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Innovations in agri-food biotechnology: Megatrends in tropical

Mexican fruits
José Alberto Solis-Navarrete a, *, Saray Bucio-Mendoza b, Federico Stezano-Pérez c
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Morelia, 58190, Mexico
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, 58030, Mexico
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azacaptozalco, Ciudad de, 02128, Mexico


Agri-food policy
Technology surveillance

1. Introduction of progress in both dimensions of these value chains make up two critical
aspects that determine the dynamics of any value chain and allow us to
Industrial policies for the rural and agri-food sectors can have a understand their needs for the articulation of the linkages, the incor­
decisive influence in promoting processes of structural change, under­ poration of new actors, and the processes for improvement and scaling
stood as processes of transition towards more technically and produc­ up within the chain and with surrounding sectors. This diagnosis pro­
tively complex activities, thus when this type of policies are articulated vides critical elements for the future design of possible strategies to
with those oriented to promote innovation it is possible to generate strengthen (and expand) the chain’s actors and move towards higher
products based on the intensive use of knowledge [1]. In this context, techno-productive complexity activities [8].
from a value chain perspective, an effective development policy in rural Mexico is a world leader in the value of production of different goods
areas would favour higher integration and complementarity of activ­ in the agri-food sector, highlighting the tropical products of the states of
ities, markets, and sectors to increase the added value of value chain Guerrero and Oaxaca. Both states are the country’s least competitive and
activities, rural employment, higher linkages with other sectors, and developed regions [9]. Guerrero is a leader in the value production of
fostering the development of learning and innovation processes [2]. foods such as coconut and mango, while Oaxaca produces papaya
The absence of industrial and innovation policies, as evidenced by [10.11].
institutional weaknesses, the lack of incentives, and the poor linkage The state of Guerrero contributes 80% of the more than 220,000
between actors in an innovation system, as per [3–5], reflect lags in the tonnes of coconut per year [11], which places Mexico as the
development (and their development policies) of regions in countries seventh-largest coconut producer in the world. However, there is a
such as Mexico, despite having a vital agri-food vocation [6]. In contrast, considerable gap between this country and the leading producers, such
in Europe, different policy frameworks have been motivated by a as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, and Brazil [12]). On the other hand,
mission-oriented approach to industrial and innovation policy in a Guerrero is also the entity with the highest volume of national mango
broader sense, i.e., a development policy to address sustainable devel­ production, with 19.4% of the 1.8 million tonnes produced in Mexico
opment objectives [7]. [10], placing the country in fifth place worldwide [13], whose export
Within this framework, this paper diagnoses three agri-food value value exceeds $460 million [10]. The state of Oaxaca contributes 31% of
chains in Mexico from a megatrends perspective in order of their prog­ the national production of papaya, representing around 250,000 tonnes
ress in agri-food biotechnology and levels of production gaps. The levels [11]; however, the national production of papaya makes Mexico the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J.A. Solis-Navarrete), (S. Bucio-Mendoza), (F. Stezano-Pérez).
Received 18 October 2022; Received in revised form 23 March 2023; Accepted 19 June 2023
0172-2190/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: José Alberto Solis-Navarrete et al., World Patent Information,
J.A. Solis-Navarrete et al. World Patent Information xxx (xxxx) xxx

