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doi 10.1098/rstb.2001.


Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria

Detlev Arendt and Joachim Wittbrodt

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), MeyerhofstraÞe 1, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany

The shared roles of Pax6 and Six homologues in the eye development of various bilaterians suggest that
Urbilateria, the common ancestors of all Bilateria, already possessed some simple form of eyes. Here, we
re-address the homology of bilaterian cerebral eyes at the level of eye anatomy, of eye-constituting cell
types and of phototransductory molecules. The most widespread eye type found in Bilateria are the larval
pigment-cup eyes located to the left and right of the apical organ in primary, ciliary larvae of Protostomia
and Deuterostomia. They can be as simple as comprising a single pigment cell and a single photoreceptor
cell in inverse orientation. Another more elaborate type of cerebral pigment-cup eyes with an everse
arrangement of photoreceptor cells is found in adult Protostomia. Both inverse larval and everse adult
eyes employ rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells and thus di¡er from the chordate cerebral eyes with ciliary
photoreceptors. This is highly signi¢cant because on the molecular level we ¢nd that for phototrans-
duction rhabdomeric versus ciliary photoreceptor cells employ divergent rhodopsins and non-orthologous
G-proteins, rhodopsin kinases and arrestins. Our comparison supports homology of cerebral eyes in
Protostomia; it challenges, however, homology of chordate and non-chordate cerebral eyes that employ
photoreceptor cells with non-orthologous phototransductory cascades.
Keywords: eye; evolution; photoreceptor; Urbilateria; Pax6; sine oculis

et al. 1995), and allow a reconstruction ö via the detection

of putative interphyletic homologies ö of the body plan of
Pax6 homologues are essential for eye formation in verte- Urbilateria, the stem species of all Bilateria (De Robertis
brates (Hill et al. 1991; Walther & Gruss 1991; Chow et al. & Sasai 1996). Urbilateria should have formed a rather
1999) and Drosophila (Quiring et al. 1994; Halder et al. elaborate centralized nervous system with an apical brain
1995a). This led to the idea that Pax6 has an evolutionary (Thor 1995; Arendt & NÏbler-Jung 1996; Reichert &
conserved function in triggering initial steps of eye Simeone 1999), and longitudinal trunk cords along the
development (master control gene hypothesis) (Quiring ventral body side (Arendt & NÏbler-Jung 1999).
et al. 1994; Halder et al. 1995a; Gehring & Ikeo 1999). It is intended here to collect and review morphological
Pax6 homologues have meanwhile been cloned from and molecular data available that relate to the question:
various other Bilateria. Whenever eyes are present in the what type(s) of eyes existed in Urbilateria (if any at all)?
Bilateria investigated, they express the respective Pax6 Nilsson (1996) has stated that `for an assessment of the
homologue (Appendix A), with the exception of the Hesse potential homology between eyes of animals from
organs in Branchiostoma (Glardon et al. 1998). On these di¡erent phyla, useful indicators are the eye's ontogenetic
grounds, it has recently been proposed that the various origin, the way photoreceptor cells are constructed, and
eye types found in Metazoa are derived from a common the molecular machinery responsible for light detection'.
Pax6-dependent precursor resembling a two-celled `proto- In brief, this outlines the three major sections of this
type eye' with a single photoreceptor cell (Halder et al. paper. We also add a section about comparative anatomy
1995b; Callaerts et al. 1997; Gehring & Ikeo 1999; of bilaterian eyes, to explore what urbilaterian eyes might
Pichaud et al. 2001). Genes belonging to the Six/sine oculis have looked like.
family equally share common roles in eye development of
insects (Cheyette et al. 1994; Seimiya & Gehring 2000), (a) What is an eye?
vertebrates (Oliver et al. 1995; Loosli et al. 1998, 1999) and The minimum setting for an eye involves a photo-
planarians (Pineda et al. 2000). Homology of eyes across receptor in the vicinity of shading pigment, which allows
the Bilateria ö and even across the Protostomia and the detection of the direction of light. A simple eye con-
Deuterostomia split, a notion strongly rejected from the sists of one photoreceptor and one pigment cell. Such
morphological viewpoint (Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977; prototype two-celled eyes are found, for example, in
Nilsson 1996) ö is again open for discussion. trochophora larvae (see below) and in planarians
The congruities in insect and vertebrate eye develop- (Gehring & Ikeo 1999). Our de¢nition also includes
ment add to a series of recent comparative studies that single photosensitive cells containing both photo- and
have revealed unexpected similarities between these shading pigment (e.g. unicellular algae, turbellarian
phylogenetically remote groups. These studies have `epidermal eyes', see Appendix B), but excludes photo-
revived the notion that ventral in insects corresponds to receptor cells not combined with shading pigment (e.g.
dorsal in vertebrates (Arendt & NÏbler-Jung 1994; Holley deep brain photoreceptor cells).

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (2001) 356, 1545^1563 1545 & 2001 The Royal Society
1546 D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria

The starting point for the evolution of photoreceptor cephalopods. This is rather unlikely. Instead, complex eyes
cells is an epidermal ciliated cell with photopigment (and also compound eyes) can `serve as textbook examples of
(opsin + retinal ˆ rhodopsin) molecules embedded in its functional convergence or parallelism' (Nilsson 1996).
membrane. Retinal is the molecule transducing light The homology criteria formulated by Remane (1952)
energy into electrical signals, and opsin is the covalently have eased the identi¢cation of homologous structures.
bound protein carrier. To enhance light sensitivity, the These criteria were applicable at the classical morpho-
membranous surface enlarges locally by in- or outfolding, logical level but nowadays can also be applied at the mol-
to form a light-sensitive organelle ( ˆ photoreceptor). In ecular level. First, the most basic test for homology is to
ciliary photoreceptors the ciliary membrane folds into check whether the compared structures form at similar
internal discs or tubules, or into outer microvilli or positions in a shared system of spatial reference, such as
lamellae. In rhabdomeric photoreceptors the apical cell conserved body plans, early axonal sca¡olds, or expression
membrane folds into microvilli or lamellae, while the patterns of conserved early regionalization genes (see
cilium remains unchanged (but nevertheless is present ö below). This `criterion of position' already excludes eyes
though often rudimentary). (For examples, see ¢gure 8.) forming at `aberrant' positions from any long-range homol-
Pigment cells contain non-photosensitive, light- ogy proposal. For instance, pygidial eyes at the posterior
absorbing pigment such as melanin or pterins. They often end of sabellid polychaetes, or the cushion-like eyespots on
acquire the capacity to secrete lens-forming material the arms of star¢sh will not ¢nd interphyletic counterparts.
(Eakin & Westfall 1964, 1965; Fischer & BrÎkelmann (The possibility of organ displacement remains to be
1966). considered, however, but this is unlikely in the above cases.)
Classi¢cation of eyes is based on levels of complexity. Second, the `criterion of speci¢c quality'asks for similarities
`Ocelli' are simple, multicellular eyes comprising photo- of the compared structures in speci¢c characteristics.
receptor cells, pigment cells, and, optionally, additional Again, this can apply at the structural or at the molecular
support cells ö the two-celled eye being the simplest level. Structurally, we consider the inverse versus everse
variant. Structurally, ocelli often resemble `pigment cup design of bilaterian eyes and the eye-constituting cell types,
eyes' where photoreceptors are embedded in a cup- such as ciliary versus rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells.
shaped layer of pigment cells. Because light can enter only Molecularly, one can compare the speci¢c expression of
through the cup opening, the pigment-cup eye already developmental control genes such as Pax6 (Appendix A) or
detects direction of light with some accuracy. Optionally, of downstream genes involved in the phototransductory
light-harvesting lenses (or lens-resembling `FÏllmasse' cascade (see below). Third, the `criterion of continuity' asks
(¢lling mass) of unknown function) are present. for interconnecting forms that can be identi¢ed in the onto-
Bilaterian eyes can be of inverse or everse design. In geny and/or phylogeny of living species, or of extinct
inverse eyes, the receptive organelles of photoreceptor species. We will discuss the phylogenetic `continuity' of eyes
cells project towards the pigment cup, while in everse eyes for the major bilaterian branches.
they project away from it, towards the light. This formal
distinction was ¢rst introduced for Polychaeta (Hesse 1899)
and extended to the whole Bilateria (see ¢gure 4 for
prototypic inverse eyes and ¢gure 5a,b for everse eyes). In Bilateria there is a plethora of eyes, at various
However, there are transitions between the two, both locations and of remarkable structural diversity,
ontogenetically and phylogenetically (see below). portrayed extensively for Polychaeta (e.g. Hesse 1899;
Compound eyes are composed of a (species speci¢c) Verger-Bocquet 1984; Rhode 1991) and Molluscsa
number of distinct units called ommatidia, described for (Barber et al. 1967; Barber & Wright 1969; Hughes 1970;
Polychaeta, Bivalvia and Arthropoda. Structurally, an Land 1984b). In an extensive survey, Salvini-Plawen &
individual ommatidium on its own resembles a one Mayr (1977) have listed various eye types, many of which
pigment-cup ocellus. they consider to be new evolutionary acquisitions (see
Complex eyes are found in Cephalopoda and also Salvini-Plawen 1982). What is intended here is to
Vertebrata. They consist of cornea, iris, lens and retina. distil out recurrent eye types in Bilateria ö which may, in
the end, re£ect interphyletic homology. Most promising
(b) Homology of eyes in Bilateria? candidates for evolutionary conservation across phyletic
Homologous features of two given animal groups are boundaries are the paired cerebral eyes that form in ante-
those `that stem phylogenetically from the same rior body regions of various Bilateria, innervated by the
feature . . . in the immediate common ancestor of these cerebral ganglia. We prefer the term `cerebral eyes' to
organisms' (Ax 1989) so that their `non-incidental re- `cephalic eyes' because the occurrence of a brain (cere-
semblances are based on shared information' (Schmitt1995). brum) appears to be a more constant and reliable char-
In discussing the homology of bilaterian eyes, it is essen- acter than that of a head (cephalon). (For example, in
tial ¢rst to clarify the level of complexity implied in the Bivalvia, there is no head due to the rather derived
homology proposal. `Homology of cephalopod and verte- morphology while a brain still forms.) The widespread
brate eyes' (Halder et al. 1995b; Gehring & Ikeo 1999) larval eyespots are `cerebral' in nature because they form
implies not more (and not less) than that Urbilateria in close vicinity to the developing brain. Notably, in all
formed a prototype two-celled eye, as suggested by the Bilateria so far studied, the Pax6-expressing eyes are cere-
authors. Beyond that,`homology of cephalopod and verte- bral eyes, while the non-cerebral Hesse eyecups of the
brate complex eyes' would imply that Urbilateria already lancelet do not express Pax6 (Appendix A).
formed complex eyes with cornea, iris, lens and retina, Following the criterion of continuity, any homology of
and has inherited all this to extant vertebrates and cerebral eyes across Bilateria would require their presence

