Simulation Files PLC

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Simulation files evidence

• Electrical Memory
This practice is done with the purpose of showing how electrical memory works
which is made capable of storing information temporarily or permanent.

Sequence of operation:
1. It starts when the normally open contact is press.
2. Then the coil starts making the auxiliar normally open contact activate.
3. After it, the motor LED starts.
4. Later, when wanted to disactivated the normally closed contact is press and the LED
is out.
• Direct Start of an AC motor
This practice has the intention to show the function of thermic relays, circuit breaker
and as what seen before the electric memory when an AC motor is started.

Sequence of operation:
1. It starts by activating the circuit braker.
2. Then the normally open contact is activated.
3. Later the normally open auxiliary contact closes and therefore starts.
4. After that the coil is turn on, and the contactor allows the flow through the
thermal relay.
5. Having then the triphasic motor is started.
6. Then, to turn off the circuit the normally closed contact is pressed.

• Direct start with reverse rotation of an AC motor

This next circuit has the purpose to make the motor turn both directions, forward
and backwards, by adding another triphasic contactor and extra contact and
auxiliary contact as well.

Sequence of operation:
1. First, as it was done in the past files, the first step is to activate the circuit
2. Then the normally open contact is activated as well as the auxiliary contact,
allowing the flow to go to the coil.
3. This makes the motor go forward.
4. And as usually when wanted the motor to turn off the normally closed
contact is activated.
5. Later then if wanted to activate the motor to go the other direction the other
contact is activated, beware to not activate both at the same time or
otherwise it would cause a short circuit.
6. So for that not to happen it can be used a normally closed auxiliary contact
in both contacts.
7. And to turn it off completely, the normally closed contact is pushed.

• Star-Delta starting of an AC motor.

This circuit has the intention to demonstrate both the delta connection and star
connection functioning, this by turning on an AC motor and to put it to work first
with the delta and then the star connection, demonstrating that when the star
connection is activated the motor would go off strongly.

Sequence of operation:
1. First the circuit braker is activated.
2. Then the normally open contact is pushed.
3. This making the coil 1 to go off, permitting the flow through a timer and
also activating the first contactor with the delta configuration.
4. And this timer making the next contactor with the star configuration
activating, getting the motor to move faster.
5. Then, to turn it off the normally closed contact is pressed.

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