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Project report in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award

of thedegree of Bachelor of Technology in Department of Computer
Science Engineering

Submitted By

Prithvi Roy Enrollment No.12021002001273

Under the guidance of

Prof. Sumit Anand & Prof. Amartya Chakraborty

Department of Computer Science Engineering

B/5, New Town, Action Area – III, Kolkata – 700160.

Prithvi Roy Enrollment No. 12021002001273 students of UNIVERSITY OF

ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT, KOLKATA, in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Computer Science and
Bachelor of Technology is a Bonafede work carried out by them under the
supervision and guidance of Prof. Sumit Anand & Prof. Amartya
Chakraborty during 3rdthe Semester of academic session of 2021-2022 The
content of this report has not been submitted to any other university or
institute. I am glad to inform that the work is entirely original and its
performance is found to be quite satisfactory.

Signature of Guide Signature of Guide

Signature of Head of the Department


We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone whose

cooperation and encouragement throughout the ongoing course of this
project remains invaluable to us.

We are sincerely grateful to our guide Prof. Sumit Anand & Prof. Amartya
Chakraborty the Department of Computer Science Engineering, UEM,
Kolkata, for his wisdom, guidance and inspiration that helped us to go
through with this project and take it to where it stands now.

Last but not the least, we would like to extend our warm regards to our
families and peers who have kept supporting us and always had faith in our

Prithvi Roy

CHAPTER – 1: 8





CHAPTER – 6: 30-32

BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................... pg 33
Mental health is a major concern worldwide
and India is not far behind in sharing this. If
we evaluate developments in the field of mental
health, the pace appears to be slow. Dr. Brock
Chisholm, the first Director-General of the
World Health Organization (WHO), in 1954,
had presciently declared that “without mental
health there can be no true physical health.”[1]
More than 60 years later, the scenario has not
altered substantially. About 14% of the global
burden of disease is attributed to
neuropsychiatric disorders. The burden of
mental disorders is likely to have been
underestimated because of inadequate
appreciation of the inter-play between mental
illness and other health disorders.[2] There
remain considerable issues of priority-setting
based on the burden of health problems and of
addressing inequalities in relation to
determinants and solutions for health
Progress in mental health service delivery has
been slow in most low- and middle-income
countries. Barriers include the existing public-
health priorities and its influence on funding;
challenges to delivery of mental health care in
primary-care settings; the low numbers of
those trained in mental health care; and the
lack of mental health perspective in public-
health leadership.[3] There have been
numerous calls for invoking political will, for
enhancing advocacy and for galvanizing
community participation; all with scant
improvement in outcomes.
Thus, it becomes now opportune to explore the
paradigm of mental health awareness as a
means of combating stigma, enhancing
prevention, ensuring early recognition, and
also stimulating simple and practical
interventions within the community. Today
pg. 6
there are opportunities in terms of growing
acknowledgement of mental disorders as key
targets of global health action, as well as of
leveraging new technologies particularly
internet, big data and cell phones in amplifying
simple field interventions found successful in
primary care and other echelons.

pg. 7

What is Mental Health???

It refers to cognitive, behavioural and emotional well-being. It is all about how people
think, feel and behave. It refers to the capacity of the individual, a group and the
environment to interact with one another in ways that promote the feeling of well-


Mental Health is a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own
abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

pg. 8

What is Mental Health Survey?

A mental health survey serves as a powerful tool to gauge the psychological state and
mental well-being of individuals. It involves gathering data via a structured set of
questions covering different facets of mental health, including symptoms of mental
illnesses, emotional stability, stress levels, coping mechanisms, and the availability of
mental health services.

A mental health survey can serve various purposes. It can be used to conduct
research to study the prevalence and incidence of mental health conditions, identify
risk and protective factors, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
Additionally, one can use mental health surveys in clinical settings to screen for
mental health disorders, assess treatment outcomes, and aid in treatment planning.

Mental Health Survey Questions for Different Categories

Mental health survey questions are used to monitor the psychological, emotional,
and social well-being of a person. By asking the right feedback questions for mental
health patients, you can actively engage with your target audience, assess their level
of awareness, and gain insights into the presence of mental health challenges.

Here are some mental health survey questions and examples you can include to
create a survey that can be useful for different categories of people.