third-largest producer and leading exporter worldwide [14]. of the world for these products of the agri-food sector.
The three products have a low technological content and little value
addition, as they are marketed fresh, with only packaging as an indus­ 2. Theoretical framework
trial activity. This is a result of value chains without complexity and low
income at the sectoral level, requiring low-skilled and low-paid labour. Megatrends consist of the direction taken simultaneously by different
One of the direct consequences is a lower investment in research and aspects of society, which can be economic, such as the presence of new
development (R&D) by the participating companies, leading to low sectors and consumer preferences, as well as technological, such as the
participation in projects from the National Council for Science and result of new forms of production, with significant noticeable effects on
Technology (CONACyT), the governing authority for science technology society for more than a decade [19]. Thus, in these periods, technologies
and innovation policy in Mexico. emerge that are consolidating and are capable of generating superior
On the other hand, higher education institutions such as universities products and services, as is the case of biotechnology, which consists of
and research centres are strategic actors in generating knowledge. They the search for ways to manipulate and improve biological processes in
have often been disconnected from the demands of the economic sectors, living organisms [20]. Biotechnology applications by sector are mainly
as is the case with the agri-food sector. There is also a certain tendency divided into the environmental [21], pharmaceutical [22], and
among public knowledge agents to carry out research with obsolete agri-food [23].
technology, existing results, or limited potential for innovation due to a In the analysis of innovation, we can underline different social
lack of mechanisms for detecting the state of the art of what is already megatrends [19] that can be linked to the following aspects: (a) new
protected and its valorisation in the market. In this logic, a large part of demographic structures, with existing food technologies such as bioac­
the problem is that few institutions and fewer companies have mecha­ tive agents, bacteria fermentation, fortification, and freeze-drying or
nisms for detecting existing technologies; this avoids unnecessary ex­ lyophilisation; (b) green consumption with products such as organic
penses for carrying out R&D activities on already existing products and fruit and vegetables, precision farming crops, microorganisms as sub­
processes with specific trends in the filing of related patents, under the stitutes for chemical insecticides, and soil bioremediation; c) products
association between the scientific–technological (tech-push) and the and services such as semi-processed food companies, food sensors that
market demand (market-pull). alert about the presence of pollutants and synthetic products, and
From a technological innovation approach, patents are the primary functional foods; d) customised, lifelong, and universal education; and
indicator of the results of knowledge generated for innovation (output) e) everyday virtuality, with business models and alternative channels to
[15], consisting of exclusive rights to the owners of an invention for its trade products and biotechnology monitored in agricultural regions.
use, sale, or licensing for a period. They are regularly valid in Mexico Our research is linked to other megatrend studies related to the
and worldwide for 20 years from when the application was filed and analysis of the following sectors.
must meet the requirements of novelty, industrial application, and in­
ventive step [16]. Patents can be owned by institutions such as univer­ ● Information and communication technologies, particularly in the
sities and research centres, individuals, and companies; however, the evolution of mobile telephony [24] as well as digitalisation and its
latter can take them to the market because they have commercial ob­ contribution to sustainability [25].
jectives, although universities are sources of patent generation. It is ● Tourism towards a focus on sustainability, economic growth and
essential to have an overview of the global state of the art and thus be social change [26].
able to propose mechanisms for technology transfer. ● Chemicals where the transition to a renewable chemicals industry is
From the megatrends analysis, the food sector will become one of the needed as much as the transition to renewable energy [27].
most dynamic, with consumption patterns oriented towards efficiency
and easy-to-prepare food. Food products with higher technological On the other hand, in the field of agriculture and the agri-food sector,
content incorporated and, therefore, higher expenditure for faster we can also find megatrend studies on public policy in agri-food value
preparation will also be one of the global trends [17], evident in the chains [28]; the geographical analysis of megatrends as a forecast of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Megatrends are also about increasing efficiency future of agriculture in Europe [29]; as well as a forecast of agricultural
and supplying global food demand, highlighting the pivotal role of and food systems to 2050 where technology innovation is fundamental
biotechnology [18]. in the evolution of the sector.
However, there are gaps in the existing scientific literature because Our analysis is also linked to technological convergence, in which
studies on megatrends and technological convergence are separated. R&D becomes a fundamental part of economic development towards
The relevance of our research in a scientific and practical context derives higher value and more complex sectors. This makes it possible to facil­
from the patent analysis proposed for agri-food biotechnology, itate knowledge exchanges that favour innovation, hence the idea of
contributing to addressing the research gaps to articulate the concepts of converging sectors such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, information
technological convergence and megatrends in the identified categories, technologies (IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence), and cognitive
which will also facilitate future research related to technology fore­ sciences [30].
casting and the promotion of public policy that encourages technology The idea of technology convergence is associated with the acronym
transfer, particularly from universities and research centres, to com­ NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) [31], with synergies and linkages between
panies that value these innovations in the market, facilitating a higher different scientific fields and technological developments, resulting in
economic and social contribution in the agri-food chains. more complex dimensions [32] from an interdisciplinary perspective of
Given the above, this work will be articulated around a central convergence to convergence in business and technology management.
research question, the formulation of which is presented below. Based The establishment of science, technology, and innovation agendas,
on the analysis of the type of technological surveillance and the through the leadership of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and its
distinctive characteristics of the predominant innovations in agri-food vision of convergence with significant social and economic contribu­
biotechnology (i.e., coconut, mango, papaya) as reflected in their pat­ tions, has favoured the development of long-term R&D financing pro­
ents: in which technological-productive and market segments are the grammes [32] are directly linked to the analysis of megatrends through
main knowledge gaps between Mexico and the rest of the world? In the setting of public policy.
order to address this research question, the paper is structured around Thus, megatrends consider changes in innovation management to­
two main objectives: (1) to identify the megatrends associated with in­ wards lean approaches and converging sectors and how innovation
novations in agri-food biotechnology in coconut, mango, and papaya, processes are conducted, the emergence of new consumers with new
and (2) to correlate the technological gaps between Mexico and the rest ways of exercising purchasing power and influence, and a greater focus

