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Sr. No.

Description Document Number AppliCability


Customer Satisfaction Survey

1 F/MKT/01 PMC/Const.

Customer Satisfaction survey

to be collected from the
clients, after completion of
2 PMC/Const.
every site and same t be
submitted to Co Ordinator

Action plan to be given to co

ordinator projects against the
3 points where there are 3 or PMC/Const.
less marks are given by the
4 Enquiry Register REG/MKT/01 HO

Strike rate - Enquiries

converted to order to be
5 HO
analysed Six Monthly (Every
March and September)

6 Quotation F/SLS/01 HO

Purchase Indent one copy to

7 be submitted to A/c and F/PUR/01 Const.
Admin Inchg. Immediately

8 Purchase Order F/PUR/02 Const.

Purchase Order One copy to

9 Const.
be submitted to Site

Inventory Report to be
updated after checking
10 F/STR/01 PMC/Const.
physical inventory before 1 st
of every month

Inventory report to be
submitted to HO before 2 nd
11 PMC/Const.
of Every Month to A/c and
Admin Inchg.

Analysis of Variation in % of
Book Stock to Physical Stock
12 Const.
to be submitted to HO before
3 rd of every month

13 Inward Register REG/STR/01 Const.

All incoming challan to be
14 stamped as 'Material Recived Const.
by Store'

15-c Material inspection request

15 d Material approval request

15 e Sample material code

15 Stock Register REG/STR/02 PMC/Const.

15 (a) Steel Register
15 (f) Inter - requisition request
15(b) Cement Register REG/STR/03 PMC/Const.

Check List for Documents to

17 F/EXE/01 PMC/Const.
be maintained at Site

18 Avilability of these documents PMC/Const.

Tender Requirement Sheet to

be filled by the Site Inchg after
19 F/EXE/02 PMC/Const.
detailed study of Tender
20 Kick off Meeting F/EXE/03 PMC

21 Bar Chart F/EXE/04 PMC/Const.

Analysis based on Bar Chart

for Completion of Work within
the Time Every Quarter ie Jan
to Mar, Apr to June, July to
22 Sept & Oct to Dec (to be PMC/Const.
submitted to HO before every
3 rd of April, July, Oct and Jan
every Year) to be submitted to
Project Co Ordinator
Cement Yield to be Calculate
every billing Cycle and to be
23 PMC/Const.
submitted to HO to the
Project Co Ordinator

Progress Meeting - Monthly

along with contractor and
24 F/EXE/05 PMC
next month planning to be
mentioned in it

Send Progress Meeting Report

25 to the Proprietor and Project PMC
Co Ordinator

26 Curing Schedule F/EXE/06 PMC/Const.

27 Daily Progress Report F/EXE/07 PMC/Const.

28 Weekly Progress Report F/EXE/08 Const.

29 Monthly Site Progress Report F/EXE/09 PMC/Const.

Monthly Site Progress Report

which includes photographs to
be submitted to proprietor by
mail. After confirmation by
30 proprietor same to be PMC/Const.
submitted to Client in Spiral
Binding. Soft copy of the
report to be maintined at HO
by A/c & Admin Inchg.

31 Certificate of Payment F/EXE/10 HO

Final RA Bill copy to be

32 maintined at HO by A/c & PMC/Const.
Admin Inchg.

33 Measurement Sheet F/EXE/11 PMC/Const.

34 Abstract Sheet F/EXE/12 PMC/Const.

Copy of Measurement Sheet,

35 Abstract Sheet to be PMC/Const.
maintined at HO

36 Safety Audit Check List F/EXE/13 PMC/Const.

Statutory and Regulatory

37 F/EXE/14 PMC/Const.
Requirement Sheet

38 List of SOP L/EXE/01 PMC/Const.

39 SOP to be maintined at Sites PMC/Const.

40 Drawing / Document Register REG/EXE/01 PMC/Const.

All documents are to be

41 PMC/Const.
properly stamped and file

42 Field Book REG/EXE/02 PMC/Const.

43 Line Out Approval F/QAD/01 PMC/Const.

44 Strata Verification Report F/QAD/02 PMC/Const.

45 Pour Card F/QAD/03 PMC/Const.

46 Check List for Shuttering F/QAD/04 PMC/Const.

47 Check List for Reinforcement F/QAD/05 PMC/Const.

48 Check List for Plinth F/QAD/06 PMC/Const.

49 Check List for Basement F/QAD/07 PMC/Const.

50 Check List for Scaffolding F/QAD/08 PMC/Const.

51 Check List for Ladder F/QAD/09 PMC/Const.

Check List for Brick/ Block

52 F/QAD/10 PMC/Const.

53 Check List for Plastering F/QAD/11 PMC/Const.

Check list Waterproofing

54 F/QAD/12 PMC/Const.

Check List for Pipe Line Work

55 F/QAD/13 PMC/Const.
(Water Supply and Drainage)
Check List for Fixtures
56 F/QAD/14 PMC/Const.
(Plumbing and Water Supply)

