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Veer Madho Singh Bhandari Uttarakhand Technical University GOLD ONE WEEK UNIT WISE SOLUTION BANK For B. TECH. AD HOC AND WIRELESS NETWORKS Vil SEMESTER (essir BRANCH Strictly as per Latest Syllabus 4537, Daiwara, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006 a me ot us oe paar $a Ske Sms dal Pie 22023 Pen buaenseslcom copy igh esrved rit he publishers Tp at os rasan mun ne pra eh rors ymin Soe Soh besa cera Sammars r contact tee eran Sop Nocera ay mo Seep i ny a wore Use Bak eat eek Fey esheets et ta SYLLABUS : SS — Ad hoc and Wireless Networks LUNITHEIntrodution:invodustionto ad Hocnetworks—defiriton, characterises xr, sopleations Churstrisics of Wires chanel Modulation echnigaes,mutilesoes ‘esinigues, oie cong. ear coutl, computer networks, computer networks ‘afar copter aetoork aritectreIEEE 392 Networking iar fundamentals of WLANS,Bleetot LUNIT-IE: Wires WANs: Tho cellar eonepcelblr architecture he frst enero elslar {stems he seed generat cellar sstons, he id penerationeclalae sytem, ‘vires neal oop [FEE 8121 sada, IEEE 82 16 andar, Wecessnemet ‘Whats cls iter? Mobile P.Ad Hos Wireless Networks ltaduction sss iWAd Hoe Wireless Networis, Ad Hoc Wires Inte, LUNT=I: MAC Protects: Design sus, goals andclasfemion. Contention based petocas, Contaton bated prc with reeration mechanisms, nd Contention based MAC rotccalewthSchedalingesharems, MAC prloclstht se diwtional eaten rotcolsusng dietional antennas Other MAC prtecol LUNI: Routing Protoeas: Desig uss goal nd clasifetion, Table dren routing ote e- demand ting protools rating pools Hiei ating prowzols,poweravace retin proto, Mullica! routing in Ad HOC wires networks Issues in desing multicasting proton}, operation of micas outing rotcos elssifinon, Tre based mise ring protocols UNIT-V: ‘Transport layer and security protecls for Ad Hoe wirsess networks: Isues indesign Transport ayer, iasieuion of Transport Laer soltons. TCP over Ad oe wieessnetnais ihe trspet ayer protocas for Ad Hoe witless twats, Seouty nad oe witless ewok: sss and eblengesin security provisioning, network security aacks, Key management, secre roating in Ad Hoo wiles networks, QoSin Ad Hoe Wireless ners: Claiiations of QoS solteons, MAG layer slrons, Network ayer otis F ee 6 _Nithocad Wake Wine a infrastructure and ad oe mod pee sv ona wiles ontnekcommicle wth each nntnatasesctare mode, ald Terntssrotar) Thad Noomed, a ompulr witha wirhas roth an aca pot re ‘i ce 9: Define error control ‘Ane Eve sotcol ia the technique of detecting and corering blocks of dats during Samant, Inter word, eehecks the eliability of characters both wt the tga sd echt ee. £@i0, What do you moan by Computer Notworle? ‘Avs Acmpser etwark is stot eo urs having eesaures cated on or provid etwoc ode QUI Wat isthe network software? ‘An. nye tht interact cries an Salita the funtion eomputr neta a 2, Whats the computer network architocture? ‘Ang. Cupater Network Archtertoro ie debioed a the physical and logic design of the ‘owas hardvar, protools, aed medigof the tanamieion of ts (18. hats IEBE 802 networking standard? ‘oy BEE 02s oletonatbering standards dat erver tho pislen and data Ine seston for taheboge ouch as Ethernet and wireleny These specifications ‘ply toll area neg (EAN ac etepolian aca netwarks (MAN), 14. Detne thet i Ang. A vols los AS} sa minsassomputer aatnork that inks oor more deviate ‘hoe wits cammamietion form a lcal area netwosk (LAN) within «itd asen ‘hae hepa bis emp bing “ : ras cles echaslgystadard th eed fr excha mle deve ose shot Sotances dbo? iy comes from Latin and mane "for thie of “or tic shied tp describ something that hes bor orn spotbiee ithowtprevioucplansing, AURoc canbe used POLE sd hoe network! What ure the types of ad hoe @.1. What do you understand by ‘Ane An tl hoe networkin tmporary type ofLoeal Aree Netware (LAN) Ifyou stp on ‘Shee nemeorxpermanently becomes LAN. Malle dyizonean wean ad hos ntark ce same Ue, hut thi might ease oll performanee With an hie atwor, Several devctcan share the hiet davis internet azo Tocesample fsouneed wo tansir file your i hoe network between yur compte and ha lpto ttansfer the il The type of ad hoe networks: ole i hoe eso (MANE, wieeneansor iver SN) wie (ME) aod scalar ad ho notnorke (WANE) meena @.2.What are the advantages and disadvantages ofan ad hoe network? ‘Ann, The Advantages of Ad Hoe Networks So Interot ithost 1. Router Pree: Connecting to flee en ather computers andor the inthe main advantage of ning an ad hoc ner RS Seed ov a-vislecs rl 2. Mobility: Ad hue astworks can be read on the ian ness an sisson where ‘The Disadvantayos of Ad Hos Networks: Ad-hoc networks are slower thea traditional networks. avs lower than traditional