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This chapter includes the ideas, generalization or conclusions, mythologies and

others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are

relevant and similar to the present study.

Importance of Information System in an Organization

To gain the maximum benefits from your company’s information system, you

have to exploit all its capacities. Information systems gain their importance by processing

the data from company inputs to generate information that is useful for managing your

operations. To increase the information systems effectiveness, you can either add more

data to make the information more accurate or use the information in new ways.

Effectiveness, you can either add more data to make the information more accurate or use

the information in new ways. How you manage your company’s operations depends on

the information you have. Information systems can offer more complete and more recent

information, allowing you to operate your company more efficiently. You can use

information systems to gain cost advantage over competitors or to differentiate yourself

by offering better customer service. Sales data give you insights about what costumers

are buying and let you stock or produce items that are selling well. With guidance from

the information system, you can streamline your operations. (Markgraf, 2018)

Systems and processes play a significant role in building a company. They serve

as the company’s essential building blocks and support. Hence, it is necessary for

entrepreneurs to incorporate them into their businesses. Systems and processes help the
growth of a business. Business owners need them to grow. Aside from that, they also

enhance performance and help implement strategic planning., creation, and operation.

Using a systematic approach also allows you to meet the expectations of your clients. It is

also makes knowing the strengths and weaknesses of an organization more conveniently

monitored, leaving you better aware of what needs improvement and understand

customer needs you haven’t met. (Podetti, 2017)

Technology has transformed the what people live. Current day information

seekers are empowered with multiple choices of information sources and libraries no

longer remain the primary Centre for information seekers. With diminishing time and

geographical barriers, the world has become a global village and information seekers are

stressed with time constraints impact on technology on quality of service in technical and

management. (Manjunatha, 2007)

A Registration system helps and provides efficient and reliable services to the

students, enrollment personnel and administration. Moreover, this system improved the

process of enrollment in terms of searching, retrieving and subject schedules. These

major concerns are affecting the efficient enrollment system of students. Security of the

student records were found to be at high risk. The current system may fail to protect some

important documents. It has also untimely and inefficient report generation. (Lopez,


Historically, records management was the responsibility of a small number of

specialist staff members within an organization. With the shift towards electronic records

(including documents and e-mails), efforts have instead turned to rolling out an electronic

records management system (RMS) across the entire organization. The challenge then

becomes ensuring that staff throughout the organization adopt the use of the system, and

take on the added responsibilities involved. Up to this point, many organizations have

attempted this ‘enterprise’ implementation of records management, but few (if any) have

succeeded. This article explores, from a new perspective, the challenges involved in

rolling out a records management system, identifying three critical success factors for

widespread adoption. For records management projects to be successful, this individual

benefits must be determined and the clearly communicated. “Storing the document in the

records management system is the single easiest way of ensuring one can quickly find

them again when he need them in six months or a years’ time”. (Robertson, 2008)

Management Information Systems (MIS), although not clearly understood and

defined in the student affairs discipline, is employed in student affairs offices throughout

all colleges and universities. The benefits of using MIS to handle such tasks in student

affairs as degree checking, classroom scheduling, transcript processing, and financial aid

processing is now realized and appreciated by college or university administrators. This

paper will briefly define MIS, and the impact of MIS on student affairs will be discussed.

This paper also reviews past and present MIS applications, and suggests some possible

future trends in the area of student affairs. Additionally, this paper examines the benefits

and drawbacks of MIS applications in the student affairs area and outlines the techniques

that can be employed to design and implement MIS in the student affairs environment.

(Johnson Jr and Chi-ChungYen June, 2018)

One important advantage offered by computerized accounting is it can save time

for small business owners, who often must wear many hats. Calculations for functions

like payroll and billing can be performed quickly and efficiently by accounting software

programs designed for small businesses. You can also access accounting records quickly

without having to sift through stacks of paper. This can allow you to spend more time

working with clients or performing marketing functions to help your business grow.

Manual "number crunching" presents the possibility of human error, which can be costly

to a small business owner who may be in a hurry to complete an accounting task.

Computerized accounting programs can reduce calculation errors that can result in

inaccurate inventory counts, billing for too large or small of an amount or incorrect sales

receipt totals. Having accurate accounting information can also help you avoid tax errors

that could lead to problems with the Internal Revenue Service. (Chris Josep, 2018)

Monitoring and billing system is very important in terms in record keeping used

in school or business transaction, to secure all information and avoid the record

redundancy or lost data information because the manual process, but using computerize

this problem is removed from the easy, fester, and not time consuming system for the

good result transaction. According to Carlson (2016, "you should utilize registration not

merely for business and business reasons, but will also organizing class or training

course, workshops, professional classes on the web, etc. while using the benefits

associated with keeper registration is anticipated that can assist you get rid of worries of

manual process. or anyone who is still using paper registration forms for the campers, it

double time hard to take into consideration camping registration forms to further improve

efficiencies, improve organization, and alleviate manual, paper and based processes.

