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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2017; 21: 5258-5263

A novel boswellic acids delivery form

(Casperome®) in the management
of musculoskeletal disorders: a review

Indena S.p.A, Milan, Italy


Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

Abstract. – Standard pharmacological treat- Introduction

ment of musculoskeletal conditions is often
associated with relevant side effects. Botani-
cal preparations endowed with a good tolera- Musculoskeletal conditions represent the most
bility profile, therefore, could have a role in the common cause of chronic disability worldwide,
management of these disorders. Among differ- and are associated with a major burden to the
ent natural products, Boswellia serrata extracts healthcare system1. They include, but are not
have long been used for the treatment of mus- limited to, osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis,
culoskeletal disorders, given their marked an- and musculoskeletal injuries, including sports
ti-inflammatory activity and their ability to pro-
mote tissue regeneration. However, standard
injuries, gout and metabolic bone disease1. Esti-
preparations of Boswellia serrata show overall mates of the global burden of these musculoskel-
modest pharmacokinetic properties, a limitation etal conditions show a 25% increase over the past
which may ultimately lead to reduced efficacy. decade1.
In an effort to improve the pharmacokinet- Symptomatic treatments for musculoskeletal
ic properties, Casperome ®, a lecithin-based for- disease are mainly aimed at reducing pain as-
mulation of Boswellia serrata extract represent- sociated with these conditions and restore full
ing the whole natural bouquet, has been devel-
oped. This formulation was effective in the treat- functionality of the affected tissues. To this end,
ment of Achilles tendonitis, epicondylitis, radic- nonpharmacological treatments (e.g., massage,
ulopathies, ankle sprains and sport injuries as heat, ice, physiotherapy) may be useful in the
shown in several clinical studies, the majority of short term. Pharmacological treatment is based
which with a randomized design and all evaluat- on analgesic and/or anti-inflammatory agents
ing a number of well-recognized parameters of such as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-in-
efficacy for the therapy of musculoskeletal dis-
order. All studies were consistent in showing a
flammatory drugs (NSAIDs); if no response
prompt decrease of pain and improvement of occurs, then combination treatment or opioid
functionality of the affected area after supple- derivatives may be useful. However, pharmaco-
mentation with Casperome ®, without any rele- logical therapy, especially when administered
vant adverse effect. Remarkably, these symp- via a systemic route, can be associated with a
tomatic improvements were paralleled by re- number of adverse effects, including gastroin-
duced plasmatic levels of inflammatory markers testinal disturbance, hemorrhage, constipation
and by a diminished need for rescue analgesics.
On these bases, Casperome ® may have a role and disorientation1,2.
in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Without neglecting the important contribution
Clinical studies in other similar conditions (e.g., represented by synthetic anti-inflammatory drugs,
osteoarthritis) appear warranted to further in- botanical extracts are also used extensively for
vestigate the efficacy of this botanical product the management of musculoskeletal conditions in
in more specific settings. the effort to limit the risk of adverse events while
retaining clinical efficacy1,3. Noteworthy, these
Key Words:
Boswellia, Casperome, Musculoskelatal disorders.
supplementations may be have a beneficial effect
also on the course of the disease3,4.

