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‫جميع األسئلة الواردة في هذا الملف هي من أسئلة اختبار‬

‫كفايات المعلمين سابقا ً واختبار الرخصة المهنية حاليا ً‬

‫تخصص اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫تم جمعها من عدة مصادر ومراجعة صياغة األسئلة وإجاباتها‬

‫سؤال في اختبار‬
‫الرخصة المهنية‬
‫تخصص اللغة‬

‫‪ / 2022‬عبدهللا ذياب الضبيان‬

‫سؤال في اختبار الرخصة المهنية‬
‫تخصص اللغة اإلنجليزية‬

‫جمع ومراجعة‬

‫األستاذ‪ /‬عبد هللا ذياب الضبيان‬

‫مشرف تربوي ‪ /‬حاصل على رخصة معلم خبير‬
‫ماجستير في ‪TESOL & Applied Linguistics‬من جامعة سالفورد في بريطانيا‬
‫خبرات ‪ 2‬في أمريكا جامعة روتجرز‬
‫مطور أسئلة اختبارات من هيئة تقويم التعليم والتدريب‬
‫حاصل على درجة ‪ ١٠٠‬في اختبار الرخصة التخصصي‬
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‫تابعنا في حساباتنا أعاله لمعرفة الدورات التي نقدمها ومنها‪:‬‬
‫دورة اإلعداد الختبار الرخصة المهنية تخصص لغة إنجليزية‬
‫لالطالع على نتائج مشتركينا وآرائهم عن الدورة والملزمة‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪ STEP‬دورة اإلعداد الختبار ستيب‬

1- Sherlock Holmes : Don't you ever read the Times, 5- Problem solving exercises can work best with ......
Watson? I've often advised you to (do so), if you learner.
want to know something. The phrase between
brackets is called:
a. ellipse
b. Substitution
c. Repetition
6- Teaching students to reflect and develop self-
d .conjunction
awareness will help them become
2- …….is a lesson step where new material is
A- fluent learners
reviewed, and learning is reinforced It normally
occurs at the end of the lesson. B -accurate learners
A) introduction C-dependent learners
B) presentation D-independent learners
C) consolidation 7- It is most likely to notice gaps in L2 production,
when learners.
D) circulation
A) listen to music
3- Which of the following writing techniques is used
to visually demonstrate relationships between B) talk to others
concepts and ideas?
C) read a book
D) watch TV
8- Which of the following topics can be written
C-Free writing about in a “process” paragraph?
D-mind mapping A) How to make a milkshake
4- The communicative teaching method works best B) Your best summer vacation
with ..... students
C) Sports games you don’t like
D) A person who changed history
9- sounds made with the tongue touching the front
C-introverted teeth. Such as the English /θ/ and /ð/ are ….. :
D-extroverted a- velar

b- dental

c- palatal

d- bilabial
10- Which group of words below is auxiliaries? 15-The morpheme in the "fingerprint' is :

A) this, that, my A) Compounding

B) may, can, should B) Clipping

C) very, too, maybe C) Blending

D) before, inside, from D) Borrowing

11- …... Motivation is an inner drive for students to 16- To connect one piece of speech to another or
engage in an activity for its own sake because it is help listener organize and give meaning to what is
interesting and satisfying in itself: being said is called:

A- intrinsic A- Adjacency pairs

B- extrinsic B-Elision process

C- intensive C-Discourse markers

D- exhaustive D-Deictic expression

12- Which of the following is an inflectional 17- Teachers usually activate students' background
morpheme? knowledge about the topic through ……… activities.

A) -er in "taller" A) collaborative

B) -or in "visitor" B) problem solving

C) - less in "hopeless" C) the warm- up

D) - ment in "government" D) challenging

13- Scaffolding to make the input more: 18- An example of a measurable learning objectives
is ............
A- difficult
A) students will be familiar with sounds.
B) students will learn how to pronounce /p/ and /b/
C) I will teach students how to pronounce /p/ and
D- comprehensible
14- To assess language competence, the teacher
D) I will teach students how to pronounce two
gives students…………..assessment:



19- The students are engaged in some group 23- Which of the following is a specific learning
activities while the teacher is moving around, outcome?
listening, and taking notes. In other words, the
A) Students will be able to appreciate English
teacher is:
A) monitoring
B) Students will be able to understand the writing
B) teaching process.

