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static IP= self assigning IP( we assign the same IP b/w 2 machine)

DHCP= if any machine is live on the network then it alot a IP

but we assign the range of IP
(the working of DHCP is only the "Assigning the IP")
- the goal of DHCP is assigning the unique IP

to check the IP
ip addr= to check the IP address
ip route= to check the complete path of destination path(rounting path)
nmcli con
nmcli(network manager cmd line interact)
tracepath desti-name/ip= to telling the path of destination web
ping=algo= to tell how many time is hitting
the task of ping is to checking the connectivity
the work of ping is to check the packet tarnsfer of packet receinving
if conncection is valid then packet is not loss.
ifconfig=to chek your IP
ping -c 3 = to check the connection(packet etc)
ss -ta= to check the sockets of all that is listening the connection
service Network Manager status=to check the services of network manager is running
or not
nmcli dev= LIST all the connected ethernet card
nmcli dev
for dynamic/default=nmcli con add con-name "name of con name" type
ethernet/wireless ifname eth0

for static= nmcli con add con-name "name of con name" type ethernet/wireless ifname
eth0 ipv4 "desti-add" gateway4 autoconnect yes/no

nmcli con up "static-name"

nmcli con down "static-name"

nmcli con mod "defalut name" connection.autoconnect on

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