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on efficient use of natural resources. Megatrends allow for rethinking of Table 1

innovation management in a “reverse” way. Fast technological advances IPCs related to the agri-food sector.
allow companies to seek new ways of interacting with and under­ Section Subsection
standing customers, especially in developing countries. Finally, mega­
A – Current necessities of life A01 Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing
trends also focus on new concepts of solutions and co-creation involving A21 Oven cooking
customers and competitors and new ways of measuring innovation A22 Meat and meat processing
management performance [33]. A23 Oven cooking
According to Ref. [34], innovation is present in megatrends such as A61 Veterinary sciences
B – Miscellaneous industrial B01 General physical or chemical processes or
the acceleration of technological innovation, in which the following techniques apparatus
stand out: (i) those related to food in the search for food sovereignty and B02 Grinding, powdering, and disintegration
(ii) adding value to food through its applications and the development of B05 Spraying and atomisation in general
genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This point is central to growing B07 Separation of solids
C – Chemistry C01 Inorganic chemistry
food scarcity, which forces us to seek and find new ways to reduce
C05 Fertilisers
resource use, improve efficiency, promote reuse, and explore substitute C07 Organic chemistry
material solutions. C08 Organic macromolecular compounds
Finally, megatrend analysis can be addressed through the perspec­ C11 Oils, fats, and others
tive of competitive intelligence [35,36], whose approach links to the C12 Biochemistry, beer, alcoholic beverages,
vinegar, and others
project portfolio, which, according to Ref. [37], is divided into four C13 Sugar industry
cycles: plan, document, improve, and verify. From this assumption,
technology surveillance [38] starts from planning for documentation by Source: Authors’ elaboration based on [45].
having as a basis the state of the art or current technique through in­
tellectual property, namely patents or exclusivity rights for the use and search period in Patentscope between September 2021 and March 2022,
licensing of inventions with industrial application that start from in­ we completed and extended the information from 2018 to 2020 to have
ventive activity. more robust results as part of the megatrends analysis (at least ten
On the other side, scientific articles are also a source of information years).
in the technology surveillance process. However, patents are validated Both searches were carried out in the Patentscope patent database of
and proven mature technologies that trace technological routes of the WIPO, which has the most significant number of databases of the
competitive intelligence [39,40]; this is linked to technology fore­ different patent offices worldwide. The 12 categories identified with the
casting, as it allows trend analysis under exploratory methods that classification in Table 1 for coconut, mango, and papaya from 2009 to
provide insight into the direction of technology through trend extrapo­ 2020 were related to the megatrends analysis. We built a database in
lation using time-series data to develop future projections [41]. which we eliminated duplicated patents either by being in several cat­
egories or at least two IPCs with the same patent number.
3. Materials and methods The results of the technology surveillance are shown in two parts: (i)
the comparative analysis of agri-food biotechnology patents between
This research starts from a quantitative approach with both mango, coconut, and papaya in the last 10 years; (ii) the correlational
descriptive and correlational scopes. We analyse patent trends through analysis between what was found for Mexico and the rest of the world
technology surveillance as part of competitive intelligence to identify through ordinary least squares. For this part, we used Eviews 12 soft­
