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V : today we are going to talk about political views of the z

generation. you know, that gen z considers itself more accepting and
open-minded than any generation before it. Gen Z is generally alike to
Millennials on political and social issues. gen Z has been reported to
be "progressive and pro-government". Could you explain that point of
view or Can you provide an example?

A : The generation is largely in favor of LGBT rights, gender

equality, and access to abortion.

V : yea, that’s right! Economically, Gen Z has a more favorable

outlook on socialism than previous generations. what about you?
What do you think of that?

A : of course, i think so.

V : As a generation, Gen Z has proven to be more socially conscious

and politically active than previous generations. Can you explain why
are gen Z more socially aware?

A : because they are using their voices and social media influence to
bring attention to important issues such as climate change, gun control
and equality

V : of course it is important for us to enable them to continue

advocating for the change we all want to see in the world and not let
their voices go unheard. In your opinion, what other issues are
animating Gen Z most?
A : Overarching are concerns about individual rights and freedoms,
defined as the right of a woman to control her reproductive health, the
right of every child to be guaranteed a quality education, and the right
of younger people to feel safe

V : and how do you anticipate the political muscle flexing?

A : I think in all the ways you’d expect, and that includes more young
people running for office, and more young people participating in
local politics, in state politics.

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