Check List for Doors &

57 F/QAD/15 PMC/Const.

Check List for Anti Termite

58 F/QAD/16 PMC/Const.

Check List for Flooring / Dado

59 F/QAD/17 PMC/Const.

Check List for the Concrete

60 F/QAD/18 PMC/Const.
and Trimix Flooring

Check List for Electrical

61 F/QAD/19 PMC/Const.
Cabling & Power Supply

Check List for Structural

62 F/QAD/20 PMC/Const.

63 Check List for Painting Work F/QAD/21 PMC/Const.

64 Internal NC Report F/QAD/22 PMC

Copies to be maintined at site
65 PMC

Rejection Note to be
66 F/QAD/23 PMC/Const.
maintined by contractor

Copy to be maintined at site

67 PMC/Const.
office / HO

Test Report for Silt Content in

68 Sand to be collected and F/QAD/24 PMC/Const.
maintined at Site Office

Test Report for Brick

Compressive Strength to be
69 F/QAD/25 PMC/Const.
collected and maintined at
Site Office
Test Report for Concrete
70 Workability to be collected F/QAD/26 PMC/Const.
and maintined at Site Office

Test Report for Sieve Analysis

71 of Sand to be collected and F/QAD/27 PMC/Const.
maintined at Site Office

Final Handing Over Check List,

72 Copy to be submitted to HO to F/QAD/28 PMC/Const.
Project Co Ordinator

73 Completion Certificate F/QAD/29 PMC/Const.

Calibration Schedule to be
74 prepared along with F/QAD/30 PMC/Const.
75 F/QAD/31 PMC/Const.
Queries and Complaint

Closed Complaint report to be

76 submitted to project co PMC/Const.
ordinator before MRM

Corrective and Preventive

77 F/QAD/32 PMC/Const.

Copies to be submitted to
project co ordinator before
78 PMC/Const.
MRM (Montly review

Inward Inspection Report (to

79 be maintined by contractor in F/QAD/33 PMC/Const.
case of PMC)

80 Deviation Report F/QAD/34 PMC/Const.

Copies to be submitted to
81 project co ordinator before PMC/Const.

Check list for Door Window

82 F/QAD/35 PMC/Const.
Check List for Lift / Elevator
83 F/QAD/36 PMC/Const.

Check List for Electrical Fittings F/QAD/37

84 Daily Inspection Summary F/QAD/37 PMC/Const.

List of National International

85 Standards to be prepared site L/QAD/01 PMC/Const.

Copies of Applicable standards

86 PMC/Const.
are to be maintined at site

87 Cube Test Register REG/QAD/01 PMC/Const.

Ensure all workmens are using

88 PPEs such as Shoe, Gloves, - PMC/Const.
Safety Belt etc.


89 Schedule for Fire Extinguishers F/MNT/01 PMC/Const.

Ensure fire extenguishers are
90 avilable at site and are dully PMC/Const.


91 Manual Distribution Check List F/MR/01 MR

92 Audit Observation Sheet F/MR/02 MR

93 Non Conformity Report F/MR/03 MR

94 NCR Analysis F/MR/04 MR

95 Management Review Meeting F/MR/05 MR

96 Process Analysis Work Sheet F/MR/06 MR

Supporting analysis for

process analysis work sheet
97 - MR
against each objective and
from each site

98 Annual Internal Audit Plan P/MR/01 MR

99 Master List of Formats L/MR/01 MR

Quality Manual (Controlled

100 - PMC/Const.

Process Manual (Controlled

101 - PMC/Const.
Copy)-Flow chart process
102 Offer Letter F/HRD/01

103 Appointment Letter F/HRD/02

104 Induction Training (PPT) F/HRD/03

105 Training Calendar F/HRD/04 PMC/Const.

106 Training Policy PMC/Const.
107 Attendance Sheet F/HRD/05 PMC/Const.
Checklist for training and
preparation for every
training / Audit and for
109 Training Card F/HRD/06

110 Training Needs Survey F/HRD/07 PMC/Const.

Supervisors and Foreman,

111 Skilled workers- Matrix- L/HRD/01
Competency Requirements

112 Attendance Register REG/HRD/01 PMC/Const.

113 Training feedback form TRN/HRD/02

114 Post training feedback form TRN/HRD/03

115 Integrated Training plan TRN/HRD/04

116 Training budget-Yearly TRN/HRD/05

Trainors appreciation award-

117 TRN/HRD/06
Site based
118 Training Procedure TRN/HRD/07

External Training
119 TRN/HRD/08

Monthly Best Employee and

120 TRN/HRD/09
Best Technician award

121 Employee Exit interview form TRN/HRD/10

Training feedback analysis and

122 TRN/HRD/11
123 Site order book SITE/CNS/1
Status for the Period of 11.07.2015 to 31/07/2015

Completed / Not Completed / Not Reson for Non

Target Date
Applicable Completion / Action Plan
Will be given afterwords
Will be given afterwords
Will be given afterwords
Will be given afterwords
will be given afterwords
Will be given afterwords

Will be given afterwords

Will be given afterwords

Will be given afterwords

Will be given afterwords

Will be given afterwords

Will be given afterwords

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