the leading technologies [42,43]. This analysis is associated with co­ ware to address our second objective through time series in which we
conut, mango, and papaya agri-food biotechnology through a semantic analyse the registration of Mexican patents as a correlation of interna­
analysis of technology intelligence by Ref. [44]: a) analyse the literature tional patents for the products through the following equations:
on megatrends associated with agri-food biotechnology, b) identify the cmx = cit + u Eq. 1
deriving technologies and their significance through phrase extraction,
c) set up relations to target the keywords in the megatrends analysed mmx = mit + u Eq. 2
above; thus, we identify twelve categories: organic, bioremediation,
pmx = pit + u Eq. 3
bioactive, fermentation, fortification, lyophilisation, bio-sensor, syn­
thetic, functional food, genetics, GMOs, and biotechnology [18,19]. The variables correspond to a) coconut patents in Mexico (cmx) and
Those classifications were identified with the categories in the In­ coconut patents at the international level (cit); b) mango patents in
ternational Patent Classification (IPC) of the World Intellectual Property Mexico (mmx) and mango patents at the international level (mmi); and c)
Organisation [45] related to directly applicable technologies, as shown papaya patents in Mexico (pmx) and papaya patents at the international
in Table 1. level (pit). Once the data for the last 10 years were obtained, we
The patent search string is configured by the combinations of the excluded the results from Mexico for the global analysis to avoid
three products analysed with the twelve categories we have identified. duplication of information and statistical errors, mainly due to multi­
To do this, it is first necessary to identify the food products to be ana­ collinearity. Subsequently, we applied a unit root test (Dickey–Fuller
lysed. Secondly we conduct a semantic analysis of the literature on test) requiring the first level of integration. The PROB value was less
megatrends using competitive intelligence [44]. Subsequently, the re­ than 0.05 (i.e., stationarity is ruled out at a 95% statistical confidence
sults were combined through particular searches between the IPCs level). The data are related to each other with one degree of difference to
shown in Table for each agri-food product and each megatrend (cate­ be able to conduct non-spurious regressions. The relevance of our
gories). The next phase consisted of a search in Patentscope from method combines megatrend analysis, technology surveillance, and
January to July 2019 with information updated to August 31, 2018,1 time-series data, describing a past and future forecast analysis of agri-
following the results obtained for coconut and mango by Ref. [46]. In a food products and their relative importance of patentability between a
second period, we extended the analysis to papaya. Moreover, in a new country and the rest of the world. In summary, the research process is
described in Fig. 1.

This generates a bias in the information for this year, as patent registrations
obtained between September and December were not yet available in the

J.A. Solis-Navarrete et al. World Patent Information xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Research process.

Source: Authors’ elaboration

4. Results products and processes in the search for a healthier diet and which, as
can be seen in Fig. 2, show (i) a more significant development of tech­
From 2009 to 2020, 2684 patents were registered worldwide for the nologies associated with coconut, for example, while for coconut more
three fruits in the different categories analysed. The first category of than 50 patents were registered on average per year, for mango and
megatrends associated with agri-food biotechnology is that of organic papaya there were 11 and 6, respectively (in addition to the fact that

Fig. 2. Patents related to organics.

Source: Authors’ elaboration with data from Patentscope [47].

