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Sakina STAGFLEET ACADEMY f | Pinion ele aee ale) g INSTRUCTION MANUAL ed oe Se eet Pai estuilt ew Contents Gating Started New Game Password: ‘Simulator... Options. mh Controls ‘Startlant Acecamy” Controls Beklge Controls. Siarfieet Academy Couriyerc ae cae A aa Academy Lounge Training Slav Bridges Federation Sclenee Vassel Federation Light Cruiser... Fedetatien Haavy Crulset Iklingon Battle Cruicer. Romulan Bird Of Prey... “Tw Player Display. Bridge Control Stetions Ereincering Staton. Selenca Station... Communicstions Statlon Heim Station Navigation Station. Cloahing Device. Starfleet Acadamy Members... TO; Sialea Cate FROM, Adal Benes BATE: e731 SURIECT: Uncttca Wein 1 waz surptced fo $00 out name lated on she sostet ere of [Sober Acar ft no your enellnant ve ‘her surprise ean poem! hes svays en absous fo ma. What Lea Ree Rar ate ecudll f aufflers age to be # cadet, The 1s! we aaw you. you werent even eld enosgh fo reach the cual ccs fie Jens of your dats wnige Veron Siaror 2000, Nod Neve SOE Soh Srpeano apart he ot cae 0 prove ha YO ae ors of JRE seurano aserve ro bs at the hekw of Safle vessel ‘Your father would be proud to ace you hare in uniform today, AS € year Mpvnke youll urcarstond the éeatearion he f. His passin Inthe caectimer wh thereon mahes im « Startizetoftear whe fl for seen temambered wiih great enor, but as far e= | om See amed, your enroliment Info Starfont Acacemy 13 ty ihe fpestest honor 10H 1 have no sevice fo1 rou a | now you a fislemacy. milan sacies, Oka ceniva use of he exoutss ot Se itech you ae nots gant belek meh Maning end hes Up no spore #0 Seon Hh! © Siar Trek! Starlet Acecerry”- Stershp Bridge Simuior” Getting Started Plug in the game pak and turn cn your Super Nintendo Enieriainmant System’, After the tile screans appest, youll see the Main Menu screen with four options: Naw Game, Password, ‘Simulator, ond Options. Use any bution except Select, Leit or Fight 10 select the highilahied option STAB TREIC STARFLEET ACADEMY 4 Sree unncty New Game Choose this te start a naw game. You'll go 10 “New Cadet Registration’ where you chocea your gender, your name, and 2 shill level. Press Sect to begin. ® @ Password youve racelved a pessword from a preveus game, you cen select Password 10 enter it and resume the game. To enter a passwort lel the butans on the contrllet in the order that matches your password, than prass select. All passwords consist of the con- ‘roller letters, A, BX, Y, Left end Richt. The left and right but- tons are represented by the letters L and P. Simulator By solecting this option you can bypass the Game mode and oo firectly 1 the Traiing Simulaior to selact a mission to perform Ifyou choose to perform combat training than choose the type of _ahip you want to Uze by using the Left or Right Centtel ped arrevr and the number of ships you want to 40 up agalast by using the Up or Down Coniral pad errow. Press A. B, X or ¥ 10 make your selacton. You ean alza choose a Kingon or Romulan vassal 10 ‘experienca what ifs lke fo plot one of these ships. Ifyou select Two Player Mode, you must have two conrrellars, The screen will chence ‘© 9 split sereen. Player One uses the top hal, while Player Two uses the bottom half. Sez “Bridges” for demils on screen displays. ‘Special Controls on Combet Training ané Two Payer Mode: The bridge contral stations are net avalable in these moles. The ‘Select bution haz no effect unless 2 pleyar Is piloting 2 Romulan ‘vessel or Klingon Bird of Prey. In that case, the select button wil regale “Cloahing” on or of. Options ‘Choose this option 10 changz eny of the following: SOUND . + Toggles sound on or off. MUSIC. . Togglas muse on or off STEREO Switches berween steroo and mono. CONTROLLER, Less you make adjustments to game contrels, The Control pad ean be se! to Simulator or Arcade mode, In Simulator mece, push up to go cow anel push down te go up. ‘Avcade mode tevarses the controls. Simulator mode is the ‘default sting. The A,B, X, and ¥ button can be redefined in severel configura- tions. The clefeul senting ata on pace 9. Use the Control pad or Seiact to move the highlight. Pras Y,X Aor Bto change the setting, Press Select to continue. 