meiworks, They aro usallyeee ecu romonly using wiles conneition which tc lea secure than ied oo) an thers io ent device fv managing the scanty ft network 5. What i the principle of Ad Hoo Networking? Ans. Piaipes of ad hac aetworie roront« nyatemeticintodueion othe fundamental ni hige networks AK ad hae network isa emall network, epeill one with wel OE temporary pli inconnetons ypiealy, come of the network devo: s pareoe ae one seen, inthe es of eae POEBIS onl for the duration ofa emi sees cals arog ater omar peseatee pe apt oom ee ee ee pram ae mee el a ani BI ee at weed in wa gesemtmanl sug ott arisen inet en wa sheen fran he egarytaad 0 fe 2900 Hetcxcemsctod bu fe na ‘Speech sobine differs form ether forms of a tng sa be eneseeuy inthe epoch coding contest, in apece® rodsg, the moe ia Frequency den Siding APRACYO cdo Lsterpedns cola (PO) Foca ing 2:1 Diets abo lit tere ata doves cnr Mateo, f er docn anreee eh em ata alee i ete 2 Slee pects cane Seer Snare ‘ail gapeanlerset ialfincson inwhichenseixoveriens with fa : fel ely ws ase Fe As iapactant poet isthe peevantion ef 2 irr acces lode that anench about ul tolerance oe fale design of hardware er Dmistthoe by asera, Checking of dats tp Bistiveti eagle sng eae SL FOS ENCW sheet Computer actwork? : ea we roe es att once pvt mpstere ate comya cee He pik eg apheesminlesticn protocsls over tata # Plows interconnections sre mace up wr” eee Sn ee tecominusicnin nein ec ea ae ne “bu nts ort nny de ponppalaebster, sepei nebeoehsthardwazej oe seer le yer ean ree aera cat Nucwa advemes senve (or locabitie 20d ienttyang the ooes By . covion protacele oush aa the fnternst Proto] ccna ce Santee ee ee i hah rh ae SA ae tea a rae Q 1s Write n hore nove on computer network sfteare and alco write te ndvan- Goularutel’ tomers coed apd rete dete atieerstererk wile che soound peat tata tn mode of eo ivf omamurision aul Gta shane. Ns» soa mast Know ae 300 tae ae PERE cy co pecs Sore trate tee ee pea is ving austin anand mathematicae, ear uterve a plo Advantages offered by network software: Network software is kaowa to incruase Paling world wher shored information, effesive cotmauniention and stleale proguctviy Q. 14, How many Types of network sotware? if eyntem: NOS ic a eystom that otters a shared platform forall -annected computers that enn run a shared applieation, Net and Novell Nebwat Popular examples of tetas 2 Sharad network: Networking software whoteapplicetions are cetcally eave tach individval computer can access the applications on thels owe, Oradea lala ample of such network software ent server network programs: Ons component of such applications Sgiaaal clint oaystem and Une cher ones stored on eee, Both patie tc Whee Nerds Fe tered win srt tn component STEB'Y. Bar ae ae eat ea 1. In the exae of Pevr-To-Pecr networle #d falss Thane anon tnt op de lato i eee ence es ee i bccn hin 0 ty Naat Toeranenr oman aah ter network architecture Ggisadvantagen, = “Mou “ordn around with ws that whea we weve at Tae cepts Neowock Arte i etn ee a Sima eat Sie nm the wenda ernment ey are eenien nw se i te Cheer onplr arn athe Peyhcumc tej Jp tincrcoan sasremie a asters tareacoerk seeing: If would be frustrating and enuny if you had to febuild nections of or Ghee ararh Son asc Una Se ne Pee ean hich ol the computers az Linke _nntworkin designed talaga layered Hearchionl modal that mana adding ndaitone Ttagnfeer nineties ioc tad becomes linked opie tng eles dst aes the nang mene Te nena abn ikoqual privtegs ae errant Bee Shia op tos {etgocd to be aealable achieved through a ered it Hierarchicn architectre 2, PoersTo-Prer nctwork is esl for sumalienvironmen'2 © OMPutee 3, Quality of Service (and Convergent Networks): To explain quality of warvice, it 2. PrentiPber cork hn ne dedicated serve, : {Swork hes defining the moaning ofa converged network. Ta converge meana”tovbe 4. Special permiscions are assigned to each computer for aharind ‘he reaoursek Bah adjacent or tocome tagether” and in the contextof networking it veally means multiple, a ie everoacd an Sas ante eraleeetice eovoce mesicrctcey aera ta red ioaten the rst Wal Woce oes, cee os Read oe wou ly ata ate Cee Ia paeaed te wed fae oe caus et eee ee 18. Define com ] @.17, Define computer network and dicuss its typos. | Ans. \ computer network is a geoup of computers connected with each other through» | transmission medium such ae cable, wire ete In hie guide, we will decuss the types of server computer netwerks in detail, rs ill ot stop working. ‘manages itself atc Wen Nebel _— Sm nly tres 908 of compu eels © tee Nework The 36 - syeos ot Camu N Me) pensive: Cont of inate voy ie be ira Neowoca aN {nine esoltion ae atin tes ine nee WAN => a pian Aron Network IAN) ttgeut pon point the exe lesation wher ths arses ated ait exing the proble 5 inten einr® (TAD (19. Discus out the istry of TEBE #02 standards Network eataren Network (AND: er | us. This asve of EE Coatmuniatons Stasdards Magazine has numberof artis Se seer ix agree ok compurars connected Tit cench other in q ‘about Time Sensitive Networking (TSN), especially as it ts related te TEEE Sea. 602. 