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coconut has a lower standard deviation); and (ii) a critical contribution more than 800 patents, of which half are for coconut, 25% for mango,
from the United Kingdom and China for the former, while China is the and 25% for papaya. As seen in Fig. 5, in recent years, inventions have
leading developer for the latter, mainly developing organic fertilisers doubled and tripled, mainly from China, with an essential contribution
and applications to horticulture in the sector. from its universities and technology centres at the regional level linked
In this category, there are six mango patents for Mexico whose ap­ to the development of food, medical and dental preparations, as well as
plicants are CONACYT centres such as the Centro de Investigación wine and alcoholic beverages. In this manner, the technological fore­
Científica de Yucatán (CICY), the Centro de Investigación en Química sight associated with fermentation processes has been expanding the
Aplicada (CIQA), and the state universities of Hidalgo and Guanajuato. dynamism of the megatrend in biotechnology in recent years.
There are also four Mexican patents related to papaya, also registered by As a result of the technology surveillance, the existence of few pat­
CIQA and CICY, and natural person with business activity related to ents related to dehydration through lyophilisation is notable: 12 for
developing of fungicides and pest control. coconut and 7 for both mango and papaya, mainly in the development of
In the case of decontaminant technologies through biotechnology, foodstuffs, as well as dairy products or milk substitutes, of which China
such as bioremediation, there are no patents worldwide derived from also has the largest share of patents obtained. This is not far from what
coconut, mango, and papaya in the period analysed, only applications of happens with synthetic developments in creating new purposes that do
the first product to the non-food industrial sector. not exist in nature, where 11 patents are associated with coconut, 15
Regarding food-related megatrends and technological convergence with mango, and 24 with papaya. Remarkably, three-quarters of these
in biotechnology, we highlight functional foods with approximately 150 were obtained in the last four years and in IPCs such as organic chem­
patents for the period analysed, of which China, Korea, and Japan are istry, macromolecular compounds, and agro-industrial (non-food) de­
the countries leading such developments. Also, as shown in Fig. 3, most velopments such as medical, dental, and cosmetic applications and
of the patents are derived from coconut (94), followed by papaya (27) therefore with little linkage to the megatrends and converging tech­
and mango (22), mostly coming from similar IPCs identified, as well as nologies we have identified. The UK and China stand out in this case,
bioactive and fortification of food products, beverages, edible oils, and and Mexico has four patents.
fats. According to the trends identified, the technology forecast for For the field of synthetic biology, closely related to genetics [48], 79
bioactive and fortification is growing, mainly as observed with papaya patents were identified (66% for coconut, 24% for mango, and 10% for
from 2017 to 2020. papaya). Of these, applicants from China hold the largest share of
In the context of megatrends on the convergence of biotechnology, granted rights, most notably for developments of microorganisms or
there are 57 patents directly related to the development of bioactive enzymes obtained from genetic engineering as well as applications for
products and processes and fortification, mostly the same patents were plant propagation.
found for both categories (including fortified coconut and mango); 63% Also, although it is not agri-food, we highlight the development of
are for coconut, 32% for mango, and only 5% (3 patents) for papaya antiviral mosaic vaccines from papaya; both synthetics and genetics can
(Fig. 4). Most of the developments come from India, China, and the be seen in Fig. 6. Finally, associated with genetics, no GMOs patents
Philippines, mainly from coconut. They consist of developing foods, were identified for the three products analysed.
food products, and non-alcoholic beverages with bioactive principles The development of converging technologies that combine biotech­
with higher technological content. In fortification, patents related to the nology with information technologies for agri-food applications, such as
development of foods with a higher degree of technological content bio-sensors from nature and the aforementioned synthetic biology, can
were also found. have multiple applications, such as enzyme composition sampling, pest
In developing fermentation-based products and processes, we found detection, and the presence of pollutants [49]. It has generated high

Fig. 3. Patents in functional foods.

Source: Authors’ elaboration with data from Patentscope (WIPO [47],

J.A. Solis-Navarrete et al. World Patent Information xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Patents in bioactive and fortification.