0 eee Controls Starflact Acadamy” Controls Right Move 1 igh con fe i X-Saore the Fichahee 1afi- Meve et oe ~ ‘Ac Selects he ich phen ~p-Secas ne I " \ Bridge Controls. ‘Selecl~ Borgs up your ship como * \ \ FRight= als sp 19 he gh K- Accolretes Left Pots stipe ee ae = A= Fires photon D~ Decelrres Contre! ped“ Sone ip movemset. Also oval ren chokes when Fegan cates \ reece + These ae ceinit setings, They an be chong in he Seions men © Coma Train art Two Player node: Select bas fect unas phy Ic plang s Reraclen sip or Ringon Gd of Pay In hat cnet toga the Ciscing Dever en ele ‘Quiting Simulator Missions Early- You can prematurely and « mission by holding down the Left ene! Right buttons, shen pressing Select. If his is a graded mission. you will receive a zero score Q Eerice (Aenteyacennvany Starfiee: Academy Courtyard from here you can go 10 the class‘eom, briefing room, your euarters, ihe academy lounge and ‘he Training Simulator. ‘You can go fo the classroom to ger advice from the Instructor on ‘an upcoming mission, or to gat your current transcript Cee ee cea iuee te ete ie cee tae B x)= Ranns youre the Staeet Acndemy Cosrmand Briefing Room ‘When you enter the briefing room. you will be assigned a new rege Simulator mission. Before you embark on # mission. you have the option te talk with the Insiructer Q U Li ion betefir q 4. Quesifon — Lots you walk 10 the Insirucior about the current mission and receive valuable clues Phere see tee Exit — Returns you to tre Sterflaet Academy” Couryard This is your ewn reer. You hava four options while In your quarters: Quir— Less you restart the geme. Compurer~ Choose the computer to See the different statistics on ships and other points of interes Sleep ~ This option allows you to rea! unl the nex day ‘You musi selec this option to continue te ihe next day of bridge simulator missions. You will be given a pasewore fer your current gamz position, You can new exit the game and later return fo the current position by using the Password option at ihe Mein Menu FE ore ere sete sete caso FL if Acecemy Lounge Sze Talning Simulator “The Acsdemy lounge kia you iveract wih ellow classmates in a eee eee eee F FMM Tots 20. Coders Leta you tls with flow cadet crew wrambers BA Tats 10 host — Jones, the lounge est, will give you sevice and encouragement. PB cere ore ne sntecrActeny conse By selecting this option, you can bypass the Game mods ané go directly 10 rhe Training Simulator 10 select a mission to perform, Ifyou choose to perform combet trlning then choose the type of Ship you went to use by Using the Left or Tight Control pad arrow {and the number af ships yau want 19.90 Up against by using tha Up or Down Control pad arrow. Press A, B, X or ¥ to make your selection. You cen alze choose a Klingon or Romulan vessel to ‘experience hat iis ihe 10 plict one of these ships. Ifyou selec: Two Player Mode, you must heve two conirellers. ‘The screen wil change 10 a splitscreen, Playor One uses the top halt, while Player Tyo uses thz bottam halt. Saz “Bridges” for defllz on screen displays. ‘Spacial Controls on Combat Training and Two Player Mode: The bridge centre stations are not avalable in these modes. The Select bution hes ne eifeet unless e pleyer ts piloting « Romulen vessel or Klingon Bird of Prey, In that case. re seleer buron veil toggle “Cloaking” on er off ‘Siar Tiok! Ssaiflee! Academy” Staiship Grkége Simul Bridges There are five distinc! Brgy types: Federation Sconce Vessel Federation Light Crutser. Federation Heavy Cru'ser. Romulan ‘vessel, and Klingon vaszel. In Combat Training and Two Player mode, yeu can use eny of these as well az choose which vessal ‘your opponent will Le in. IF you embarh on 2 simuletor mission, you wil have a pre-essigned vessel, Sever: status indicators appear on the bridge: Deper The Sensor Display shows where a ship of object Is In relation