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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



A Quantitative Research

Grade 12 GAS B

Subject Teacher

October, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


The Philippines is known for having the highest number of islands in the world. With the
beautiful and bountiful sea, fishing is the main occupation of people living near it, serving as their primary
source of income for their everyday needs. Fisherfolks, as defined by the Collins English Dictionary (1979),
are the people who earn a living by fishing, including fishermen and women collectively. They have a
significant contribution to our aquaculture and provide food for billions of people worldwide. It would be a
great loss without them in our society. However, despite their crucial role, fisherfolks have not been safe
from the challenges and struggles of life, especially in the fishing industry, which is grappling with
environmental and welfare issues, including overfishing and occupational safety. Additionally, the combined
pressures of climate change, biodiversity loss, and overfishing endanger the livelihoods and food security of
a substantial portion of the global population.

According to (Horacio Factura, Francis Thaise A Cimene & Ian Mark Q Nacaya in the
International Journal of Biosciences , 2022), small-scale fishers are the poorest sector in the Philippines.
Regarding this, in Barangay Balanacan, the largest barangay in the district of Mogpog, province of
Marinduque, fishing is the primary source of income for the people. As the area is surrounded by water,
fishing is the only occupation they know.

This research is conducted to investigate the economic and social implications of aquaculture
on the livelihoods of fisherfolks in Barangay Balanacan. This research is significant because aquaculture, as
a growing industry, can exert both positive and negative impacts on coastal communities, particularly those
reliant on traditional fishing practices. The study builds upon the work of experts like Ahmed and Glaser
(2016), who emphasize the importance of assessing aquaculture's effects on local communities. The goal is
to provide valuable insights that can inform local policymakers and stakeholders, promoting sustainable
development practices that enhance the economic well-being and social cohesion of the fisherfolks in
Barangay Balanacan while preserving their cultural heritage and environmental integrity.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


This study aims to assess the economic and social effects of aquaculture on fisherfolks in Barangay
Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1.) What economic and social effects has aquaculture had on the fisherfolks of Barangay Balanacan?

2.) What are the economic and social changes experienced by fisherfolks in Barangay Balanacan as a result
of the introduction of aquaculture?

3.) How the economic and social changes brought about by aquaculture in Barangay Balanacan influenced
the daily lives of the fisherfolks?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


This study aims to investigate the economic and social effects of aquaculture on the fisherfolk of
Barangay Balanacan. The research study will not deeply delve into national or regional policies related to
aquaculture but will mainly concentrate on the local community-level effects. Additionally, the study will
not extensively address the environmental effects of aquaculture, such as water quality, habitat alterations,
and ecological impacts. It will primarily concentrate on economic and social aspects. The study will
compose of 36 respondents. The researcher will use questionnaires as a data collection instrument to gather
all the necessary data for the study, ensuring that the gathered data will be utilised to make the findings of
the study. The study's duration is October-December year 2023.


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

The result and findings of this study will be benefecial to the following:

To Fisherfolks. It can provide insights into how aquaculture impacts their livelihoods, income, and overall
well-being. It can also help identify potential opportunities for income diversification and sustainable fishing

To The Residents Of Barangay. It may shed light on how aquaculture affects the environment and
quality of life in the community.
- Inform residents about the economic and social dynamics.

To Barangay Officials .Improve understanding of the interaction between aquaculture and the
socioeconomic structure of the community. will also make it possible for locals to decide on Barangay
Balanacan's aquaculture practises and rules with knowledge.

To Aquaculture Industry. Provide insightful information on the effect of the industry on local
communities, which might be used to inspire greater ethical and sustainable behaviour. Additionally, it can
improve the industry's standing and social responsibility.

To Future Researcher. Understanding the economic and social effects can help develop strategies to
improve the well-being of fisherfolk and nearby communities, potentially reducing social conflicts and
enhancing livelihoods. It contributes to the body of knowledge by offering insights into the complex
relationship between aquaculture and fisherfolks, providing a foundation for future research and informed
policy decisions.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Fisherfolks. It refers to fishermens/ fisherwomens of Barangay Balanacan.

Economic Effects. Refers to the direct and indirect impacts that aquaculture has on the financial well-being
and livelihoods of fisherfolks, including changes in income, employment opportunities, and overall
economic conditions.

Social Effects. Pertains to the impacts and consequences that aquaculture has on the well-being,
livelihoods, and interactions of the individuals and communities involved in or affected by fisherfolk

Aquaculture. Refers to the source of income for the livelihood of the fisherfolks.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


This study is guided by theory of Resource Dependency by Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) . This theory
describe how an organization's behaviour is influenced by the external resources it has access to. It suggest
that in order to gain access to the resources they require to exist, businesses should negotiate with and
modify their external environment.

