12D Course Assignment S2 2023

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MG6005 Engineering Detailing and Modelling 2023

Semester 2 - 12D Final Assignment/Exam

Final assignment to be digitally handed in on

Thursday 09th of November by 10am

Students are required to create a new 12D project using the DWG data provided.
Assignment elements include;
• Create an existing ground surface
• Design a road as per the data provided
• Design a cut-off drain as per the data provided
• Create a final surface embedding all data

The client has provided;

• A DWG file containing existing survey data for creating the ground
surface TIN
• The typical cross-sections and standard details for the proposed road and
cut-off drain



1. Create a new 12d project named [Your ID no.] _12D Assignment. Please use the
DWG file on moodle called Atkinson Road Survey as your survey input data

2. Create a ground surface TIN using only the DWG contours provided. The TIN
should be named Existing Ground.

Road Design

1. A proposed urban road is to be designed for a design speed of 60km/h at a maximum

superelevation of 6% and using a maximum side friction factor of 0.29. The minimum
horizontal radius is to be calculated accordingly.

2. The road super alignment centerline is to be named Atkinson R Centreline, in a

model called ROAD ALIGNMENT with horizontal and vertical geometry.

3. The horizontal alignment of the centerline should start and end at the
following coordinates
X- 1773204.3952
Y- 5902820.0883

X- 1773957.013
Y- 5903271.7417

The horizontal alignment should contain at least 4 curves (left-hand curves

& right-hand curves) with curve radii <1000m

4. The vertical alignment should include at least 4 curves (crest &

sag curves). The minimum lengths of all curves are to be calcu-
lated for both crest & sag curves.

The crest curves are to be designed for sight distance criteria for a
Reaction Time (Rt) of 2.0s and Coefficient of Deceleration (d) is

The sag curves are to be designed for appearance & comfort


Following values should be calculated for ONE CREST & ONE SAG curve
modelled in the vertical alignment. State clearly which curves are chosen for
the calculations using the VIP no.
• Actual K value
• Chainage at VPI (Vertical Point of intersection)
• Elevation at VPI

The horizontal and vertical geometries should be adjusted to achieve a

smooth alignment through the terrain provided. Reasonable effort should be
made to reduce the earthworks volumes where possible.

The calculations carried out for horizontal and vertical alignments are to be
submitted in PDF format (maximum three pages only) on moodle to the same

5. Create a road template as per the typical cross section & standard details
provided. Use Apply Template function to create the road.

The road template is to be named ‘Atkinson Road Template Left/Right’

accordingly and the ‘Apply Template’ function name is to be ‘Atkinson Road’.

The cut/fill batter slopes for the road should be 1:3.

Once completed, state the cut and fill volumes of the ‘Proposed Road’ in
the calculation sheet
Cut-Off Drain Design
1. You are required to design a cut-off drain along the north-western side of the
proposed road to mitigate flow from upstream catchments entering the road

2. The horizontal alignment of the cut-off drain should be designed for

approximately the entire length of the road.

The super alignment centreline for the cut-off drain should be named
Drain Alignment in a model called Cut-off Drain

The long section (vertical alignment) of the cut-off drain centerline is to

be designed at your own discretion.
Indicate/mark the discharge point of the cut-off drain on the plan view
as per your design

3. Next create a template as per the cut-off drain cross section provided. The
template is to be named ‘Drain e ate Left/Right’ accordingly and the ‘Ap
ply Template’ function name is to be ‘Cut-off Drain’

The cut/fill batter slopes for the cut-off drain should be 1:3

4. Finally incorporate the road, cut-off drain & ground surfaces into one combined
surface.This should be named Combined Surface in a model called Final Surface to
be used as a design surface.

Compress the 12D assignment folder into a zipped folder and submit it on moodle. Also submit
your calculations in PDF format (max. three pages only) on moodle.
2.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.8

1.8 0.5 1.8

1:3 1:3





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