Source: Authors’ elaboration with data from Patentscope [47].

Fig. 5. Patents in fermentation.

Source: Authors’ elaboration with data from Patentscope [47].

expectations in innovations related to the agri-food sector. However, in agri-food biotechnology, of which more than 95% come from China,
the period analysed, for coconut, mango, and papaya, 15, 3, and 1 with these results, it is expected that the technology forecast is
patents were obtained, respectively, registered in the IPC for machines increasing, taking into consideration the Patentscope cut-off dates. As
or devices to treat fruit crops, with China, India, and Mexico standing seen in Fig. 7, most of the patents were obtained in the last five years,
out as applicants. mainly for food, plant novelties and processes, and biochemistry. They
Finally, as part of this first analysis of megatrends through technol­ were fewer than the patents obtained in non-agri-food industrial sectors,
ogy surveillance, when considering the general category of biotech­ such as medical, dental, and therapeutic applications; therefore, they are
nology and excluding the rest of the categories analysed above, 366 not linked to converging technologies such as biotechnology, particu­
patents were detected for coconut, 77 for mango, and 176 for papaya on larly agri-food.

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Fig. 6. Patents on synthetic and genetic developments.

Source: Authors’ elaboration with data from Patentscope

Fig. 7. Patents in agri-food biotechnology (excluding the above categories).

Source: Authors’ elaboration with data from Patentscope [47].

When integrating the patents of the categories analysed in Table 2, stand out. In contrast, in the agri-food sector, patents from Chinese
we identify a higher dynamic of inventiveness in agri-food biotech­ companies predominate for mango and coconut, as in the case of China,
nology in coconut than in mango and papaya at the international level. in addition to the participation of other Asian countries such as Japan,
For each patent registered for mango or papaya, between three and four India, South Korea, and the Philippines.
are generated for coconut, most primarily associated with oils, organics, On the other hand, Mexico’s small contribution is notorious, espe­
and fermentation processes to obtain fertilisers. cially in the case of coconut. Despite having the highest number of
In agro-industrial applications derived from coconut, companies patents of the three products analysed, it has the smallest share of the
such as Procter & Gamble, Colgate Palmolive, Unilever, and Dupont total number of patents obtained (1.1%), in contrast to mango (3.4%)

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Table 2
Patents in agri-food biotechnology for coconut, mango, and papaya.
Year Coconut Mango Papaya

International Mexico International Mexico International Mexico

2009 24 1 1 0 9 1
2010 31 0 10 0 3 0
2011 52 3 6 2 9 0
2012 28 0 5 0 10 0
2013 31 1 6 3 21 3
2014 86 1 16 0 46 0
2015 83 0 19 0 22 2
2016 164 5 34 0 74 0
2017 232 3 42 1 105 1
2018 294 3 113 2 86 2
2019 234 0 54 4 96 1
2020 210 0 45 0 65 1