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Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt 1547


'Polychaeta' Platynereis larva

Lineus Sipunculida: Phascolosoma


Polyplacophora: Lepidochiton
Polycladida: Leptoplana Cephalopoda Mollusca
Tricladida Plathelminthes Gastropoda Acrania: Branchiostoma
Trematoda Bivalvia
Tunicata Chordata
Bryozoa Vertebrata
Insecta Kamptozoa
Chelicerata Arthropoda

tornaria larva
Enteropneusta: Ptychodera
Gastrotricha: Turbanella
Nematoda Ecdysozoa Echinodermata

Protostomia Deuterostomia


Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of the Bilateria, with cerebral eyes marked by arrows in an exemplary manner. For clarity, some
groups have been omitted. Current molecular phylogenies divide the Bilateria into three major branches, Deuterostomia,
Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa (Field et al. 1988; Halanych et al. 1995; Kim et al. 1996; Aguinaldo et al. 1997; and compare also
Peterson et al. 2000). We hold to this basal subdivision here although uncertainties remain (Winnepenninckx et al. 1998). Drawings
adapted from Dorresteijn et al. 1993 with kind permission of Springer-Verlag; Gerould 1906; Peterson et al. 1999 with kind
permission of The Company of Biologists Ltd; Riedl 1983, with kind permission of Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag; Willey 1898).

at the base of each of the major branches (¢gure 1). Mayr 1977, p. 210). For example, this accounts for the
However, the still limited resolution in the branching absence of eyes in some mollusc groups (Caudofoveata,
pattern of phylogenetic trees (Field et al. 1988; Halanych Scaphopoda, Monoplacophora) (Rosen et al. 1979), in
et al. 1995; Kim et al. 1996; Aguinaldo et al. 1997; Clitellata (Annelida), or in Phoronida (Tentaculata).
Winnepenninckx et al. 1998) does not yet allow the re- However, other eyeless groups such as Solenogastres
liable identi¢cation of basal groups in the Lophotrochozoa. (Mollusca), or Pterobranchia do not live in especially
Moreover, even if an identi¢ed (extant) basal group aphotic habitats. Thus, should some kind of cerebral eyes
lacked eyes, we cannot infer that this was also true for an be ancestral for Bilateria, secondary eye loss will have
(extinct) stem group. Secondary loss of eyes is a probable to be accounted for in these latter groups (Salvini-
process ö even found in extant sister species ö when Plawen 1982). As a conclusion, ancestrality of cerebral
living in an aphotic environment. `Degeneration (of eyes) eyes appears to be a tenable hypothesis in the light of
may . . . occur when a phyletic line of marine invertebrates the widespread occurrence of cerebral eyes in Proto-
with well-developed eyes invades a niche in which photo- stomia (Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa) and their
receptors are no longer maintained by selection (aphotic presence in lower Deuterostomia (in enteropneust
zone, tunnelling in the substrate, etc.)' (Salvini-Plawen & tornaria larvae).

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1548 D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria

Prost BC ae le le

Prot Pros
St Otx Perist St In
otd Deut pe pe
Hox n1
Trit S1 Mes
mc Otx mc
n2 mc
Mn Hox
TN r1

insect polychaete vertebrate

Figure 2. Innervation of eyes from axonal sca¡old in Insecta, Polychaeta and Vertebrata, and formation within the Otx-region.
Stars indicate position of polychaete adult eyes. Insect and vertebrate sca¡olds modi¢ed after Arendt & NÏbler-Jung (1996).
Abbreviations: ae, adult eyes; An, antennal nerve; BC, brain commissure; ce, compound eyes; Deut, deutocerebrum;
In, infundibulum; le, lateral eyes; mc, midline cells; Mes, mesencephalon; Mn, mandibular nerve; Perist, peristomium;
PC, posterior commissure; pe, pineal eyes; POC, postoptic commissure; Pros, prosencephalon; Prost, prostomium;
Prot, protocerebrum; St, stomodaeum; Trit, tritocerebrum.

(a) The early axonal sca¡old Vandendries et al. 1996) and in vertebrates (Acampora &
Considering next the criterion of position, cerebral eyes Simeone 1999; Suda et al. 1999). Promoter studies indicate
in Bilateria obviously share their anterior position. that phototransductory molecules, such as opsins and
Beyond that, early axonal sca¡olds can be utilized as a arrestins, are directly regulated by Otx- and Pax6-
conserved system for spatial reference (¢gure 2). In repre- transcription factors (Kimura et al. 2000). This under-
sentatives of all bilaterian superphyla, early axonal scaf- scores the a¤liation of cerebral eyes to the Otx-expression
folds consist of two longitudinal axon bundles on both territory.
sides of the neural midline that form from the NK-2.2-
speci¢ed medial column of the nervous system anlage
(Arendt & NÏbler-Jung 1999). These run into an anterior
loop, the most anterior part of which is the prominent
brain commissure (Wilson et al. 1990; Boyan et al. 1995; (a) Larval cerebral eyes
Therianos et al. 1995; D. Arendt & J. Wittbrodt, unpub- Conspicuous eyespots can be observed in primary,
lished data). On these grounds, homology of early axonal ciliary larvae commonly found in Lophotrochozoa and in
sca¡olds has been proposed (Arendt & NÏbler-Jung basal Deuterostomia (¢gure 1). Their basic design and
1996), making them a suitable reference system for the widespread distribution in the Bilateria makes them a
developing visual system. In insects, annelids and verte- plausible starting point for a comparative survey of bi-
brates, the outgrowing axons of the developing cerebral laterian cerebral eyes. In many cases they locate to
eyes connect to the axonal sca¡old at similar positions, similar positions, namely left and right of, but variable
namely at the level of the very anterior brain commissure distances to the apical organ. The `trochophora', a
(¢gure 2). However, since this similarity re£ects rather primary, ciliary larva with conspicuous apical eyespots, is
obvious functional constraints for cerebral eyes it is a considered ancestral at least for Lophotrochozoa (Ax
precondition rather than support for their homology. 1995). And since larval body plans appear to be widely
conserved during evolution (Arendt et al. 2001; Peterson et
(b) Molecular framework for spatial reference al. 2000) (and see below), ancestrality of primary, ciliary
The criterion of position can nowadays be tested at the larvae with apical, cerebral eyespots could well extend to
molecular level, in that the structures compared should Deuterostomia.
form in conserved body regions speci¢ed by homologous In Lophotrochozoa, the paired larval eyespots of the
regionalization genes. One such region is the Otx territory polychaete trochophora larva match the bilaterian proto-
located in the anterior body regions of all species exam- type two-celled eye. Their structure is exempli¢ed in
ined (Bruce & Shankland 1998; Mitsunaga-Nakatsubo et ¢gure 3a for Platynereis dumerilii (Rhode 1992). They are
al. 1998; Stornaiuolo et al. 1998; Acampora & Simeone referred to as inverse, because the photoreceptor, the
1999; Hirth & Reichert 1999; Reichert & Simeone 1999; rhabdome, is orientated towards the concavity of the
Umesono et al. 1999; Wada & Saiga 1999; Kimura et al. pigment cell. Similar inverse larval eyes are found in
2000) (¢gure 2). Cerebral eyes originate from the Otx- sipunculan worms and in £atworms (¢gure 3b), two other
region in vertebrates, insects, ascidians (Wada & Saiga lophotrochozoan groups. However, in molluscs, pigment
1999), planarians (Umesono et al. 1999) and polychaetes and photoreceptor cells of larval eyes are arranged in an
(Arendt et al. 2001), and cerebral eye formation requires everse manner (¢gure 3c). Homology of mollusc and
functional Otx, at least in insects (Finkelstein et al. 1990; polychaete larval eyes would thus imply a transition from