1. Mental Health Survey Questions for Patients

A mental health survey for patients should be designed with a patient-centered

approach, taking into account their unique experiences and needs. There are
different closed-ended questions and open-ended questions to ask mental health

pg. 9
patients. These can be questions that assess their symptoms, previous or ongoing
treatment, and the support that they have been receiving must make an important
part of your survey. Assure patients that their responses will be kept confidential and
that their privacy will be respected. This promotes honest and open responses, as
patients may be more willing to share sensitive information about their mental

Here are some mental health survey questions specifically designed for patients in a
healthcare setting.

a. Overall Mental Well-being

Overall mental well-being affects how we think, feel, and behave on a daily basis. It
includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being and influences how one
handles stress, builds relationships, and makes decisions. Assessing mental well-
being is important to deliver curated patient experiences, identify potential issues,
and seek appropriate support and resources. By understanding the overall mental
well-being of a patient, healthcare providers can make informed decisions about
their health and well-being, leading to a happier and healthier life.

How would you rate your overall mental well-being currently?

Have you experienced any significant changes in your mental health over the past
few months?

Yes, positive changes

Yes, negative changes

No, no significant changes

Do you feel that your mental health is being adequately addressed and supported by
your healthcare provider?

b. Symptoms and Conditions

pg. 10
Another type of health assessment survey questions to assess the symptoms and
conditions of mental patients serve as a crucial tool for identifying disorders such as
anxiety, depression, and stress. By asking these questions, healthcare providers can
determine if patients are experiencing any symptoms of anxiety or depression and
their frequency. Additionally, one can assess patient satisfaction with the mental
health treatment and support provided by their healthcare provider.

Have you been diagnosed with any mental health disorders, such as anxiety or

Are you currently experiencing any symptoms of anxiety, such as excessive worry or

Are you currently experiencing any symptoms of depression, such as persistent

sadness or loss of interest?

Yes, frequently

Yes, occasionally

No, rarely

No, never

c. Treatment and Support

These mental health survey questions help assess the type of care or treatment that
the patients are receiving at the moment. For individuals currently receiving
treatment or therapy for their mental health condition(s), these questions can help
assess their level of satisfaction with the mental health treatment and support
provided by their healthcare provider and their awareness of available mental health
resources and support services in their community.

Are you currently receiving treatment or therapy for your mental health condition(s)?

How satisfied are you with the mental health treatment and support provided by
your healthcare provider?

pg. 11
Very satisfied




Very dissatisfied

Are you aware of the available mental health resources and support services in your

d. Stress and Coping

Mental health surveys are a valuable tool for assessing patients' stress levels and
coping mechanisms. By asking specific questions, you can gain insight into the
sources of stress in patients' lives and determine the effectiveness of their current
coping strategies. This information can help you develop personalized treatment
plans that address patients' unique mental health needs. Also, understanding coping
mechanisms can help you to identify which strategies are most helpful and which
ones may need to be modified or replaced.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your stress levels on average?

What are your primary sources of stress in your life currently?

Work or school-related stress

Relationship or family issues

Financial stress

Health concerns

Other (please specify)

How do you typically cope with stress? Are these coping mechanisms effective for

e. Social Support

pg. 12
Asking patients about their social support network can provide valuable insight into
their overall well-being and help identify areas where additional support may be
needed. Mental health survey questions for patients on social support can assess
patients' perceptions of the support they receive from family, friends, family tree
examples and other social networks. Armed with this information, you can create
strategies that promote social support, facilitate connections with support groups or
counseling services, and improve overall treatment outcomes.

Do you feel supported by your family and friends regarding your mental health?

Are you part of any support groups or have access to peer support for mental health?

How satisfied are you with the social support available to you for your mental health

f. Stigma and Mental Health

Stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health can be a significant barrier to

accessing care and support for those who need it most. Mental health survey
questions for patients can assess their experiences of stigma, such as discrimination,
social exclusion, or internalized stigma. By asking patients about their experiences
with stigma, you can better understand the impact of negative attitudes towards
mental health and work towards reducing it.

Additionally, asking patients about their comfort level in discussing their mental
health openly can provide valuable insights into the level of support and
understanding that they receive from those around them.

