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*!Section of pharmacology, studying the metabolism of drugs is

* pharmacodynamics
*mechanism of action
* types of action
* synergism

*!Pharmacodynamics studies the processes of

*++mechanism of action
* absorption of drugs
* genetically determined human response to drugs
* dependent of pharmacological effect on human biological rhythms
* principles of drug treatment of patients

*!Enteral routes of administration include

* inhalation

*!The irresistible desire to receive a substance is called

* cumulation
* tolerance
*++drug dependence

*!Dosing drug form are

* undivided powders
*!Section of pharmacology, studying the route of administration, absorption, distribution,
biotransformation, excretion of drugs is


*!Resorptive action – this is action

*at the injection site

*++after absorption into the blood
*direct selective
*indirect selective
*associated with the stimulation of receptors

*!Reflex action – is the action

*at the injection site

* ++associated with stimulation of the receptors
*after absorption into the blood

*!Parenteral route of drugs administration is

*!Section of pharmacology, studying the dependence of pharmacological effect on human
biological rhythms is

* ++pharmacodynamics
* pharmacogenetics
* pharmacotherapy
*!The type of acumulation is

* psychic

*!Type of drugs action is


*!Pastes, ointments relate to follow dosage forms
*solid dosed
*solid undosed
*++soft dosed
*soft undosed

*!To parenteral routs of administration refers

*per oss

*!Local action is called the action of the drug

*after absorption into the blood

*associated with the stimulation of receptors
*++associated with the blockade of receptors
*at the injection site
*after reabsorption in the renal tubules
1. Pharmacological interaction (Pharmacokinetics)
2. Pharmaceutical interaction (transport to drug)
3. Concept of Pharmacokinetics (biotransformation)
4. Concept of pharmacodynamics (action of drugs on receptors)
5. Local action (on the site)
6. Biotransformation of drugs (Pharmacokinetics)
7. Pharmacotherapy aim (substitute)
8. Pharmacodynamics studies (localisation pharmacological effects)
9. Internal route of administration (oral)
10. Amount of drug in one dose (single dose)
11. Drug used as cholinesterase phosphorganic substance (diperoxin)
12. M anti cholinergics (anticholinesterase)
13. Primarily stimulates (alpha 1 phenylephrine)
14. Antagonist of antidepolarisation (prozerin)
15. Sympathomimetic (Ephidrin)
16. M cholinomimetics effect on eye (constriction of pupil)
17. Antagonist in case of poisoning with antidepolarisation drugs (prozerin)
18. Side effects of beta 2 agonists (tremor)
19. Side effect of isodrine (tachycardia)
20. Side effects of mesatone (bradycardia reflex)
21. Predominantly stimulates beta 2 receptors (Salbutamol)
22. Side effects of prozerin (tachycardia)
23. Predominantly beta 1 adrenoblocker (metaprolone)
24. Adrenomimetics (Dobutamine)
25. Reversible cholinergic (prozerin)
26. Irreversible cholinergic (armine)
27. Side effects of aceclidine (hypersalivation)
28. Side effects of Epinephrine (tachycardia)
29. Non selective beta blocker (propranolol)
30. Side effects of propranolol (bronchospams)
31. Side effects of atropin (hypersalivation)
32. M1 cholinoblockers (pyrenzepine)
33. Effect of aspirin (anti inflammatory)
34. Side effects of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (ulcergenic)
35. Long acting glucocorticoids (duxamethazone)
36. Pharmacological effects of steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (
37. Effects of m cholinomimetics (increase of tone of smooth muscles of internal organs)
38. Glucocorticoids are used for (rheumatoid arthritis)
39. Steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (prednisolone)
40. Most Ulcergenic effect characteristic of (acetyl salicylic acid)
41. Flourine containing anti inflammatory drugs (dexamethazone)
42. M cholinomimetics used to treat glaucoma (
43. Route of absorption of hydrophilic non polar drugs (passive)
44. Easily excreted by kidneys (polar hydrophilic)
45. Reflex action (tolerance)
46. Absorption carried out without energy consumption along the concentration gradient (passive
47. Pathogenetic therapy
48. Symptomatic therapy
49. Polio myelitis (prozerin)
50. Arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, tachycardia patient (prozerin) (beta blockers)
51. Adrenaline - - > alpha 1 and 2 adrenoreceptors stimulates,
52. To prevent reflective bradycardia ( atropin)
53. Bronchial asthma (beta agonists Salbutamol salbutarol)
54. Why do we take epinephrine for anesthesia (has effect of local anesthesia for a longer time)
55. Poisoning of anticholinesterase drugs (m cholinoblockers, atropin)
56. Glaucoma and polio myelitis (prozerin)
57. Local m cholinomimetics in case of glaucoma (pilocarpine)
58. Bronchial asthma (beta 2 adrenoreceptors)
59. During surgery, patient injury, long time depolarization (tubercularin)
60. Side effects of beta blockers (bronchiospam)
61. Patient with arterial hypertension (alpha adrenoblocker drugs)
62. Bronchial asthma patient (Ephidrin) (m cholinoblockers)
63. Patient injected with muscle relaxant (suxamethine…)
64. Hypotension patient (phenylephrine)
65. Sympathomimetic prescribed (phenylephrine)
66. M cholinoblockers poisoning (anticholinesterase drugs)
67. During operation, long time muscle relaxant (atracholine)
68. Bronchial asthma (beta adrenomimetics)
69. Side effects of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (bleeding) (ulcer genic)
70. Side effects of steroidal anti inflammatory (moon face, high blood sugar) (obesity of upper body,
lower part fat mass poorly expressed)
71. Patient rheumatoid arthritis (selective cox 2 nemosaline)

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