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Interview Questions and Answers for Data Analyst freshers :

Q1. What is data analytics, and why is it important in today's business world?

> Ans: Data analytics is the process of examining, cleaning, transforming, and
interpreting data to gain insights and make informed business decisions. It is
important in improving operational efficiency, identifying trends/patterns, predicting
future outcomes, and gaining a competitive edge.

Q2. What is the difference between a sample and a population, and how do you
use this information in data analysis?

> Ans: A sample is a subset of a population, while a population is the entire set of
data. I use this information to draw conclusions about the population based on the
sample data.

Q3. Can you walk me through a typical data analysis project from start to

> Ans: A typical data analysis project involves identifying the problem, collecting and
cleaning the data, analyzing the data, visualizing the results, and communicating the

Q4. Explain the process of data cleaning and preprocessing. Why is it


> Ans: The steps involved in data cleaning are handling missing values, removing
duplicates, correcting inconsistencies, and transforming data formats. Data cleaning
is important to ensure data accuracy, improve model performance, and avoid biased
or misleading results.

Q5. How would you approach analyzing a large dataset with missing values?
What techniques or tools would you use?

> Ans: Techniques like imputation can be used where missing values are filled in
based on existing deletion of rows/columns with high missingness. Tools like Power
BI And Python libraries (e.g data, org., Pandas, XY Y NumPy) Can be used for data
manipulation and imputation.


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