to your vessel, Your vessel location ‘ Incleated by the center det. Ships above the center cot are in Front af you, Ships view i are behind you, When the dots that indicate other ships or abjects are Circular shape, they are in your viewing plane. Ifthe dot iz shoped as e down errom, the shiplobject ts below you, If the dot san up, arrow. the shipfobject is above you ‘Alert Status Indicates the level ofthe ship readiness for dangerous encounters, Green meens norinal running status. Yellow means Yellow Alem and raises the shields, Rec means Red Alert and falges the shields and arms tha weapon ystems, ® 0 ‘Tha shield bar indicates shield demage. The iower the level, the more damaged the system. The speed bar indicates ship velociy A groan bar incicstes forward spzed. A red bar indicates reverse speed. The higher the lave, the faster the Velocty Shiele Phaze Pheton/Plene Dispor toipadoos A tad wanpons light (Phaser, disruptor. photon rorpado, atc.) Indicates that the weapon sysiara Is racharging and unable to fra light means its resdy to fire, a blech incicator means the ‘weapon sysier Is deactivated or damaged, Q Federation Science Vessel: Stanus Indicators on Bridge Seraot ® Federarion Heavy Crutser: Stas Indicators on Bridge a Disphny Klingon Battle Cruiser: Sirus indicators on Grége (Cakes enor sts ferpadoes Speed ® Romulan Bird of Prey: Siatus Indicators on Bridge Disnupers torpeloes Sielts Cloaking J Ate tv ef ies y Diaby Two Player Display: Status Indicators on Bridge Playar One Prasers) PhsinPhoton Disupione sorpadoss ‘Shits Spout ra3¢ wl ue Clocking Diseiy coisas Player Two Game as abeve) Interley Productions @ Bridge Control Stations “There are a number of sitions where you can go to determine ship status or execute strategic commands. To accass any of the stations below, cick the Select bution: then move the highlighter to the appte~ priete staion, Click the Ext Icon fo rerum to the ridge. ENGINEERING STATION The engineering station's Damage Conirol screen lets you easign top repair priorliy 10 one of the following Systems: Phosers, Photon Torpecioes, Hull. Shieles. or Engines. The System you ‘salact will be napairad ota faster tate than normal. Ta select a alt~ ferent System, uze the Control pad to move the highlight and then clics the X, ¥, A. or B bution to select it ‘Syetern damage can affact ship performance. Phasers and Photon torpedo systems will stop functioning when they ar 50% or more damaged, When Engines are damaged, the ship will not be eble to travel at fll spac, As Shiekis are demaged, they become less ‘ffectve in previcing protection. Hull is the most cnical. When 1 reaches 2270, the ship Is destroyed. Each system rapairs et @ dierent rare. Weapon systems repair fast, Shields and Hull repair much slower. Please note that al _zystema but Hull can be fly repaired In space, Hull condltion ean not be repaired during a mission. SCIENCE STATION You cen access the fellewing at the science station: Bea Fedor Range —Lers you change your radar's range. ‘Compuier ~ Taps Into tha compurer banks 10 find Important information. Sensor Sweep — Scans for enomolies in the secior. ‘Status Repor!— Leis you talk ro your science oificer. COMMUNICATIONS STATION The communications starion [e's you co the following: Heil ~ Communicate with nearby ships or sarbases. When talking with ethers, you wil somarimas have saveral ‘choleas in What you can say. If you saa “Choice A” after your name at the top of a meszage box, use the Control pad to cycle through each of your aossible responses. Use A,B. X or ¥ 10 select your response choice, (Orders — Brings up your current orders, Inverpay Productions HELM STATION Thic station controls the fllosting function S Cele eee nisner eterno ‘ea orm lone Te evil opp ike ee isand caret of he Mowacrean. Whey tia de etc sip la by your weapors nl be ne ‘Teco wil br ory when no averse ls reer ono ee ee Hull Coreition ‘Sensor Color Indicator Shield Strength Indicates the level of an ecversary's shield ‘condition. Green means cacd condition. Yellow