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Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt 1549

(a) (b) (c)

Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta) Pseudoceros canadensis (Polycladida)

Lepidochiton cinereus

(d) (e)

Ptychodera flava (Enteropneusta)

Figure 3. Two-celled and primitive pigment-cup eyes of primary ciliary larvae in Bilateria. Light grey, photoreceptor cell; dark
grey, pigment cell. (a) Larval eye of polychaete trochophora (Platynereis dumerilii) after Rhode (1992). (b) Left larval eye of
turbellarian MÏller's larva (Pseudoceros canadensis, Polycladida) after Eakin & Brandenburger (1980, 1981) and Fournier
(1984, p. 220, ¢g. 2c). Ciliary photoreceptor cell with transverse cilia indicated by open circles. (c) Larval eye of mollusc
trochophora (Lepidochiton, Polyplacophora) after Bartolomaeus (1992b). (d) Early larval eye of six-day enteropneust tornaria
larva (Ptychodera £ava) after Brandenburger et al. (1973). (e) Late larval eye of tornaria (tentaculate stage) (Ptychodera £ava)
after Brandenburger et al. (1973).

inverse to everse design in the evolution of molluscs. A photoreceptor cells, as will be outlined in ½ 4. There is a
more detailed phylogenetic survey of larval eyes is given general tendency towards increasing cell numbers of both
in Appendix B. photoreceptor and pigment cells. Evolutionary conserva-
What about larval cerebral eyes outside Lophotro- tion of larval eyes in Bilateria would also involve a transi-
chozoa? In ecdysozoan Crustacea, the ¢rst free-living tion from inverse to everse in at least two independent
larval stage is the three-segmented nauplius larva. It lines (molluscs and enteropneusts). These are recurrent
shows a tripartite larval eye that may trace back to themes in the evolution of cerebral eyes in adult Bilateria.
polychaete-like precursor forms (Appendix B). In lower
Deuterostomia, on the other hand, larval eyespots are (b) Inverse cerebral eyecups: neoteny of larval eyes
common in the tornaria larvae of Enteropneusta (e.g. Outwardly directed eyecups of inverse design are not
Stiasny 1914). Notably, in early tornaria eyespots restricted to larvae, but also occur in adults. Examples of
(¢gure 3d ) the cellular arrangement very much resembles their structure are given in ¢gure 4 and an evolutionary
that of larval eyes in trochophora larvae in that the recep- overview in given in Appendix C. In polychaetes, the
tive organelles, the rhabdomens, are orientated towards structure of adult inverse eyes either closely matches the
the concavity of the pigment cells (compare ¢gure 3a with larval pattern (¢gure 4a), or shows a more elaborate
3d ). Deviating from this, in the later tornaria the larval design (¢gure 4b) revealing a tendency to increase
eyes acquire an everse design (¢gure 3e), a state analogous pigment and photoreceptor cell numbers (Verger-Bocquet
to the polyplacophoran trochophora (compare ¢gures 3c 1984, p. 291). As described for Polygordius, polychaete
and 3e). inverse cerebral eyes are persisting larval eyes (Branden-
In conclusion, larval cerebral eyespots in primary, burger & Eakin 1981).
ciliary larvae share an apical position and have in Inverse adult eyecups have also been described for other
common a very simple structure, comprising one to a few lophotrochozoan groups, for example Nemertini (Vernet
photoreceptor cells and one to a few pigment cells, mostly 1970; Storch & Moritz 1971) (¢gure 4c) or £atworms
arranged in a characteristic inverse manner. This is in line (¢gure 4d,e). As in the polychaetes, adult £atworm
with the notion of evolutionary conservation. Homology is inverse eyecups develop directly from the larval eyespots
supported by the similar employment of rhabdomeric (Appendix C). Characteristic for £atworm inverse eyes,

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1550 D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria

(a) (b) (c)

Polygordius cf. appendiculatus Flabelligeridae (Polychaeta)


(d ) (e) Lineus ruber (Nemertini)

Cura pinguis (Polycladida)

Dugesia japonica (Tricladida)

Figure 4. Inverse eyes in Bilateria. Light grey, photoreceptor cell; dark grey, pigment cell. (a) Polygordius cf. appendiculatus,
Polychaeta, after Brandenburger & Eakin (1981, ¢g. 1F). (b) Flabelligeridae, Polychaeta after Spies (1975) and Verger-Bocquet
(1984). (c) Lineus ruber, Nemertini, after Vernet (1970, ¢g. 15A). (d) Cura pinguis, Polycladida, after Durand & Gourbault (1977)
and Fournier (1984). (e) Dugesia japonica, Tricladida, after Kishida (1967, ¢g. 32E).

there is a tendency of eye duplication, a tendency to (compare ¢gure 3a and 3d to ¢gure 6c). In this respect,
generally increase cell number (Hesse 1897; Fournier Platynereis everse eye development resembles that of enter-
1984) and there is an evolutionary series from inverse to opneust larval eyes, where a similar inverse-to-everse tran-
everse design, as noted by (Hesse 1902). sition occurs (¢gure 3d,e).This ontogenetic transition might
Due to their very similar structure, cerebral inverse recapitulate a phylogenetic inverse-to-everse transition as
eyes of polychaetes, £atworms and nemerteans are con- postulated above, e.g. for polyplacophoran larval eyes.
sidered `obviously homologous' by Salvini-Plawen & Mayr Among lophotrochozoans, everse adult eyes are found
(1977), who also hold the view of extreme polyphyly of in carnivorous polychaetes (¢gure 5a), various molluscs
eyes. However, the similar structure of adult inverse eyes (¢gure 5b and 5c), and sipunculans (¢gure 5d;
is apparently due to the fact that they represent larval Appendix C). They all have in common a very speci¢c
inverse eyes neotenously taken over by the adults. This structure with photoreceptive cell processes traversing the
can easily have occurred several times convergently and pigment cell layer. Everse eyes have also been described
thus would make adult inverse eyes a case of evolutionary for Ecdysozoa and repeatedly considered homologous to
parallelism (independent evolution from homologous polychaete everse eyes on the basis of detailed structural
sources) (Hodin 2000). comparisons (Eakin & Westfall 1965; Hermans & Eakin
1974; Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977). However, there is a
(c) Everse pigment-cup adult eyes in Protostomia strong caveat to this. Given that an evolutionary transi-
There is another recurrent type of cerebral eyes in tion from inverse to very similar everse eyes took place in
adult Bilateria, the everse pigment-cup eyes. Examples of independent evolutionary lines, the everse eye design as
structure are given in ¢gure 5, and an evolutionary over- such can only be a weak argument for evolutionary
view in Appendix C. The everse eye type may represent a conservation. Clearly, a comparative analysis of everse-
second, distinct type of eye conserved in Bilateria eye-speci¢c molecular markers is a very promising tool to
because, in contrast to the inverse adult eyes, it is not a clarify this issue.
derivative of the larval eyes but represents a separate
formation, at least in the cases studied (polychaetes, (d) Cerebral adult eyes in chordates:
sipunculans, arthropods: Appendix C). Everse eye devel- inverse or everse?
opment is exempli¢ed for the polychaete Platynereis in There are no examples of adult everse eyes in the lower
¢gure 6. Characteristically, there is a transitory develop- Deuterostomia because in adult enteropneusts and ptero-
mental state very reminiscent of inverse larval eye design branchs eyes are entirely lacking (Dawydo¡ 1948). In