1 a a econ boil apariment oe GL, hile anon eucdere ave familior with he IEEE 602 amily of sapdaes few ar fully vate pase sac as ool Bei Pm commaction with Ue ocal rea gag, on history of 02. nthe ne Fs; there waseontdorabl discssoa a onferences Lan nvr gente ae ceo onda peg ond seh st he pe tempter cman Tel ows at te he data wi i she y early 1970s, Bob Metoalfe, while st Xerox PARC, developed the ilea for Ethernet based on peite te Pi ently, en Auigut 25, 1979, a proposal was ut erably Sani, their peed can range ie PhD diatertation and ALOHA nit, Coinidently, om Auguc pron 3. LAN dae to their sual sie ences '8°40ymheey cubmitted to the [BEE Standards Board for the development of standards entitled “Local fron 100 100 Mbps a Network for Gomputer[ntereonaettion” and wasaasigied the next qumberin the sequence “4, LAN mot limite to wire connection ‘LANG the. of I8RK etandarda: 802 “The [EEE 302, 1 Working Groap is chartered to concern iteolf with: SN rea a se ge svvng se 7 LAMAN ee spestartanoowot to ots ena wioess connect oti Ahlan inerseiyciga among 808LANe, MAN and other rade apca networks, 802 iniropoitan Aren Notwork (MAY): Pere ectins LANE (lager network conpaig| Sse S0 sveralnetwpb Rangement, a prokaroTlayereabore tie MAC &LLC leer us Lal eon natworts sv conned ih cada a0, Deserve she Christ fnion Gpecifed lu the IEEE €09 Diandardsnetworkn ovo the networking systema ntuling a ae han goa networks argo than Langa de acon oopaian seancvorh oar CaN) Ag he TD de ops th hae ork) 1 MAN cover the AFEEF Are Of itera spon, saa metho, topslgin, and media Alrbouph you dont nord deviled kncwledge fas a A ie res eer tall hese HEH stundarda ip woal-word apyintone, a gongeal undereanding of ewe Ne 1 transnsson of data, The cae of he Wan) standards willbe an an SSpeod! Asay Sacorssonribute to the sped ef = network. The etandad defines the de are nl ork preidos oe dist Ute ts ‘unt, continent oF even a Whele erg dinotbell i caste Se mees NO erent comtsonsateh ae 10, «ce sO a neyo rs 18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of WAN? EES Cee ase tu eae per Mies se eee od Ams Avanages of WAN. ‘ {ote Svaciate) now operat 2 100 Mtps and ine beyond, However the maximum pee Costa otastrctace Ona al ne main advantage of WAN ithe tat wedeon) stains ona network can be lfc oy many favors, Networks that acete 10% of ared tnt backup eile ocalagstnt ax everything is stared omiy| ihe potential bandit ee fev ad far betveca See dat cet, om whore ween ain the da throurh WAN. ‘Access Methods Aces methods govera th way inwhichevateme acer the network Pelvay: econ tap MAMURSAEL A ry nk esespots the dala Saf WeAME din snc acnd din, Acree vets are neceoaty to cnaure at apeteme onthe web abn that way he date eggs and mites riskaf authorized acres, | can communiste with eachother, Withnot an ances method, would be possible fr Oo Tncrensod Baodwidii Hiss WAN we eto choose the bandwidth hed one) sytem to comunicate a the exclusion ofevery ether ejatom, Acces metBodasnaute hat eed, lesa (ast eam ae larger Bandit that can cory large emovnt of dtl 2¥oryore ets un opporcunity to use che network | 2.21 Write a shore note on fundamental of WLAN, foe Soren Anemone te Unters of Mae dela sr ful ones onan atvrk, ALOMA se, Tae ynien etme ad int annua ron coupes pedo fur sds commence wh al fel compur on Ou eo ed poses a ocovotertame donb] Selene LAN (WLAN rns compar nor hat ak x ar dl aera oer) wing wile cnmunctn rm bere notre GAN eit nda te hom, chen comput inbrtcatpun ee ee alin. Tl en and may lead to dat on. ef Inge aes oreven a whole world though internet connect the peron in snotherounsry ehyough WAN which inot posit ye Ad bacon Wrlne NSE —— anected Ho the newer, ag Se rsa tli en igo ey ope haart rhe ma del a yrceay 1a TT ana seer areata eerie wiegs sags sepa gone rinnne eta Soe org eeitmen aaa poameernmoiices = omaha ee et tg mn i cod ofthe ipo stagnate aenanghernrnenen bb either arr ee the advantages and J ee ea 6 te les at ee Ena oo Nee 4 eps ith emaitsning th connec Sree reece emit Repaid f thin che range of access POINT. oS Ca fost rd exact, Caner ronan 2g, eathauke and Oe Waa I ML ape on sco it To ccna pola lt 1: nctomt dan tthe 11 Theat covert Tetlapepcan ace 24. What ts lactone? Where i Blustooth wsed? ‘Anx Blusooth ira viele teeooony tt aloe data trmnaminvion between two devices [lb ued ta conuel different dois sush ne