Have you experienced any stigma or discrimination due to your mental health

Are you comfortable discussing your mental health openly with others, including
healthcare professionals?

g. Treatment Preferences

pg. 13
Mental health survey questions for patients on treatment preferences recognize the
importance of patient-centered care and involving patients in decisions about their
mental health treatment. Survey questions on this can assess patients' preferences
regarding treatment modalities, medication options, therapy approaches, or other
forms of interventions. Understanding patients' treatment preferences helps you to
tailor treatment plans that align with patients' needs, values, and goals. This
information promotes shared decision-making, enhances treatment adherence, and
increases patients' satisfaction with their mental health care, ultimately leading to
improved treatment outcomes and patient well-being.

What types of mental health treatments or interventions do you prefer or find most

Are there any specific changes or improvements you would like to see in your mental
health care?

2. Mental Health Survey Questions in Workplace

Creating a safe and non-judgmental space for employees is essential to maximize

productivity and improve employee satisfaction. A mental health surveys provide an
opportunity for employees to openly express their mental well-being, allowing
organizations to identify potential mental health issues within the workforce. By
assessing employees' experiences, stress levels, anxiety, depression, and overall
psychological well-being, organizations can identify individuals who may be at risk
and provide appropriate support and resources. You must tailor the mental health
survey questions to fit the unique aspects of the organization's culture, industry, and

Here are some mental health survey questions that can be used in a workplace
setting to assess employee well-being and mental health.

a. General Well-being

Mental health survey questions on general well-being are crucial to assess the overall

pg. 14
mental health status of employees. These questions can explore various dimensions
of well-being, including emotional, social, and psychological aspects. It is important
to ask questions about the individual's perception of their mental health and how
they perceive your company's support for their well-being. By doing so, you can
identify areas that may require additional support and resources to help individuals
manage their mental health effectively.

How would you rate your overall well-being in the workplace?

Have you experienced any significant changes in your mental health while working

Do you feel that your mental health is supported and prioritized by the company?

Yes, definitely

To some extent

Not really

Not at all

b. Workload and Stress

Workload and stress in the workplace can have a significant impact on employees'
mental health and well-being. It is essential to assess if the workload is manageable
and appropriate for the employees' role to avoid excessive stress or pressure that
can lead to burnout and other mental health issues. Providing adequate resources
and support to cope with job-related stress is crucial to ensure that employees can
maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent stress from spilling over into their
personal lives. As an employer, you have a responsibility to promote a supportive
workplace culture that prioritizes the mental health and well-being of your

Do you feel that your workload is manageable and appropriate for your role?

How often do you experience excessive stress or pressure in your job?

pg. 15
Very often





Are you provided with adequate resources and support to cope with job-related

c. Work-Life Balance

There are different types of employee surveys that you should be taking. And a
survey to ensure work-life balance in the workplace is crucial for maintaining
employee well-being and productivity. A good work-life balance allows employees to
disconnect from work during non-working hours, take breaks when needed, and
maintain a healthy lifestyle. By promoting work-life balance, employers can improve
employee morale and reduce stress levels, ultimately leading to a more positive and
productive workplace.

Do you feel that you have a healthy work-life balance?

Are you able to disconnect from work during non-working hours and take breaks
when needed?

Are you encouraged to use your vacation and personal days to maintain a healthy
work-life balance?

d. Support and Communication

Employers who prioritize the mental health of their employees create a positive and
supportive work environment that fosters employee well-being. This includes
providing mental health resources and training, creating open communication
channels between employees and management, and promoting a healthy work-life
balance. By prioritizing mental health, employers can create a workplace culture that
encourages employees to seek help when needed and ensures that their mental
health concerns are heard and addressed.
pg. 16
Do you feel comfortable discussing your mental health concerns with your supervisor
or HR?

Are you aware of the mental health support resources available through the
company, such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)?

Do you feel that your concerns and suggestions regarding mental health in the
workplace are heard and addressed?

e. Workplace Environment

The connection between workplace environment and mental health cannot be

overstated. A supportive and positive workplace culture can have a significant impact
on employees' mental well-being, while a toxic or unsupportive environment can
lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. As employers, it is essential to prioritize the
mental health needs of employees by creating a safe and inclusive workplace that
promotes work-life balance, provides adequate resources and support, and fosters
positive relationships and communication.

Is the workplace culture supportive of mental health and well-being?

