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Kalyani Govt.

Engineering College

Department of Computer Applica on

Programming through python (Theory)

Paper code - MCAN 101 Year- 2023-25


Saikat Mazumder


a) What are the arithme c operators in python?

Explain with example.
b) What is the role of indenta on in python?
Provide example to support your answer

a) Arithme c Operators in Python:

i) Addi on (+): Add two Operands Example:

ii) Subtrac on: Subtracts the right operand from
le operand
iii) Mul plica on: mul ply two operands Example:

iv) Division: Divides the le operand by the right

operand. Note that in Python 3, this operator
always returns a floa ng-point number.

v) Floor Division: (//) Similar to the division but it

returns the largest integer less than or equal to the result
vi) Modulus: % Returns the remainder of the division
of the le operand by the right operand.

vii) Exponen a on: (**) raises the le operand to

the power of right operand
b) What is the role of indenta on in python?
Provide example to support your answer
Ans- In Python indenta on is very important. For most of
language like c++, c indenta on is a ma er of style but for
python it is not like that. If you don’t use proper indenta
on, it will give you error. Python uses indenta on to
indicate the grouping of statements. Indenta on is crucial
for the proper structure and execu on of Python code.

Block Structure: In python indenta on is used to define the

block structure of code such as loops, condi onal statement,
func on defini on Blocks of code with the same level of
indenta on are considered part of the same block or scope.

Readability: Python relies on indenta on to make the

code more readable. It enforces a consistent and
visually clear way of represen ng the structure of the
code, promo ng a clean and organized coding style.

2 a) Write a python program to calculate the area of

rectangle and circle and print the result. Take input from
user (length, breadth and radius).
b) Write a python program to swap two numbers
without temporary variable.
c) Explain if-elif condi on. When do we use it?
Explain with example.
a) area of rectangle and Circle:

b) Swap two variable without using third variable:

If-elif condi on in python is used to handle mul ple
condi on in a more structured way. It allows you to
check mul ple condi on sequen ally and execute
the block of code associated with the first condi on
that evaluates to True. If none of the condi ons is
true, an op onal else block can be executed.
ii) We would use if-elif statements when we have a
series of condi ons that are mutually exclusive, meaning that
only one of them should be true, and we want to execute a
corresponding block of code based on which condi on is sa


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