5258 Corresponding Author: Luca Giacomelli, Ph.D; e-mail:

Casperome® in the management of musculoskeletal disorders: a review

In particular, Boswellia serrata gum resin Clinical Studies

extract (BSE) containing boswellic acids (BAs) According to a Cochrane systematic review,
as the main bioactive principles, has been shown BSE presents some benefits in the treatment of
effective in the management of musculoskeletal osteoarthritis, coupled with a low burden of side
pain and inflammation4-7. A lecithin-based deliv- effects, in four clinical, placebo-controlled stud-
ery system of BAs (Casperome®, Indena S.p.A., ies6. In particular, BSE was superior vs. placebo
Italy) has been recently developed to enhance in reducing pain and increasing functionality.
the pharmacokinetic properties of these com- Indeed, in two well-conducted, double-blind,
pounds8. randomized, placebo-controlled studies in pa-
We discuss here available evidences on the tients with knee osteoarthritis, BSE induced pain
use of BAs in musculoskeletal conditions, fo- relief and increased functionality as early as a
cusing on the recent clinical studies on Cas- few days since treatment initiation17,22. In a reg-
perome®. istry study, the supplementation with Boswellia
preparation showed benefits in the treatment of
Boswellic Acids in Musculoskeletal knee osteoarthritis when added to the standard
Conditions: an Overview management, ameliorating both symptoms and
Boswellic acids are the main bioactive constit- functional status23. It also accelerated functional
uents of frankincense, a traditional remedy used recovery and decreased pain and inflammation in
in Indian, Chinese, and African folk medicine en- hand arthritis induced by work-related overstrain-
dowed with anti-arthritic, astringent, stimulant, ing24. A combination of Curcuma longa and BSE
expectorant and antiseptic properties9. The most was superior over celecoxib – in terms of efficacy
important frankincense sources are Boswellia ser- and safety – in patients with knee osteoarthritis25.
rata in Northwestern India and Boswellia carterii However, these findings were challenged by the
in Africa. non-positive results of another double-blind study
Several experimental and clinical data show in rheumatoid arthritis patients26.
the potential of BSE for the treatment of a various
inflammatory diseases such as bowel diseases Casperome® in the Treatment of
and asthma5,10-16. Moreover, a number of studies Musculoskeletal Conditions: Rationale
do support the rationale for the use of BSE in and Clinical Evidence
musculoskeletal disorders, thanks to the inhi- Pharmacokinetic studies in both animal mod-
bition of the molecular mechanisms underlying els and humans have shown that, after oral ad-
these conditions3. ministration of BSE (with a dosage as high as
3000 mg/day), plasma concentrations of BAs re-
Experimental Studies main modest, potentially below the pharmacolog-
Boswellia preparation reduced the synthesis ically active concentrations5,8,27. This limitation in
and the activation of several inflammation me- pharmacokinetic profile has somehow limited the
diators (MMP-9 and MMP-13, cycloxygenase-2, use of BSE in clinical practice and its pharmaceu-
nitric oxide, prostaglandin E2), thus slowing tical development.
down collagen and cartilage dissolution17-19. De- Of note, the modest oral adsorption of BAs
creased inflammation, slowed cartilage dete- is not surprising. Indeed, these compounds are
rioration and increased synthesis of structural poorly soluble in water, suggesting a tendency to
proteins were also reported in other in vitro self-aggregation. This hypothesis is supported by
studies on a poly-herbal formulation which in- the increased absorption when BSE are adminis-
cluded BSE 4,19. tered together with food, and therefore self-aggre-
These effects were observed also in animal gates may be dissolved biliary salts28.
models. In rats, BSE suppressed pro-inflamma- These observations provided a rationale for the
tory mediators and improved the antioxidant sta- development of a lecithin-based formulation of
tus, as reflected by lactoperoxidase, myeloper- BAs (Casperome®). This formulation improved
oxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), absorption of BAs and enhanced tissue accu-
glutathione (GSH), nitric oxide (NO) levels20. mulation as showed in an animal study, which
Together with Withania somnifera, Zingiber of- demonstrated plasma concentrations of BAs well-
ficinale and Curcuma longa, BSE relieved in- above the lower threshold of anti-inflammatory
flammation and arthritis, and also reduced the activity29. In a subsequent randomized cross-
synthesis of TNF-α and NO21. over study, 12 healthy volunteers alternatively