C) giving feedback C) Students will be able to value phonetics and

D) correcting errors
D) Students will be able to use present tense in
20- Which of the following is an extremely
important factor to consider when selecting and
evaluating a website that you want to use as an 24- Learners' ability to combine previous
online learning resource for your students? experiences with new materials in order to produce
a whole new structure is known as ?.......
A) Providing videos and graphics
A) Analysis
B) Whether it offers a placement test to measure
students' level B) synthesis

C) The content of the website and its C) Evaluation

appropriateness for their learning
D) application
D) The number of people using this website.
25- Ali sometimes spends few minutes modeling
21- Common error made by Arabic native speakers difficult words for his students, and they repeat
when using English is to write or say, "five years them after him. This activity is called
before rather than five years ago. This is an example
A) Acting
of ..............
B) miming
A) negative transfer
C) Dictating
B) feature merging
D) Choral drill
C) positive transfer
26- The communicative approach to teach English
D) equivalence
focuses on ....
22- …………is a component of the communicative
A) the structural accuracy of the sentences
competence that is concerned with the inter-
sentential relationships. B) correct pronunciation of words
A) Discourse competence C) linguistic competence plus an ability to use
language appropriately
B) Strategic competence
D) the practice of selected and graded structure
C) Pragmatic competence
D) Sociolinguistic competence
27- Information regarding customs of greeting, 31- When writing a formal letter, which of the
habitation, and clothing of the target language following greetings uses incorrect register & would
should be presented through materials not be acceptable for a formal letter?

A) paper-based A) hi Ali

B) authentic B) Dear Sir or Madame

C) scientific C) To whom it may concern

D) digital D) Good afternoon, Dr Ali

28- Which of the following words has the sound /ʃ /? 32- When planning lesson activities, the time spent
on each should be:
A) Check
A- fixed
B) judge
B- extended
C) cash
C- unlimited
D) solve
D- estimated
29- Generating language and organizing it into a
short monologue is a strategy used by language 33- Which type of writing is focused on exploration,
instructors to teach ............... reflection, and redrafting as its key aspects?

A) speaking A- process writing

B) listening B- product writing

C) reading C- classical writing

D) writing D- new rhetoric writing

30- Which of the following types of competence 34- The underlined word in the following sentence
refers to knowing what to say and how to say it is: "Ouch! That’s hurt".
appropriately based on the situation?
A- an interjection
A) Phonetic
B- a conjunction
B) Phonological
C- an intensifier
C) Morphological
D- a preposition
D) Communicative
35- The type of listening focuses primarily on brief 39-An educational software that language learners
listening exercise which usually take a few minutes, can use by themselves to develop their own
but offer focused, concentrated practice: language abilities is software referred to as
A- extensive
A) Self- learning
B- intensive
B) Games
C- informal
C) Video conferencing
D- formal
D) Mind mapping
36- .............. is a type of natural language that
developed historically from a pidgin and came into 40- L2 learners would be more confident when they
existence at a fairly precise point in time. speak about ............... topics.

A- slang A) controversial

B- isogloss B) restricted

C- accent C) familiar

D- creole D) new

37- "Writing to learn" is a strategy to teach students 41-(Listen and do activities) are based on……theory.
how to:
A) Communicative language learning
A- solve others problem
B) Grammar- translation method
B- communicate with the readers
C) Total physical response
C- accomplish the given task or assignment
D) The silent way
D- represent their understanding
42-Writing that lays out a logical argument is known
38- Student’s motivation and achievement can be as ........ writing
enhanced by:
A) narrative
A) actively involved them in the learning process
B) descriptive
B) actively involving teachers in the learning process
C) expository
C) creating a limited range of instructional activities
D) persuasive
D) using the same instructional methods with every
43-Writing without worrying about good grammar,
or spelling is a process known as…..

A) Brainstorming

B) Free writing

C) Clustering

D) Drafting
44-The knowledge and skills that a learners should 48- The learner says, I have been to the swimming
acquire by the end of a lesson are called: pool last week'. The teacher replies 'You went to the
swimming pool last week? So, did I'.” The previous
A) Assessments
situation is an example of a correction technique
B) Objectives called:

C) Contingency plans A- echo correction

D) Instructional strategies B- reformulation

45-The theory which suggests that all languages C- elicitation

share a model of principles and basic properties is:
D- self-correction
A) Universal Grammar
49- …….. is a lesson step where new material
B) Systemic Grammar reviewed and reinforced.

