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Writing: a letter

3. Look at the following question.

The teacher I am going to talk about was called Oscar Polo. He was my teacher in high
school and he taught me courses related to mathematics, such as algebra, arithmetic,
physics and geometry.
His personality was funny, he made the whole room laugh with any joke or joke that
occurred to him, but at times when he had to be serious he was, which is why he was
one of the most respected teachers at the school where he studied in secondary school.
And as for his appearance, he was a man in his 50s, tall and somewhat overweight, with
black hair. He almost always dressed formally and wore glasses.
I write about him because he was the first teacher who made me really interested in a
course at school, as well as being a great person both with his students and with his
colleagues. He also applied to UNAC, entering after taking the exam only once, but after
entering UNAC he also applied to UNI, managing to enter and studying Pure
Mathematics at this university.
Unfortunately Professor Oscar Polo passed away a few years ago. In 2021 he became
ill with COVID 19, dying a few months after being admitted to the ICU. This news was a
great blow both for me and for all the students of my old school, since he was one of the
teachers with the longest years teaching there and one of the most loved.

2. Ask yourself the following questions:

• What type of article am I being asked to write?

- An article about a person who inspired me.
• Who is the target reader?
- My classmates and the Language 4 teacher
• Is description required?
- A description of the person about whom I am going to write the article.
• Is narrative required?
- Not necessarily.
• Is a personal experience required?
- Yes, since it is an article of my own experiences.
• Does it need a title or headings?
- A title if so that the reader knows what the article is going to deal with.
• What register is required?
- A record of personal experiences
• Do I have enough experience or knowledge to answer the question?
- If I have it.

3. Plan and write the above article. Follow the steps below.

Brainstorm: try to think of several ideas and choose the best one.

Outline: what you Will say in each part of your composition.

Select vocabulary: you’re being asked to describe a person. Think of colourful adjectives or
interesting anecdotes that can ‘paint a picture’ of this person.

Brainstorm: I decided to talk in the article about a professor who inspired me to study

The teacher who inspired me the most

The teacher I am going to talk about was called Oscar Polo. He was my teacher in high
school and he taught me courses related to mathematics, such as algebra, arithmetic,
physics and geometry.
His personality was funny, he made the whole room laugh with any joke or joke that
occurred to him, but at times when he had to be serious he was, which is why he was
one of the most respected teachers at the school where he studied in secondary school.
And as for his appearance, he was a man in his 50s, tall and somewhat overweight, with
black hair. He almost always dressed formally and wore glasses.
I write about him because he was the first teacher who made me really interested in a
course at school, as well as being a great person both with his students and with his
colleagues. He also applied to UNAC, entering after taking the exam only once, but after
entering UNAC he also applied to UNI, managing to enter and studying Pure
Mathematics at this university.
Unfortunately Professor Oscar Polo passed away a few years ago. In 2021 he became
ill with COVID 19, dying a few months after being admitted to the ICU. This news was a
great blow both for me and for all the students of my old school, since he was one of the
teachers with the longest years teaching there and one of the most loved.

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