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OPINION Depressive symptoms and disorders in type 2
diabetes mellitus
Nirmalya Mukherjee and Santosh K. Chaturvedi

Purpose of review
To examine developments in the understanding of certain aspects of depression in diabetes mellitus patients
with a special focus on diabetes distress, screening of depression and its management in persons with type
2 diabetes mellitus.
Recent findings
Recent studies reviewed indicate an increasing trend of both major and minor depression in patients with
diabetes. Depression is also reported to be persistent and chronic in diabetes patients. There is a
bidirectional link between depression and diabetes. Diabetes-related distress independently increases the
diabetes-related complications. Collaborative care is both applicable and helpful in managing depression
in diabetes.
Although a significant number of patients with diabetes suffer from depression or diabetes-related distress,
majority of them remain undiagnosed and untreated. This treatment gap suggests the need for routine
screening for depression and distress in patients with diabetes. Studies have confirmed that treatment
focussing on diabetes may alleviate depressive symptoms. Diabetes-specific psychological interventions
may prove useful in improving diabetes self-management in depressed diabetes patients. Effect of specific
psychopharmacological and psychological interventions in treating depression in diabetes patients should
be examined in future studies.
depression, diabetes distress, management, screening, type 2 diabetes mellitus

increasing [2,3 ]. The recently completed multi-
Depressive disorders and diabetes are interrelated, centre study across 14 countries, International Prev-
widely prevalent across the world and contribute to alence and Treatment of Diabetes and Depression
the major disease burden globally. Persons with dia- (INTERPRET-DD), found the prevalence of depres-
betes may suffer from emotional distress related to sion in diabetes to be 10.6%; and moderate-to-severe
diabetes. Presence of depressive symptoms or distress depressive symptoms, as per Patient Health Ques-
is associated with poor medication adherence, poor tionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), to be 17%. Depression was
lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits with low exercise significantly more often reported by women, those
rate, which in turn increases the possibility of medical who had low exercise activity, lower level of educa-
complications and mortality [1 ]. Further, depression tion, higher distress score and past history of depres-

remains poorly recognized and inadequately managed sive episodes [4 ]. Another study reported that
in patients with diabetes. In this review, we have minor depression was equally prevalent as major
described the recent epidemiology, risk factors, depression in patients with T2DM [5]. Subthreshold
bidirectionality of relationship between diabetes
and depression, diabetes distress, screening and man-
Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-
agement of depression in type 2 diabetes mellitus. sciences, Bangalore, India
Correspondence to Santosh K. Chaturvedi, Senior Professor of Psychi-
DEPRESSION IN DIABETES atry, Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and
Neurosciences, Bangalore 560029, India. Tel: +919845472975;
Epidemiology e-mail:
Recent reports indicate that the rate of depression Curr Opin Psychiatry 2019, 32:416–421
in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients is DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000528 Volume 32  Number 5  September 2019

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Depressive symptoms Mukherjee and Chaturvedi

Table 2. Pathophysiology of depression in diabetes

 Lifestyle factors
 Depression is common in diabetes, and this association  HPA axis dysregulation
between diabetes and depression is bidirectional.
 Immune and inflammatory mechanism
Numerous mechanisms are considered to underlie this
association between diabetes and depression.  Shared genetic factors
 Brain insulin resistance
 Depression often goes undetected and untreated in
 Circadian rhythm dysregulation
persons with diabetes and adversely affects adherence
to the management of diabetes.
 Collaborative interdisciplinary care is recommended
with diabetes-specific psychological interventions and others have gradually improving then worsening
psychopharmacological interventions in the course (7.5%). Younger age, women and a lifetime
management of depression in diabetes. history of major depressive disorder were associated
with greater risk of persistent depressive symptoms
[12]. However, most cases of depression in persons
with diabetes remain undiagnosed [8 ]. INTERPRET-
depression in patients with T2DM was reported to be DD found that among cases who were diagnosed at
11.6% in another study from a developing country interview as having depression, only negligible
[6 ]. A recent meta-analysis from India showed the number were detected at their primary treatment
pooled prevalence of depression in T2DM patients setting or receiving any treatment for their depres-
to be 38% [95% confidence interval (CI): 31–45%] sion [4 ].