the Headphones, apoahers,pristrs, laptops le find ile ph ithout the BI ‘hnol- ey smn ttnd ny mele phot wit the Honan cha Fee ta etn cal pone Le ey ker olny Beto nk otsteonn imitations ve the advantages 4nd dlaadvantagos of Bluetooth? Ane Advantazes of Bluotooth: * Isnvaisntesferenc fom other izeletedovone { + Ith lover pater coasumton + Thisonaily upgradeable, Tene range beter than Infrared eommanication. The Dlnctot cured for vice and data transfer * Blgetcoth devices nro availabe a ery cheep cost, Nolineof ithe hence cna connect teough any obstacles, + ros to uot ithe devie i inealled with Bluetooth. + Thetechnolog is adeptedin mans productecuch as head ae, car sfstem, pate seebenm, GPS syrem, keyhoard and moe, ; Disadvantages of Bluetooth: : + Teeaa lose connection in crtnin condition, thas low bandwidths carapazed to Wi Teallows ony short range communiestion between de Seowty ea Very Rey aapect ns it-+ean be hacked }— Q.28. What ie the computer network architecture? fefsirmale of WLAN andcanalli) An, Network architactue is the design ofa computer network, Tee a framework fr the from connected devices tothe web, specvation of a network's physical components and their funcional organization and configuration, its operational principles end procedures, as well as communication rotorle wed he specication of a network architecture may alco include a tailed description of products ead services delivered vin communications netvael, e and billing structures under which services are compensated, cure of the Internet i predominantly expreased by ite us ‘crore site, rather than a specific mode for interconnecting netor nodoe in the network, or the uenge of pes iypes of hardware inks TERR eee WIRELESS WANs oo Q.9. Define te HEE 90244 standard = ‘Ans, IBE 602 11 refara to the aes of standards, th es ee 12h le eda gente a es cay acaba ies ou “i Q. 10, Define the TEER 802.16 standard. sangeet Aen ee Seer nse ttonts dares» ur lutetne of Go OWA sytenadDrondband Wael {ios ida astworke, sed ted te he cereitiom oF fe NIAC (Me Gino youn by eileen (Conta) gers pigs PHY) ee ate). 11. What i the wh 4. What da you understand by wireless networks? ‘Ans Biles aceneeks bot on analog Freauenc dvi coved tech ope slstionr, incline chen any tate were oily closed et te AMPS, Nord oie Telephone (NDT) aad total accem communiontone gate Tntenst sone WCF Boot ed lala dae 14 What ie moane by mobile IP? ‘Smputers, ush We laptops and witlees Goarunisations "The chile computer ork and cil saceas and sonotramiea with Ad arses G4 What ace the components of cellular communication ayetem? Ane Acolulss comamusicationgstsncnsiat of fur major components nasil). a puble "elepbone witching olfice GATSO) calf ue Enitsd lean newer (PSTN), ‘it antensa stint auc uit (MSU, cellular architecture? 6. What are the advantages. oral advantager Ho Ans. Goll Architectros bi = Caspr re ration that can be adjusted to any size @ 13. What do you mean by wirslaeo ad hos network? Ans, Wireless odshoe network QWANET) in type af loeal area network (LAN) ‘spontaneously to enable tw or more wirelese devices to be caninected to ach Fequiring typiel nctwerk ifrastracrure equipment, aieh aa & wifes FOU olnt. When Wi-Fi networks arein ad-hoc mde, euch davies ia Uae metwoF Eo That io ot intended for teeta the othe device f Ad hoo wirslean network tac gow ee Sneresestal fashion es more capacity is required. le 14. Write the ieeues ration cellent systems? AnscTosues ofA Hoe Wireless Notworke ae i id alg yi ie ibwlad operstion (eaters Es a a pemamelprmar Hulien terminate 4, Bxpoted termsinala 5, Through 6, Antess delay 8, Realtime trafic upon ¢standardization, 24 ystoms were sles knows ‘ 7. Fairneen hc ed Wisner WAN# re on at wielee network The acyrg nese ees neva LRA Ghat do you understand hy wel SE plete arenes AD a eek compere to al TASS een ere Fo WAN ote er om Wan of ier ecole sch a 2070 ae eminence 22,0 Siemans ay Mert yo Ta tn tc ql andr preied 3 2 a a stop and a WWAN: Pop rd eee tier suc onna nin and « WAN ad tea ore NAN a ae neiort PEN om nwo wi Nas paper on ave grt we copa steavera a large geographic wrog pt eeert pe A WWAN may alee be a coved aetor aaa ea ek or ANE with odes om buline. ett C0, A pang ah et a AN a WFAN ta ae beso Powe, ow-icene nae Senate apeta a cany anal yshe ef itrain etn ng wang AN EAN tn sine ents comeunicotone systems del prouget a eraen ath, WANG ypley H0COrDOrAe sony ane 2 Aechagues ee dared, and eerie : Nae erSA, Lo longer secre [1] UNTS (9G) encryrtion wes developed lator gy rset to be broken. a 0.2. Disouss about the types of WAN connections. ‘Ans: The ypee of WAN conncations enn be divided into 3 wicking nctwert, and packet acing meant Leased Lines Lesa lines ave private aabrorke that network