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Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt 1551

(a) (b)

Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta) Helix pomatia (Gastropoda)

(c) (d) (e)

Octopus vulgaris
(Cephalopoda) Phascolosoma agassizii Ascidia nigra (Tunicata)

Figure 5. Everse cerebral eyes in Protostomia. Light grey, photoreceptor cell; dark grey, pigment cell; white circles, lens vesicles;
black circles, photoreceptor cell pigment vesicles; spotted pattern represents lens. (a) Everse eye in Platynereis dumerilii, Polychaeta,
after Fischer & BrÎkelmann (1966). (b) Everse eye in Helix pomatia, Gastropoda, after Hesse (1908) and Land (1984b). (c) Everse
eye of Octopus, Cephalopoda, after Yamamoto et al. (1965). (d ) Everse eye of Phascolosoma agassizii, Sipunculida, after Hermans &
Eakin (1969). (e) Semi-inverse eye of Ascidia nigra, Tunicata, after Je¡eries (1986, p. 107f).

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 6. Developing adult eye in: (a) early; (b) late two-day-old larvae; (c) late three-day-old larvae; and (d ) in three-week-old
young worm of Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta). Light grey, photoreceptor cell; dark grey, pigment cell; white circles, lens
vesicles; black circles, photoreceptor cell pigment vesicles. After Rhode (1992).

chordates, on the other hand, cerebral eyes are present. to an everse situation inverted by neurulation (¢gure 7).
They are `inverse' because photoreceptor cells in the Since neurulation is a derived feature of the chordates,
ascidian ocelli (Dilly 1961; Eakin & Kuda 1971; Dilly & chordate cerebral eyes thus become conceptually equiva-
Wolken 1973), in the Branchiostoma frontal organ (Lacalli lent to everse cerebral eyes in non-chordate groups.
1996) and lamellate organ (Ruiz & Anadon 1991b), as Obviously, this does not sustain homology but rather
well as vertebrate lateral eyes and the medial pineal/ describes the way chordate and non-chordate eyes can be
parietal eyes, are all directed inwardly towards the compared at all.
pigment cells, away from the light. However, the inverse Depicted in ¢gure 5e is the ocellus of Ascidia nigra (Dilly
character of chordate eyes can essentially be traced back 1961; Je¡eries 1986, p. 107f ). It bears some resemblance to

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non-chordate everse eyes in that the apical processes of Wright 1969; Hughes 1970). Ciliary brain photoreceptors
photoreceptor cells project through the cup-shaped layer that have been detected in the posterior brain of poly-
of pigment cells into the cavity of the cup (Eakin & Kuda chaetes (Dhainaut-Courtois 1965; Whittle & Golding 1974;
1971). However, ascidian ocelli di¡er in an important Rhode 1991) and of Nemertini (Vernet 1974) are not asso-
aspect: while in the vast majority of non-chordate everse ciated with pigment cells and thus do not represent eyes.
eyecups rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells are employed, In Ecdysozoa, the overwhelming majority of rhabdo-
the photoreceptor of the ascidian ocelli is a modi¢ed meric photoreceptors in cerebral eyes is again comple-
cilium. This di¡erence in the photoreceptor cell type is of mented by a few `exceptions' of a ciliary nature, in
high phylogenetic signi¢cance, as will be outlined in the Nematoda (Burr & Burr 1975), Gastrotricha (Teuchert
next two sections. 1976) and presumably also in the Belloncini organ of
Crustacea (Chaigneau 1984).
In Deuterostomia, photoreceptor cells in the apical
eyespots of the tornaria larva are rhabdomeric
(Brandenburger et al. 1973). Therefore, larval cerebral
There is a clear bias of photoreceptor cells to either eyes with rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells might have
enlarge the apical cell membrane or the ciliary existed at the very root of the Deuterostomia (see ¢gure 8).
membrane. They thus form part of the rhabdomeric Rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells have also been found
versus ciliary types of photoreceptors (¢gure 8). This in echinoderms, in the non-cerebral ocelli of the
dichotomy in structure appears to be rather strict. Any holothurian Opheodesoma (Yamamoto & Yoshida 1978)
`intermediate type' (Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977, p. 245) and in the cushion-like eyespots of three star¢sh genera
that should exist, for example, in the star¢sh Henricia (Patiria, Leptasterias and Henricia) (Eakin 1979). In the
(Asteroidea) has been refuted. Star¢sh photoreceptor cells chordate line, rhabdomeric and ciliary photoreceptors
were reinvestigated and assigned to the rhabdomeric type coexist in the Branchiostoma cerebral vesicle where Joseph
(Eakin 1979). The coexistence of ciliary and rhabdomeric cells are rhabdomeric (Welsch 1968; Ruiz & Anadon 1991a)
photoreceptor has never been established physiologically. while lamellate cells are probably of ciliary design (Ruiz
The `ciliary' versus `rhabdomeric' duality of photoreceptor & Anadon 1991b; and compare with Meves 1973). These
types was complemented repeatedly by the introduction cells, however, are not associated with pigment cells and
of new photoreceptor types but these are of unclear or thus do not form part of an eye. Remarkably, in contrast
doubtful vindication (Appendix D). For a detailed over- to the vast majority of Bilateria, in chordates cerebral
view of photoreceptor ultrastructure see Eakin 1963, 1966, eyes have ciliary photoreceptors. This is true for the
1968, 1979, 1982; Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977; Salvini- frontal organ in Branchiostoma (Lacalli et al. 1994) and
Plawen 1982; and Van£eteren & Coomans 1976, 1982. for the cerebral pigment-cup eye in the ascidian tadpole
(Barnes 1971). The vertebrates are in fact the only
(a) Phylogenetic distribution of ciliary deuterostomes not possessing any rhabdomeric photore-
and rhabdomeric photoreceptors ceptors (Van£eteren & Coomans 1982). On the other
In contrast to Eakin's initial proposition that ciliary hand, the non-cerebral Hesse eyecups in Branchiostoma
photoreceptors should be `characteristic' for Deutero- (Ruiz & Anadon 1991a), and siphon eye spots in Ciona
stomia and rhabdomeric photoreceptors for Protostomia (Dilly & Wolken 1973) are again rhabdomeric.
( ˆ Lophotrochozoa + Ecdysozoa) (Eakin 1963, 1966, 1968,
1979, 1982), it turned out that both types coexist in (b) Bilaterian photoreceptors:
Lophotrochozoa, Ecdysozoa and Deuterostomia (¢gure 8). single, dual or multiple origin?
Remarkably, however, the tissue distribution of rhab- What is the genealogical relationship of the two wide-
domeric versus ciliary photoreceptors is not random. In spread basic photoreceptor typesörhabdomeric and
Protostomia as well as in lower Deuterostomia, cerebral ciliary ö in Bilateria? Or, to view it from a di¡erent
eyes have rhabdomeric photoreceptors (¢gures 3^5). This angle, what kind of photoreceptor cells were present in
applies for Lophotrochozoa where, beside the numerous Urbilateria ö if at all ?
examples for rhabdomeric cerebral eyes, there are only few Salvini-Plawen & Mayr (1977) have put forward the
ciliary `exceptions' (Ehlers & Ehlers 1977; Van£eteren & view of extreme polyphyly in photoreceptor evolution.
Coomans 1982), such as the left larval eye of Pseudoceros They postulated that eyes and photoreceptive cells have
(Polycladida) with one ciliary photoreceptor interspersed originated several times independently in at least 40 if
between rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells (Eakin & not 65 or more di¡erent lines. This would imply that
Brandenburger 1980) (¢gure 3b), or the larval eyes of Urbilateria did not possess any kind of photoreceptor cell
Bryozoa composed entirely of ciliary photoreceptors (or eye) but merely some kind of inde¢nite sensory ciliary
(Woollacott & Zimmer 1972) and Kamptozoa (Woollacott precursor cell (¢gure 8a).
& Eakin 1973). Most lophotrochozoan ciliary photo- Van£eteren & Coomans (1976, 1982) have advanced
receptors are found in non-cerebral eyes that form at the view that all photoreceptors can be traced back to a
highly divergent positions and are more likely to be phylo- single type of photoreceptor precursor present in
genetically young (Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977; Eakin Urbilateria (¢gure 8b). Based on the observation that in
1982, p. 100; Burr 1984, p. 161). For example, in polychaetes both types of photoreceptors the photoreceptive organelle
ciliary photoreceptors have been detected in the branchial is induced by a ciliary formation ö that, after initiating
crown eyes (Eakin & Hermans 1988) and in molluscs membrane expansion, may become more or less abortive
ciliary photoreceptor cells form part of the mantle edge (rhabdomeric type) or may develop further into a ciliary
eyes and optic tentacles (Barber et al. 1967; Barber & organelle (ciliary type) ö they argue that the di¡erence