means more than 30% damaged, Red means more thant 75% damaged. Black indicates the shields are dawn Hull Condition Indleatas the status of an aévarsary’s hull, Graan means good condition. Yellow means more than 50% damaged Red means more than 75% dameged. The Sensor Color Indicator s used 10 Keni an adversary on the Sensor Displey. The color of the Sensor dot will merch the color of this ar Ser Tar’ sae ston” Siw ante sivusor —_ @) @|®@ Ship Stotus— Rec Alen extomaricaly toggles on Shields ‘and Arms Weapons. Yellow alert toggles on Shields Concition Green toggles off Shields anc disarm Weapons: Tractor Geom — Tows a ship of object. You must be close enough to the ship or abject ta grapple it. Go sura to navel at slow speeds when grappling oF relzasing an objec. NAVIGATION STATION The Navigation map allows you to warp to different sectors in spsca, sch sector has a number code. Some wil have plangts fend atarbazes in them, Your orcers will indicate where you are supposed! to go, citer ky refeting fo the sector number or 4 plane! cr siarbase. Use the Coniro! pad 10 move the Nay. cursor and K. Y, A. at B to select the warp location Sector Map Sector ee nee Display Nambor Sector Information Interplay Predtuctions EB CLOAKING Device ‘This device is ONLY avallable on Romulan ships and the Klingon [Bird of Prey. It tandars a ship virtually nvisibic on the viewstacn, though afl dercctable on sensors. ‘The cloaking device requires 9 huge expenditure of enzrgy, 20 weapon systems and shields ere only available while uncloahed, tease now tha’ although weapon systems can't fire while cloaked, ‘hay vil hold their current charge, This way a rady-to-tire weepons. ster will ke avellabie once the ship bas uncloaked. The Gosling Indicator on the bridge will ba Green whan tha ship {s cloaked end Red when uncloahed. I the indicator iz bach, then the currenily selected ship has ne cloehing ceviee. Use the Select buon to toggle it on and off Wamines: The cloaking cevice like any other system, can be cis- abled in combat. Since shields era down while caked, the ship ‘ill rake extreme damage from enemy fre and collisions. Starfleet Academy’ Members You You are a Sierfleet cader whose current tring focuses on hane cling sttuefions that arise during starship bridge simubaitons. You fre striving 10 grectiate atthe top of your class in hopes that your parformancs wll carn you an important assignmart on a raal star- saip. Lihe your foher who was killed in @ batle egeinst the Hlincons, you are iough, asserive and conficent — a born leader in the clessle mold of Captain Kirk, All you need io do Is prove this, tothe academy, Geott Colend Onigially ram Cantust Colony. Coland is human. Ha will man the helm on the simulator missions. He is czy to get along with anc ‘will help you = as well ex defend you — when there are problerns, His okter sister is a Neurznant curreniy sarving on the U.S.S, Enterprise. Kan Ellict From Filgel VII, Eliot's the son of « hurnan merchant (which ‘accounts for his feajures) and ani Orton slave aii (which accounts for his green sisn). Ratsed by a father he despiszs. Eliot eniarad @|@ ‘Stertlzt against his fathar's wishes, Kan is secratly drawn to the dlccipling of the Academy, and in spite of biz intlly unpleasant ariiude; he wants to do weil. Extremely aggtessive ond capabe, Alt loves a chellenge end the competition. He may become your chief rival. making your life miserable. Eliot operaias the naviga- fion station during simulator missions, Vanda MVGiia The strong-willed daughter of a top Federation distomai, MGila Is an Andorlan who handles the communications in the simulator missions. Mila Ix formal and polite, Kagping her distance from cthars. Upen initial mzating, M'Gila seams snobbish and coma: ‘what prejudiced ageinst humans. Robin Brady Brady is a human who spacializes in anginearing, His father is 0 prominent Garth politician who puts tremendous pressure on him, pressure he does not handle wel. Brady is a base 'nice guy’ whose terror of his father blinds him 10 the fac that he's