[7]. Lotfaliany et al. [8 ] found odds of developing
depression in diabetes patients to be 1.47 (95% CI:
1.24, 1.75). Study on hospitalized patients with Pathophysiology of depression in diabetes
diabetes found depression in up to half of the (Table 2)
patients and among half of them, the severity of Depression can occur as a reaction to lifestyle mod-
depression was moderate to severe. Older age, low ifications and dietary restrictions [13]. In a recent
income and nephropathy were significantly associ- cohort study, a less authoritative parenting style,
ated with depressive symptomatology in these pop- lower parent collaborative involvement and greater
ulations [9]. Depression was noted to be more diabetes-related conflict were associated with
prevalent in recent onset diabetes compared to long baseline depression, whereas latter two factors were
duration diabetes [10] and women [11]. The rela- longitudinally associated with depression in youth
tionship of depression and duration of diabetes is with T1DM at 2 year of follow-up [14].
unique, with more cases of depression soon after HPA axis dysregulation, being a common mech-
diagnosis, and then the incidence decreases with anism for depression and insulin resistance, may be
time, again to rise at late stage with the development a critical link in the high prevalence of coexistent
of complications of diabetes [1 ]. The prevalence of depression and diabetes [15]. Immune system has
depression in T2DM is summarised in Table 1 also been linked with co-occurrence of diabetes and
&& &
[4 ,6 ]. depression. Higher baseline CCL2 level, longitudi-
Course of depression in patients with diabetes nal changes in inflammatory markers (hsCRP, IL-18
varies, and some may have recurrent depression and IL-1RA) have been found to be associated with
(4.6% in INTERPRET DD study) [4 ]. A recent 5-year lower rates of depression in T2DM but not in type 1
follow up study found three trajectories of depres- diabetes. These findings may indicate difference in
sion in patients with diabetes. Majority had long pathophysiological mechanism of depression in dif-
standing depression with continuous course (85.2% ferent types of diabetes [16]. Although there are
in a recent cohort study), some had gradually wors- independent association of low-grade inflammation
ening at first then improving course (7.3%) and with both depression and diabetes mellitus, its role
in co-occurrence of the two conditions has not been
studied adequately [17]. However, S100B, a glial
Table 1. Prevalence of depression and depressive protein which is found to be associated with depres-
symptoms in diabetes sion in many patients, was found to be unrelated to
 Major depression–10.6% [4 ]
depression in T2DM patients [18].
 Moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms–17% [4 ]
Genetic studies have found that depression may
 Subthreshold depression–11.6% [6 ]
& be causally linked with diabetes. Thirty four single
 Diabetes distress–12.8%
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on various chro-
mosomes have been found to be associated with

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Psychiatry, medicine and the behavioural sciences