C) Input Hypothesis A- lead in

D) Competition Model B-presentation

46-The stage that involves altering or changing C-feedback

existing knowledge structures in light of new
D- consolidation
information is known as …..
50- A.......... is an idea or a feeling that a word
A)- accommodation
suggests, which is more than just its literal meaning.
B)- assimilation
A) connotation
C)- activation
B) denotation
D)- insertion
C) collocation
47-The majority of the most common words in
D) modification
English is …….
51- Which technique may NOT be effective in
A) Latin
presenting the meaning of an abstract word?
B) Greek
A) using realia
C) French
B) giving an example
D) Germanic
C) translation

D) giving a definition
52- Objective tests are those in which individual 57- Which of the following be considered a
items ......... kinesthetics activity?

a. have only one correct answer A) Write a short essay

b. can discriminate among examinees. B) Complete a Gap Fill exercise

c. are balanced in length and difficulty. C) Watch a Power Point presentation

d. have appropriate distracters D) Arrange cut-out, jumbled words into sentences

53- ……..should be analyzed by teachers to identify 58- Students can learn a foreign or second language
inappropriate transfer of first language habits. using a specific software like.....

a. Words A) Atlas

b. Styles B) Mac Os

c. Errors C) Rosetta Stone

d. Attitudes D) Adobe Photoshop

54- Pictionary is an activity that can be used in 59- Developing critical thinking and problem-solving
classes to teach …….. skills can be done through...................

A) writing A) translation

B) grammar B) memorization

C) listening C) cooperative learning

D) vocabulary D) recalling information

55- Setting up a situation in which a student role 60- (Sara waited for the plane, but the plane was
plays speaking to a friend and then speaking to the late.) The previous statement is classified as a/ an
minister of education achieves which goal? .............sentence

A) Using different register A) simple

B) Changing up class routine B) complex

C) Engaging student interest C) compound

D) checking student pronunciation D) compound-complex

56- -An activity that best helps to practice skimming


A) summarizing

B) comparing two text

C) overviewing a chapter

D) reporting on an article
61- (Reem ate breakfast while Noura went 65- (She name is Sara) The previous example is
shopping). The previous statement is classified as a/ formed by a student whose L1 is Arabic. This error
an .............sentence can explained by relating it to the :

A) a simple A) translation

B) a complex B) interlingual

C) a compound C) code-switching

D) a compound complex D) communicative competence

62- Vowels are characterized by .......... 66- Oral drills and patterns practice are techniques
used by EFL instructors who implement teaching
A) very slight friction in the voice box
method referred to as…..
B) free flow of air in the oral cavity
A) communicative language
C) one fixed tongue for all vowels
B) total physical response
D) stoppage in the oral cavity
C) grammar translation
63- In the word (metallic), the (ic) is a suffix used to
D) audio-lingual
derive.........out of other parts of speech.
67- The direct approach of implies emphasis on:
A) adjectives
A) Speaking and listening
B) adverbs
B) Listening and reading
C) nouns
C) Writing and Speaking
D) verbs
D) Reading and Writing
64-L2 apply knowledge from their native language to
the language they are learning. This attempt is often 68-If a student wants to study a specialty taught in
referred to as ...…. English. It is best to make sure that his English is
good enough by giving him ….
A) translation
A) a progress test
B) meta language
B) a diagnostic test
C) mix language
C) a proficiency test
D) language transfer
D) a attainment test
69- Teacher: If it's hot, I will go swimming 73- A run-on sentence is:
student: If it's hot, I will go swimming.
A)- a sentence which can be broken into two or
The previous conversation is an example of a more clauses
teaching (used in speaking classes) which is known
B)- a sentence which carries a declarative statement
as is a………
C)- a sentence which ends with a full stop
A) brainstorming
D)- a sentence which has conjunction
B) self-learning
74- Changing the stress patterns in words such as
C) gamification
"present" changes the ………………. of the word
D) drilling
A) spelling
70- An intensive text should be :
B) meaning
A) long and easy
C) pronunciation
B) long and detailed
D) b and c
C) short and simple
75- Code switching is the ability to:
D) short and complicated
A)- use different accents of a language
71- Silent reading techniques are used for rapid
B) use two languages simultaneously
reading comprehension. At what level of reading
should such techniques not be taught? C) alternate between two languages
A) Advanced D) use two varieties of a language
B) Beginner 76- A persuasive/argumentative essay makes a claim
or takes a position and backs it up with:
C) Intermediate
A) statistics, facts, or expert opinions
D) Upper intermediate
B) stating arguments in a sequence of events
72- In teaching reading………..Comprehension
strategies are employed to allow L2 learners to use C) similarities and differences between two topics
their logic.
D) explaining what, why, how, when, and where of a
A) literal topic
B) applied 77- When two or more sounds do not occur in the
same sound environment are called:
C) affective
A) Minimal pairs
D) interpretive
B) Minimal sets