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between both types is more quantitative than qualitative. molecule of each type, present already in Urbilateria. In
A characteristic of this view is that it allows transitions the latter case, the existence of distinct photoreceptor cell
from one receptor type to the other. precursors at the very root of Bilateria might have
Another possible view takes into account the wide- involved a duplication and subsequent divergence of
spread occurrence of both types of photoreceptor cells, phototransductory molecules. In other words, distinct
ciliary and rhabdomeric, and infers that at least one type, paralogues for rhodopsin, for the associated G-protein,
and possibly both types, were present already in for rhodopsin kinase and for arrestins would be expected
Urbilateria (¢gure 8c). They were then inherited to the and could have already existed in Urbilateriaöone
diverging superphyla in a parallel manner (i.e. not in an `rhabdomeric', one `ciliary' paralogue each. Strikingly,
either ^ or fashion). this is what the sequence comparisons of all four
Obviously, it is not possible to opt for or against any of molecules indicates (¢gure 9).
these views on the basis of occurrence and the ultrastruc-
ture of photoreceptor cells only. Also, the views are not (a) Separate `ciliary' versus `rhabdomeric' opsins
strictly exclusive because even if one or two types of as common heritage of Bilateria
photoreceptor cells already existed in Urbilateria, these The phylogenetic tree of rhodopsin molecules (¢gure
were not necessarily the precursors for all photoreceptor 9c) shows that `ciliary' and `rhabdomeric' opsins are
cells in Bilateria. Convergent evolution of subsets of photo- highly divergent. They probably trace back to distinct
receptor cells are a clear option. Salvini-Plawen & Mayr genes present in Urbilateria, meaning they are non-
(1977) give an illustrative example, where the ciliary orthologous. Vertebrate `ciliary' opsins ö expressed in the
photoreceptor cells in the distal retina of the mantle edge ciliary photoreceptor cells of lateral eyes and pinealö
eyes in Bivalvia are deduced from an epidermal, ciliary are more closely related to retinochromes than to inver-
sense organ, previously unrelated to vision. tebrate `rhabdomeric' opsins. In turn, the invertebrate
There is yet another level on which homology of photo- `rhabdomeric' opsins ö expressed in the rhabdomeric
receptor cell types can be tested, namely, whether or not photoreceptor cells in insects (O'Tousa et al. 1985; Zuker
they employ orthologous molecules for light detection and et al. 1985; Fryxell & Meyerowitz 1987; Salcedo et al.
phototransduction. 1999) and molluscs (Kojima et al. 1997) ö are more
closely related to vertebrate melanopsins (Provencio et al.
1998, 2000) than to vertebrate `ciliary' opsins. The evolu-
tionary divergence of `ciliary' and `rhabdomeric' opsins
makes it unlikely that present day vertebrate ciliary
photoreceptor cells, and invertebrate rhabdomeric
As the ¢rst step in phototransduction, photoactivation photoreceptor cells, stem from a common Urbilaterian
of rhodopsin involves the isomerization of covalently precursor (¢gure 8b). On the other hand, photoreceptor
bound retinoids. Photoactivated rhodopsin then activates cells expressing orthologous opsins are more likely to
a G-protein that in turn activates intracellular messengers descend from a common photoreceptor cell precursor ö
to ¢nally hyperpolarize or depolarize the photoreceptor although evolutionary co-option of the same molecule
cell. Subsequent quenching of phototransduction involves cannot be ruled out (see ½ 5b).
phosphorylation of photoactivated rhodopsin by the An interesting case is the occurrence of `rhabdomeric'
enzyme rhodopsin kinase followed by binding of the opsins in vertebrates given that they do not possess rhab-
protein arrestin, which competes with the G-protein for domeric photoreceptor cells. However, the occurrence of
binding to photoactivated rhodopsin (Krupnick et al. rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells in all other deuterostome
1997). Factors related to these four molecules have been groups (see ½ 4) makes it an attractive hypothesis that (a
isolated for various Bilateria and found to be active in the subset of ) the vertebrate melanopsin-expressing cells
light detection cascade (Van Veen et al. 1986; Hyde et al. traces back to rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells (with
1990; Smith et al. 1990; Yamada et al. 1990; Cassill et al. reduced rhabdomen). In the vertebrate eye, melanopsins
1991; Zuker 1994; Kikkawa et al. 1998). Accordingly it is are expressed in cells of the pigmented retinal epithelium
postulated that rhodopsin, a G-protein, rhodopsin kinase and in retinal ganglion cells (Provencio et al. 1998, 2000).
and arrestin precursor molecules participated in light The apparent photosensitivity of these cells is consistent
detection and phototransduction in putative photo- with the ¢nding that naturally occurring and transgenic
receptor cells in Urbilateria. mice that lack ciliary photoreceptors are still capable of
What is the signi¢cance of this for photoreceptor cell photoregulating circadian rhythms and pineal activity
evolution? First, it seems unlikely that Urbilateria did not through their lateral eyes (Freedman et al. 1999; Lucas et al.
possess photoreceptor cells in some form (refuting ¢gure 1999), while bilateral removal of the eyes abolishes such
8a). Beyond this, we utilize the sequence information regulation (Nelson & Zucker 1981).
available for these molecules to test whether bilaterian The scallop Go-rhodopsin is of unclear a¤nity
ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells derive from a (Kojima et al. 1997). Remarkably, it is expressed in the
common photoreceptor precursor cell (¢gure 8b) or from ciliary ö not rhabdomeric ö photoreceptors in the distal
distinct precursors (¢gure 8c). In the former case, one retina of the mantle edge eye, considered an evolutionary
would expect that rhodopsins, associated G-proteins, novelty (see above).
rhodopsin kinases and arrestins employed in ciliary and
rhabdomeric receptor cells in the present should be (b) Non-orthologous phototransductory cascades
homologous in a strict sense (orthologous), meaning that In all bilaterian photoreceptors photoactivated rhod-
they should have emerged from one single precursor opsins activate heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins

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1554 D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria

a Go-a orthologue. Therefore, and remarkably, the

scallop Go-a is non-orthologous both to `ciliary' vertebrate
transducins, and to `rhabdomeric' invertebrate Gq-a. This
underscores the notion that ciliary photoreceptors in the
distal retina of the mantle edge eyes in Bivalvia are evo-
lutionary novelties (i.e. not related to vertebrate ciliary
photoreceptors, as also suggested by the morphological
evidence, see above).
The second messenger system transducing the photo-
excitement also di¡ers between rhabdomeric and ciliary
photoreceptor cells: as a rule, rhabdomeric photo-
receptors employ the phospholipase C inositol 1,4,5-
trisphosphate (InsP3) system, whereas the ciliary
photoreceptors use the cyclic guanosyl monophosphate
(cGMP) system (Finn et al. 1997; Gomez & Nasi 1997).
Finally, also the quenching of phototransduction by
rhodopsin kinase and arrestin employs related, but non-
orthologous, molecules in ciliary versus rhabdomeric
photoreceptor cells (¢gure 9a,b). Rhodopsin kinases
belong to the family of G-protein-coupled receptor
kinases (GRKs). This gene family is subdivided into two
subfamilies, members of which have been isolated across
the Bilateria (Premont et al. 1999). Urbilateria possessed
at least two distinct members of this family, a GRK-1/4/5/
6 precursor and a GRK-2/3 precursor. And again, while
vertebrate rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) ö active in ciliary
photoreceptor cells ö belongs to the former subfamily, the
Octopus rhodopsin kinase ö active in rhabdomeric photo-
Figure 7. Possible transition from everse to inverse eyes in receptor cells (Kikkawa et al. 1998) ö belongs to the
early chordates with the evolution of neurulation. Red arrows latter. A similar distinction applies to bilaterian arrestin
indicate basal^apical orientation of photoreceptors. molecules, which can be subdivided into a- and b-
arrestins (Nicolas-Leveque et al. 1999). While vertebrate
(G-proteins). These in turn convey the photoexcitement ciliary photoreceptor cells make use of a-arrestins,
to internal messengers. Phylogenetic analysis has revealed Drosophila rhabdomeric arrestins belong to the b-arrestin
that the a-subunit of G-proteins underwent extensive subfamily (Hyde et al. 1990; Smith et al. 1990).
gene duplication in early animal evolution (Yokoyama & On these grounds, non-orthologous systems for light
Starmer 1992; Suga et al. 1999). Strikingly, ciliary versus detection and phototransduction exist in Bilateria. The
rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells employ non-orthologous ciliary photoreceptor type employs a `ciliary' rhodopsin, a
molecules. Transducins are active in vertebrate ciliary G-protein of the Gi or Go superfamily, the cGMP second
photoreceptors. Direct invertebrate counterparts for messenger system, a GRK-1/4/5/6-related rhodopsin
transducins are lacking but phylogenetic analysis based kinase and a-arrestin. In contrast, in the rhabdomeric type
on DNA sequences reveals that transducins have emerged a `rhabdomeric' rhodopsin, a Gq protein, the phospho-
from the Gi-a precursor, and not from the Go-a or Gq-a lipase C InsP3 second messenger system, a GRK-2/3
precursor (¢gure 9d ) (Yokoyama & Starmer 1992; Suga related rhodopsin kinase and b-arrestin are active.
et al. 1999). In line with this, vertebrate Gi-a is function-
ally analogous to transducin (Kanaho et al. 1984).
As to the rhabdomeric photoreceptors, the Drosophila
Gq-a protein is expressed in the ocelli and in all eight
photoreceptor cell rhabdomeres of the lateral eyes (Lee et al. The comparison of bilaterian cerebral eyes allows the
1994). A Gq protein also localizes to the rhabdomeric cere- following conclusions with regard to their possible
bral ocelli of Perinereis (Polychaeta) (Miyako-Shimazaki homology.
et al. 1999) and is involved in phototransduction in the
rhabdomeric receptor cells of cephalopod cerebral eyes 1. Precondition for homology of bilaterian cerebral eyes is
(Bhatia et al. 1996; Kikkawa et al. 1996), of cray¢sh lateral the formation in the Otx-territory and the connection to
eyes (Terakita et al. 1993) and of Limulus lateral eyes the early axonal sca¡old at the level of the anterior
(Munger et al. 1996). Notably, Gq-a homologues also exist brain commissure. This holds true for the developing
in the vertebrates (¢gure 9d ). They are widely expressed in adult eyes in insects, vertebrates and polychaetes
neuroectodermally derived tissue ö but not, however, in (¢gure 2).
the ciliary receptor cells of the eye (Wilkie et al. 1991; 2. Larval, apical eyes are widespread in Lophotrochozoa,
Zhou et al. 1994). and also exist in lower Deuterostomia. They can be
The only invertebrate ciliary photoreceptor cells investi- traced back to the two-celled prototype eye as present
gated so far for G-a expression are those of the scallop in the polychaete trochophora (¢gure 3), with few
(Kojima et al. 1997). Remarkably, they speci¢cally express exceptions. Starting from an inverse condition, everse

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Plathelminthes 'Polychaeta' Tunicata

Ecdysozoa Lophotrochozoa
Gastrotricha Deuterostomia


? ?
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Phylogenetic distribution of ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptors in Bilateria and con£icting views of their
evolution. Dark grey, rhabdomeric photoreceptor cell; white, ciliary photoreceptor cell. Precursors in Urbilateria could have
been (a) a sensory ciliary precursor cell, (b) a bimodal ciliary/rhabdomeric precursor cell or (c) ciliary and rhabdomeric
precursor cells. Redrawn from various sources.

eyes evolved independently in polyplacophoran and molecules involved, one paralogue is active in rhabdo-
enteropneust larvae. meric, the other in ciliary photoreceptors.
3. Inverse cerebral eyes present in adult Lophotrochozoa
are neotenously taken over from the larvae (¢gure 4). What is the signi¢cance of this on the reconstruction of
Again, there is an inverse-to-everse transition trace- eyes in Urbilateria and on the possible homology of bila-
able, e.g. in planarians. terian cerebral eyes? Clearly, our comparison strengthens
4. There is a second, separate type of adult cerebral eyes the notion that the cerebral larval eyespots of, for
of rather elaborate, everse design, which is not a example, Polychaeta, Mollusca, Plathelminthes, Crus-
larval-eye derivative. It is present in Polychaeta, tacea and Enteropneusta are phylogenetically conserved,
Sipunculida, Mollusca, Onychophora and Arthropoda as they all employ the rhabdomeric photoreceptor type.
(¢gure 5), indicating possible conservation in Proto- We propose that bilaterian larval eyspots derive from an
stomia. Though an everse orientation of photoreceptor ancestral, two-celled pair of larval cerebral eyes with
cells has apparently evolved several times convergently, rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells present in Urbilateria.
homology of adult everse cerebral eyes is an option This `prototype eye' then gave rise to a multitude of adult
that should be further addressed. cerebral eyes in Lophotrochozoa, Ecdysozoa and,
5. Chordate cerebral `inverse' eyes can be deduced from possibly, Deuterostomia.
the everse eye type, if neurulation is conceptually
reverted (¢gure 7).
6. Rhabdomeric and ciliary photoreceptor cells coexist in
Lophotrochozoa, Ecdysozoa and Deuterostomia
(¢gure 8). Their distribution is not random. In lopho- It is also evident that chordate and non-chordate
trochozoan, ecdysozoan and enteropneust cerebral eyes cerebral eyes employ non-orthologous ö `ciliary' versus
rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells clearly predominate, `rhabdomeric'ömolecules for light detection and photo-
while in chordate cerebral eyes exclusively ciliary transductory cascades. This seems to contradict the
photoreceptors are detected. notion that chordate cerebral eyes are direct derivatives of
7. Non-homologous systems for light detection and photo- a pair of cerebral eyes considered ancestral for Bilateria.
transduction coexist in Bilateria (¢gure 9). For the However, the role of Pax6 and Six homologues in the