Source: Authors’ elaboration with data from Patentscope

and papaya (2.0%). In the case of coconut, patents come mainly from categories stand out, with a remarkable contribution from Mexico. The
foreign companies located in the country, individuals, and the National case of papaya is notable in fermentation and genetics, with a dynamic
Polytechnic Institute. For mango and papaya, patents were obtained led by China and India, and especially the role of the CONACYT centres
mainly through public research centres such as the CICY mentioned (CICY and CIQA) in developing technologies in Mexico.
above, CIQA, the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVES­ This scenario ratifies the considerable need for the knowledge-
TAV), and two state universities. Finally, Mexico’s contribution for 2011 generating sectors to intervene in the productive sector. This require­
and 2013 in the category related to organics and synthetics stands out. ment confronts a decisive process in the dynamics of public actors
The total number of patents obtained during the period analysed un­ generating knowledge: they cannot directly commercialise their
derstood as a megatrend in agri-food biotechnology for the three prod­ advanced and protected technologies. This dilemma makes it necessary
ucts, is shown below. to re-discuss strategies that make it possible to take advantage of the
With the results in Table 2, we performed three regressions, one for knowledge and inventions generated by the scientific sector and favour
each product, as described in the materials and methods section. Each the link between academia and business. The above is necessary to in­
regression was performed with a level of integration (Dickey–Fuller crease innovative capabilities and conduct R&D activities in collabora­
test). They behave with statistical normality at any statistical confidence tion with the scientific sector.
level and do not present heteroscedasticity, as they have non-zero re­ Through the regressions, it was possible to address the second
siduals and a PROB value higher than 0.05 by White’s test. They also objective. The correlational analysis shows that the dynamics of inno­
show no autocorrelation at the 99% statistical confidence level. Using vation in agri-food biotechnology in the three products are not associ­
the Breusch–Godffrey test, there is a seasonal pattern in two lags and a ated with international activity. With similar equations and coefficients
PROB value of 0.0000, so we applied binaries and seasonal adjustment, between coconut, mango, and papaya, we found notable gaps in tech­
thereby eliminating multicollinearity. nology development and protection between Mexico and the rest of the
For coconut, the equation is 0.7094cmx = 0.0057cit + u, with a world. The dynamics in Mexico are not correlated with the global dy­
correlation coefficient r2 of 0.1145 or 11.45% and a PROB value of namics of the innovative activities identified as part of the megatrends;
0.2818. The independent variable (patents at the international level for This can be derived from the fact that Mexico participated with a low
coconut) is not representative, so there is no relationship between in­ percentage of the total number of patents granted in the categories
ventiveness in Mexico with that of the rest of the world regarding co­ analysed for these 12 years; in this sense, it does not assume an active
conut agri-food biotechnology. role in the global patenting dynamics and, therefore, if we consider
In mango, the equation is 0.5735mx = 0.0146it + u, with a correlation patents as an indicator of the results of the innovation process, inno­
coefficient r2 of 0.1080 or 10.80% and a PROB value of 0.2969. The vative activity in Mexico concerning tropical fruits coconut, mango, and
independent variable (patents at the international level for mango) is papaya has not been inserted at the pace of the megatrends.
neither representative. There is no relationship between Mexico and the Instruments such as classification systems and patent databases are
rest of the world in the case of mango. essential in the technology surveillance process as part of project man­
Finally, for papaya, the equation is 0.7627mx = 0.0034it + u, which agement. However, it is necessary to enhance the analysis by consid­
has a correlation coefficient r2 of 0.0166 or 1.66% and a PROB value of ering the technical part; the validation, feasibility, and profitability in
0.4506. Thus, international patents for papaya are not representative the market; and the legal mechanisms involved in protecting technol­
either, and, like the two previous products, there is no relationship be­ ogy. The diagnosis and analysis of the predominant megatrends in these
tween Mexico and the rest of the world. three chains make it possible to identify the state of the art of the
The three equations present similar constants and high PROB values. technologies and their categories.
Therefore, there is no associativity between agri-food biotechnology Our research contributes to the literature mentioned above, partic­
patents generated in coconut, mango, and papaya between Mexico and ularly in the analysis of megatrends in the agri-food sector, which is
the rest of the world. under-researched, especially in the dynamics of coconut, mango and
papaya patents, both for Mexico and internationally in the last twelve
5. Conclusions years. The contribution is also articulated with technology convergence,
highlighting twelve categories of analysis in agri-food biotechnology,
The agri-food biotechnology megatrends show a higher contribution with linkages between different scientific fields and technological de­
of coconut in the emergence of innovations, mainly in organics, syn­ velopments; this contributes to addressing research gaps linked to the
thetics, and fermentation processes, with dynamics associated with R&D analysis of megatrends and technology convergence, particularly in in­
led by Chinese companies. On the contrary, mango shows a lower novations of the agri-food sector. Our study allows us not only to identify
innovative dynamic in which organic, functional food, and synthetic a possible correlation between the patents analysed, but also to facilitate

J.A. Solis-Navarrete et al. World Patent Information xxx (xxxx) xxx

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