verviceprovider'clnge tolargesoipanies wed creanietia lng wae a private nnd secure line to exchange pntdental fata sesources Thos linave also referced tas dedited lines that are cre tod through «sole point-t-poat satmark connection to branches chat are distant trem ach offer Theos lone lines ate enpable of data tonsmitsion at high speeds of up tegorins, lensed lines, suit 81 Ope Circuit Switshing Network: A dreutsitching actor table to manage and von: ir] the transmionon of dat based on use. Conactios ao initiated when there le « mee (ob set spd itenda wien tate ao lnger a ned forte connetion,Avsate De sate tesiing sa heaved for dota rae yt ind of connection isthe presnce of dotys when thes ines ill zeaainunayable wot thoe connections caries providersare able to optimize the physical, ror by sing m packet switohing neswork com snetoek resource. By erenting viztusl cit ‘rive individval networks for the wsers siwrg the nan. te te aia a ‘natn porn ofa whale ‘seen dea at pocket differ i Oi ue cram paskve ate eapble a taking Whaler aoe icenntin adds wletene Virtual Ciutat pasar dee Senet pee eomertion for data teunsniion betes he oruroe G5. What are the advantages and aiondeantnges of wireloasWANs? du company has branches in ebvaraliozation, wie sree Sie and incense internal comeonctots Bebe sr adeaniage toertablishinga WAN [renal etisee TF tnfrantructures A WAN stiminote the moe to Bay emo le fap one at yaut had fr’ datcentee servers ference Ines ou ony have fe srnicvonrvvr management snes you wea havo support back “TWAS provide icant protect several uae Aap sting he whole oanpany om 89 Ans. Advantages of WANE Ti ark egal ts boot treme fhe mere end baste Setuag ay 2 WAN Eininae cf acale by providing central pool of IT resources ", Roosts your privacy: Setting up WAN sles you to aro censitive data with al oor alent having t send he tforalion over the Intrnot. Having your WAN passe your dala beore sou send tne eaia layer of protection fr any evafidentia aretha you mey be tanafercing With o ary hackers ou there just dingo tease {Dee corporats dn, abusing asda ll hs protection I can gt from network ntrasbns tneresses bandwith Corporate WANs often ase lose liner instead ofbroutiand sonination ta fra the Backbone of thie detworks- Unig lease Line offers several tae fir company, including higher plod opoads than vous typical bronband comneeione Corporate WANS neo generaly oils ualimted monthly data tranafr inte, 0 ou can tie then Linke ge much as you ke wits boating cost. Taproved Commoniotions not but ale Bost producty tly enema es fatdvantayes of WANS: Tho thrce most ein! dieadvantagne ar heh setup en I High setup corte: WANs are complicate and complex so shoy are xther expense the WAN, the eller i to ant up. Ono reason tht he {1 coanec ar flung smote areaa, However, y using publi (SD.WAN), which reloces se cost fo et up Obriously, the bi formance ratio of WANs hetter now than a decade or ct op a W Keepin mind al sin typego internal security breaches 2 Security Concerns: WAN open tho way f ft and malicious domage to files, While a3 voc security in place when omnes to thelbranches, they deploy SE npaniva have eratocontol and manage formation sen toe oftheir security at thei ata cent This cratery redioes management costa but limite the company’s abit teal {rlocaons, Some companio>aleohave «hands heave oa er Bi eept 6 Yt leVE ag alae OPES law power tenant some eric ag sera sith aah errcne rk tt oe io tid orca) espe eis th rca Be cacienay ona ed or blon septa oe mel seid wins ma ee hoe wah coerce = thre ping ton ai a ee coaiprcols suc et rabion fied ober aaa ss pmb ene chanel hho vie macapt allows every piece of subscriber equ rae sot chan Q.5.Write a short note on cellular architecture: Fearne octane nate of computer architecture prominent n parallel cml i i syne, ith IBM Cll icroprocesoe being te Se lr rare ior rehiectere de ioe lity to run large numbers of ig a compute node containing thread 4s achieved by exploiting thread-lovel p ‘isthe processor ued in the Pl j, a massively parallel archi programmes to much of the underlying ‘ftouse thelreod oth platform bet otha oy e Qe Discuss briefly shout frst genaeat oe eae ata ‘Ans. The at commercial Sapanby ‘ral Although both ate use al siating to connec the xi to tothe bandsctato the est of the talephone este, the vice et ring ‘bdigual gnsiein JC whereas 10 only odalated to higher eequemey Sedup The vnherent advantage of digital techaology over that of analog networks eventual replaced them everywhere, Ope sch tanned ordi (AIT, ed in Nord countien, SitaeHand the Netherlanda, Bastar {TAGS Tosa cen» Communientions Sater) in the United Kingdom, C490 in West Germazy, Portugal and South Ares, Radcom 2000 n France, FMA Spain, a TMI ely Japan tors were multiple systema, Theee wandaeda, TZ8O, T2608, asst T2803 weee ‘developed by NTF Gippon Telegraph and Telephone operated by DainiDenden Planning System (JTACS) standard 7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of first genera! tema? Ans. 1G technology advantages and disadvantages: 1G stands or the fest cencestion, ‘tcanbe used mobile phones were cell phones that used the rst sacnesful standasd network technology. 