Do you feel valued and respected as an employee in terms of your mental health

Yes, definitely

To some extent

Not really

Not at all

Are there any specific factors in the workplace environment that negatively impact
your mental health?

f. Training and Awareness

By providing education and resources on mental health, you can empower your staff
with the knowledge and tools to prioritize their well-being. This can include training
pg. 17
on recognizing and addressing mental health concerns, building resilience, and
accessing employee assistance programs.

Moreover, promoting mental health awareness can reduce the stigma surrounding
mental health issues, creating a culture of acceptance and understanding. Mental
health surveys can be used to assess employees' awareness of mental health
resources and training opportunities, highlighting areas where additional support is

Have you received any training or resources on mental health awareness in the

Do you feel that the company provides sufficient education and information about
mental health topics?

Are you aware of the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions?

g. Work Relationships

Work relationships with colleagues can have a significant impact on mental health.
Spending a significant portion of the day at work, interacting with colleagues, can
either enhance or diminish one's well-being. Positive and supportive work
relationships can improve mental health, boost job satisfaction, and enhance overall
work performance.

Mental health surveys for the workplace can assess employees' experiences of
teamwork, collaboration, and interpersonal dynamics within the workplace.
Understanding employees' work relationships helps identify areas for improvement,
such as promoting teamwork and conflict resolution skills or fostering a positive and
inclusive work culture.

Do you feel that you have positive and supportive relationships with your colleagues?

Are there any interpersonal conflicts or challenging relationships that affect your
pg. 18
mental well-being at work?

Are there opportunities for team-building activities or social support within the

h. Suggestions for Improvement

One of the most effective ways to better support employee mental health is by
seeking suggestions directly from their employees. Mental health surveys can be
extremely effective in seeking suggestions for improvement. By actively listening to
employee feedback, you can gain valuable insights into the specific mental health
challenges your workforce is facing and tailor your support programs accordingly.
Additionally, involving employees in the process of developing and implementing
mental health initiatives can help to increase engagement and buy-in, leading to
more successful outcomes.

pg. 19

"Increasing levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in today's fast-paced

world highlight the need for an accessible and effective mental health
solution. Existing resources may be underutilized due to stigma or lack of
awareness. A comprehensive mental health app aims to bridge this gap by
providing user-friendly tools, resources, and support to enhance mental
well-being, reduce stigma, and promote proactive mental health

In recent years, there has been a growing concern regarding the state of
mental health globally. Despite increased awareness and destigmatization
efforts, there persists a significant gap in addressing the multifaceted
challenges associated with mental health issues. The current systems and
interventions fall short in providing effective, accessible, and inclusive
support for individuals experiencing mental health disorders. This
inadequacy is exacerbated by factors such as insufficient resources,
societal misconceptions, and limited integration of technological
advancements in mental health care.

The need for a comprehensive and sustainable approach to mental health

is evident. There is a pressing demand for research, strategies, and
interventions that not only focus on alleviating symptoms but also on
prevention, early detection, and long-term support. Bridging the gap
between traditional mental health services and contemporary
technological solutions is crucial for reaching diverse populations and
ensuring equitable access to mental health resources.
pg. 20
This problem statement aims to guide future initiatives, research, and
policy development in the field of mental health. It underscores the
necessity for a holistic and adaptable framework that considers cultural,
socioeconomic, and technological factors, with the ultimate goal of
fostering a society where mental health is prioritized, destigmatized, and
effectively addressed

pg. 21


A child's good mental health starts with how parents perceives and respond their
children at home. This will begin if every parents foster acceptance and love in the
home from birth which will lead in developing positive self- image of a child in mere

Moreover, parents can also foster self-acceptance and strong self-esteem by

encouraging and helping kids by exploring their interests and talents


Parents can help in maintaining good mental health of a child in two ways:

By Preventing Mental Disorders

By Restoring Mental Health.


pg. 22
Never Show Favoritism

Use of Language

Spend more time with Children


Helping child by overcoming with their problems

Providing emotional support to their children when they are in need.

Should take to the counsellor, psychiatrist at the initial stage.


First and the foremost duty of a teacher is to identify mental health symptoms (like
anxiety. depression, phobia etc) and also keep track of the academic progress of
every students.

Teacher should build a relationship of trust with the students so that students can
directly open up with their problems in front of teachers.

pg. 23
It is also the role of the teachers to send their children to counsellor or if required to
psychiatrist by convincing the parents for better development of a child.


First and the foremost duty of a teacher is to identify mental health symptoms (like
anxiety. depression, phobia etc) and also keep track of the academic progress of
every students.