(Escolon, 2016).

With an emergency notification system, it is just as important to receive

information as it is to provide notification capabilities during emergencies. The benefit of

having a system that can collect information from multiple difference sources via

multiple means and display the results in a common view is that the data can be shared

between all parties who are working to deal with the situation, meaning everyone has the

most up-to-date information when making crucial decisions. Share information with other

involved organizations easily using a web-based system that can be accessed at various

levels depending on each organization's hierarchy and the credentials of specific

personnel. A common view is an extremely beneficial feature to have as part of your

automated emergency notification system as it allows officials to determine the entirety

of the incident's scope and maintain contact with the personnel on the ground to gain

updates as well as disseminate vital information as soon as it becomes known. (McCabe,


Why Should You Use a Sitemap?

Using a sitemap has so many benefits. Not only is it easier to navigate, but it gives

better visibility to search engines. Sitemaps can offer the opportunity to link search

engines with any changes made to the site immediately after they happen. You cannot

expect search engines to rush to account for the changes on the pages, but they will

certainly change the edits that have been made faster as compared to when a website does

not have a sitemap. Additionally, when there is a sitemap link to a website, and it is

submitted to search engines, you will rely on external links less when search engines are

bringing visitors to your website. Sitemaps well even aid in helping fix poor internal

linking. For example, if there are accidental broken links or orphan pages that cannot be

reached. It should be noted that it is not a wise idea to rely on a sitemap rather than just

fixing your errors. (Bigby, 2018)

To some, sitemaps might seem like a needless chore, and others, a sitemap is

pretty much an essential for any website. The latter of the two would be correct. Having a

sitemap that is constructed with a clear goal in mind could be the driving factor to a

website's success. It will provide a vital link between a website and search engine that

nurtures the relationship that is vital to the website's prosperity. A well-structured sitemap

will make a website searchable by all search engines, and will provide users with more

accurate search results when they are looking for keywords or key terms that are

associated with a website. These website site crawlers used by search engines depend on

sitemaps to point them in the direction of the correct website that a user is searching for

Create a Sitemaps. (Bigby, 2018)

The Pros and Cons of SMS as an Alert Notification System

Disasters can strike anytime, anywhere. Earthquakes can occur even in the wee

hours, while storms and hurricanes can cause widespread damage. During emergency

situation, people usually rely on their mobile phones to reach out to their love ones and

make that they’re safe. Sending a text message is usually more practical than making a

phone call during crisis. There are two reasons why. One, network congestion usually

follows after an emergency, which make it impossible for a call to get through. Second,

sending a text message can help save a phone battery. (Vdovin, 2017)

SMS marketing is a type of marketing that reaches your customers through text

messages. It primarily uses permission-based texts as a means of spreading promotional

content. This is done through a web-based program which lets you send mass text

messages to engage with your customers. The goal of SMS marketing is to build a list of

subscribers you can draw from in order to increase customer loyalty. This means that as

they opt into your SMS marketing campaign, they’re giving you permission to send them

messages that have to do with your business. Customer loyalty comes from your

consumers engaging with your business over SMS and actually buying into the offers

they are sent. What makes SMS marketing such a powerful tool is that nearly everyone

has access to mobile phones, plus people almost always read the messages they are sent

shortly after receiving them. This means that you’re able to tap into a market that will,

nearly 100% of the time, be open to what you have to offer. This is as opposed to calls,

emails, and leaflets that can be ignored and forgotten. (Aland,2017)

Life which is critical during emergencies. There’s no denying that sms can deliver

a message fast. In the business world, SMS is often utilized to deliver time-sensitive

information to employees and customers. Text messages promoting a brand as well as its

products and services are often received by a suspecting customers. However, SMS has

also been seen as not a perfect communication tool during emergencies. In 2008, a report

from 3G Americas cited that limitations SMS use during emergencies. It particularly

pointed out that cellular networks are not designed to cope with the immense traffic

volumes during emergencies (Aland, 2017)

With an emergency notification system, it is just as important to receive

information as it is to provide notification capabilities during emergencies. The benefit of

having a system that can collect information from multiple difference sources via

multiple means and display the results in a common view is that the data can be shared

between all parties who are working to deal with the situation, meaning everyone has the

most up-to-date information when making crucial decisions. Share information with other

involved organizations easily using a web-based system that can be accessed at various

levels depending on each organization's hierarchy and the credentials of specific

personnel. A common view is an extremely beneficial feature to have as part of your

automated emergency notification system as it allows officials to determine the entirety

of the incident's scope and maintain contact with the personnel on the ground to gain

updates as well as disseminate vital information as soon as it becomes known. (McCabe,



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