1G phones had many more advantages after being introduced but im 26 mile hones made 16 technology largely abyolete in 1990. This article gives infocmation about the advantages and disadvantages of@ 1G network to know sore about 1G technology Advantages of a 1G network: 1. Improve voie elarty 2. The notwork uses the analog signa! 8. Reduce noise inthe line 4 Seereey and safety to date and voice calls 5. Consume lee battery power, Disadvantages of a 1G network: 1 Poor vaiee quality 2 Large phono size 3. Poor battery lito 4 No security cellular aye be antog sgl mor eid gg 1 Hemakes use of tho mobile pone wid 3 6 Listed omacty Veer slow poe ‘ 8. Discuss about second generation cllular system. : Bee eerste tie econ a thetachavlgy bibs asthe elo stam or the het we a SGN Recs eae rater ne ath tong A Nt meant ME et ee a As oi Ga es rem uuteucsicinass se “east ig ie ent, 20 eon ha meespel Fonte mcbie phoas penetra Hag with SNS tat messager 2G choi & 26 ution Seman crn adie ver Aah ntti itl inci lena the er of dis ss Doles can recived wad ie Ths dis signals cons leu ‘a satog the batiery of male, 26 Technologies (acon genera Hes Ge diyision nulple arcs (TDMA) or onde dion mils user reo allows (th ison ofsignal sts tne lt CDMA plocatcs each tes somite ee x multiple phrsicl chant] Intern stands oat CDMA clas teshnology, Iie ostfamoua by se brand bam faker wn fthe CDMA to tranefor the sicesgusls and an eel tes (cel else cellar nstwerd) 2. What are the advantages snd disade So IGE 2 fohologr 26 tccog ic weal to bth the wee andy manga terns ho tne tine digtal yams are eabracad by the ances let beeen cht Bowed radio mgal revise a tatty per, ee ge Saat ngs otra he ci wale. 26 technology ffesinpeone Briviey that wns not pose wth om rite tan 10 phones which have protetion whalsoavee ater aan mips et barter to exveuirop cal uid tthe radinstaenene ne iereigan teed have proved not baa aie aa ately erence lund tobe fee of satc and background tien He A Bower. The mobilephone conneciauatndiierent eng letter pose ne He dillatitseanetenteras etre he mines T=. thy bel hole atin hee Tho digital cr roi He, thu np roe canepent ae Aipteleignas on Disadvantages of But ming the 26 cect work. But the Xnown as edna nat saunale from coh ages of second Kenerstion caluag ges andthe batharicscan te h the enrlies technologies, 28 phanea are dropping. The dig ‘he een intsiee of the world are based on digid nal onan | ing rede rsconsideed }PEF: Yo ah see many advantages of 20 i Pobeful dicta signela to help the mek We is no network coverage fn Py the cellular phone cannot be sechrslogy. ile phones any specie cnfficient to rin es pepo a 2aher oquense but a monly a ‘oul ier ipa 1020 ean be deplye "The dag egny ately or Ue aero snl depen coll Me eanian ponoa analog res ogacee gad ba iil eepan ep reich il ep a see ‘lowly ges wor, gone ding all Reo sud rananted we aera 10. What are the diftorane Generation bee tite 9 wall ae past ewiching an i Sahel gna, 2G, dns xrices a sl GreCDMAand'TDMA. Server maton cos Secund wenezation: 6 want or Sect Eh aie dail international Mobile Toloconnunicatons 2000 (Nee Union. 8G fake nplicton ntarnet acces, vido ale ve mobile fal networks that cumply with he 2000) pesifcotion y te [marntinnal Teer isles voce trlephony, mobua Integy tne Renna ed mle BY. 3G lalecommunication networks suppoc ‘alo alt eat Mi eit, Laer 36 teleae oh ‘roadhand access oftereral Mbive to meee rs This enssresit canbe npplied ie mice vitelese Telarnet access, vides calloand net lanstandacds has appeared ayprotimstale veg veel in 1909 and the ener to mid 1060y Bare ae The Art cae ent ts Petes tad nonnckwart compatible uanalinis Gane | Ceaat, eC 0 newworke ware intl in bDUO) See eee J Nomtcompanies market wi intern serves ae 8G, indicating that he aden Cainer ae i ve 4.96 vidoe network. Sercveadvensacd ata ate fo mec! IMT-2000 technical ading standard for siablty and apead transfer rats), To mest ‘ust provide pele data ra ervicoa Chat provides nfoematin tennaer ted 3.9G and 3.75 Galo pre ml fetephony, mobile tnternot seca, ged 'V technologies. Auaw generition of al tenth your since 1G eyatems were ine ion i characarned by ew fe TMT-2000 standarde,s aytem oneration’ he advantages and disadvantages ofthe third, Qu2 What are th Sceoee a Siisatancernconrks ae aoe ‘SCyaeearie