A. Riva, P. Allegrini, F. Franceschi, S. Togni, L. Giacomelli, R. Eggenhoffner

received Casperome® or non-formulated BSE8. days followed by R(+) thioctic acid only for 20
Overall, a significantly higher (both in terms days; group D received R(+) thioctic acid only for
of weight-to-weight and molar comparison) and 30 days.
quicker absorption of BAs was observed with the Overall, group DB15+30, with a longer expo-
administration of Casperome®. sure to Casperome®, achieved better results than
On these bases, Casperome® has been used in group DB10+20 and D in terms of pain control
several clinical studies of different inflamma- and reduction of functional impairment at 10 and
tory-based conditions, including musculoskel- 30 days since treatment initiation.
etal disorders such as tendinopathies, radicu- During another randomized clinical study,
lopathies, ankle sprains and sport-related inju- Casperome® plus (R+) thioctic acid (the former
ries2,11,14,16,30-33. Clinical evidence on the efficacy for 10 days, followed by 20 days of thioctic acid
and safety of Casperome® in these conditions is only) were compared with (R+) thioctic acid only
described below. in patients with cervical or lumbar radiculopathy
of moderate severity and neuropathic pain (n=30
Tendinopathies for each group)32. Enrolling criteria included mod-
Achilles tendonitis and epicondylitis are tend- erate severity, recent onset and neuropathic pain.
inopathies commonly encountered in daily prac- Overall, both treatments determined a signifi-
tice. In a randomized trial, with an open design, cant improvement in pain severity and functional
60 patients (30 with Achilles tendonitis and 30 status at 30 days; however, the improvement vs.
with epicondylitis) were assigned to physical baseline was already evident at day 10 in subjects
therapy only (n=15 among subjects with Achilles assigned to Casperome® group.
tendonitis and n=15 among those with epicondy-
litis) or physical therapy plus Casperome® 250 mg Ankle Sprains
based supplement b.i.d (Tendhyal®; n=15 in each Ankle sprains represent a reliable model of
subgroup)30. Overall, 30 days since the initiation soft tissue injury. In a recent study, patients with
of the study, assessment by visual-analogical grade II ankle sprains were advised to either
scale showed a lower pain score with Casperome® follow a standard management (n=37) or to fol-
plus physical therapy, as compared with physical low standard management plus Casperome® 250
therapy only both in subjects with Achilles ten- mg/day (n=35)2. Casperome® supplementation
donitis (1.60±0.34 vs. 3.40±0.45; p<0.05) and in significantly reduced both spontaneous and on
those with epicondylitis (1.33±0.39 vs. 2.80±0.40; movement pain already at day 3, as compared
p<0.05) Noteworthy, improved pain reduction with baseline (spontaneous pain, evaluated by
with Casperome® was already evident at day 7 in VAS: 73.3±5.4 at baseline and 42.2±3.0 at day
subjects with epicondylitis. Patients assigned to 3, p<0.05; on movement pain, 87.4±5.2 and
Casperome® group also presented improved func- 31.2±2, respectively, p<0.05). This improvement
tion at 15 and 30 days, compared with those on was still evident at day 7. On the other hand,
physical therapy only. The proportion of subjects patients on standard management only did not
needing paracetamol was constantly lower with show any improvement in pain. Noteworthy,
Casperome®. 78% of patients on Casperome® had a complete
resolution of injury at day 7, vs. 38% of those on
Radiculopathies standard management only. Casperome® added
In a prospective, randomized, open-label study to standard management was also more bene-
on patients with cervical and lumbar radiculopathy ficial on other clinical signs and symptoms of
due to nerve root compression, Casperome® 250 inflammation than standard management on-
mg in combination with (R+) thioctic acid (Destior ly. Furthermore, Casperome® supplementation
Bridge®) was compared with (R+) thioctic acid allowed measurable plasma level of boswellic
only, a neuroprotective and antioxidant agent used acids even with a once-daily administration. No
for the treatment of these conditions31. In more de- side effects associated with Casperome® were
tails, 90 patients were randomly assigned to three reported.
treatment groups: group DB15+30 received R(+)
thioctic acid plus Casperome®-based supplement Sport Injury
for 15 days followed by R(+) thioctic acid only for In a clinical research on elite young rugby
30 days; group DB10+20 received R(+) thioctic players (mean age, 18 years) with acute knee
acid plus Casperome®-based supplement for 10 pain and inf lammation due to sport trauma,