This theory investigates how the economic and social dynamics of a society might be impacted by its
reliance on particular resources, in this case fisheries and aquaculture. By changing their reliance on
resources, this theory can be used to analyze how the expansion of aquaculture affects the livelihoods and
social dynamics of fisherfolks. It can also be used to examine how traditional fishing methods and the
introduction of aquaculture interact in the context of resource dependence and the effects this has on
fisherfolks livelihoods and social structures.

Additionally, the Community-Based Resource Management (CBRM) Theory (1960) is another

theory connected to this study. The basic principle of CBRM theory is that local communities should
actively participate in the management and maintenance of natural resources. This idea can be used to
examine how the community of fisherfolks interacts with and might have an impact on the management of
aquaculture resources. Investigating issues like how aquaculture affects community cohesion, how much
fishermen participate in aquaculture-related decisions, how well conflict resolution methods work, and
whether their involvement encourages more ethical and sustainable aquaculture practises. This theory offers
a useful framework for comprehending the dynamic connections between communities engaged in
aquaculture and fishing, illuminating their coordinated actions and resource management approaches.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



The research "Assessing The Economic And Social Effects Of Aquaculture on Fisherfolks In
Barangay Balanacan" looks at the many ways that aquaculture affects the neighborhood's fisherfolk. It is
essential to link with current literature on the economic and social effects of aquaculture, particularly in
coastal areas like Barangay Balanacan, in order to fully investigate this subject.

Research by Samuel-Fitwi et al. (2012) highlights the environmental effects of aquaculture's fast
rise. The social and economic well-being of the people who fish in Barangay Balanacan may be impacted by
the spread of aquaculture, which is frequently practiced close to coastal regions. While previous study has
focused on the environmental and economic elements of aquaculture, there is a glaring dearth in knowledge
on its social impacts on fishermen. The lived experiences and wellbeing of the local fishing community are
frequently ignored in these studies, despite the fact that this is an important component of our study

The resilience of fishermen's livelihoods in the face of dwindling small-scale fisheries has been
evaluated by Amadu et al. (2021), a topic that is closely tied to the effects of aquaculture. This study uses
this research as a valuable point of reference because, although it is not particular to aquaculture, it offers
insights into how changes in the fishing sector might affect the wellbeing of coastal communities.

Samuel-Fitwi et al. (2012) point out that the growth of aquaculture frequently leads to the
exploitation of natural resources, in contrast to the scant study on the social consequences of aquaculture on
fishermen in Barangay Balanacan. This is closely related to the goals of our study since it raises worries
about potential negative social effects for local fisherfolk who largely rely on these resources.

Anthropologists have historically characterized civilizations in terms of patterns and practices

while studying social change. However, Fredrik Barth (1967) argued in favor of an alternative strategy. He
argued that social conduct should be seen as time and resource allocations in order to comprehend change
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

efficiently. This viewpoint, which Barth's study uses as support, enables a more dynamic comprehension of
the evolution of societies. However, the criticism points out that using actual instances would make the
principles more understandable.

Analysis of economic change has been a focus of conventional economics. The presence of wave-
like economic movements and the effects of political unrest were acknowledged by Joseph A. Schumpeter in
1935. His work, as noted, highlights the value of fusing historical, statistical, and analytical methods for
examining economic change.However, a critique highlights the need for more contemporary examples to
better understand today's economic fluctuation.

As the global economic landscape changed, the post-war welfare nations encountered difficulties.
Fritz W. Scharpf (2000) investigated institutional circumstances and national policy responses.
Understanding the difficulties and modifications of welfare states requires reference to Scharpf's studies.
However, the criticism contends that more varied case studies would give a more complete picture of the

A broad theory of economic transformation based on the New Institutional Economics was
presented by Douglass North in 2006. As noted, North's book offers a whole history of humanity. The
criticism contends that case studies and real-world examples would make the principles easier to understand.

Fisherpeople's attempts to plant mangroves in the Philippines were studied by Bradley B. Walters
in 2000. According to the mentioned research, local mangrove restoration has both ecological and financial
benefits. The criticism urges a more thorough examination of ecological repercussions.

Mariefe B. Quiones et al. (2020) examined the socio-economic circumstances of the fishermen in
Iligan Bay and evaluated their means of subsistence, sources of income, and difficulties. The study as it is
cited provides useful information, however it should include more details on the unique difficulties faced by

This Review of Related Literature lays the groundwork for our study, highlighting the need of
examining the economic and social effects of aquaculture on the fishermen in Barangay Balanacan. We seek
to give a thorough knowledge of the effects of aquaculture on the neighborhood by relating our study to
prior literature, eventually assisting in the region's decision-making and sustainable development.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


SOP 1: What economic and social effects has aquaculture had on the fisherfolks of Barangay Balanacan?

Ho : Aquaculture has no economic and social effects on the fisherfolks of Barangay Balanacan

H1: Aquaculture has econic and social effects on the fisherfolks of Barangay Balanacan


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