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Visit Report: Provision Retail Outlet - Cold

Drinks Market Segmentation Analysis

This report presents a comprehensive analysis of market segments for cold drinks observed
during a visit to a local provision retail outlet near my residence. The objective is to
understand the diverse customer base and propose marketing approaches tailored to each
identified segment.

Store Overview:
The provision retail outlet visited is a medium-sized store catering to the everyday needs of
the local community. Located in a residential area, the store offers a variety of food items,
household essentials, and a dedicated section for cold drinks.

Product Selection: Cold Drinks

Market Segmentation Criteria:

1. Demographic Segmentation:
o Age:
 Criteria: Teens, Young Adults, Middle-aged.
 Observations: The cold drinks section comprises a mix of energy
drinks, sodas, and fruit-based beverages catering to various age groups.
 Marketing Approach: Tailor marketing efforts to each age group.
Engage in social media advertising for teens, emphasize trendy flavors
for young adults, and highlight health benefits for the middle-aged.
o Income:
 Criteria: Low, Middle, High.
 Observations: The store offers a range of options, from affordable local
brands to premium imported choices.
 Marketing Approach: Implement a tiered pricing strategy. Provide
budget-friendly options for the low-income segment and premium
choices for the high-income segment. Promotions and discounts can
target the middle-income group.
2. Geographic Segmentation:
o Location:
 Criteria: Urban, Suburban, Rural.
 Observations: The store is situated in a suburban area with a mix of
families and working professionals.
 Marketing Approach: Highlight family-sized packs and convenience
for the suburban market. Consider urban-focused promotions for on-
the-go options and rural-themed campaigns for traditional and local
3. Psychographic Segmentation:
o Lifestyle:
 Criteria: Health-conscious, Social, Convenience-focused.
 Observations: The cold drinks section includes a variety of options,
from health drinks to trendy and socially shareable beverages.
 Marketing Approach: Promote health benefits for the health-conscious
segment, engage in social media and community events for the socially
oriented, and emphasize convenience for the on-the-go lifestyle.
o Values:
 Criteria: Environmental consciousness, Traditional values.
 Observations: Some brands in the store promote eco-friendly
packaging, while others highlight traditional ingredients.
 Marketing Approach: Implement sustainable packaging and
communicate environmental initiatives for the eco-conscious.
Emphasize traditional and cultural values in marketing for those with
traditional values.
4. Behavioral Segmentation:
o Occasion:
 Criteria: Everyday, Special Occasions.
 Observations: The store offers both single-serving options for everyday
consumption and larger packs for parties and events.
 Marketing Approach: Advertise everyday options for regular
consumption. For special occasions, promote bulk discounts and party
o Benefits Sought:
 Criteria: Refreshment, Energy Boost, Health Benefits.
 Observations: The cold drinks section includes a range of beverages
with different benefits, such as energy drinks, sparkling water, and
natural fruit juices.
 Marketing Approach: Emphasize the refreshing qualities for general
consumption, promote energy-boosting options for those seeking a
pick-me-up, and highlight health benefits for the health-conscious.

Marketing Approaches for Each Segment:

1. Segment 1: Teens and Young Adults
o Marketing Approach: Engage in social media advertising platforms popular
among this age group. Collaborate with local influencers to promote trendy
flavors and limited-edition releases.
2. Segment 2: Middle-aged Health-conscious Consumers
o Marketing Approach: Highlight health benefits, natural ingredients, and low-
sugar or diet options. Consider partnerships with fitness influencers and
promote loyalty programs for regular health-conscious customers.
3. Segment 3: Family-Oriented and Budget-Conscious Consumers
o Marketing Approach: Offer family-sized packs, discounts for bulk purchases,
and emphasize cost-effectiveness. Implement loyalty programs to reward
repeat customers and conduct promotions during family-oriented events.
This detailed report provides a thorough analysis of market segments for cold drinks in a
provision retail outlet. Adapt the criteria and marketing approaches based on your
observations and the unique characteristics of the local market.

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