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control of eye development in Lophotrochozoa, Ecdysozoa & Westfall 1964). Pax6 has been isolated for the sea urchin
and Deuterostomia (Appendix A) indicates that compo- Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata), which lacks distinct
nents of their eyes are homologous to some extent. eyes. Strong expression of Pl-Pax6 was detected in adult
Possibly, primary, ciliary larvae with `rhabdomeric' tube feet, the peripheral organs characteristic of echinoids
eyespots (as found, for instance, in modern tornaria (Czerny & Busslinger 1995). Interestingly, in echinoids
larvae) were present in ancestral chordates. Chordate the entire body surface is assumed photosensitive, and
descendants then lost the primary larvae but might have tube feet are involved in the light-sensitive covering reac-
inherited the larval eyes. We propose that these were then tion, taking up objects from the substrata and carrying
complemented by a population of ciliary photoreceptor them to illuminated parts of the dermis (Yoshida &
cells. In keeping with this, both rhabdomeric and ciliary Takasu 1984). Also, tube feet perform phototactic move-
receptor cells form part of the cerebral vesicle in extant ments towards or away from a source of light. Thus,
Branchiostoma (Ruiz & Anadon 1991a,b). In the line of possibly, Pl-Pax6 is expressed in tube feet photoreceptor
evolution leading to vertebrates, the ciliary photoreceptor cells of unknown identity. In the lower chordate branch,
cells then more and more replaced the rhabdomeric Pax6 has been isolated for the ascidian Phallusia mammilata
photoreceptor cells in the perception of light. What was (Tunicata). In the developing ascidian tadpole, Pm-Pax6 is
the evolutionary fate of the rhabdomeric photoreceptor strongly expressed in the sensory vesicle, including the
cells in the vertebrates? If they were not reduced, are developing ocellus (Glardon et al. 1997). However, de¢nite
there any `legitimate' descendants? The expression of cellular resolution has not been obtained. Similarly, in the
melanopsins in ganglion cells and pigment cells in the lancelet Branchiostoma £oridae (Acrania) AmphiPax6 expres-
vertebrate retina may be taken as a ¢rst clue in that direc- sion covers the posterior brain vesicle where the photore-
tion. However, clearly additional comparative molecular ceptive lamellar organ is located (Glardon et al. 1998).
studies are needed to trace the transformation of ancestral Notably, AmphiPax6 is not expressed in the developing
cell types in the evolution of the chordate eye. organs of Hesse that later form conspicuous eyecups
distributed along the length of the spinal chord.
We thank F. Loosli, C. Nielsen, and T.-E. Rusten for critical
comments on earlier versions of the manuscript and all members
of the Wittbrodt laboratory for support. APPENDIX B. LARVAL EYES IN BILATERIA
In Polychaeta, larval eyes are widespread and of
common design (¢gure 3a). In the more than a dozen
species investigated (Eakin & Westfall 1964; Holborow &
In Ecdysozoa, a Pax6 homologue outside insects is Laverack 1972; Brandenburger & Eakin 1981; Verger-
known for Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematoda) (Chisholm & Bocquet 1984; Bartolomaeus 1987, 1992a; Marsden &
Horvitz 1995; Zhang & Emmons 1995) that is devoid of Hsieh 1987) there are one to two photoreceptor cells and
eyes. A possible involvement of Pax6 in nematode eye one to two pigment cells.
development could be tested in other nematode species In Sipuncula, the inverse pigment-cup eyes of the
that form unique eye structures in close proximity to the trochophora larva (¢gure 1) show inverse design and thus
olfactory amphid organs (Burr 1984, p. 137). have been homologized to polychaete larval eyes (Salvini-
In Lophotrochozoa, Pax6 homologues are known for Plawen & Mayr 1977; Salvini-Plawen 1982). They have
nemerteans, planarians and cephalopods. In regenerating not been investigated ultrastructurally, however.
heads of the ribbonworm Lineus sanguineus (Nemertini), In `Turbellaria', cerebral larval eyespots of inverse
Ls-Pax6 expression correlates well with the temporal design are very frequent in the trochophora-type MÏller/
appearance and position of the inverse eye anlage (Loosli GÎtte larvae of Polycladida and in the free larvae of the
et al. 1996). In regenerating heads of the planarian parasitic Neodermata (e.g. Trematoda) (Fournier 1984).
Dugesia/Girardia tigrina (Tricladida) Dg-Pax6 is expressed They consist of one cup-shaped pigment cell enclosing
in photoreceptor and pigment cells of the forming inverse one to a few photoreceptor cells (Lanfranchi et al. 1981)
eyes (Callaerts et al. 1999). In the developing squid Loligo (¢gure 3b). This `regular' cerebral eye type is considered
opalescens (Cephalopoda, Mollusca), Lo-Pax6 is expressed evolutionarily ancient by Salvini-Plawen & Mayr (1977)
in the everse eye anlage (Tomarev et al. 1997). In contrast (and see Salvini-Plawen 1982). Another eye type, the
to planarians, however, Lo-Pax6 is not expressed in the single so-called `epidermal eye', found in an anterolateral
di¡erentiating photoreceptor and pigment cells. We are position in early MÏller's larvae of Pseudoceros (Eakin &
currently investigating Pax6 expression in the polychaete Brandenburger 1981) and Thysanozoon brochii (Lanfranchi
Platynereis dumerilii and ¢nd strong patches of expression et al. 1981), and GÎtte's larvae of Stylochus mediterraneus
of Pd-Pax6 in the region of the inverse larval eyes (Lanfranchi et al. 1981), appears structurally more
(D. Arendt and J. Wittbrodt, unpublished data). As is derived. It consists of one pigment cell only, which is also
characteristic for polychaetes, this species forms two considered photosensitive (Lanfranchi et al. 1981).
distinct types of eyes (larval inverse and adult everse) However, at later larval stages this `epidermal eye' moves
that might be evolutionary ancient for Lophotrochozoa. inwards and gets complemented by two photoreceptor
In Deuterostomia, Pax6 expression data exist for echi- cells, to thus transform into a `regular' larval inverse eye
noderms and chordates. However, they are lacking for the with separate pigment and photoreceptor cells
enteropneust tornaria larva, the larval eyespots of which (Lanfranchi et al. 1981).
may represent the starting point for the evolution of eyes In Mollusca, the larval ocelli of the polyplacophoran
in the deuterostome line of evolution (see below), and for trochophora (¢gure 1) consist of several pigment cells and
star¢sh with optic cushions at the tip of each arm (Eakin one photoreceptor cell in the black chiton Katharina

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tunicata (Rosen et al. 1979) and of several pigment cells Neodermata (e.g. Trematoda) (for a review, see
and several photoreceptor cells in Lepidochiton cinereus Van£eteren & Coomans 1982; Fournier 1984, p. 108). As
(¢gure 3c) (Fischer 1980; Bartolomaeus 1992b). Larval evidenced for Stylochus uniporus (Kato 1940), Stylochus medi-
eyes are also present in the trochophora of Bivalvia terraneus and Thysanozoon brochii (Lanfranchi et al. 1981),
(Rosen et al. 1978) and in the veliger of Gastropoda £atworm inverse eyes develop from the larval eyespots: in
(Bartolomaeus (1992b) and references therein). Rosen the course of metamorphosis of the GÎtte's larva of
et al. (1978, 1979) homologize larval eyespots among S. uniporus, the paired larval eyespots on both sides of the
molluscs and between molluscs and polychaetes. Also, apical brain divide to give rise to two pairs of adult
Bartolomaeus (Bartolomaeus 1987, 1992a,b; Ax 1995) is eyespots (Kato 1940, p. 564). In the direct developing
convinced that larval eyespots were present in the last turbellarian Hoploplana villosa, the early developing single
common ancestor of polychaetes and molluscs. This has pair of eyespots after duplication ¢nally gives rise to six
been refuted by Salvini-Plawen (1982), mainly because pairs of eyes (Kato 1940, p. 557).
larval eyes of Polyplacophora are connected with the
lateral nerve cord. However, those of Bivalvia and (b) Everse eyes
Gastropoda are connected with the developing cerebral In Polychaeta, everse adult eyes are prototypically
ganglia and polyplacophoran lateral ganglia may prolif- present in carnivorous groups (Phyllodocida and Euni-
erate from the cerebral ganglia (Nielsen 1995). In the cida that belong to the Aciculata/Errantia; Bartolomaeus
light of molecular evidence pointing towards an annelid 1998). Photoreceptive cell bodies are located on the
origin of molluscs (Ghiselen 1988), homology of poly- outside of the pigment cell bodies (¢gure 5a; ¢gure 6).
chaete and mollusc larval eyes appears a tenable option. They send out sensory processes that traverse the pigment
In Bryozoa ˆ Ectoprocta, a potential, two-celled photo- cell layer to ¢nally form photoreceptoral organelles on the
receptor organ is present in the larva of Bugula neritina apical/inner side of the pigment cells, orientated towards
(Woollacott & Zimmer 1972). The mesodermal origin of the light. Everse eyes develop in close vicinity to, but
the pigment cell, as well as the ciliary nature of the photo- separate from, the eyes, to ¢nally replace them, as
receptor (see below), clearly indicate independent evolu- described for Anaitides (Bartolomaeus 1987; Rhode 1991),
tionary origin (Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977). Platynereis (Rhode 1992), Harmothoe« (Holborow &
In Kamptozoa ˆ Entoprocta, `aberrant' eyespots similar Laverack 1972) (all: Phyllodocida) and Capitella (Capitel-
to bryzoan larval eyes are common in the larvae of Loxo- lida) (Rhode 1993). Everse eyes are often equipped with a
somatidae (Nielsen 1971; Woollacott & Eakin 1973). lens and can acquire a rather complex structure (Salvini-
Everse larval eyespots of unknown ultrastructure are also Plawen & Mayr 1977, p. 239; Verger-Bocquet 1984). Their
present in the lobate larva of Brachiopoda (Salvini- development has been described in detail for Vanadis
Plawen & Mayr 1977). (Alciopidae, Phyllodocida), or Platynereis (Nereidae, Phyl-
In Crustacea, the `nauplius eyes' of copepod nauplius lodocida) (Rhode 1992), depicted in ¢gure 6.
larvae consist of three inverse eyecups, each with eight to In Mollusca, cerebral everse eyes are present in
ten photoreceptor cells and the backing of one pigment cell Gastropoda (¢gure 5b), Cephalopoda (¢gure 5c), and ¢li-
(Fahrenbach 1964, 1965; Land 1984a and compare also branchious Bivalvia. Structurally, mollusc everse eyes
Elo¡son 1966). Though far more elaborate, nauplius eyes resemble polychaete everse eyes in that photoreceptor cell
of entomostracan crustaceans have been likened to the processes similarly traverse the pigment cell layer (Yama-
larval eyespots of the polychaete trochophora based on moto et al. 1965; Hermans & Eakin 1974). However,
their similar inverse design (Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977). everse eye homology between molluscs and polychaetes,
In Enteropneusta, larval eyes are present in tornaria as proposed for example by Rosen et al. (1979) or
larva (¢gure 1). Ultrastructural studies were carried out Hermans & Eakin (1974), is doubtful. First, adult everse
for Ptychodera £ava (Brandenburger et al. 1973). Depicted in eyes of Bivalvia and Gastropoda are persisting larval eyes
¢gure 3d are the eyespots of a six-day-old Ptychodera (Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977; Bartolomaeus 1992b), in
tornaria that very much resemble polychaete larval eyes. contrast to those of polychaetes. Second, cerebral eyes are
absent in basal groups of molluscs (Salvini-Plawen 1982)
(although see above).
In Sipunculida, cerebral everse eyes with possible
(a) Inverse eyes homology to polychaete everse eyes have been described
In Polychaeta, inverse eyes are widespread, found for ultrastructurally (¢gure 5d) (Hermans & Eakin 1969;
example in Armandia (Opheliidae) (Hermans & Cloney Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977). As in the polychaetes,
1966), or in Polygordius (Eunicidae) (Brandenburger & sipunculan everse eyes form separately from the larval
Eakin 1981) (¢gure 4a). Most frequently, inverse adult inverse eyes.
eyes are found among limicolous and tubicolous poly- In Onychophora, the general organization and ultra-
chaetes (e.g. Terebellida, Serpulida) (Salvini-Plawen & structure of everse eyes in Peripatus very much resembles
Mayr 1977; Verger-Bocquet 1984), groups with a tendency that of nereid polychaetes (Eakin & Westfall 1965;
towards reduction of adult everse eyes (Rhode 1993) (see Hermans & Eakin 1974). Onychophoran eyes in turn are
below), and in the so-called archiannelids (Eakin et al. considered starting points towards the evolution of
1977), a polyphyletic assemblage of neotenous polychaetes arthropod compound eyes (Paulus 1972a,b). Both share
that retain various larval features. the arrangement of microvilli in the rhabdomeric photo-
In Platyhelminthes, inverse eyecups are observed in receptor cell, as an `even array of straight cylindrical
adult £atworms, namely turbellarians (Polycladida; projections of the cell membrane' (Eakin & Westfall
¢gure 4b), planarians (Tricladida; ¢gure 4c) and parasitic 1965).