diabetes, and higher score of these SNPs was found difficult social situations have the potential to cause
to be associated with the presence of depression. The considerable emotional distress [28]. Diabetes dis-
T2D_Genetic Risk score was found to be associated tress remains persistent over time and is found to be
with depression with an odds ratio of 1.21 (95% CI: distinct from clinical depression related to disease
1.07–1.37) after adjustments for age, sex, BMI, cur- management. Previous reports had suggested that
rent smoking and drinking, physical activity, edu- most patients with high depressive affect are not
cation and marital status [19 ]. necessarily clinically depressed, but rather they are
Previously, it was thought that brain is insulin suffering from high levels of diabetes-related dis-
insensitive, but recent findings indicate that insulin tress. It was found that 17.2% of patients with
and insulin signalling are associated with neuro- diabetes without diabetes distress at initial assess-
modulation, neuroprotection and neurotransmis- ment reported high diabetes distress during the
sion of various key neurotransmitters. Brain following 18 months. It is not only burdensome
insulin resistance, which may be secondary to itself, but it can also impede the self-caring behav-
peripheral insulin resistance, has been linked to iour of patients, thereby compromising glycaemic
depressive symptoms through changes in neuronal control as compared to those who are nondepressed
functions [20]. and nondistressed [29]. One specific domain of dia-
Circadian rhythm has been found to be linked betes-related distress relates to the burden of man-
with glucose homeostasis and mood regulation and agement. Patients, prescribed a multipronged
its disruption is noted to be associated with insulin treatment plan, show more distress in their first year
resistance and diabetes, as well as depression [21]. following diagnosis, but patients undergoing fewer
intensive treatments may not develop distress for
several years after diagnosis. Levels of distress
Bidirectional relationship &&
increase with the burden of management [1 ]. Dis-
There seems to be a bidirectional relationship tress related to diabetes is found to be associated
between depression and diabetes mellitus. A meta- with depression in prospective studies. Reduction in
analysis by Zhuang et al. [22] showed that the risk of diabetes distress score is associated with increased
developing depression in diabetes patients com- odds of reduction of depressive symptoms as well as
pared to nondiabetes patients is similar to the risk remission [30]. The management of diabetes distress
of developing diabetes in depressed patients and depression is different. Diabetes distress needs
compared to nondepressed patients. Another cohort validation of patient’s concerns from clinician side,
study observed a positive association between past counselling reassurance, encouraging discussion
year major depressive episode and risk of T2DM. The and help in behavioural changes [1 ].
association was independent of other major diabetes
risk factors [23 ]. The bidirectional link between
depression and diabetes may be explained by shared
mechanism of pathogenesis of both disorders.
Impact of depression on diabetes
Inflammation, dysregulation of hypothalamo–pitu-
itary–adrenal (HPA) axis, leptin and shared genetic Psychosocial impact
factors, such as MC4R, NR3C1 and NR3C2 genes, are Depression affects dietary habits in type 1 diabetes
linked to cause both the disorders [24 ]. Ca2þ sig- patients, with higher depression score indicating a
nalling and its dysregulations have also been ‘sweet’ pattern of diet and lower score indicates
involved in the pathogenesis of both diabetes and more healthy diet [31]. Depression was associated
depression, hence providing a ‘bidirectional link’ for with lesser likelihood to avoid saturated fat and
these diseases [25 ]. higher chance of physical inactivity in patients with
T2DM [32]. Depression was associated with poorer
self-efficacy in patients with T2DM [33]. Depression
Diabetes distress or depressive symptoms have been associated with
Diabetes-related emotional distress or diabetes dis- adverse clinical profiles, including erratic eating
tress is a relatively newly recognized clinical con- habits and poor exercise adherence in those with
cept. Diabetes distress affects 12–25% of patients T2DM [1 ]. There is significant medication non-
with diabetes [4 ,26]. Patients with diabetes can adherence in patients with depression as compared
develop this distress that mimics the presentation to nondepressed in patients with T2DM, which
of depression. It is associated with the challenges of leads to poorer diabetes control [34]. Depression
living with diabetes [27]. The burden of self-man- and diabetes distress are also related to poorer health
agement, living with diabetes-related complications literacy regarding diabetes and poorer self-care in
(or the risk of their development) and managing patients with diabetes [35].

418 Volume 32  Number 5  September 2019

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Depressive symptoms Mukherjee and Chaturvedi

Metabolic impact commonly in T2DM [1 ]. Diabetes MILES-Australia
Depression has been found to be associated with study found WHO 5 (wellbeing index) as valid and
poor glycaemic control [1 ] and higher HbA1c [32]. reliable screening tool when cut-off score is less than
Women with depression have been reported to have 13, (sensitivity/specificity is 0.79/0.79, respectively)
higher HbA1c values, reflecting poorer metabolic irrespective of diabetes type or treatment [41]. For
control as compared to male patients, in whom measuring diabetes distress, INTERPRET DD used

no association was found with depression and met- Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale [4 ]. Another
abolic control. This suggests that women are more scale used to measure diabetes distress is Diabetes