eatiap. Poa pala Sa hoSentoaevorec ean a See “es sn anil Jeushen ave solatvely small nd a S57 SEY attach tenet am the noses eR AE iat aucune sors eokures Heamaboaet est “SETOM Whe tian cal. Mt networks alo change these of the local oop, A Teel i EEESn oweon a mate handset wis the basestatfon To the fist switch can be (SESU/Rigconpnred con fued aotwork This eeven mere true for satellite commenions 218. Why are local loops Important? Give reason: [Res The local loop hs economie and policy tmportance, for thine main reasons: ‘Dec tli lguitous entre f084 Oe toot cooly part of he nctwork, Uaibaraining Easiste the aherited focal Roop atworke form a otlensek ga moet customers sre Sonnected to the ineambert natwork. Policy srone such ae frequency management. abt te eee eter reer wats oe eat iee i ee nbcrvan ction WSR EEERTocks are lagoon ecaaevene eae many OECD countries thre is wshually wniversel access ta the local lop, For ther countries the loa lop continues tn be developed ‘The range of new technologies afers an iaiportant opportanity to stimulate rapid rollout ofthe local loop and increase uniwereal service ‘The local loop network provider sometimes ha a regulatory obligation te connct al applications for basi tlephons service loop network forms Use platform fr cervies offered by the Lael lop operat + Different types of services, ka tlecommuniction, radio abd television are conversing, making & possible te provide thee servos By mesma of g_Aibss a Woe Se ee atic cape mn eeaenet nO NOE acm a eras pels oe : et aad cn _ errata ey aes fan eer ceami Gi tare fed ene roca il ofa it al Ta ae cute cpm oman tong a i Wi a a ie hve vcs EO on standard ant esrb in deta Soot = feces ane py vr 0 re fie An EE aie Tsk ears ol daa fir soenecta te nes Sree the IEEE only wet ‘ esentutl WLAN Th promi sme ema) iat ao rs EEA Cee ere pieces canes eas sen no? ane ao Se ee ee ger hccrn ence ty humus oat FOR toe ac at herrea. ond eae ay andes otonine i 7a Gert a EAL Or Signat ernctdi 1097. pronation ce ec ee Meera sta taar cemmy mera or covey a ne ee eee oa Ni a eter ntl na going ne nao ued Tosiratamsubs, OANA aan oe at fence sip menenre a BE ear Saas lsesteqne peices OLOS Trnestes ies iery obit toiscc snes $021 ihr, nan beret. ee | Sarr MIO) re endo) ang apbre aston epst Teqest LARGE ees ann ae ee te cee tea ee emcees ce rc res age aed oa arc ls Cae ni omar ocr an Sa ec re hcl eB TD in al VOU a ee fee isin ened ran from ter devon operating in 24 Cleon nd location managetent, odio Resource Management mechanisms Lk handover contol een! tn sree an Cet pera hh te roneing from 54 Mbps to 00 Mbps " ito 600 Mbps.) Tidexerution. Connection of varios ASN-OW is quired for redundancy and oud balance Netyork sense provider provies IP connection servcas for users and CSN organization ed for sere through CSN, for eomracon potfarmano® (18. WWhat i the WIMAX netsvori model? hedelin computed af mobile tntion, network acess provider (NAP), network el MSs mobile equipment vredby tho end used There 2 Agathe Sts bends Ihe lprries marke improvoment over preva atandende 6021 hy incoepatiog nltiple- Input multiple ourpt antennas 3 TPeonnecion cpr TERE 802.11p: 802.11 is an am foe i it ieular ‘environments (WAVE) to supp eS ee eas i TeneporiatenSyctems (TS). Tho incute| 19, What are the differences between the IEEE £02.16 and I hve datarto fg atch peed and theenronient They dari? ad ‘Ane Difference betwoon $02.16 and 802112 s | TREE os 1. IEEE 80216 tanderd defines WIMAX. 5 dentgned fr lng ital eee esti by ie ide re, It provides a coverage tangs of Tm to Ok, 802.16 standard is ed fo ou SE Sunn Dad eed ee a cnge it preeaca nen of 24 Gl, 8 Gia Sanda savant of 2.1 re Eric metmpinnara spo 22!% sn h0 mt yon dre 0 ore A 02.11 stan abc Wl Neverks ard with Advanced EOcrpton Sg oo, er inne in ton rd ied fr ae suri ane a fe ne Diane os eptions ave ava dpnunally a perce ree ees ee aa sna soe ANS Iiyrandes overran die ue poids a vem Cue Gl, 68 Hie, Standed vaianle of SRT ne ee eeean gata retool 84 Mbp in 20 Mit Sz Lia 11% fg. Yin, 1ae, Mai feotes een urers and arenbirtone ever 1 Tecreictoedac primary delved hy arses Interaetacevice provider WISP), Wile #0" soa isons Notas, this type ef network takes plac wen nay cones is conned tothe nearetenotearke withthe elDe Inerneticycally prone! by wile Iara servic providers (WISP) ike Inemet iain Giveredtovegs Eno waar or aucie sna, Beng utr unin, nce ery agensal sor han wired Iteret conn Gory eunrion fo nr naan eqaren a uel inert note, wing sceeresertnlrnt doris y tend utr Wtex end BV-Ds ae commun campleg) si Time WietesIepesnty lochs xeon Toteretvin Franca Ns ates a eae UU Ea aac ‘ages 10 meter Thicket NAN a har ange ees wis thins Home, offic or ool network. (@.21, Describe the