not Starfleet aren. His fears are often made clear n his ceteatist atituca towards tha missions, Siurek ‘Sturek is a brillant young scientist, even by Vulcan standards. He haz the potential to make a great science officer. Stureh gets 2 pparicular salisfection from confrontations with humans, defereling the henor of Vuleans and shelr logical way of if Commander Alex Rotherat Rotherot is the bridge simulator Academy instructor who is quich fo reprimend sineri remarks or llppant behavior. A no-nonsense disclplinatan. he dows not believe a student can aver be "good anough” CREDITS Executive Producers Als Pasliah Project Leaders: Joreny S. Barnes © Seon evens Programmer: Derry] Dion Hawtin ‘Scripters: Jason Tar, John Same. ‘Beot Cats 6 deteny 5. Derncs Lead Artist Corey Contac 2D Modeling: Derry Dion Hesthins Additional Aciwatks Scot Besar & Seo Mathows Orlelnat Scenario Design: Scot Bennie ‘Additions! Designs Scot Everts 6 Jeremy Darncz lassie Mission Scenarios Designed by: Day! Den Henhiea Soune fects & Musi: Ken Allen ‘Sound Driver: Vista Conczoes Mans writtan by} Ziea Powers ‘Manual Desianed by: Ulses Gerardo Quality Arzurance Director: hits Tone Lad Tester: Jim Boone Additional Testers: Raph “Raf” Herendes, rian aileron Bet Roche, Regal Aveo, Scot “The Sichor” MeKeley Derry Den Hews, ike “Poco” Greene, Seo Carpball Jeeny S. Berea ond ‘Special shanks 10 Seon Fargo. Abo special thanks to Morpheus Blechsatt ‘who gave me the arength fo fri ths project. This game is dedicted to Leeoyee P. Barnes, who got me into computers Inthe frat place. Limited Warranty 0 Inte aware othe eget concur pcan thts Come al Fre from ets nn matealane woresarsap or 0d om the dat of purse the (Gane Pak an desire wn dys a righ puretase, erly aes 10 reel ree of charge any protoe covered fobs destin hia such riod wa ee aie cry Sve Center ofthe prec, ota a th ve ef date 0 fren. Ths vari is ist he Game Pak eral rovdd Py Inernay ane [sue apicble nota wear and wen THs ear shall ot be plete an tll bevel te det has ane tru abs, mister rele. An aed ‘waratios apse to this proc ar linitod to the Usd pried described abe Interna detains al esrnsiy or reel or consequences Some sacs do not alley Latins at hw ang an imple vara nts andor ‘clint or imine cf nedental concen damages the sve limione andr excrs fay my al art yu. Fs waranty aso ses "gis zl you may also Hae cer ris wed vary lat tae Lifetime Warranty Ite Came Pak shot a ate the cial 0-dy vonranty pera Mas xia yu ‘ares he Gate Pao [eerily ete aes ned elo wi) aceck ar tone ‘tr 51800 (US cereal adudes pola a ending er asap sl al eplceient i you To race a elaerer, ou oul neosethe dls fie Gane Fk neading the orginal product en protective adaging aceon ‘lcd ()aS15.0 chek, 2) abet sateen desea the ec, and 3) our ‘tain eles placement Gare Pubs are net aca the dete Ped i be ‘tard ard he $1500 eid Do theatre of bata the eto Back ap 9 fy are ek cy aly be earmte ad ore yer dt a puro, liyoa hea rola wth yer Care Pak sou my wish tell a fret 71) 551- S578 ifgpor Gane Pak sete and rephcerent sneer. UPS, or reseed ‘nals ecarese for eur, Pen ea the Gane Pas with a sce fhe Preble eel $5.0 fo \MARRANTY REPLACEMENTS Interley 17022 Fitch Ave, Inne, CA92TLA _Softvare ©1904 Intl Peductins. Nl Fights Rear STAR TREK @ & ©1008 Pyrat Heures A Rigs leceried STAR TRSK ir Regione Tadeo ch Parpunt ears Ineroay Praacons Autor 24 ther, tree! Neale ‘uoletuark of Interplay Pruitt. NOMCE: Serle cere the right acho maieation on irprevomerts othe prait decid in thsrmeraal clap ime newton neice. Interbay Productions WAPRUNIG: PLEASE READ THE ETCIOSED CONSUMES MUFORMATION AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREILLY BEFORE USING YOUR MIMIEMDO® HARDWARE SYSTEM On GAME PAK THIS PRODUCT HAS REEN RATED BY THE ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE [RATING BOARD. FOR IUFORNMATION ABOUT THE ESRB RATIVG OR TO (COMAMENT ABOUT THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE RATING, PLEASE (CONTACT THE ESRB AT 1900777972

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