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1558 D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria

(a) (b)

β aβ 2 γ tα
qa 3 aα GTP
IP3 +
5' GMP

(c) (d)
Papilio UV opsin Ambyst.cone-transd. 0.1
0.5 Manduca opsin2 Mus GNAT2
Camponotus UV opsin
Drosophila rh3 Gallus transducin
1000 Drosophila rh4 Ambyst. rod-transd.
Drosophila rh5 Gallus rod-transd. 1000
Schistocerca opsin2 Homo GNAT1
Apis blue opsin Mus GNAT1
Papilio blue opsin Sparus transd.
Manduca opsin3
Camponotus opsin Oryzias Giα 2
Apis green opsin Gallus Giα 2
Apis LW opsin Giα / Homo Giα
979 Manduca opsin transducin Mus Giα 2
Papilio RH3 Rattus Giα 2
Papilio RH2 Xenopus Giα 334
Sphodromantis opsin r-opsin
Schistocerca opsin Squalus Giα
Drosophila rh6 Oryzias Giα1
Drosophila rh2 Gallus Giα 3
1000 Calliphora opsin Rattus Giα 3
Drosophila rh1 Rattus Giα 1
Limulus ocellus opsin Bos Gα i
Procambrus opsin
Hemigrapsus bcrh2 Xenopus Giα1 649
Hemigrapsus bcrh1 Gallus Giα1
Patinopecten Gq-opsin Asterina Gα
768 Platynereis opsin Homarus Giα
Schistosoma opsin Lymnea Giα 825
847 Octopus opsin Helisoma Giα1 999
Todarodes opsin 684
Sepia opsin D.G2
Loligo f. opsin Drosophila Go
Loligo s. opsin Manduca Go
Xenopus melanopsin Lymnea Go
995 Homo melanopsin Patinopecten Go
Mus melanopsin Octopus Go
942 Tod. retinochrome Goα Caenorh. Go1 431
Musmu-RGR RGR Xenopus Go1
547 Homsa-RGR
Bosta-RGR Bos G39
Homo peropsin Homo Gno1 1000
Mus peropsin Mus Go
Homo encephalopsin Mus Gob
Petromyzon pineal ops. Drosophila dgq
salmon ancient opsin Drosophila Gq
728 Homarus Gq
Columba SWS2 opsin c-opsin
Serinus SWS opsin Panulirus Gq11
996 Petromyzon rhodopsin Limulus Gq 907
Lampetra rhodopsin Patinopecten Gq
Homo rhodopsin Gqα Lymnea Gq
Gallus rhodopsin Loligo Gq
Xenopus rhodopsin Octopus Gq
Patinopecten Go-rhod.
Boophilus 5HTR Bos GL2a
Sus 5HT1D Xenopus Gq11
Mus 5HTR1A Xenopus Gq
Dugesia 5HTR 5HTR Mus Gq
Rattus 5HT-7 Strongyloides Gα

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Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria D. Arendt and J.Wittbrodt 1559

Ax, P. 1995 Das System der Metazoa I. Ein Lehrbuch der

APPENDIX D. ADDITIONAL PHOTORECEPTOR phylogenetischen Systematik. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer.
TYPES? Barber, V. C. & Wright, D. E. 1969 The ¢ne structure of the eye
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photoreceptor cells (Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977). Such
ture of the eye of the mollusc Pecten maximus. Z. Zellforsch.
cells, however, can also be considered subtypes of the Mikrosk. Anat. 76, 295^312.
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Salvini-Plawen & Mayr (1977) also distinguish another ganglion of the tadpole larva of Amaroucium constellatum
`ganglionic type' of photoreceptor cells. These should (Verrill) (Subphylum: Urochordata; class: Ascidiacea). Z.
represent `modi¢ed ganglia cells which never bear cilia', Zellforsch. Mikrosk. Anat. 177, 1^16.
thus deviating from photoreceptor cells of the true rhab- Bartolomaeus, T. 1987 Ultrastruktur des Photorezeptors der
domeric type (which are of epidermal origin and thus Trochophora von Anaiotides mucosa Oersted (Phyllodocidae,
bear simple or reduced cilia, see above). Examples should Annelida). Microfauna Marina 3, 411^418.
be the Hesse and Joseph cells in Branchiostoma (not expres- Bartolomaeus, T. 1992a Ultrastructure of the photoreceptors in
sing Pax6) and the larval photoreceptors in Polychaeta certain larvae of the Annelida. Microfauna Marina 7, 191^214.
Bartolomaeus, T. 1992b Ultrastructure of the photoreceptors in
(Salvini-Plawen & Mayr 1977, p. 226). Eakin (1979)
the larvae of Lepidochiton cinereus (Mollusca, Polyplacophora)
already considered the `ganglionic' type `not signi¢cantly and Lacuna divaricata (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Microfauna
di¡erent from his rhabdomeric type', stating that `if a Marina 7, 215^236.
careful search were made, cilia would be found in the Bartolomaeus, T. 1998 Chaetogenesis in polychaetous
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. . . in ectodermally derived organs' (Eakin 1979). Van£e- tion of the Pogonophora. Zoology 100, 348^364.
teren & Coomans (1982, p. 108) also see `no advantage to Bhatia, J., Davies, A., Gaudoin, J. B. & Saibil, H. R. 1996
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Axogenesis in the embryonic brain of the grasshopper
chaete larval photoreceptors (Eakin & Westfall 1964;
Schistocerca gregaria: an identi¢ed cell analysis of early brain
Holborow & Laverack 1972; Brandenburger & Eakin development. Development 121, 75^86.
1981; Bartolomaeus 1987, 1992a; Marsden & Hsieh 1987; Brandenburger, J. L. & Eakin, R. M. 1981 Fine structure of
Rhode 1992) and in Hesse and Jospeh cells of Branchio- ocelli in larvae of an archiannelid, Polygordius cf. appendicu-
stoma (Ruiz & Anadon 1991a) clari¢ed the issue, and latus. Zoomorpology 99, 23^36.
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Figure 9. Phylogenetic tree of bilaterian opsins and G-a subunits and their relation to ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptors.
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