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ohai COnstruct.on Limited
Name of Work-Construction of 2 Lane RoB &approaches in lieu of LC.No. 104E/SPL3 at Km.97/6-7between Cherukuwada & Undi Rallway
stations on Gudivada- Bhimavaram section at N.H. Km.170+400 on Kathipudi - Pamarru road of N.H.214 (New NH-165) in West Godavari
district, in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Client: Indian Port Rail &Ropeway Corporatlon Limited (PRCL)

AuthorityEngineer M/s Jindals Consorttum- 1In assoclation with MAV Assoclates

Contractor: M/S Ghai Construction Limited

Contract Price: 603000000.00

EPC Contract No & Date Dated 03.01.2020

Documentation Hendover List

S.L Ttem Unit Qty. Latter No Remarks
Rectving Date
Mix Designs,ALL Drawings, RFIS Approved and Not Approved,QA/QC Document
|Concrete Mix Design (M-15 PCC, 22.10.20 2 Sets Colourcoples Deposlted In
1 Cement Chettnad & Nagarjune OPC-53 Nos GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/85
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/76 24.05.21 indal offlce by letter,1 orlginal copy
Grade) GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/131 18.08.21alsosubmitted.
2 Concrete Mix Deslgn (M-20 Grade
3 GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/107
2 Sets Colour coples Deposited In
Cement Nagarjune OPC-53 Grade) NOS 13.11.20 ndal offce by letter,1 Orlginal copY
also submltted.
Concrete Mix Design (M-35 Plle
3 Cement Chettinad & Nagarjune OPC-53 Nos
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/78 12.10.20 2 Sets Colour coples Deposlted In
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/85 22.10.20 Jindal offlce by letter,1 Orlglnal copy
Grade) |GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/64 13.05.21also submitted.
Concrete Mix Design (M-35 RCC
4 Cement Chettinad & Nagarjune OPC-53 Nos GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/85 22.10.20 2 Sets Colourcoples Deposlted in
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/64 13.05.21 Jindal office by letter,1 Orlginal copy
Grade) GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/131 18.08.21also submltted.
Concrete Mix Design (M-40 RCC
| Cement Chettinad & Nagarjune OPC-53 Nos GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/PRCL/85 22.10.202 Sets Colourcoples Deposlted In
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/64 13.05.21Jindal offlce byletter,1 Original copy
Grade) GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/131 18.08.21 alsosubmitted.
Concrete Mix Design (M-45 RCC 24.05.21 ples of2 Sets orlginal Copy Sets Have
Cement Nagarjune OPC-53 Grade) NOS 3
|GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/76 Already Been Deposlted In Jindal ofmce.

Concrete Mix Deslgn (M-50 PSC Cement| GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/121 30.11.20 2 Sets Colourcoples Deposited In
Chettinad & Nagarjune OPC-53 Grade)
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/R0B/1PRCL/76 24.05.21 Indal office by letter,1 Orlginal copy
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/131 18.08.21 also submitted.
| 2 Sets Colour coples Deposlted In
Cement Grouting Mix Design Nos
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/82 31.05.21 Jindal offlce by letter,1 Orlglnal copy
also submltted.
2 Sets Colour coples Deposited in
9 GSB Mix Deslgn Nos GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/65 13.05.21 Jindal office by letter,1 Original copy
also submltted.
2 Sets Colour coples Deposited In
10 WMM Mix Design Nos
|GCLJUNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/123 04.08.21 Jindal office by letter,1 Orlginal copy
also submitted.
DBM Mix Design Grade 2 VG 30 Service
2 Sets Colour coples Deposited In
11 Road.(Prepared By Third Party
|Agency Annoor Test Labs
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1PRCL/218A 20.12.21 indal offlce by letter,1 Original copy
|also submitted.
DBM Mix Deslgn Grade -1& BC Grade-II|
with VG40 Main Carriageway, 2 Sets Colour coples Deposited in
(Prepared By Third Party Agency
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/0268 28.02.22 Jindal offlce by letter,2 Orlginal copy
also submltted.
|Annoor Test Labs Gannavaram).
BM GRADE-I with VG 40 For Service
| 2 Sets Colour coples Deposited In
13 Road.(Prepared By Third Party
Agency Annoor Test Labs
Nos 3
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/1IPRCL/0259 11.02.22 Jin offlce by letter,1 Original copy
also submltted.
| 2 Sets Colour coples Deposited In
14 Flter Media Mix Design Nos 3
GCL/UNDI/2020-21/ROB/IPRCL/144 07.09.21 Jindal office by letter,1 Orlginal coPy
also submitted.
RA BIll wize Coples of 3 Sets original
15 RFIS APPproved and Not Approved Copy Have Already Been Deposted In
Jindal offce and Remalning RFIs also
2 Sets Colour coples Deposited In
16 ALL Drawings Jindal office,1 Orlglnal copy also