characteristics of wirelesainternot ‘ns, Charactoriston of Wirclore Networks: 1, High Capacity Load Balancing: Worle networks overage nly, bul with allthe smart phones telat. laptopeots out there ‘elneess neowrka mat be planned for capciy. Vth te increased demad oa bol Jou wereleas und wired isGsstucture, jou must snorporate high expscity oak @.20, What do you mean by mobilo IP? What is Mobile telaicag 2, Scalability: The gcowth in popularity of maw wiles devices wil oly continue th ocastary, al Teoreare Tour network new to have the ait (9 start om fspand in terms of coverage and capacity a8 toeded—without having to overhaul ivelescommunioton aework. Waa] ouie feoresphia lotion. Typical, wiles lnteret to envionment depend 2 ‘hones onan» sonaeeion ie through a Blustootb ax We 4, Network Accens Control: Whether eovar aceon cpio) st essen Tron the devious hat yo dot 1 Mobile Deve Magayement nk (28: How many types of witaeas in hos, Wireless notmarsbave over talon, we have dscorsed the typasi 0" ieolons Wide Aréa Network (WANA ss era Site ce cl lr uae er i col abel wh he ee "tis Lost ea Sitmet QYLAN): Semaine rie eae seen network provides a ml sacs. "spel daeeticatea ohn aN conte sates throughad bn of wielss BebRORED ‘Wirelese Pervonal Area Network (WPAN): This |" Splrotess Metcopolitan Area Network (AMAN):A missese nator hat | so cover an azea that ranges arn 8Y ales oF 9D loners i = WAN, Thi speile josh ofthe neewerk sss multi lacasons or buildings testy connevtod within an eupaitan ase ltse sie a eget ferent eampuse® ofa sunle wnsverity, various 0 orginal planned tg 14 Finks ola hospital, and mvlple oie Mulinas Th cecure connection does nol require. elwork atsbles running fom ane bulng to tho not, Instead, t eles om strong rade paver or infrarod light tp tranemat dat 1? used fort What is a Mobiie 1P address? ‘Ans, Mobile IP ies commemisation protocol crcatd by oxtending Internet Feo, I) that ellowe the uses to move fom one network to another with the some TP addewes Tt trates thatthe eommniention wil continue without were seasions or connections Bein ) enables the transfer af information to-and from mobile ‘ull an entra now network 58. Network Management Systeme Modern day wislees networks are mich m pointe, ewitchee| SPP*SL Mobile IP (test Poot laptops and wireloes communications, The mobile computer ca GRaDA® ‘omplor and may consnt of hundreds or oven thoveands of ect firorlls tnnaged oer tm ates her componente Je Dace access control (EHAC): Allows you cher, when and how «user or devi is tying 4, Role Based Access Ca ¢ options: Although you may feel you onl), ag computers such reign network dnd sil asses and communicate with and through the iteToeation to 2 fable computers home network ‘Mobite IP (or MIP) isan Internet Bngineering Tsk Forse (TET) stand commtnich: ie protocol thet ie designed to allow mobs device ueors to move from one netone 18 Ahab later You micht need to add outdeo! nother while maintaining a permanent IP adress e { 7 an ee a2 Ds aout. Mole 13h IP oextn era otcols uned by mabile-nedes tore pram We a-hec « Regiszaan with Home Azeo: ides Coke ith home agen + tndicect routing of datagearms: I eftes the mon fing eanoferced ip mablenode fom heme age cmmunication. I ic widely GSM GSN stands fr Glo Sytem ene fd eases me division oulple aeons (EDR nol omnuncation sate ne Wo Toaat and eva te digtted ted voduod dats Grcugh ashancel with two dilferontsteagyl Gheatta cach sn its own particular te slo ‘The mata ference borwcen both is OSM i the radio network You wes to sey eur EP data fro your device vom contrlied xi yh Mabie [Pisa or Be eiateeetee ail colar 0.35. What do you understand by wireless ad-hoe network Ane.A wierd ine netwers WANED ce bile od hee etwork (MANET i decontelig not sly on preety lupe of wireler network Tho network iad hee bacawse to points in ezelee neta. Tate, en wad notorkr e date bv other node, 29 rhe detarnnate ie bia ator ones vity ag inert. suchas sch onde partapates in souting by foreaei DT whieh odes forward data e made dynamical the outing algothm in se. In he Windows operting eve, ad hoe na community ‘node ttne hat sll compere to dieetlyeommniente with each other without, ‘ues, Wirlee mobil ad hoe netvoeka an eefcanfiguring, dseamc nctwork in ws) ade ae fron te move ‘Sich witless networks lck dhe complesiie of infrastructure setup and adminisne tin, enabling devices to create andjin networks “onthe 0)". Bach device in MANETS fee to move independently in anp digestion, and wil therefore change is links to otbs sl trafic uncelated tote own use, and thomeine devices Reavently. Bach mut a router, The primary challenge in bilding & MANET is equipping each device to contna

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