Teacher should build a relationship of trust with the students so that students can
directly open up with their problems in front of teachers.

It is also the role of the teachers to send their children to counsellor or if required to
psychiatrist by convincing the parents for better development of a child.


Including Yoga Education as a part of education system irrespective of streams.


Including Yoga Education as a part of education system irrespective of streams.

pg. 24
There should be a provision of appointing a counsellor right from school to higher
education level so that students undergoing any stress can be detected as carly as
possible to avoid such cases like committing suicide.(Govt. Policy)

If we go through any syllabus right from school education to higher education only
few arts courses is slightly focussing on value education or peace education. But no
direct courses is included in the syllabus. So, a review should be made on including
such courses which can directly lead to development of mental health of children.

There should be a provision of appointing a counsellor right from school to higher

education level so that students undergoing any stress can be detected as carly as
possible to avoid such cases like committing suicide.(Govt. Policy)

If we go through any syllabus right from school education to higher education only
few arts courses is slightly focussing on value education or peace education. But no
direct courses is included in the syllabus. So, a review should be made on including
such courses which can directly lead to development of mental health of children.


As a teacher we can motivate our children to have a look for atleast 10 mins a short
documentary based on real life events which may have a positive impact upon the
health of a child. This may inspire children to look upon their life from a new

pg. 25
Most important point for not only for teachers but also for parents to make a self
evaluation as a parent or as a teacher. It will help to improve ourselves as a parent or
as a teacher.

Last but not the least, both parents and teachers should find out the hidden talent of
every child and try to shape them as per their need and interest. This will help a child
to lead a well-balanced life.


The aim of this project is to develop a mental health analysis app that relies an
approach where the focus will be on user engagement, self-reflection, and qualitative
feedback. This experimental setup emphasizes an user-centric and subjective
assessment of mental well-being.

Experimental Design:

User Interface and Experience Design:

• Develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface that encourages engagement.

• Design features that prompt users to reflect on their emotions, thoughts, and
daily experiences.
• Implement a mood tracking system where users can log their emotional states
at different times.

Daily Prompts and Reflections:

pg. 26
• Integrate a daily prompt system that encourages users to express their
feelings, challenges, and positive experiences.
• Allow users to provide qualitative feedback on their mental well-being without
predefined categories or scales.
• Include open-ended questions to capture the nuances of their emotional state.
Community Support and Interaction:

• Create a community forum within the app where users can share experiences
and support one another.
• Implement features that facilitate positive interactions, such as peer
encouragement and shared coping strategies.
• Monitor and analyze community engagement for insights into the social
aspects of mental well-being.
Wellness Resources and Information:

• Provide a curated library of mental health resources, articles, and tips for users
seeking additional information.
• Include relaxation exercises, meditation guides, and other self-help tools.
• Monitor user engagement with these resources to understand their
preferences and effectiveness.
Longitudinal Tracking:

• Allow users to track their mental well-being over time without using advanced
• Implement a visual representation of users' self-reported data to encourage
reflection on personal growth and challenges.
• Assess the impact of long-term app usage on perceived mental well-being.

User Feedback Mechanism:

• Integrate a feedback system that allows users to provide input on app features,
usability, and overall experience.
• Regularly update the app based on user feedback to enhance its effectiveness
and user satisfaction.

pg. 27
This experimental setup aims to explore an approach to mental health analysis by
prioritizing qualitative user feedback and engagement. By focusing on the user
experience and subjective self-assessment, the app intends to offer a unique
perspective on mental well-being without relying on machine learning or data
analytics. The results of this experiment will contribute valuable insights into the
feasibility and effectiveness of such an approach in supporting mental health.

The aim of this project is to develop a mental health analysis app that relies an
approach where the focus will be on user engagement, self-reflection, and qualitative
feedback. This experimental setup emphasizes an user-centric and subjective
assessment of mental well-being.

Experimental Design:

User Interface and Experience Design:

• Develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface that encourages engagement.

• Design features that prompt users to reflect on their emotions, thoughts, and
daily experiences.
• Implement a mood tracking system where users can log their emotional states
at different times.