Casperome® in the management of musculoskeletal disorders: a review


Musculoskeletal disorders are frequently en-

countered in clinical practice and are associated
with important disability and major healthcare
burden. Of note, standard pharmacological treat-
ment of these conditions is often associated with
relevant side effects, which may limit their use.
Botanical preparations have therefore a ma-
jor potential role in the management of mus-
culoskeletal disorders. However, it is of utmost
Figure 1. Pain-free walking distance, at baseline and
importance that the efficacy and safety of these
after a 4-week follow-up, in elite young rugby players who remedies are sustained by well-designed clin-
received Casperome®+standard management (n=25) or ical studies, conducted with standardized and
standard management only (n=27) for the treatment of a reproducible preparations meeting high-quality
sport-related injury. p<0.05 for Casperome®+standard ma- requirements.
nagement vs. standard management only at week 4.
BSEs have long been used for the treatment
of musculoskeletal disorders, given their marked
anti-inflammatory activity and their ability to
Casperome ® 250 mg/day plus standard man- promote tissue regeneration. However, standard
agement (n=25) was compared with standard preparations of BAs show overall modest phar-
management only (n=27) in relieving mus- macokinetic properties, a limitation which may
culoskeletal pain and inf lammation 33. After ultimately lead to reduced efficacy.
a 4-week follow-up, only 6 subjects on Cas- In an effort to improve the pharmacokinetic
perome ® plus standard management showed properties of BAs, Casperome® a lecithin-based
local pain, vs. 25 at baseline (-20.4%, p<0.05). formulation of BSa representing the whole nat-
Corresponding figures for rugby players with ural bouquet of Boswellia, has been developed.
joint effusion and those with hematomas were This formulation was effective in a number of
–35.3% and -28.2%, respectively ( p<0.05 for clinical studies on different conditions based on
all comparisons). Subjects in the Casperome ® inflammation, such as asthma, ulcerative colitis
group also showed increased pain-free walk- and inflammatory bowel syndrome11,14,16. More-
ing distance at the treadmill test (baseline: over, Casperome® was effective in the treatment
34.8±8.2 meters; 4 weeks: 188±12.7; p<0.05) of Achilles tendonitis, epicondylitis, radiculopa-
[Figure 1], and had lower concentrations of thies, ankle sprains and sport injuries alone or in
biomarkers of inf lammation such as CRP and combinations as shown by several trials, the ma-
of cartilage degradation such as COMP. On
the other hand, no improvement vs. baseline
was observed for standard management on-
ly in any parameter. Noteworthy, players on
Casperome ® showed a more evident decrease
in high temperature areas of the injured limb
compared with those on standard management
only (-66% vs. -44%; p<0.05). The maximum
temperature area associated with injury de-
creased in only 4 days of supplementation
with Casperome ® supporting a faster relief
with this botanical preparation. Moreover, in
the Casperome ® group the reduction in the
need for other analgesic treatments was sig-
nificantly greater than in the standard-man- Figure 2. Need of analgesic therapy, after a 4-week fol-
low-up, in elite young rugby players who received Caspe-
agement group: at 4 weeks, only 2 out of 25 rome®+standard management (n=25) or standard manage-
subjects on Casperome ® needed NSAIDs vs. ment only (n=27) for the treatment of a sport-related injury.
9/27 in the control group ( p<0.05; Figure 2). p<0.05 for Casperome®+standard management vs. standard
No side effects were reported. management only.

A. Riva, P. Allegrini, F. Franceschi, S. Togni, L. Giacomelli, R. Eggenhoffner

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