1d kaddest ollek oan sthdAo iqrere

GhaConstrurtion Limited MAVASSOCIATES

in lieu 104E/SPL3
of LCNo. at Km.97/6-7 between Cherukuwada & Undi Railway
Name of Work:-Construction of 2 Lane ROB & approaches PamarTu road of N.H.214 (New NH-165) in West Godavari
stanons on Gudivada Bhimavaram section at N.H. Km.170+400 Kathipudi

- on

district, inthestate of Andhra Pradesh.

Client Indian Port Rail & Ropeway Corporation Limited (IPRCL)
Authority Engineer M/s Jindals Consortium- In association with MAV
Contractor M/S Ghai Construction Limited
Contract Price: 603000000.00
EPC Contract No & Date Dated 03.01.2020

Documentation Hendover List

S.L Item Unlt Qty. Latter No Recdving Date
Dally routine test Report White Copy
In Jindal
17 Q4/QC Document
Have Already Been Deposlted also
offlce. Pink & yellow Coples
with MTC reports also Hard
18 Third party test reorts Orlglnal
pages 14 IPRCL/VJA/LC104/GCL/18 17.01.2020 a1ong
Physlcal &ChemlcalSteel) coples
19 Third party test reorts Original GCL/UNDIRP/2020-21/19 RFI 22.09.2020along
with RFI.Sample card &Tax
|Physlcal&Chemlcal Steel)
pages 22.09.2020nvolce reports also Hard copies
RFI,Sample card &Tax
20 Third party test reorts Orlginal 01.03.2021alongwlth
pages JC/MAV/S0/ANNOOR/007 Involce reports alsoHard coples
Physlcal& Chemlcal Steel)
Third party test reorts Original 24.03.2021 along with RFL,Sample &Tax
pages IC/MAV/SO/ANNOOR/009
Involce reports also Hard coples
Physical& ChemicalStee)
Third party test reorts Orlglnal
pages IC/MAV/SO/ANNOOR/10 06.04.2021 along with RFI,Sample card,Tax-Involce
Physical &Chemlcal Steel) & MTC reports Hard coples
Third party test reorts Origlnal
pages Jc/MAV/SO/ANNOOR/12 01.05.2021along with RFI,Sample card & Taax
Physical &Chemical Steel) Invoice reports Hard coples
along with RFI,Sample card ,Tax-Involce|
Third party test reorts Orlginal pages GCL/UNDIRP/2020-21/1000 RFI 16.06.2021
Physlcal &Chemlcal Steel) & MTCreports Hard coples
Third party test reorts Orlglnal
pages SAMPLE CARD 30.11.2021 along Sample card,Tax-Invoice & MTC
Physical &ChemicalSteel) reports Hard coples
Third party test reorts Orlglnal 20.03.2022 along with RFI.Sample card ,Tax-Involce
pages GCL/UNDIRP/2021-22/2839 RFI
& MTC reports Hard coples
Physlcal &ChemicalSteel)
Third party test reorts Orlginal 4 GCL/UNDIRP/2021-22/3224/1 RFI 022 alongwith RFL,Sample card,Tax-involcel
Physlcal &Chemlcal Steel)
&MTCreports Hard coples
13.012.2021 w t h Tax-lnvolce & MTC reports
Third party Orlginal test reorts pages JC/MAV/S0/GCL/193A * Hard coples

SS1,RS1,VG-30& VG-40)
28.12.21 to 31.03.22 test results
Third partyOrlginal test reorts pages SAMPLE CARD 13.04.22 submitted IPC wise and13.04.22 test
Marshal& Flow test results) rports Is avallable.
30 Third party test reorts Orlginal
pages JC/MAV/S0/ANNOOR/14 20.01.2022 along with letter & test report hard
Physlcal &Chemlcal Admlxture) copy
Third party test reorts Orlginal
31 Robo Crusher 20mm &12.5 mm and pages Jc/MAV/S0/ANNOOR/08 10.03.2021 aong with letter & test reports hard
water (undi Bore)
Third party test reorts Original 17.01.2020 ng wth letter & test reports hard
Admixture Slkaplast-5132, Slkament pages IPRCL/VJA/Lc104/GCL/18
2071NS and water (KJR RMC)

