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Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas 4 dengan kunci jawaban di akhir:

Soal Pilihan Ganda:

1. What is the correct spelling? a. Languge b. Languaje c. Language d. Languagge

2. Choose the correct sentence: a. She am a teacher. b. She is a teacher. c. She are a teacher.
d. She be a teacher.
3. What is the opposite of "happy"? a. Sad b. Angry c. Excited d. Joyful
4. Which of the following is a fruit? a. Carrot b. Banana c. Potato d. Broccoli
5. How do you spell the number 15? a. Fifteen b. Fiveteen c. Fivtene d. Fifteen
6. Choose the correct pronoun: I saw ____ at the park yesterday. a. He b. She c. They d. It
7. What is the past tense of "sing"? a. Sanged b. Sung c. Singed d. Sing
8. Identify the verb in the sentence: "The cat is sleeping." a. Cat b. Is c. Sleeping d. The
9. Which of the following is a mammal? a. Turtle b. Fish c. Elephant d. Frog
10. Choose the correct preposition: The book is ___ the shelf. a. In b. On c. Under d. Behind
11. What is the plural form of "child"? a. Childs b. Childen c. Children d. Child's
12. Which of the following is a proper noun? a. city b. mountain c. river d. Paris
13. Identify the adverb in the sentence: "She speaks softly." a. She b. Speaks c. Softly d.
Speaks softly
14. What is the synonym of "happy"? a. Sad b. Angry c. Joyful d. Excited
15. Choose the correct conjunction: I want to play soccer, ___ it is raining. a. And b. But c.
Or d. So
16. What is the main color of the sun? a. Red b. Yellow c. Blue d. Green
17. How many sides does a rectangle have? a. Three b. Four c. Five d. Six
18. What is the capital city of Australia? a. Sydney b. Melbourne c. Canberra d. Brisbane
19. Choose the correct form of the verb: She ___ to the store every day. a. Go b. Goes c.
Going d. Gone
20. What is the correct order of the alphabet? a. A-Z b. Z-A c. M-R d. R-M

Kunci Jawaban:

1. c. Language
2. b. She is a teacher.
3. a. Sad
4. b. Banana
5. a. Fifteen
6. b. She
7. b. Sung
8. c. Sleeping
9. c. Elephant
10. a. In
11. c. Children
12. d. Paris
13. c. Softly
14. c. Joyful
15. b. But
16. b. Yellow
17. b. Four
18. c. Canberra
19. b. Goes
20. a. A-Z

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