C) Allophone

D) Complementary distribution
78-The smallest unit of meaningful or grammatical 83- Language is a very complex entity and difficult to
function in language structure is called: be defined concisely. Of the following, which is the
LEAST accurate in terms of language identification?
A) phoneme
A) It is verbal
B) morpheme
B) Language is a system
C) allophone
C) It is used for communication
D) allomorph
D) It is a set of symbols and referents
79- Identify the voiceless sound in the following:
84- (She arrived by plane) The underlined phrase
A) /b/
constitutes as ............... phrase.
B) /d/
A) a verb
C) /z/
B) a noun
D) /p/
C) an adverbial
80- Which of the following words has a different
D) a prepositional
vowel sound?
85-Teacher (to students):I need you to quickly look
A) foot
through this travel brochure and tell me: how many
B) food islands are there in New Zealand? The previous
instruction is an example of a reading strategy
C) boom known as:
D) bloom A) Scanning
81- In the sentence (It is nearly done), the word B) Guessing
nearly is:
C) Skimming
A) an adjunct
D) Inferencing
B) an adjective
86- Teacher (to students): please read the text on
C) a disjunctive page 55. When you're done, write a thorough
D) demonstrative evaluation about it. The preview scenario
exemplifies a teaching strategy known as:
82- When a language learner is aware of the
grammatical rule for the 3rd person singular in A) Scanning
English, yet utters the following sentence, "He run B) Skimming
fast!", we say that the learner:
C) Note Taking
A) has performance, but lack competence
D) Critical reading
B) has both performance and competence

C) has competence, but lacks performance

D) lacks both performance and competence

87- One way of discovering the strengths and 92- The sounds /t/ and /d/ are:
weaknesses of a textbook is to try it out in
A) velar
classroom setting. What mechanism is this called?
B) bilabial
A) piloting of the book
C) alveolar
B) analysis of the book
D) glottal
C) consultation about the book
93- A compound word is:
D) opinion gathering about the book
A)- a word that contains a predicate
88- An Utterance is:
B) one word that functions a single word
A) a grammatical notion
C) a combination of phrase that functions as a single
B) a spoken word or sentence
C) a written word or phrase sentence
D) a combination of two words that functions as a
D) a reading paragraph sentence single word

89- Effective teachers encourage long term 94- Non-interactive listening situations:
achievement. This is accomplished through a focus
A) conducting telephone calls
B) listening to radio or watching TV and movies
A) grades
C) listening and speaking alternately
B) self-evaluation
D) face-to-face conversation
C) class attendance
95- One of the most common sources of new words
D) assignment performance
in English is ....... For example, the word (alcohol)
90- Learners' ability to combine previous has been adopted from Arabic
experiences with new materials in order to produce
A) compounding
a whole new structure is known as_______.
B) borrowing
A) Application
C) blending
B) Analysis
D) clipping
C) Evaluation
96- The view of ideal English teacher is evolving
D) Synthesis
Today, determining the quality of an ESL teacher is
91- (able) in the word portable is called: based more on________.

