quarter 5
Portfolio Evidence Unit 2
Exercise 1.
In this practice we were asked to move two cylinders with both monostable valves with a
pattern given by the professor.

1. First both cylinders are in a retracted position.
2. Then both cylinders go to the position of extracted.
3. After that the cylinder 1 stays in the past position and the cylinder 2 goes to
4. Later the cylinder 1 retracts and the cylinder 2 goes to extracted.
5. And to finish both cylinders are retracted.


Being the 1 is the control chart,2 is the power chart, 3 is the control table, 4 is the power
table and 5 is the grafcet.

Exercise 2.
For this simulation I had again two cylinders moving different from each other.

1. First both cylinders start at a retracted state.
2. Then the first valve activates and then the cylinder 2 moves.
3. Later the cylinder 1 activates.
4. After that the cylinder 2 deactivates.
5. Then the cylinder 2 activates again meanwhile the cylinder 1 stays activated.
6. After both deactivates and the cycle starts again.

Being the 1 is the control chart,2 is the power chart, 3 is the control table, 4 is the power
table and 5 is the grafcet.

Exercise 3.
In this simulation I had 2 cylinders and 2 motors, the main goal was to make it move at the
same time and have them be controlled by only one ladder diagram. In this simulation it is
added the memory “mstart” that functions by creating a loop of the whole simulation.

1. As always, first both cylinders start at a retracted state, and both motors off.
2. Then the cylinder 1 activates and motor 1 does it too.
3. After the cylinder 2 activates keeping the last step memorized and motor 2 passes to
an on state and motor 1 is deactivated.
4. Later the cylinder 1 retracts while the last step keeps being memorized.
5. Then the motor 1 activates again.
6. And then the cylinder 1 activates again.
7. To finish both motors and both cylinders go off.

Being: 1 is the control chart ,2 is the power chart, 3 is the control table, 4 is the power table
and 5 is the grafcet.


Exercise 4.
In this simulation the main goal was to use what we had learn about times, it was used two
timers as well as two cylinders. In this simulation also was used the memory of “mstart”.
1. It starts with both cylinders being retracted.
2. After that the cylinder 1 extracts.
3. Later the next cylinder 2 activates too and also the first timer.
4. Then the cylinder 1 deactivates.
5. Leaving the timer 2 going on.
6. At the end everything goes to an off state.

Being the 1 is the control chart,2 is the power chart, 3 is the control table, 4 is the power
table and 5 is the grafcet.

Exercise 5.
In this simulation it was given only one cylinder of double effect with one timer and one
counter, the main use of the counter in this simulation is that it counts the cycles, is given a
number and the counter will repeat the whole simulation again. In this case the counter was
given the number 4 so the cycle with repeat 4 times and then stop.

1. First the cylinder starts in retracted state.
2. Then the cylinder activates.
3. After the timer is activated.
4. Later the cylinder goes off as well as the timer.
5. Later everything is deactivated.


Being the 1 is the control chart,2 is the power chart, 3 is the control table, 4 is the power
table and 5 is the grafcet.

Exercise 6.
For this simulation we were given two control charts, each one with a cylinder, a counter
and 4 memories, this meant that the 2 charts were going to be activated simultaneously and
we would get 8 memories plus one to close the first counter.

1. First both cylinders start at a retracted state.
2. Then the cylinder 1 would be activated.
3. After the same cylinder deactivates.
4. Later the counter 1 activates having been given the number 3 for the cycles.
5. Next the memory to close the counter 1 activates so it can deactivate the counter.
6. Later the cylinder 2 activates.
7. The same cylinder deactivates.
8. And the counter 2 is activated with the same number of cycles than before.
9. And at the end every cylinder and counter are deactivated.

Being the 1 is the control chart,2 is the power chart, 3 is the control table, 4 is the power
table and 5 is the grafcet.

Exercise 7.
In this one it was given to us one cylinder and two timers, but the trick in this one was that
the cylinder instead on having two states it has three which I am going to name S1, S2, S3,
being S1 the retraction state, S2 the middle one and S3 the extended one.

1. First the cylinder starts in a retracted state(S1).
2. Then the cylinder goes up to S2.
3. Next the timer 1 is activated.
4. Later the cylinder goes to S3.
5. After the timer 2 is activated.
6. Then the cylinder goes down to S2 again.
7. Next timer 1 turns in again.
8. And to finish the cylinder goes back to the retracted state (S1).

Being the 1 is the control chart,2 is the power chart, 3 is the control table, 4 is the power
table and 5 is the grafcet.


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