English Festival 2023

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Theme: English as a Global Language: Bridging Cultures, Connecting the World

Contested Activities:
I. Spelling Contest
1/8 illustration board, chalk, and eraser or whiteboard, white board marker, and eraser

1. The contest is open to all pupils.
2. The word will be read twice by the quiz master. After the first reading, he will
give the meaning of the word and use it in the sentence. Then, he will read the
word again. After the second reading, the quiz master will say “GO”; only then
the contestants will be allowed to write the answer. Automatically, a ten-second
time limit will begin with the word “GO” by the quiz master.
3. After the time limit, the bell rings. The contestants should stop writing and show
their writing boards with their answers to the judges. Words should be spelled in
ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Failure to do so, the answer will be invalid and mark as a
wrong answer.
4. Point system shall be used. Scores will be reflected in the tally board and shall be
reflected in the written tally sheets.
5. There will be four (4) rounds: EASY, AVERAGE, DIFFICULT and CLINCHER.
Note: Clincher round takes place only if there is a tie.
6. Five (5) words will be spelled for each round except in the clincher round. There
will be as many words to be spelled until the tie is broken.
7. Points are assigned for each category.
8. A contestant who will get the highest points will be declared the winner.
9. American pronunciation will be used but American or British spelling will also be

II. Quiz Bee

1. The contest is open to all pupils.
2. The questions will be from the reviewer provided by the Quiz Master prior to the
3. The contest will have three (3) rounds: Easy, Average, and Difficult round. There
will be ten (10) questions for the EASY, five (5) questions for the AVERAGE, and
five (5) questions for the DIFFICULT round.
4. The quiz master shall read each question twice. After the second reading, the
quiz master shall say the word “GO”. Only then the contestants shall begin
writing their answers on the boards provided. The time allotment is 10 seconds
for each question.
5. After the time limit and the buzzer sound, the contestant will automatically stop
writing. The contestants should raise their answer and the correct answer will be
flashed on the screen.

III. Declamation
1. The piece will be provided prior to the contest.
2. The delivery must not exceed three (3) minutes. The timer will ring the bell at
the end of two (2) minutes, and one (1) point shall be deducted (from each
judge’s total score, for every ten (10) seconds exceeded.
Interpretation 35%
Mastery of the Piece 20%
Pronunciation 10%
Enunciation 10%
Stress and Accent 15%
Stage Presence 10%
Total 100%
IV. Interpretive Reading
1. Piece/material maybe a poem or a strong oratorical excerpt.
2. It should be read and not to exceed five (5) minutes.
3. The same piece is given to the contestant one (1) hour before his/her delivery.
4. The contestants will be isolated in a room an hour before the contest starts. No
coach/trainer/teacher is allowed to stay in the room. In the contest proper, the
contestant will be called one by one according to their number.
5. The timer will ring the bell at the end of five (5) minutes. One point shall be
deducted (from every judge total score) every ten (10) seconds exceeded.
Interpretation/Performance 50%
Diction (Pronunciation/Enunciation,
Intonation, Stress) 40%
Stage Presence 10%
Total 100%
V. Readers’ Theater
1. Each group must contain 10 to 15 participants.
2. The piece to be performed for the Reader’s Theater must be Pop, Poppity, Pop!
for the lower primary and Train Ride for the higher primary only.
3. Participants must use long white folder as props for the competition.
4. Participants can wear head props for the competition.
1. Staging ------------------------------------------------ 20%
Effective use of stage
2. Physical Delivery -------------------------------------30%
Stage Presence
Eye Contact
3. Vocal Delivery ---------------------------------------- 30%
Vocal Variety
4. Over-all Effectiveness ------------------------------- 20%
Group Appearance
Group Energy and Interaction
Total Points -------------------------------------------- 100%

VI. Poster-Making
1. The contest is open to all pupils.
2. The theme for the poster making shall be: English as a Global Language:
Bridging Cultures, Connecting the World
3. The time will be limit to 1 hour and 30 minutes. If the contestant will exceed in
the time allotted, there will be a deduction of score.
4. One-eighth (1/8) illustration board shall be used by the participants.
5. Criteria:
Relevance to the Theme 30%
Originality 25%
Creativity 15%
Color Harmony 15%
Visual Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%

VII. Slogan Contest

1. The contest is open to all pupils.
2. The theme for the slogan-making shall be: English as a Global Language:
Bridging Cultures, Connecting the World
3. One-eighth (1/8) illustration board shall be used by the participants.
4. The slogan shall be written in English with a minimum of 10 words and shall not
exceed 15 words. Failure to follow this guideline would result to a deduction of
5. The time will be limit to 1 hour and 30 minutes. If the contestant will exceed in
the time allotted, there will be a deduction of score.
6. Any coloring material is acceptable.
7. Criteria:
Relevance to the Theme 30%
Originality 30%
Creativity 25%
Impact and Presentation 10%
Neatness 5%

Other activities
1. Tongue Twister
2. Arrange Me! (Jumbled Sentences)
3. Singing Contest

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