A) affix A) Entertainment ability

B) prefix B) Being entrenched in L2 culture

C) suffix C) Being a native speaker of English

D) infix D) Linguistic and intercultural competence

97- Assessment that is needed prior to instruction is 100-Student: We swimmed in the ocean last week.
known as___________assessment.
-Teacher: Do you know where your mistake is?
A) Formative
-Student: No.
B) Summative
The student's mistake here is linked to his/her
C) Diagnostic linguistic

D) Normative A) strategy

98-Which of the following is an ideal way of B) psychology

monitoring and keeping track of student progress
C) competence
over a period of time.
D) performance
A) A Portfolio
101-The importance of communicating learning
B) A cloze test
goals clearly to students is that it……..
C) Presentations
A) make lessons less challenging
D) Frequent standard testing
B) shows students that the teacher is prepared
99- …… is a general organizer that shows a central
C) makes it clear so the teacher can only discuss
idea with its corresponding characteristics.
those goals listed
A) flow chart
D) helps students direct their learning towards
B) concept map meeting their goals

C) Venn diagram

D) pictorial diagram
‫‪Answer sheet‬‬ ‫سجل إجاباتك هنا ثم قارنها باإلجابات الصحيحة في الصفحة التالية‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫‪75‬‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬ ‫‪76‬‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪40‬‬ ‫‪77‬‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪41‬‬ ‫‪78‬‬
‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪42‬‬ ‫‪79‬‬
‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪43‬‬ ‫‪80‬‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪44‬‬ ‫‪81‬‬
‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪45‬‬ ‫‪82‬‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪46‬‬ ‫‪83‬‬
‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪47‬‬ ‫‪84‬‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪48‬‬ ‫‪85‬‬
‫‪12‬‬ ‫‪49‬‬ ‫‪86‬‬
‫‪13‬‬ ‫‪50‬‬ ‫‪87‬‬
‫‪14‬‬ ‫‪51‬‬ ‫‪88‬‬
‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪52‬‬ ‫‪89‬‬
‫‪16‬‬ ‫‪53‬‬ ‫‪90‬‬
‫‪17‬‬ ‫‪54‬‬ ‫‪91‬‬
‫‪18‬‬ ‫‪55‬‬ ‫‪92‬‬
‫‪19‬‬ ‫‪56‬‬ ‫‪93‬‬
‫‪20‬‬ ‫‪57‬‬ ‫‪94‬‬
‫‪21‬‬ ‫‪58‬‬ ‫‪95‬‬
‫‪22‬‬ ‫‪59‬‬ ‫‪96‬‬
‫‪23‬‬ ‫‪60‬‬ ‫‪97‬‬
‫‪24‬‬ ‫‪61‬‬ ‫‪98‬‬
‫‪25‬‬ ‫‪62‬‬ ‫‪99‬‬
‫‪26‬‬ ‫‪63‬‬ ‫‪100‬‬
‫‪27‬‬ ‫‪64‬‬ ‫‪101‬‬
‫‪28‬‬ ‫‪65‬‬
‫‪29‬‬ ‫‪66‬‬
‫‪30‬‬ ‫‪67‬‬
‫‪31‬‬ ‫‪68‬‬
‫‪32‬‬ ‫‪69‬‬
‫‪33‬‬ ‫‪70‬‬
‫‪34‬‬ ‫‪71‬‬
‫‪35‬‬ ‫‪72‬‬
‫‪36‬‬ ‫‪73‬‬
‫‪37‬‬ ‫‪74‬‬
Answers key

1 B 35 B 69 D
2 C 36 D 70 D
3 D 37 D 71 B
4 D 38 A 72 D
5 B 39 A 73 A
6 D 40 C 74 D
7 B 41 C 75 C
8 A 42 D 76 A
9 B 43 B 77 D
10 B 44 B 78 B
11 A 45 A 79 D
12 A 46 A 80 A
13 D 47 A 81 A
14 B 48 B 82 C
15 A 49 D 83 A
16 C 50 A 84 D
17 C 51 A 85 A
18 B 52 A 86 D
19 A 53 C 87 A
20 C 54 D 88 B
21 A 55 A 89 B
22 A 56 C 90 D
23 D 57 D 91 C
24 B 58 C 92 C
25 D 59 C 93 D
26 C 60 C 94 B
27 B 61 B 95 B
28 C 62 B 96 D
29 A 63 A 97 C
30 D 64 D 98 A
31 A 65 B 99 B
32 D 66 D 100 C
33 A 67 A 101 D
34 A 68 C

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