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Frexie Jane L. Enabe Mrs.

Sarah Manalang
12 HUMSS D Personal Narrative

Always, in All Ways

The sun was setting, as I walked down the street, reminding me of my junior
high school days. I remember how I used to walk the same route every day, filled with
excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. I couldn't help but smile at the
memories of my friends and I running around campus, laughing and joking together.

It was during that time, that I realized, that there was something special about
junior high school. It was a period of time, where I could be carefree and enjoy life
without the pressures of adulthood. I was surrounded by people who understood me,
and I could express myself without fear of judgment. It was a time to explore my
interests and discover who I was.

When I reflect on my junior high days, one of the first things I remember is my
group of friends. We were an odd bunch, but that was part of the charm. We all had
different interests, different backgrounds, and different personalities, but we all had
one thing in common: we all had each other's backs.

I remember spending countless afternoons together after school, playing video

games, watching movies, and just talking. We had inside jokes and shared secrets. We
were like a family, and we were all there for each other when we needed a friend.

As our junior high years came to an end, we all went our separate ways. We all
went to different schools and slowly drifted apart. But even though it's been years
since we've all been together, I still think of those days fondly. We may have gone our
separate ways, but I will always remember the bond we shared and the memories we
made together.

My Junior-High-School-Friends are the people I have met, who left the most
lasting memory. They showed me how to laugh and enjoy life, and they will always
have a special place in my heart.

Junior High School was an important milestone in my life. It was the first time I
felt like I belonged and it gave me the confidence to pursue my goals and dreams. I
am still in touch with many of my friends from those days, but the rest already have a
new friend. This experience was the most memorable part of my life. I look back on
those years with fondness and a smile, knowing that it shaped me into the person I am
today. I'm sure that Junior High School will always be one of the most memorable
parts of our lives.

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