vulnerable than men for depression whenever there Distress Scale 17 (DDS 17) [1 ]. Healthcare providers
is poor glycaemic control [36 ]. On the contrary, should be encouraged to use both screening tools on
another study found that poor glycaemic control patients with suspected depression or diabetes dis-
increased the depressive symptoms severity by tress during initial and follow-up visits to monitor for
increasing diabetes distress and depression itself changes in depressive symptoms and to monitor the
does not influence glycaemic control [37]. patients’ perceived emotional well being over time
Other impacts
In a recent study, the severity of depressive symp-
toms was significantly associated with all-cause
mortality after adjustment for potential confound- The secondary analysis of DIAMOS (Diabetes Moti-
ers including severe hypoglycaemia. Severe depres- vation Strengthening) study has found that reduc-
sive symptoms may be a risk factor for death tion of depressive symptoms predicts improved
independent of severe hypoglycaemia in T2DM. glycaemic control. More the reduction in depression
In addition, the risk of death increased slowly at score, the better is the outcome in HbA1c score, and
the lower level of total Center for Epidemiologic HbA1c score may reach target level (<7.5%) at fol-
Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) scores and low-up if there is significant reduction in depressive
increased acceleratingly at higher levels in patients score [42]. Therefore, treating depression in diabetes
with T2DM [38]. Depression also predicts higher is necessary for both better control of diabetes and
chance of cardiac failure in patients with diabetes better quality of life. The Care of Mental, Physical
mellitus in long term in elderly people [39]. and Substance use Syndromes (COMPASS) initiative
Depression increases the risk for cognitive dys- in United States has shown better care for depression
function and dementia in patients with diabetes and as well as diabetes and cardiovascular risks and laid
this association is more than just additive effect of emphasis in collaborative care for these disorders
both disorders. Depression also increases the risk of together and has also shown its applicability across
macrovascular complications like coronary artery various healthcare settings [43].
disease and stroke in diabetes patients [1 ].
Pharmacological intervention
Treatment targeting insulin resistance may have a
Screening for depression role in reducing cognitive defects and anhedonia in
Several guidelines have put emphasis on screening patients with depression in diabetes mellitus. Sev-
for depression in patients with diabetes [40]. The eral treatment options have been explored includ-
American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines rec- ing, intranasal insulin, intranasal insulin like
ommend psychological and social assessment as part growth factor and insulin sensitizing agents, such
of diabetes management, including screening for as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g ago-
depression and diabetes-related distress. The ADA nists and dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors [20].
guidelines recommend that patients with diabetes There are few randomized clinical trials on the use
be routinely screened for psychosocial problems (e.g. of antidepressants in diabetes. A recent systematic
depression) with the Patient Health Questionnaire review concluded that it is better to choose a selec-
(PHQ)-2, PHQ-9 (as follow-up if the PHQ-2 is posi- tive serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) if possible,
tive), or another validated screening tool [27]. Other to treat a depression among patients with diabetes.
self-report screening questionnaires used in T2DM If treatment with a tricyclic antidepressant is
include the following: Center for Epidemiologic needed, closer glycaemic monitoring is recom-
Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Beck Depression mended. There is a possible risk of hypoglycaemia
Inventory (BDI), World Health Organization (WHO) when using SSRIs. Agomelatine and bupropion have
Well Being Index and Edinburgh Depression Scale shown promising results, but need more evidence of
(EDS), among others. Self-report scales are used their efficacy [44].

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Psychiatry, medicine and the behavioural sciences

Psychosocial intervention Financial support and sponsorship

Problem-solving therapy has been reported to None.
improve metabolic parameters like HbA1c, and cho-
lesterol in patients with diabetes mellitus and Conflicts of interest
comorbid depression or anxiety. But this study There are no conflicts of interest.
had a limitation of lesser number of completers
[45]. When compared to standard cognitive behav-
iour therapy (CBT) and diabetes-specific CBT (addi-
tional training in working with T2DM patients for Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
general practitioner and clinical health psycholo- been highlighted as:
& of special interest
gist), both groups had a reduction in depression and && of outstanding interest

anxiety levels, with diabetes-specific group achiev-

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