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Military Strength in

Ukraine has faced significant challenges to its national security in recent
in recent years. In this presentation, we will explore the country's military
country's military strength, the threats it faces, and the impact it has on
has on the nation's security.

Made by Altynay Tuimebek

1. Background Information on Ukraine
2. Current Military Strength in Ukraine
3. Challenges and Threats Faced by the Ukrainian Military
4. International Support for Ukraine's Military
5. Impact of Military Strength on National Security
6. Conclusion and Key Takeaways
7. Vocabulary
Background Information on Ukraine
Geographical Location History
Located in Eastern Europe, Ukraine shares Ukraine has a rich and diverse history,
borders with Russia, Belarus, Poland, encompassing various nomadic groups, the
Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova. rise and fall of several empires, and the
development of a distinct Ukrainian

With a population of approximately 44 million people, Ukraine is the eighth most populous
country in Europe.
Ukraine is ranked 15 of 145
out of the countries
considered for the annual
Global Firepower (GFP)
review. The nation holds a
Power Index (PwrIndx) score
of 0.2516 with a score of
0.0000 being considered
exceptional in the GFP
Current Military Strength in Ukraine
1 Size of the Army
As of 2021, Ukraine's armed forces consist of around 255,000 troops, including active
duty soldiers, reserves, and paramilitary units.

2 Equipment and Weaponry

Despite limited resources, Ukraine has modernized its military equipment in recent
years, including the development of unmanned aerial vehicles and the addition of new
missiles and weapons systems.

3 Training and Capabilities

Ukrainian soldiers receive extensive training and are capable of conducting a variety of
missions, including counterinsurgency operations, border security, and anti-terrorist
Challenges and Threats Faced by the
Ukrainian Military
1 Warpower
Ukraine has been embroiled in a battle for its survival since the February 2022 invasion by
neighboring Russia - a Top 3 global defense powerhouse. The country has forged a tremendous
response, buoyed by financial and material support from the West led by the United States, as
it seeks to thwart the advance of the Russian War Machine.

2 Service Branches
The fighting forces of Ukraine are collectively managed under the Armed Forces of Ukraine
banner and encompasses six major branches of service: the Ukrainian Air Force (UAF), the
Ukrainian Ground Forces (UGF), the Ukrainian Navy (UN), the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces
(UAAF), the Special Operations Forces (SOF), and the Territorial Defense Forces (TDF). The Navy
service also supports the Ukrainian Naval Infantry (UNI). The defense force was founded on
March 29th, 1917.
Ukrainian Drone Force Ukrainian Ground Force Ukrainian Navy
Ukrainian Air Force

By Western standards, the The Turkish TB2 twin-boom The Ukrainian evolution of the The Gyurza-class is of Ukrainian
Ukrainian Air Force is a modest model which can double as an Soviet-era T-80 has never found its origination and numbers four
fighting force made up largely of attack and reconnaissance footing in the Army inventory. hulls, these commissioned from
Soviet-era flying equipment that platform through an inherently Entering service in 1999, just six are 2016 into 2023. Skadovsk P170 is
includes the Su-27 and MiG-29 versatile design approach. officially showcased in the the sole boat of the Zhuk 1400M
fighters. Ukrainian Army inventory today. class.
International Support for Ukraine's Military

Diplomatic Efforts Economic Aid Military Assistance

Ukraine has received International organizations Countries like the United
diplomatic support from a such as the International States and Canada have
variety of countries, including Monetary Fund (IMF) have provided significant military
the United States, the United provided financial assistance assistance to Ukraine,
Kingdom, and France, who to Ukraine to help support its including the delivery of
have called for a peaceful military and rebuild weapons, training, and
resolution to the conflict. infrastructure damaged by advisory support.
the conflict.
Impact of Military Strength on National Security

Deterrence Against Aggression Maintenance of Territorial Integrity Protection of Citizens

Ukraine's military has a crucial role in

Ukraine's military strength serves as a
The military's presence in Ukraine helps to ensuring the protection and safety of the
deterrent against further aggression from
safeguard its territorial borders and protect country's citizens, both in peacetime
Russia and other potential adversaries,
its citizens, preventing any encroachment on operations and during periods of conflict and
maintaining its territorial integrity and
sovereign Ukrainian territory. unrest.
national security.
Conclusion and Key
Ukraine's military faces significant challenges, but has shown
resilience and determination in defending its sovereignty and
territorial integrity. Continued international support and increased
modernization efforts will be key to ensuring the country's long-term
GFP - is an annually-updated, statistics-based website tracking defense-related in formation of 145 nations and exists as a wholly-independent resource.

PwrIndx - each nation is assessed on individual and collective values processed through an in-house formula to generate its 'PwrIndx'.

FINANCIALS - Values partly derived from the CIA World Factbook and presented in USD ($). Estimates made when needed.

GEOGRAPHY - Values derived from the CIA World Factbook. As geography can play a role in both offensive and defensive wars, the GFP formula takes geographic qualities into account (border
coverage, coastline coverage).

CAPITAL - Basic details covering the name, population, temperature, and precipitation values of a given capital city.

MANPOWER - Values partly derived from the CIA World Factbook. Some values may be estimated.
AIRPOWER - Values derived from multiple sources. Estimates made when required. Total Aircraft Strength value includes both fixed-wing and rotorcraft platforms from all branches of service
(at this time UAVs are not included). 'Attack' value constitutes purpose-built, fixed-wing dedicated attack types. 'Transports' value includes only fixed-wing aircraft while all rotorcraft are
represented under the 'Helicopters' value. For an in-depth look into the current air powers of the world, consider "the World Directory of Modern Military Aircraft".

LAND FORCES - Values derived from multiple sources. Estimates made when required. 'Tanks' value includes Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), medium tanks, and light tanks. 'Vehicles' value includes
APCs, IFVs, MRAPs, Armored Cars, and support / logistical / engineering types. 'Rocket Projectors' (MLRSs) include self-propelled and towed forms.

NAVAL FORCES - Values derived from multiple sources. Estimates made when required. 'Total Assets' value includes all possible /available vessels including auxiliaries. 'Aircraft Carriers' value
includes only traditional through-deck carriers (both conventionally- and nuclear-powered); Helicopter Carriers are considered in their own separate listing. 'Submarines' value includes both
diesel-electric and nuclear-powered types. Landlocked nations are not penalized for the lack of a standing navy. For an in-depth look into the current naval powers of the world, consider "the
World Directory of Modern Military Warships".

LOGISTICS - Values derived from the CIA World Factbook. Ports & Terminals may reside outside of a nations own borders if arrangements with an ally have been made. Landlocked nations are
penalized for the lack of a standing Merchant Marine force.

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