4 Topic For NXFH

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Q1: A deep-sided drum?

The crrect Answer is: a tom (tom-tom accepted)

Q2: In grammar, to inflect a verb in its various forms to denote number, person, voice, mood
& tense?

The crrect Answer is: conjugate

Q3: In 1813 Baltimore seamstress Mary Pickersgill was commissioned to make the 30' x 42'
garrison flag that flew over this fort?

The crrect Answer is: Fort McHenry

Q4: Iapetus orbits it?

The crrect Answer is: Saturn

Q5: How you might address a sleeping Mexican man if you're tired of listening to him snore?

The crrect Answer is: senor (for snore)

Q6: This type of cloud that can ruin a picnic grows from cumulus clouds & the word grows
from "cumulus" too?

The crrect Answer is: cumulonimbus

Q7: In dictionaries, this 8-letter word that means "no longer in general use" is often
abbreviated obs?

The crrect Answer is: O-B-S-O-L-E-T-E

Q8: The shortwave band begins at about 1700 these units abbreviated kHz; below that
you're in AM territory?
The crrect Answer is: kilohertz

Q9: Years before his book of watercolors, he conducted America's first bird-banding

The crrect Answer is: Audubon

Q10: In 1956 this Soviet leader made a secret speech to a party congress denouncing Joseph

The crrect Answer is: Khrushchev

Q11: The 4 basic events in women's gymnastics are floor exercise, uneven parallel bars,
vault & this event?

The crrect Answer is: Balance Beam

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