Daily Prompts and Reflections:

• Integrate a daily prompt system that encourages users to express their

feelings, challenges, and positive experiences.

pg. 28
• Allow users to provide qualitative feedback on their mental well-being without
predefined categories or scales.
• Include open-ended questions to capture the nuances of their emotional state.
Community Support and Interaction:

• Create a community forum within the app where users can share experiences
and support one another.
• Implement features that facilitate positive interactions, such as peer
encouragement and shared coping strategies.
• Monitor and analyze community engagement for insights into the social
aspects of mental well-being.
Wellness Resources and Information:

• Provide a curated library of mental health resources, articles, and tips for users
seeking additional information.
• Include relaxation exercises, meditation guides, and other self-help tools.
• Monitor user engagement with these resources to understand their
preferences and effectiveness.
Longitudinal Tracking:

• Allow users to track their mental well-being over time without using advanced
• Implement a visual representation of users' self-reported data to encourage
reflection on personal growth and challenges.
• Assess the impact of long-term app usage on perceived mental well-being.

User Feedback Mechanism:

• Integrate a feedback system that allows users to provide input on app features,
usability, and overall experience.
• Regularly update the app based on user feedback to enhance its effectiveness
and user satisfaction.

pg. 29

In conclusion, the development and implementation of the mental health

analysis app represent a significant step forward in leveraging technology
to support mental well-being. Through a thorough examination of user
interactions, behavioral patterns, and self-reported data, the app provides
valuable insights into an individual's mental health status.

The project underscores the importance of incorporating technology into

mental health care, offering a scalable and accessible solution for users to
monitor and manage their mental well-being. The app's user-friendly
interface and real-time analysis empower individuals to take proactive
steps towards self-improvement and seek professional help when needed.

Apps for mental health aren't meant to diagnose or replace professional

mental healthcare. They can, however, help with your general
mental wellness. Apps are a convenient way to obtain extra help in
between therapy sessions or office visits, and they may also provide
ongoing support once you've i completed therapy. Apps for mental
health can give daily tasks, encouragement, and other strategies.
To deliver evidence-based interventions, several types are based on
research and therapeutic practices. Using various persuasive tactics,
mobile applications have showed potential in assisting persons with
mental health challenges to adopt healthier habits. However, itis
uncertain to what extent mental health applications successfully
deploy various persuasive methods. As a result, it's critical to
comprehend the persuasion methods built into application for mental
health and how they're used to bring positive changes in mental wellness.

pg. 30
By adopting different persuasive strategies to reinforce, change, or shape
users' behavior and/or attitudes, mental health apps may successfully
work as support tools that also encourage and stimulate users to keep
using the apps to achieve improved mental health.

While the app serves as a valuable tool for individuals, it also opens
avenues for mental health professionals and researchers to gather
anonymized data for a better understanding of population-level mental
health trends. This could contribute to the development of more effective
interventions and policies aimed at improving mental health on a broader

However, it's crucial to acknowledge the ethical considerations and

privacy concerns associated with mental health data collection and
analysis. Striking a balance between innovation and user privacy will be
essential for the long-term success and acceptance of such technologies.

More user interaction can be done and can be provided with some
measures or activities which help them to keep their mind peace and cope
up with their present situation. Chatbot system could also be established
which help them to chat anywhere anytime and users can easily ask for
the suggestion and give feedback.

In future a lot of work can be done in order to improve the future work
that will refine the current project. Mental health applications can be
useful for both tracking overall health and monitoring mental health
issues . This function may be used to keep track of sleeping habits,
mood patterns, symptoms, meals, and physical activity, as well as
thoughts and sentiments. Users can examine data themselves or
delegate it to a professional. The journal tool will allow you to express
and record your ideas as well as allow you to convey a wide range of
feelings. The journal must have a standard typing feature, a drawing
option for those who prefer to express themselves via graphics, and audio

pg. 31
notes for those who prefer to talk and those with dyslexia and dysgraphia.
With the therapist, you may chat and have a video session. Users and
specialists will be able to hold treatment sessions without having to leave
the app, and they will be able to use additional capabilities like screen
sharing, video recording, and file uploading while doing so.

In conclusion, the mental health analysis app represents a positive step

towards harnessing technology for mental well-being, offering a blend of
user empowerment, data-driven insights, and the potential for advancing
our understanding of mental health on a larger scale. As we move forward,
it is imperative to continue refining such applications, ensuring they align
with ethical standards and contribute meaningfully to the overall
improvement of mental health care.

pg. 32


pg. 33

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