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The Yantra is the graphic, mathematics and magic representation of the divine one. It is an ancient
tradition that get lost in the night of the times; we can find graphic representations of God in the
prehistoric mural paintings, games of numbers and magic squares in a lot of ancient cultures. But it
is in the tantric tradition that the Yantras assume a bigger spectrum of uses.

The Yantras therefore should not be confused with magic or superstition, but they are a real tool of worship.
The meaning of the word in Sanskrit is in fact instrument, support, machine, device.

Many Yantras are contained in a square (bhupur) with four gates. The square represents the
material world while the gates are the points of access into the Yantra. Geometric shapes, symbols,
numbers inside are like parts of this mechanism. They lead us gradually towards its center representing the
Supreme Consciousness. A yantra is an instrument that allows us to make an inner journey to the discovery of
the Supreme Self.

Apart from invoking the divine, the Yantra is used by the Aghoris as object of meditation. It is painted
in the walls of the temples or next to the dhuni (sacred fire). It is engraved on small copper plates and
usually positioned in the mandir (temple). Or It is written within small squares of paper inside a silver or
copper container as amulets (kavacha); for every application there is a specify Yantra
Principal of Yantra
Vastu, since ages, is always been connected with mystic instruments like Yantra and Pyramids. Vastu, along with
these two elements help in correcting faults in design of any interior or exterior structure. Yantra has a special
seat in temples placed near the deity idols, or at the entrance of home. Many even keep it on the altar. In South
India, during festivals or any religious activities, these Yantras are drawn with Rangoli designs at entrances of
homes, to mark as auspicious. If you have been to the famous Tirupati temple, you will find that it is in the shape
of a Shree Yantra and many attribute its power and fame to this geometry.
However, what actually is the meaning of Yantra? How do they work? Are they beneficial for us in any ways? Let
us get deeper into this.
Yantra, also referred as Mandala is sacred figure or symbol. Simple geometric forms arranged in a symmetric
design characterize it. These designs are mystical religion based diagrams carrying reality and have strong
astronomical principles. Furthermore, Yantra carries the signification of a mantra or entire mystical process. The
Yantra can be designed on a plain surface or in a three dimensional form. Many times, it is also used as a charm.
The famous Indian philosopher and theologian, Adi Sankaracharya's “Saundarya Lahiri” is an commanding work
on Yantra. The precise meaning of Yantra according to Vedics is "to control, bind, or influence". Yantras can also
be defined as illustrative versions of different Mantras, later helping to bring in positive energies and eliminating
negativity from life. This elevates spirituality in an individual who practice it regularly.
According to Vedic texts, Yantra has different purposes to serve. Yantra geometries are three dimensional in
nature, however, when drawn; they are represented as two-dimensional. If you go deeper, you will find different
types of Yantras including- Planetary Yantra, Numerological Yantra, Yantra for Gods and Goddesses, etc. Yantra
represents a physical strength or a creative energy. Yantra, according to Sanskrit scriptures means the magical
chant that helps to awaken energy when placed it anywhere in the environment. This Yantra carries so much of
power that it can cleanse the environment and bring positivity to the surrounding.
How Yantra Works?
Yantra helps in increasing the intensity of prayers and our thought process stronger. The powers of a Yantra
thrive on the reverberation of cosmic energies. When your mind is focused at the centre of a Yantra, it is pushed
into the creative force of Yantra and the energy. When you fully indulge into the Yantra, your wish to prosper and
affluence, let say the Mahalaxmi Yantra, will give fruitful results.
Yantra work in following ways:-
1) You can meditate on the Yantra to get close to the universe with the divine energy ruling the Yantra

2) Yantra can be kept on your desk or wall or alter or at the home entrance. You may even keep it in your
vehicle. The positive energy arise can charge up your environment.

3) Yantra also comes in the form of pendant, bracelet, ring or Tabeez to wear it. Astro experts even
recommend carrying it in the non-leather wallet. The vibrations emitting from Yantra creates an aura of

Yantra is a form of an answer for establishing a vibration of large amplitude or resonance to connect divine
energies. The vibration from the Yantra connects us with divine energies. This helps in attaining spirituality
in our daily life.
Types of Yantra
Yantras come in five basic variations:-

1. Yantra representing deities- Some Yantras represent certain gods and goddess like- Ganesha, Shiva,
Hanuman, Durga, and others. One of the most preferred is the Shakti Yantra- representing Great Mother or the
Mahavidyas- ('Sources of supreme knowledge').

2. Yantra having Astrological Importance- These Yantras help to harness the energies of the nine planets-
Navagraha Yantra, Kalsurpa Yantra, Nakshatra Yantra and the like.

3. Architectural Yantra: This Yantra is used for land or house purpose- Vastu Yantra, Bhumi Yantra and others.

4. Numerical Yantra: This Yantra is the combination of numbers serving as Talisman. This includes - Kuber
yantra, Rog Nivaran yantra, Beesa Yantra and the like.

5. Purposeful Yantra: This Yantra is for specific reason like for early marriage (Lagna Yog), for child (Santan Yog)
and to attract (Vahikaran).
Meaning of Number & Symbols
•1. absolute, action
•2. duality, ying yang (+ / -), masculine and female
•3. 2+1 perfection
•4. earth
•5. man
•6. material excess
•7. the man dominates the subject
•9. spirituality
•0. the circle, God
Bindu - representing the supreme consciousness
This symbols is known as a ‘Bindu’ Meaning Dot. In the world of Yantras, the dot is known as ‘Guru Gyan
Bindu’ it indicates the energy and its extreme concentration at the center. It is also called the center of
cosmic radiation. Bounded by different surfaces such as a triangle, a hexagon, a circle, the bindu represents
the union with the force or creative energy ruling the yantra.

Nada Bindu formed by a static bindu and a dynamic sound (nada)

Space Masculine, Fire Creation, Clockwise movement

Dissolution, Counterclockwise movement

Female, Water
Swastika - symbol of Aum and Ganesh
Earth Equilibrium

Static, Earth Preservation, balance between static and dynamic

Here are some examples of yantra

Masculine Yantra

Female Yantra

The union among the masculine and female yantras.

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