Third party test reorts Orlginal Ic/MAV/S0/ANNOOR/82/19.2.21& testreports hard coples.

pages 005/23.01.2021
Physical& Chemlcal Bentolte samples)
Third party test reorts Orlginal sample card hard
Physical&hemical Conbextra GP-I pages JC/MAV/SO/ANNOOR/15 04.12.2021 along with rl å
Third party test reorts Orlginal MTC & sample card hard
Physical& Chemical HDPE PIPE pages Ic/MAV/SO/ANNOOR/06 26.02.2021 aong with
Third party test reorts Orlginal
Physical& Chemlcal Chettinad Cement pages JC/MAV/SO/ANNOOR/13 05.08.2021 | test reports hard coples.

Third party test reorts Origlnal
37 Physlcal & Chemical Testing of pages 13 IPRCL/VJA/LCi04/GCL/11 12.12.2019 test reports hard coples.
|20,10mm Aggregate,sand, Nagarjuna
Cement samples)

Ghai Construction Limited


statonorkonstruction of2 Lanesection

distrs nudivada- Bhimavaram ROB&atapproaches inlieu ofonL.C.No.
N.H. Km.170+400 104E/SPL3
Kathipudi atKm.97/6-7
- Pamarru between(New
road of N.H.214 Cherukuwada
NH-165) &
in Und!
district, in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Client Indlan Port Ral &Ropeway Corporation Limited (1PRCL)

Authority Engineer : M/s Jindals Consortium- In associatlon with MAV Associates

Contractor |M/S Ghal Construction Limited

Contract Price:
EPC Contract No & Date
|Dated 03.01.2020
Documentation Hendover List
S.L Ttem Unit Qty. Latter NNo
Reciving Date Remarks
Third party test reorts Origlnal
38 Physlcal & Chemical Testing of
20,10mm Aggregate, Alyapppa Gravel pages Jc/MAV/SO/ANNOOR/12 07.07.2020test reports hard coples.
39 Third party test reorts Pile Integrity
test for P3 sop-1 pages 10 Information glven by clilent 10.12.2020 test reports hard coples.
A0 Third party test reorts Dynomlc Pile letter is glven by Authority"'s
pages 11
| load test for PS (sop-3 plle)_ En ineer 20.03.2021test reports hard coples.
41 Third party test reorts Dynomic Plle letter Is glven by Authorlty"s
*load test for P11
(sop-4 ple pages 11
Engineer 20.03.2021test reports hard coples
42 Third party Concrete mixdeslgn M35
pages 17.01.2020 o n g wth letter & test reports hard
Maha Cement & water testing third
pages GCL/UNDIRP/2020-21/18 REI 22.09.2020 test reports hard coples.
party test results
46 Soll,GSB,WMM,DBM & BC Materiels
register 3 Submltted by Authority's Engineer
recelved and consumptlon Detalles, Consumption reglsters.
Compresleve strength of cube reglsters
7 of ROB-2no & Re-panel ,Drain & Submitted by Authority's Engineer
register| Consumptdon registers.
48 Cement testing Reglster 2 Submitted by Authority's Engineer
reglster Consumption reglsters.
49 Cement Consumptlon Reglster register| Submitted by Authority's Englneer
Consumption reglsters.
50 Admbxture Consumption Register reglster 1 Submltted by Authorlty's Engineer
Consumptlon reglsters.
51 20mm,12.5mm & River sand
register 4 Submitted by Authority's Englneer
Consumption records Consumption registers.
E52 record
Re-wall, Friction slab & Crash barrier
register Submitted by Authority's Englneer
Consumption registers.
53 Weather record Submitted by Authority's Engineer
reglster| 1
Consumption registers.
GSB,WMM & Filter-Medila Gradation
register Submltted by Authority's Englneer
records Consumptlon registers.
S5 Trlal mbx (Concrete mixdesigns) Submitted by Authority's Engineer
register Trial mix reglster.
Survey DATA ,TBM LIst,Center
pages 12 GCL/UNDIRP/2020-21/14 RFI 12.09.2020 Authority's signed hard coples.
Line,Coordination,Control Point.
WIl be sentto our depot Is desired.

SubmttedB Received By

horized )
AME)C Authortty Enginéer
indals Consortium in assoclatlon with MAV

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